Agency Based Discussion > GLStock
GLStock is not paying!
I have got $57 in my balance and requested payment in the beginning of January..
Now almost a month later, they still haven't processed that payment.
Anyone else having issues with their payouts?
I had the same problem last year. It took literally months to get them to pay up after loads of emails only some of which they bothered responding to. Best of luck, I hope you can get them to pay!
P.S. Good to see you on the forum. Hope business/ life is going well!
Mimi the Cat:
and don't even try getting them to payout if your balance is under $50 and you want to close your account.
You just get a snippy response then you get ignored if you follow it up
--- Quote from: cidepix on February 01, 2021, 08:07 ---I have got $57 in my balance and requested payment in the beginning of January..
Now almost a month later, they still haven't processed that payment.
Anyone else having issues with their payouts?
--- End quote ---
Sorry for your experience and thanks for the reminder. It's time to say goodbye.
obj owl:
I requested $70 in September and got in touch December, nothing in reply.
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