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February Footage Income Report

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--- Quote from: ccbcc on March 08, 2018, 16:48 ---Do you have a question? I don’t get it. Is this to draw us to your blog or something?

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When I started out in stock I found James Orlowski's updates and those of contributors like backyardsilver really valuable. Don't think I would have earned what I have without them.

Not sure I see what the issue is, but open to feedback.


--- Quote from: wds on March 08, 2018, 17:12 ---Have you done much experimenting with lowering or raising your pricing?...any insights?

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Hey wds - I'm in the process of testing pricing right now at P5. I don't have a huge portfolio, so it might not come up with any real concrete conclusions, but could be helpful.

I lowered my prices a few weeks ago after keeping them steady for about a year and saw sales volume increase almost immediately, but this could have just been a coincidence.

I did actually write about this on my site a few weeks ago, since you ask. Although it seems like there might be some sensitivity here about mentioning that...

I had a huge increase in volume when i split my portfolio into different price points, including an "outtakes" Lightbox with files that are cheap.

but sales increased for everything, I guess people look for the cheap stuff first, then dig around your portfolio for the rest.

When pond5 announced their membership collection with the 4 dollar files, my sales dropped, but are still better than from the days when I had everything at the same price point.

So I try to differentiate when I upload - ducks in the pond very cheap, paid people shootings expensive and everything else in between depending on how much work it was or how rare.

My February was the worst ever in video, I only had two sales on Videoblocks on the last day. It has never been so slow.

But I started to upload to blackbox, will try to split it a bit by content for the next few months, but if blackbox works as well as I think it will, then I will probably mostly upload there.

One downside is that I can´t sort my files in themed galleries on pond5 and I do get series sales there.


And thank you for sharing, I´ve put your report on my blog for those interested.

What exactly do the good people at blackbox do? Upload your footage to all the sites you're already uploading to and take a nice 15% for the pleasure?

Genuine question, I probably missed something, but couldn't find much info on their website.

Thanks for sharing Cobalt.

It never actually occurred to me to create tiered pricing, but makes total sense.

I am going to keep my current pricing for a few months to see if I can spot a really radical trend based on my last pricing change, but will then try what you've suggested.

Glad you found this info useful as well!


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