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Here you can see the traffic statistics from Feb 2020 using Google Analytics showing 1 year traffic stats

Monthly Newsletter Subscribers: 6000+ double opt-in subscribers

To get started simply click on the "subscribe" link below which will set up a monthly recurring payment through PayPal. You may cancel your monthly ad subscription at any time.

Accepted file formats are JPG, PNG, and GIF, and can be sent to [email protected].

If you have any further questions feel free to contact microstockgroup at [email protected]

Note: If the ad spot you wish to purchase is currently filled, send us an email and we will add you to the waiting list. When the ad spot becomes available, we will let you know. Preference will be given in the order you are added to the waiting list. Alternatively, there may also be advertising space available on the blog.

*Note: The ad graphic must be static (not animated)*
Format Placement Visibility Availability Price/Month  
Regular Ads:
200x200px Upper Right Sidebar visible to all members and guests on front page and all forum pages 0/1 $490 Sold Out
200x200px Bottom Right Sidebar visible to all members and guests on front page and all forum pages 4/4 $249
125x125px Upper Banner visible to all members and guests on front page and all forum pages 0/5 $199 Sold Out
125x125px After first post in every thread visible to all members and guests in all forum topics 3/5 $149
125x125px After the last post in every thread visible to all members and guests in all forum topics 4/5 $99
Newsletter Sponsors:
125x125px + text Monthly Newsletter Text & Banner The newsletter is an email sent out once/month containing links and information about what is happening on MicrostockGroup as well as in the microstock and photography industry in general.
Subscribers: 6250+
# of emails sent/month: 1
1/1 $199
Text Link Weekly Trending Topics The weekly email highlights the top trending topics and most popular posts from the past seven days.
Subscribers 2600+
# of emails sent/month: 4-5
1/1 $199
Text Link Daily Trending Topics Daily email highlighting the most discussed topics of the day
Subscribers 290+
# of emails sent/month: 28-31
1/1 $99

Regular Ads
Upper Right Column Mega Bundle of 5,900+ Professional Lightroom Presets
Upper Banner
 ProPresets X: The Ultimate Massive Presets Collection
After first post
After last post
Microstock InsiderMedia Castro
Monthly Newsletter Sponsor

Past & Current Advertisers


Mega Bundle of 5,900+ Professional Lightroom Presets

Microstock Poll Results
