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Author Topic: Why Wirestock don't care to protect our files?  (Read 5323 times)

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« on: May 03, 2022, 03:34 »
I recently noticed that Wirestock posting contributors images in it's twitter account without logo/watermark, where people can download the full quality image without watermark.


« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2022, 04:16 »
Wow, you're right. They all seem to be 2.4 mp. I guess wirestock isn't aware that people can upscale these 2-5x easily using Topaz Gigapixel and the likes. Very disappointing.


« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2022, 05:24 »
Not just 2.4 Mp. I personally tested and managed to directly download in full quality of more than 8 - 10 Mp without using any tools or softwares.

« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2022, 01:34 »
Wow, the new way giving selected images for free to attrack new customers?
Like all the other agencies. Wirestocks flow is gone 100% and even me am not thinking they will go back to the most fair "agency ".
To Bad!
But now only accept highest quality for that few extra agencies and no usual good ones for all the "usual " agencies listed for submit...
Wirestock is definitiv going the wrong way now.
Time for a new one Like Wirestock in the beginning or Time to quit from stock photos at all.


Just to bring it up again, in case not all contributers read it yet. The new Review rules on Wirestock, announced by a usual reply from Eric instead of informing official to all:
#I am very sorry for the inconvenience. But please be aware that our selection process is different from Shutterstock and Adobe, dear Stijn, since we work with many other resources and agencies, and the agencies we work with are much stricter with our accounts since we're an "aggregator" we must ensure that the content we send is of highest value in quality, in composition and other industry standards.#

With other words: If your images are not or that high quality, they will be rejected. In the past the still good enough ones were not submitted to that new rare high quality agencies, which names we do not know, but they still got submitted to the listed agencies. But now even that not anymore! ?
Wirestock did not clarify this - even not reply to it. That is a sign that wirestock really changed a lot an seems not worth it anymore to upload images there.

There are now two optioins for us:
If you moved all to wirestock and closed accounts on Adobe an others, we might open new accounts there again to get our images accepted.
Or: Just give up with stock photos, bcause the last easy way via wirestock gets s...ks now too.
To bad!

« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2022, 02:29 »
In the past the still good enough ones were not submitted to that new rare high quality agencies, which names we do not know, but they still got submitted to the listed agencies. But now even that not anymore! ?
Wirestock did not clarify this - even not reply to it. That is a sign that wirestock really changed a lot an seems not worth it anymore to upload images there.

There are now two optioins for us:
If you moved all to wirestock and closed accounts on Adobe an others, we might open new accounts there again to get our images accepted.
Or: Just give up with stock photos, bcause the last easy way via wirestock gets s...ks now too.
To bad!

Did they really ever do that? Submitting it to "new rare high quality" agencies?
I never had an Extra Channels sale.

They also seem to have stopped submitting to the regular agencies. My uploads from last weeks don't show up at those agencies, and for sure they don't have major quality issues. I can imagine Shutterstock rejecting some, but Dreamstime for instance accepts nearly everything you give them. So despite my images having the status submitted in the Wirestock dashboard, they are not online at the agencies. At none of them.

They completely lack transparancy, and they just do as they like in an amateuristic way.

« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2022, 08:08 »
In the past the still good enough ones were not submitted to that new rare high quality agencies, which names we do not know, but they still got submitted to the listed agencies. But now even that not anymore! ?
Wirestock did not clarify this - even not reply to it. That is a sign that wirestock really changed a lot an seems not worth it anymore to upload images there.

There are now two optioins for us:
If you moved all to wirestock and closed accounts on Adobe an others, we might open new accounts there again to get our images accepted.
Or: Just give up with stock photos, bcause the last easy way via wirestock gets s...ks now too.
To bad!

Did they really ever do that? Submitting it to "new rare high quality" agencies?
I never had an Extra Channels sale.

