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Author Topic: GL Stock Seriously??  (Read 60870 times)

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« Reply #25 on: August 03, 2018, 16:51 »
There's nothing really too different I can say other than what I already said previously.  I am unhappy that sales are not good for many contributors, but outside of continuing to work on improving the site as it stands, I can't control which images sell.  Sales are admittedly low, which is something I have been honest about, and that affects me directly much more than it affects any individual account, so making GL a more profitable company for myself and our customers is always a priority and something we are working towards.  Your portfolios are your personal businesses, and you have every right to make any business decisions you feel necessary that will be in your best interest.  We never want to lose contributors, but it's a part of a micro stock agency big or small, with high sales or low sales.  I'm sorry I don't have a response that would be more satisfactory to any individual contributor, however the work I do, and the work I plan to do continues. 

« Reply #26 on: August 04, 2018, 01:51 »
Thanks for coming on here and being honest with us even though it's not what we'd like to hear.

« Reply #27 on: August 04, 2018, 02:54 »
Bring back the different prices for different image sizes. GL lost most of it's customers who don't need big size images.

« Reply #28 on: August 04, 2018, 03:19 »
There was a lot of time that I did not upload on GL Stock.
So this morning I decided to give a try.

1) Uploading panorama images with one side under 2000 pixels and one over 2000 pixels I get the error message Height or width must be at least 2000 pixels. If both sides should be over 2000 pixels the message should be Height and width must be at least 2000 pixels

2) Uploading a model release, once the file has been uploaded, the Next button has absolutely no effect

3) I cant find a place to see my already uploaded releases

4) I cannot find any explanation about how to upload vectors (single eps, eps + jpeg, zipped eps + jpeg)

Sales are very slow on this site, I should say non-existent, especially after the restyling of the site

Seriously GL Stock, what are you doing??

This is common now. Not only in IT. Everywhere companies stopped to invest in employes and wait for ready solutions from freshers "after school".

« Reply #29 on: August 04, 2018, 03:41 »
I don't think GLstock lost appeal to customer because of site changes. I personally think GLstock's new management calculated the financial wrongly before they bought over from the founders. They must have thought it is easy to get back the investment, but in reality it is not.

To get customers, GLstock needs to spend a lot of money on marketing, which I don't think the new management is doing enough nor have money to do that. They are in a losing battle and only realized it after they took over.

Yes, just like every other person here, my sales have dropped to 0 every month since the takeover. This indicates the sale is really really bad at GLstock. If you are the owner now, you are in a big problem. I actually pity them, rather than angry at them.

The biggest loser is not us, but the current management. The biggest winner is the founders.

« Reply #30 on: August 04, 2018, 05:06 »
There's nothing really too different I can say other than what I already said previously.  I am unhappy that sales are not good for many contributors, but outside of continuing to work on improving the site as it stands, I can't control which images sell.  Sales are admittedly low, which is something I have been honest about, and that affects me directly much more than it affects any individual account, so making GL a more profitable company for myself and our customers is always a priority and something we are working towards.  Your portfolios are your personal businesses, and you have every right to make any business decisions you feel necessary that will be in your best interest.  We never want to lose contributors, but it's a part of a micro stock agency big or small, with high sales or low sales.  I'm sorry I don't have a response that would be more satisfactory to any individual contributor, however the work I do, and the work I plan to do continues. 

It has been 2 years since the take-over, right? Out of curiosity, how do you manage to stay in business if sales are down so much? Is GLStock viable or running break-even? How do you plan to revive sales and make the business grow?

« Reply #31 on: August 05, 2018, 18:15 »
Upload vectors on GL the same way you do on many other sites.  eps and jpg with the same name at the same time.  Make sure the jpg is big enough.


« Reply #32 on: August 06, 2018, 01:39 »
And ftp. Not messing round with uploaders.

« Reply #33 on: June 02, 2020, 22:04 »
Wow, I haven't visited GL in two years, I guess, because I have $78 sitting there for sales since 2018, lol.


« Reply #34 on: June 03, 2020, 03:24 »
I received a mail for a sale the other day and took me a while to understand which site it's from.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #35 on: June 03, 2020, 16:14 »
Wow, I haven't visited GL in two years, I guess, because I have $78 sitting there for sales since 2018, lol.

GLstock still for sale? The owner put a lot into making it better. He won't give a straight answer on how much he wants for it. Was at auction starting at $5,000. Didn't sell. He relisted. Didn't sell. Now it's listed at $15,000?  :o

« Reply #36 on: June 03, 2020, 18:06 »
I've lost access to my account there and I've been trying to contact them to get in and/or get my portfolio taken down. Seems emails and phone calls are not being answered.  Probably a long shot but If anyone knows of an alternate way to get in touch with the owner I'd be grateful for any advice.


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