Agency Based Discussion > GLStock

GLStock is not paying!

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Jo Ann Snover:
This thread reminded me to check on my GL stock account - there have been no sales there in years. I don't expect to live long enough to get from the current $20+ balance to $50, so I've deleted my best sellers and written to them to request they close my account.

It's outrageous that they should fall flat on their faces and still refuse to pay balances, in spite of what the contributor agreement states. I asked to be paid, but I don't expect them to suddenly grow a conscience. It was a pain to delete a selection of images, but it avoids growing my losses there should a sale just happen by before they get around to deleting my account.

Yes, they still owe me $50+. And they don't respond and won't pay up.
I have been requesting payout for half a year now at least, and also email them. No response.

Mimi the Cat:

--- Quote from: Jo Ann Snover on February 01, 2021, 17:54 ---This thread reminded me to check on my GL stock account - there have been no sales there in years. I don't expect to live long enough to get from the current $20+ balance to $50, so I've deleted my best sellers and written to them to request they close my account.

It's outrageous that they should fall flat on their faces and still refuse to pay balances, in spite of what the contributor agreement states. I asked to be paid, but I don't expect them to suddenly grow a conscience. It was a pain to delete a selection of images, but it avoids growing my losses there should a sale just happen by before they get around to deleting my account.

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They don't payout for less than $50 you lose it if you close your account

I checked their T&Cs

GLStock will pay to you amounts earned as a Seller and Referral Commissions earned by you in accordance with clause 18 subject to the following conditions:

    If you have earned more than $50.00 in your account, then GLStock will pay a minimum of $50.00 through a Payment Agent (and in no other manner).
    Other than as provided for in clause 13, GLStock will not pay any earnings or Referral Commissions standing to your credit in your Member Account which are less than $50.00 in total but you may use this to buy Images.

I haven't had a sale in two years and I begrudge them having the $38 that's stuck in their system while they don't sell my images


--- Quote from: Justanotherphotographer on February 01, 2021, 10:12 ---I had the same problem last year. It took literally months to get them to pay up after loads of emails only some of which they bothered responding to. Best of luck, I hope you can get them to pay!

P.S. Good to see you on the forum. Hope business/ life is going well!

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Oh they will pay! :) It's just I wanted everyone to know that it's not business as usual over there.

P.S. Thanks! Life is as good as it can be with a very active toddler ;)  Business outside microstock is ok, while earnings on all sites keep going down.. Hope things are well for you too. I haven't been able to spend time on these boards as I used to.


--- Quote from: obj owl on February 01, 2021, 10:53 ---I requested $70 in September and got in touch December, nothing in reply.

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: leremy on February 01, 2021, 19:33 ---Yes, they still owe me $50+. And they don't respond and won't pay up.
I have been requesting payout for half a year now at least, and also email them. No response.

--- End quote ---

if there are other people not getting paid, they can chime in on this thread too.

I am sure they will pay as they have had a good track record up until recently.. But if they don't, then we can discuss our options.


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