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Author Topic: How to upload multiple agencies by using CSV or metadata?  (Read 8467 times)

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« on: May 06, 2016, 15:10 »
Hello all,
I have a newbie question. I started shooting videos and uploaded 8 of them to istock. I will cancel my exlusive contract for video and upload few agencies. I have heard and read a lot about using CSV files or metadata but couldn't find a "newbie guide". So I dont know anything about these two. If you know any guide would you mind posting a link here? If you don't at least a short information would be great. I upload my videos to istock via ESP and I use deepmeta for now.

Another question: (I searched forum but couldn't find this kind of topic, if there is a link would be great, if not I might start a new topic about this since its gonne be helpful for many people) I decided to "tidy up" my archive which includes photos (jpegs and raws) , 3D render (jpegs, 3D files and materials), 4K and HD videos (raw video, converted video, final video and project files). I have about 3000 photos, 100 3D files, 50 videos. I didnt mind to have a perfect archive until now however I will be moving to antoher country in few months so I have to become "mobile" and I plan to spend all my free time to stock (mostly videos).  I had a custom pc, imac and macbook. So videos and 3Ds were on my PC and photos on mac. Sold my PC today, copied everything to externals and I decided to keep my archive on mac since it is easier to manage files. I have 2.5inch external hard drives (WD elements and seagate expension 2TB) I dont mind buying new drives but I prefer to buy them after moving since they are double priced here. So how do you keep your files and back up them? I keep 2 different copies on 2 different drives of my photos. I dont have any back ups for my videos and 3D yet since I just started but I have to make it ASAP. Just don't know how to manage everything because of additional files. (such as project files 3D files, materials, converted footages etc..) BTW I shoot stock for 6 years but never complained about archive since I was shooting only photos   ;D 


« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2016, 15:22 »
Try Stocksubmitter program for multiple agency uploads. As for backups that you could reach from anywhere I can suggest Nimia account. You have free of charge 25GB of private space and it's practically unlimited once you submitting your clips to their marketplace.

« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2016, 15:34 »
Try Stocksubmitter program for multiple agency uploads. As for backups that you could reach from anywhere I can suggest Nimia account. You have free of charge 25GB of private space and it's practically unlimited once you submitting your clips to their marketplace.

Thanks for the advice. I've just downloaded Stocksubmitter but there is only exe files. I guess it doesn't work on Mac. Does it?

I plan to make a cloud back up for my published work. However my main concern is about offline archive and backup. Is Nimia worth to upload videos? I have never thought to upload there since it's not very popular (at least I guess it's not  ;D )


« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2016, 16:51 »
Try Stocksubmitter program for multiple agency uploads. As for backups that you could reach from anywhere I can suggest Nimia account. You have free of charge 25GB of private space and it's practically unlimited once you submitting your clips to their marketplace.

Thanks for the advice. I've just downloaded Stocksubmitter but there is only exe files. I guess it doesn't work on Mac. Does it?

I plan to make a cloud back up for my published work. However my main concern is about offline archive and backup. Is Nimia worth to upload videos? I have never thought to upload there since it's not very popular (at least I guess it's not  ;D )

I use Stocksubmitter on PC. There were some talks about making a Mac version but I'm not sure if it's ready or not. Nimia seems to be a poor seller for me (0 sales for 400 clips) but they are good as a cloud content storage.


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