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Author Topic: Another Massive Best Match Shift  (Read 257973 times)

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« Reply #75 on: December 22, 2011, 02:27 »
^^ I believe in my sales figures which are good so far.
Is that a bad thing ?

Sorry!  but I do not!  I believe lots of exclusives are right now cr###ing themselves, and put in promised land, desperatly by the skinn of their teeth proclaiming just about anything. If not, how come then that the three, all diamond exclusives, I have known for years are right now, preparing to drop the crown?

In any event, IS,  is no longer an interesting proposition or company. Its a "has been".


« Reply #76 on: December 22, 2011, 02:54 »
Really!  we are very stupid here!  every time this happens,  up comes all these threads, postings, etc. Why not just let them hang in there, let them try to survive on their meazly little 5000, exclusives and then see what happens. Be like GM, trying to survive without thousands of factory workers,  down they go.

Its all going according to the Getty plan, they are slowly strangling the company, bleeding it dry, in fact, hoping the reaction will be that lots of exclusives and independants are leaving.

In fact only a couple of days back, I was speaking to one of the mentors, founders of the entire stock-industry back in the early 80s, whishing him a merry X-mas, etc. In touching this subject, he said: "be happy you never signed the dotted line for exclusivity, they are showing the signs of a company in deep trouble and they are not going to exist in a years time and thats when their remaining exclusives will have little option but to go with Thinkstock, if they still want to sell pictures, that is".
Just want to point out, this person is still a shareholder with major influence in the stock-world.

They have just thrown the exclusives a bone, in the form of a best match, knowing fully well that will shut them up over the hollidays, etc, then after all hollidays, the wrecking-crew will emerge and brush them aside and why not?  they seem so stupid they believe anything,  even in Santa.

There is no real bone thrown at the exclusives. Well established exclusives with years of creating well-selling images are being punished. Only recently uploaded files by exclusives benefit. Exclusives will only benefit in those particular areas/niches where they have RECENTLY uploaded - in all other areas (areas where they haven't uploaded but have excellent images in) they will be punished by other exclusives that have uploaded those subjects. So new very active exclusives stand to benefit the most, the rest are losing out.

Therefore I don't think this is really according to your theory of the Getty "plan". Why would they want to push well-established with a proven track-record exclusives towards independence thus benefiting their direct competitors - that doesn't make any sense for Getty or iStock. I must be missing something?

If this really isn't temporary, a glitch or similar it is really a super incentive for exclusives to "go to work" and work their socks off! Never before has there been such an opportunity to upload, get properly seen and sell new work. Time to get busy!
« Last Edit: December 22, 2011, 03:03 by CarlssonInc. Stock Imagery Production »

« Reply #77 on: December 22, 2011, 03:04 »
Exclusive here, sales rather normal. Could be seeing a bias towards newer files, but there's a fairly even mix between 2011 and 2010 images. Not much older stuff moving though.


« Reply #78 on: December 22, 2011, 03:21 »
Hi martin!

Well, yes, if this isnt temporary?  but really?  what else can they do?  they are dropping exclusives all over the place and we are not just talking about the run-of-the-mill, contributors here, we are talking heavy exclusives, etc. Ofcourse!  they HAVE, to do something and what better then to throw a bit of monies in their pockets.

Surely you must see its exactly the same pattern as back in 93, when Getty took over Stones and Image-Bank but with the incredible differance: it wasnt internet-based and with billions of digital files, also the people then were of a differant breed, professionaly, that is.

Dont you see?  in the long run they cant have IS, running alongside TS, it doesnt make sense! Vettas or no Vettas, it just does not make business-sense. Sooner or later they are forced to come with an excuse or reason, why even the exclusives simply have to go with TS.
I would say, forget the independant, thats not a problem for them, their big problerm will be their exclusives, how to break the news, etc, still keeping them happy, thats their main problem.
We, the independants, were the lucky ones, we are out of it. :)


« Reply #79 on: December 22, 2011, 03:26 »
Exclusive here, sales rather normal. Could be seeing a bias towards newer files, but there's a fairly even mix between 2011 and 2010 images. Not much older stuff moving though.

Same here, my sales are pretty normal as well, no problem, but?? :-\, doesnt mean anything does it? its not just down to money, is it.