They also seem to have stopped submitting to the regular agencies. My uploads from last weeks don't show up at those agencies, and for sure they don't have major quality issues. I can imagine Shutterstock rejecting some, but Dreamstime for instance accepts nearly everything you give them. So despite my images having the status submitted in the Wirestock dashboard, they are not online at the agencies. At none of them.

They completely lack transparancy, and they just do as they like in an amateuristic way.

Unfortunately I have to agree with you! Wirestock had better times in case of trustness and contributor support. Now even informations are not announced or like I wrote before: I forced them to answer my questions about it, but no further reply.
In the past they ALWAYS answered, often took suggestions and tried to use them and so on, but now? Well, ...
I am concentrating on POD sites more than half a year now and as result I did not upload to any stock agencies aynmore - including Wirestock.
Then my motivationi came back for a short time: Instead of keywording myself - even I know about the bad keywording of Wirestock - I upload 180 images as easy submission. Result: 20 got accepted! WOW! 6 month ago it was the opposite!
So, even upload and forget is no way anymore on Wirestock.
And starting again uploading to each other agency myself? PUH! I got very lazy now in case of the returns like only 10 Cents....

« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2022, 15:45 »
i've gotten similar replies when i protested LC rejects from ignorant reviewers o,f images easily accepted by SS,AS et al.. they claim their standards are tougher (tho i've seen ZERO extra channel sales) but even if true, they're losing sales from SS and SS! they should review for tech and let the agencies decide for themselves

im recently had a batch rejected as 'Low image quality: Image resolution doesn't correspond to our quality standards and cannot be accepted."

since many in same series were  accepted, this mass rejection seemed suspiciously like all being rejected without actually examining every one. and sure enough when i re-submitted 1, 2 or 3 at a time ALL were accepted.  other agencies allow such re-submits without penalty, but w WS you risk getting a dbl

« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2022, 09:45 »
i've gotten similar replies when i protested LC rejects from ignorant reviewers o,f images easily accepted by SS,AS et al.. they claim their standards are tougher (tho i've seen ZERO extra channel sales) but even if true, they're losing sales from SS and SS! they should review for tech and let the agencies decide for themselves

im recently had a batch rejected as 'Low image quality: Image resolution doesn't correspond to our quality standards and cannot be accepted."

since many in same series were  accepted, this mass rejection seemed suspiciously like all being rejected without actually examining every one. and sure enough when i re-submitted 1, 2 or 3 at a time ALL were accepted.  other agencies allow such re-submits without penalty, but w WS you risk getting a dbl

And what motivates you still uploading via wirestock?

« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2022, 10:22 »
On Slack app wirestock just clearify the review situation:
This extreme high quality standards are MAINLY related to the easy submissions!
So for me nothing changes:
Keywording from Wirestock are still bad, so it is better do it myself. Slef keyworded images will pass the review easier. So it is up to me, if I am in the mood to do keywording for 10 Cents or not.
But even Wirestock is going a wrong way right now - it is still not that worse I guessed last days.

« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2022, 23:34 »
On Slack app wirestock just clearify the review situation:
This extreme high quality standards are MAINLY related to the easy submissions!
So for me nothing changes:
Keywording from Wirestock are still bad, so it is better do it myself. Slef keyworded images will pass the review easier. So it is up to me, if I am in the mood to do keywording for 10 Cents or not.
But even Wirestock is going a wrong way right now - it is still not that worse I guessed last days.

but if you're going to fill metadata why u se WS? i use them for generic batches & illustrations; but if i have to add it, i'll submit myself

« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2022, 12:15 »
The only two reasons left are:
1. 30$ payout for sales combined from all agencies!!! (I have not that many images and not that many sales)

2. one time upload and get them directly submitted to all important agencies. (Which is not really that important, because: Before Wirestock I had my own system, how to upload my images to each agency in short time.)

Well, and I will not upload that many images anymore, will concentrate on other things. So my hope was, Wirestock would make it easier for me to handle.

