Agency Based Discussion > GLStock

GL Model Release

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Wondering about releases on Graphic Leftovers.  A high percentage of my port is model released, I sent a batch last night but I can't really see an option other than uploading the release but not attaching it to anything?  Is that correct?

If that is the case, can I just upload my entire release library and then send my daily limit with the images?

Sean Locke Photography:
Yes, that's sort of how it works.  I tend to send whatever releases along with that batch of photos.

Yes, for now we rely on our sellers to upload all of the relevant releases for the images of identifiable people that they upload.  We will be updating this process and making improvements so that sellers can "attach" a release to each relevant photo. 

Sean Locke Photography:

--- Quote from: GraphicLeftovers on August 29, 2016, 11:19 ---Yes, for now we rely on our sellers to upload all of the relevant releases for the images of identifiable people that they upload.  We will be updating this process and making improvements so that sellers can "attach" a release to each relevant photo.

--- End quote ---

Oh, please don't.  That is the biggest waste of time at all agencies.

We're going to be exploring options that will make it convenient for our sellers, but also more organized.  We will want feedback from our sellers regarding this to try to find the right balance between organization and ease/speed of use. It's not a top priority at the moment, because the system in place is okay for now. 


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