« Reply #80 on: December 22, 2011, 03:27 »
Sales usual for a few days before xmas...if there is a big exclusive boost, it's not doing much for me

Maybe it is Edstock who is benefiting, "he" certainly dominated my Qatar search.  No doubt the management will be buying in champagne if the sales are going there.

As for the iStock forums, obviously Lobo has won. The last thread I opened there, helpfully informing them of the reappearance of a bug and which I carefully put in the forum where Joyce discusses bugs, was slammed shut by Lobo with the comment "this isn't the help forum". My unwritten response was "Well, feck you, you uncouth ar$e'ole. I didn't want help, I was simply trying to give your company early warning of the reappearance of a bug. If you don't want my help then I won't fecking bother, you winker". So I see no point in posting what would be a "oooh-nay" thread when they deliberately shift the search. We know the wolfman doesn't like it.

I know you're partly kidding...but I gotta say, I think Edstock is getting way too much press. I don't like Edstock, and I really don't like how they've trucked it all in and locked us out. having said that, Edstock is just a dumping ground for archival editorial images that Getty had laying around gathering dust--so they might as well make a few bucks off the images. Edstock is a threat to editorial contributors mainly because it represents a thoroughly insulting double standard. The Edstock collection doesn't pose any serious sales threat nor is it stealing all the best match window space.

I wasn't kidding at all. In the last 12 hours four or five new exclusive images of Qatar have been accepted and now top the search, if you search on "Qatar" and disregard those, you will see what I mean. Page after page is dominated by Edstock. Maybe that search is an exception to the rule but niches where uploading is low are likely to see it if "Edstock" has been there because best match now seems to mean "Exclusive by descending age".

Edstock is a threat to travel photographers since lots of generic travel is included in it and buyers may take an editorial image with people for travel advert/orials regardless of the labelling.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2011, 03:29 by BaldricksTrousers »


« Reply #81 on: December 22, 2011, 04:15 »
Hi martin!

Well, yes, if this isnt temporary?  but really?  what else can they do?  they are dropping exclusives all over the place and we are not just talking about the run-of-the-mill, contributors here, we are talking heavy exclusives, etc. Ofcourse!  they HAVE, to do something and what better then to throw a bit of monies in their pockets.

Surely you must see its exactly the same pattern as back in 93, when Getty took over Stones and Image-Bank but with the incredible differance: it wasnt internet-based and with billions of digital files, also the people then were of a differant breed, professionaly, that is.

Dont you see?  in the long run they cant have IS, running alongside TS, it doesnt make sense! Vettas or no Vettas, it just does not make business-sense. Sooner or later they are forced to come with an excuse or reason, why even the exclusives simply have to go with TS.
I would say, forget the independant, thats not a problem for them, their big problerm will be their exclusives, how to break the news, etc, still keeping them happy, thats their main problem.
We, the independants, were the lucky ones, we are out of it. :)

My point was that this isn't exactly a way of "throwing a bit of money" on exclusives. My reasoning is that only most well-established exclusives will lose money with this best match, the type of exclusives you would think they would like to keep. This best match is more geared towards more recent exclusives, uploading new content.

Wasn't around in this industry in '93, didn't get started full-time in photography and stock until 2002-2003.

Also don't see the problem with Getty keeping/nurturing iStock. My sense is that Thinkstock, will be their low-end proper subscription microstock, iStock is in today's market close to and probably still moving towards mid-stock, and "proper" Getty will be the high-end RM/RF.

By that segmentation they (Getty) would cover the entire spectrum of the market? Sounds like a plan and make sense to me. Naturally I don't really know anything of Getty's proper intentions, except making as much money as possible.

« Reply #82 on: December 22, 2011, 04:22 »

In fact only a couple of days back, I was speaking to one of the mentors, founders of the entire stock-industry back in the early 80s, whishing him a merry X-mas, etc. In touching this subject, he said: "be happy you never signed the dotted line for exclusivity, they are showing the signs of a company in deep trouble and they are not going to exist in a years time and thats when their remaining exclusives will have little option but to go with Thinkstock, if they still want to sell pictures, that is".
Just want to point out, this person is still a shareholder with major influence in the stock-world.