« Reply #11 on: May 13, 2022, 05:20 »
Could you invite me to the Slack workspace? My email is: [email protected]

I'm the administrator of the Wirestock creators Fb group. Thanks

« Reply #12 on: May 15, 2022, 10:56 »
Frankly I do not understand why are you submitting to WireStock.
Some months ago I gave it a try, but
-  you cannot delete any of your images: it is not a button for that, you can ask and they make difficulties to do it, I closed immediately my account telling them to remember that the copyright is mine.

_ There is not your name on your image, only WireStock (on Alamy, -> Photographer: WireStock). I don't tell you any more else...

- It is not true you can have more visibility uploading with them. WireStock has.


« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2022, 11:22 »
I stopped uploading a couple of months back, after their irresponsible answers/ behaviour when I asked that my videos are not submitting to agencies even after weeks/ and asking to upload them again saying " file transfer". Even I have seen many files in rejected section with same reason which were approved by wirestock weeks ago.

And also as I noticed their videos count is 18394 for months and not changing. And they don't cared to submit the new videos that I and other contributors uploaded to them. ( and they are now increasing from couple of days, of which I don't seen any of my files which I uploaded in the months of February/ March).

I don't removed my files over there, but not uploading any new content to them from last 2 months. And uploading my content to my own accounts.

« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2022, 12:28 »

- It is not true you can have more visibility uploading with them. WireStock has.

i've had many images accepted by SS thru WS that were rejected by SS as 'non-licensable' when i submitted them myself

« Reply #15 on: May 15, 2022, 17:15 »
What . is wirestock, lol

« Reply #16 on: May 16, 2022, 08:03 »

- It is not true you can have more visibility uploading with them. WireStock has.

i've had many images accepted by SS thru WS that were rejected by SS as 'non-licensable' when i submitted them myself

Is that really the case, and did you submit it in the same way (e.g. commercial, same title and keywords) as you did to Shutterstock?
I don't have to tell you that Shutterstock's reviewing is very inconsistent and your content might as well get an approval with a second upload.

Anyhow, until now I haven't seen any proof of content being part of Wirestock's collection performing better (in other words, get better ranking and more sales) than content on my personal accounts. Obviously, it's difficult to compare, as I don't have duplicates, but still. I have some similar content (different angle, perspective or setting) available. One on my personal account, the other one distributed via Wirestock, and I really can't tell the difference in sales or commission rates.

The only thing that might be different are the levels. Wirestock's collection can be assumed to be on the highest level at agencies, and despite the 15% share for Wirestock, this might result in slightly higher commissions for contributors who are at a lower level. But does it affect the ranking? I'm inclined to say no, but of course, I can't know that for sure.

Another thing I want to add, and this one is very anecdotal: I get high commission rates, compared to my personal account, at P5 for images submitted via Wirestock. Of course, they only happen a few times per year, and are thus very anecdotal, but I get the feeling they seem to submit their images to P5 and set a higher price to the images there. Something I can do myself at P5 (which I don't because... yeah I don't know why. P5 rarely sells images for me).

« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2022, 12:24 »

i've had many images accepted by SS thru WS that were rejected by SS as 'non-licensable' when i submitted them myself

Is that really the case, and did you submit it in the same way (e.g. commercial, same title and keywords) as you did to Shutterstock?
I don't have to tell you that Shutterstock's reviewing is very inconsistent and your content might as well get an approval with a second upload.

On these types of images, SS has been consistent in rejections as 'non-licensable'.  When they're rejected by SS, they're accepted by most other agencies, so not submitted to WS.  Now I pre-emptively send this type of image to WS, so  I only briefly identify images, and only add descriptions & tags before submitting elsewhere.  submitted this way, SS often accepts them!

Anyhow, until now I haven't seen any proof of content being part of Wirestock's collection performing better (in other words, get better ranking and more sales) than content on my personal accounts. Obviously, it's difficult to compare, as I don't have duplicates, but still. I have some similar content (different angle, perspective or setting) available. One on my personal account, the other one distributed via Wirestock, and I really can't tell the difference in sales or commission rates.

agreed, but that's a different issue 


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