Considering that 99.9% of these "mentors, founders of the entire stock industry" are the same ones that several years ago were saying and repeating that a) microstock would never take off and couldn't never offer quality content, b) digital photography never would replace film, this new prediction can be considered a garantee of success and future for istock.


« Reply #83 on: December 22, 2011, 04:27 »
Sales today are nothing unusual.

Looks like traffic fell to a level, even with such an enormous boost all that exclusives get, are average sales. My sales are limited to 3/day (for 3 days in a row now). Now that can't be a coincidence

« Reply #84 on: December 22, 2011, 04:31 »
Sales today are nothing unusual.

Looks like traffic fell to a level, even with such an enormous boost all that exclusives get, are average sales. My sales are limited to 3/day (for 3 days in a row now). Now that can't be a coincidence

Until now, I'm having Best Week Ever. Being Christmas so near, I suppose that it won't hold until Sunday, but for the moment, it works.

« Reply #85 on: December 22, 2011, 06:26 »
"Considering that 99.9% of these "mentors, founders of the entire stock industry" are the same ones that several years ago were saying and repeating that a) microstock would never take off and couldn't never offer quality content, b) digital photography never would replace film, this new prediction can be considered a garantee of success and future for istock."

The outcomes of individual company's marketing strategy are easier to predict than tecnology of the future. Clearly sales for independents are in the main from "downloads" searches. Nothing new gets seen. Giving exclusives a better best match and new content from exclusive great best match shows a worrying pattern not just for independents but many old faithfuls will see an accelerating decline in income. Sales from Istock already appear down only made up by higher prices and TS. Searches will not look better at Istock than elsewhere. I would say they may look worse, more expensive and have less variety. Tell me I am wrong but this is business. Money is being made short term without real long term strategies (apart from sell on the basis of record profits). Certainlt what happens to contributors is not part of the plan. It is better to get in "collections", no inspection required and good cash rewards than deal with contributors en masse.

« Reply #86 on: December 22, 2011, 08:01 »
Changes that completely dislocate earnings should be something that agencies avoid for the sake of their suppliers and for their own reputation.

Completely agree, but in Istock's case, they long ago decided they don't care much for their reputation, and even less for their suppliers.   :P


What amazes me is that not a word of this is being spoken on the IS forum (unless exclusives are laughing behind their hands on their own forum). Have we become so used to Istock's shenanigans that we can no longer be bothered?
There were a couple of posts earlier, independents flabbergasted at the new best match...but Kelvin deleted them.  (I used to think he called it as he saw he comes across every bit the tosser that lobo is)


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #87 on: December 22, 2011, 08:36 »
If this really isn't temporary, a glitch or similar it is really a super incentive for exclusives to "go to work" and work their socks off! Never before has there been such an opportunity to upload, get properly seen and sell new work. Time to get busy!

Of course it's temporary: like all BMs, "this too will pass".
It also makes a mockery of Lobo's post:
"M seems to be in a place that the Warlocks are happy with right now. Does that mean everyone is going to be happy? No. Not everyone is going to be happy. Do we sort best match to please contributors who are searching every 20 minutes or so? No, we sort best match based on what we think the buying public is interested in."
He probably needs to change that to "what we would like the buying public to be interested in".
For example, clearly a potential buyer wanting to buy a 'photo' of a 'rainforest' was really looking for this all the time, just didn't know it:
or (for anyone who doesn't know, a giraffe's natural habitat is savannah, not rainforest)

Oh yes, I have an axe to grind. I had a rainforest pic arrive 'at last' in my portfolio on Tuesday night, and it's already down at #86, and one which arrived in my port this morning is at #71, below tons of these cartoons including this one, which is at #28 for a search on 'rainforest' photos only, best match:
So I'm afraid it's not giving this independent any motivation to 'feed the beast'. If you submit to areas spammed by CSA, Ed or the other recent pseudo-exclusive spammers, the game's a bogey. Wait till the next best match, I guess.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2011, 09:45 by ShadySue »

« Reply #88 on: December 22, 2011, 08:55 »

 Giving exclusives a better best match and new content from exclusive great best match shows a worrying pattern not just for independents but many old faithfuls will see an accelerating decline in income. Sales from Istock already appear down only made up by higher prices and TS. Searches will not look better at Istock than elsewhere. I would say they may look worse, more expensive and have less variety. Tell me I am wrong but this is business. Money is being made short term without real long term strategies (apart from sell on the basis of record profits). Certainlt what happens to contributors is not part of the plan. It is better to get in "collections", no inspection required and good cash rewards than deal with contributors en masse.

    I completely am baffled by these claims.  You say istock is making a mistake by having content no one else has and their higher prices can not support this exclusive content.  You say they would be better to continue with showcasing independents that are on every site out there where price the only difference.
      I was shocked a few years back when best match was so utterly dominated by Yuri and then MBI.  That was truly a short term profit strategy that had no long term health for istock.  Now, maybe because independents thought this foolish short term money grab was smart they are surprised.  But in truth it made no business sense to feature content that is not exclusive.  Did you not see the Bigstock ad saying they were (some percentage) cheaper than istock.  Well now that marketing strategy doesn't hold water.  I remember looking at other sites a while back and seeing the same images on the best match of every site.  It was dumb of istock to have the basic same best match as shutterstock when prices were not the same.  It would be like Coca-cola allowing their exact formula to be sold in cheaper bottles by competitors.  Coke charges a premium for their product because no one else has it.  How is price supported otherwise?

« Reply #89 on: December 22, 2011, 09:31 »
    I completely am baffled by these claims.  You say istock is making a mistake by having content no one else has and their higher prices can not support this exclusive content.  You say they would be better to continue with showcasing independents that are on every site out there where price the only difference.
      I was shocked a few years back when best match was so utterly dominated by Yuri and then MBI.  That was truly a short term profit strategy that had no long term health for istock.  Now, maybe because independents thought this foolish short term money grab was smart they are surprised.  But in truth it made no business sense to feature content that is not exclusive.  Did you not see the Bigstock ad saying they were (some percentage) cheaper than istock. 

The point is that IS had the same independent content as other sites AND the exclusive content too. Therefore it was the best of both worlds. It would have been absurd for Istock to have not represented Yuri, 'the world's most popular stock photographer', amongst many others. Istock also differentiated itself from other agencies by the site features, the search, the technical standards, customer service, etc, etc.

Istock actually had a staggeringly successful business formula right up until they just got ridiculously greedy in 2010. It was the commission cuts that were the 'short term profit strategy that had no long term health for istock'. That and the introduction of high-priced collections which dominated the best match, the refusal for months to introduce a filter, the price increases too many to count and the endless site bugs. That's where it all went wrong __ not fairly representing independent contributors.

« Reply #90 on: December 22, 2011, 09:45 »
"I was shocked a few years back when best match was so utterly dominated by Yuri.."

Well they fixed that!  A search for business man shows page upon page upon page of exclusive files - so Yuri's shots are deemed of less interest to buyers than thousands of exclusive images, many of which have no sales???  They really need to rename if from best match to 'bolster exclusive sales'
What a joke


« Reply #91 on: December 22, 2011, 10:10 »
   The perception at Istock that a collection of exclusive content can compete without independent photographers' content showing up in searches is a mistake, i would say. If the exclusive content is so superior, it would have risen to the top without having to bury non-exclusive images. But it's their company, and they can do what they want. Contributors have no say in what happens. For me, it makes it much easier to not bother with Istock for still images, since new files rarely get seen anyway. For exclusives at Istock, the message seems to be keep contributing new work, and don't try to coast on legacy images. So if that's the way it's going to be, then they have their marching orders, and they better get at it.

« Reply #92 on: December 22, 2011, 10:22 »
"I was shocked a few years back when best match was so utterly dominated by Yuri.."

Well they fixed that!  A search for business man shows page upon page upon page of exclusive files - so Yuri's shots are deemed of less interest to buyers than thousands of exclusive images, many of which have no sales???  They really need to rename if from best match to 'bolster exclusive sales'
What a joke

Perhaps their market surveying said that buyers are tired of seeing the same thing they see everywhere else.  So they are giving the buyers what they asked for.  Who knows?

« Reply #93 on: December 22, 2011, 10:30 »
"I was shocked a few years back when best match was so utterly dominated by Yuri.."

Well they fixed that!  A search for business man shows page upon page upon page of exclusive files - so Yuri's shots are deemed of less interest to buyers than thousands of exclusive images, many of which have no sales???  They really need to rename if from best match to 'bolster exclusive sales'
What a joke

Perhaps their market surveying said that buyers are tired of seeing the same thing they see everywhere else.  So they are giving the buyers what they asked for.  Who knows?
yeah, that'll be it.  Istock giving customers what they want  ::)


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #94 on: December 22, 2011, 10:31 »
"I was shocked a few years back when best match was so utterly dominated by Yuri.."

Well they fixed that!  A search for business man shows page upon page upon page of exclusive files - so Yuri's shots are deemed of less interest to buyers than thousands of exclusive images, many of which have no sales???  They really need to rename if from best match to 'bolster exclusive sales'
What a joke

Perhaps their market surveying said that buyers are tired of seeing the same thing they see everywhere else.  So they are giving the buyers what they asked for.  Who knows?

Someone who cared that much could tick 'exclusives only'. OK they have to work out to filter under 'more attributes', but I just did it in about five seconds; so if they cared that much, they could easily work it out.
Also if so many buyers said that, the sensible thing would be to make that option more visible.

« Reply #95 on: December 22, 2011, 10:34 »
"I was shocked a few years back when best match was so utterly dominated by Yuri.."

Well they fixed that!  A search for business man shows page upon page upon page of exclusive files - so Yuri's shots are deemed of less interest to buyers than thousands of exclusive images, many of which have no sales???  They really need to rename if from best match to 'bolster exclusive sales'
What a joke

Perhaps their market surveying said that buyers are tired of seeing the same thing they see everywhere else.  So they are giving the buyers what they asked for.  Who knows?

Exactly, and being recent exclousive content, can't also be in TS.

« Reply #96 on: December 22, 2011, 10:36 »
Someone who cared that much could tick 'exclusives only'. OK they have to work out to filter under 'more attributes', but I just did it in about five seconds; so if they cared that much, they could easily work it out.
Also if so many buyers said that, the sensible thing would be to make that option more visible.

Remember, buyers are stoopid - they can't be bothered to figure out things like sliders and buttons and stuff like that there.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #97 on: December 22, 2011, 10:49 »
Someone who cared that much could tick 'exclusives only'. OK they have to work out to filter under 'more attributes', but I just did it in about five seconds; so if they cared that much, they could easily work it out.
Also if so many buyers said that, the sensible thing would be to make that option more visible.

Remember, buyers are stoopid - they can't be bothered to figure out things like sliders and buttons and stuff like that there.

Och - that was just the one buyer, and he doesn't buy at iStock now, apparently.

« Reply #98 on: December 22, 2011, 11:09 »
Perhaps their market surveying said that buyers are tired of seeing the same thing they see everywhere else.  So they are giving the buyers what they asked for.  Who knows?

So the buyers first bought 1.3M of Yuri's images (plus 350K of MB's, 200K of Lisa's, etc, etc) before finally deciding that they didn't want to see them anymore. Interesting theory. "We the buyers demand less choice when we shop here".

We just have to hope that 'their market surveying' didn't say that buyers wanted cheaper prices too __ because Istock always does what the buyers want right?

« Reply #99 on: December 22, 2011, 11:19 »
   The perception at Istock that a collection of exclusive content can compete without independent photographers' content showing up in searches is a mistake, i would say. If the exclusive content is so superior, it would have risen to the top without having to bury non-exclusive images. But it's their company, and they can do what they want. Contributors have no say in what happens. For me, it makes it much easier to not bother with Istock for still images, since new files rarely get seen anyway. For exclusives at Istock, the message seems to be keep contributing new work, and don't try to coast on legacy images. So if that's the way it's going to be, then they have their marching orders, and they better get at it.

   It has nothing to do with the "If the exclusive content is so superior".  It has to do with content and the price of the images.  If independents are as good or close to the best exclusive and their photos are selling just as well then eventually when there are site problems or price increases then buyers surely say what else is available.  That is when they might discover that yuri's exact image is sitting there at a competitor for $1 instead of $15.   And independents think this if a fair business model for all involved.  You cannot compete on price and act as though the buyers won't notice and gravitate to the cheapest next best option.  A site with very little exclusive content has exactly what to offer besides price?  Independents seem to notice that istock is taking buyers from getty and ignore the reasons the cheaper sites are taking buyers from istock.


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