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Author Topic: Awesome "Stockys" giveaway - $20,000 down the drain...  (Read 24990 times)

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« Reply #25 on: October 22, 2010, 22:11 »
No one here seems to understand marketing. Instead of whining about your 10th of a cent going towards the stocky award, maybe you should think about how much of the tax money is wasted by your government. Jeez...


« Reply #26 on: October 22, 2010, 22:27 »
What I know about marketing is.

Lying, embellishment, distraction and mistrust

It's like any magician making his show. For the other comment, I goes to a protest last year against G.W. Bush coming in Montreal, we throw shoes it was nice  :)

« Reply #27 on: October 22, 2010, 22:37 »
What I know about marketing is.

Lying, embellishment, distraction and mistrust

Then I'd say you don't know much.

Years ago I worked at Sun Microsystems on the marketing team for programming tools.  A competitor was making a big deal about the quality of their compiler optimizations (which produce faster performance for your programs), and my marketing director wanted us to do something similar.  So I went to the engineering director in charge of our compilers' code generators to get the story.  She refused to cooperate.  In her eyes, marketing served no useful purpose; if your products were good, your customers would naturally find out about them, and if they weren't, all marketing could do was lie.

Both views were wrong.  A story's only as good as the people who tell it, and the ways they get it to you.  And no product is universally good or bad.  It's our job to make sure the customer knows about the strengths and can put the weaknesses in context.  Often people get caught up in features that don't matter, or that just don't matter to them.  Our job was to make sure they cared about the right things.

Marketing often acts as a translator between the people who create the product or service and the people who want to use it.  Those two groups rarely speak the same language, which is why they need us.  I won't say that marketing can rescue a crap product, but the lack of marketing can sink a good one.  Happens all the time.


« Reply #28 on: October 22, 2010, 22:59 »
OK don't blast me, but I think I am going to enter some of my illustrations into this contest. I am ineligible to win any money since I live in Florida but my reasons are purely selfish (I do not drink the IS kool aid, never have never will). BUT I have a tiny portfolio and I am only a part-time contributor so I can use any kind of exposure I can get to make some sales. I am trying to do as much as I can to wring out the last of my 20% royalty as I will be dropping to 15% in 2011.

This is my first post to this group. I have been lurking for awhile now and I think most posters here are pretty reasonable. Glad to be here.


« Reply #29 on: October 22, 2010, 23:08 »
OK don't blast me, but I think I am going to enter some of my illustrations into this contest. I am ineligible to win any money since I live in Florida but my reasons are purely selfish (I do not drink the IS kool aid, never have never will). BUT I have a tiny portfolio and I am only a part-time contributor so I can use any kind of exposure I can get to make some sales. I am trying to do as much as I can to wring out the last of my 20% royalty as I will be dropping to 15% in 2011.

This is my first post to this group. I have been lurking for awhile now and I think most posters here are pretty reasonable. Glad to be here.

Yeah, if you win, your exposure will be off the charts, wowzers..  But don't despair, if you don't win, 15% is still a respectable commission and I'm sure you can quit your day job....wooyay, wooyay


« Reply #30 on: October 22, 2010, 23:16 »
I stand corrected.

I have no chance of winning since it will probably be the usual popularity contest and my stuff ain't that good. The exposure I was referring to was having my images in promoted (on the front page) lightboxes, as all entries will be put in.

« Reply #31 on: October 22, 2010, 23:27 »
Hate to tell you this, but it's unlikely any buyers will even look at those lightboxes. Well, maybe if those buyers are also contributors. But then they will only buy if they have the need for your illustrations. I think the "exposure" such contests generate is highly over-rated and may even be fabricated.


« Reply #32 on: October 22, 2010, 23:48 »
What I know about marketing is.

Lying, embellishment, distraction and mistrust

Then I'd say you don't know much.

Years ago I worked at Sun Microsystems on the marketing team for programming tools.  A competitor was making a big deal about the quality of their compiler optimizations (which produce faster performance for your programs), and my marketing director wanted us to do something similar.  So I went to the engineering director in charge of our compilers' code generators to get the story.  She refused to cooperate.  In her eyes, marketing served no useful purpose; if your products were good, your customers would naturally find out about them, and if they weren't, all marketing could do was lie.

Both views were wrong.  A story's only as good as the people who tell it, and the ways they get it to you.  And no product is universally good or bad.  It's our job to make sure the customer knows about the strengths and can put the weaknesses in context.  Often people get caught up in features that don't matter, or that just don't matter to them.  Our job was to make sure they cared about the right things.

Marketing often acts as a translator between the people who create the product or service and the people who want to use it.  Those two groups rarely speak the same language, which is why they need us.  I won't say that marketing can rescue a crap product, but the lack of marketing can sink a good one.  Happens all the time.

If only you was in charge of the H2O Vac advertising, my life would be 2x better, since their commercial are 50% of what Canadians see everyday.


« Reply #33 on: October 23, 2010, 04:28 »
No one here seems to understand marketing. Instead of whining about your 10th of a cent going towards the stocky award, maybe you should think about how much of the tax money is wasted by your government. Jeez...

 ::) you have totally missed the points here, and if it's simply Marketing you are about imo they have failed miserably as given the timing I suspect it will offend more than it will encourage

Talk about Robbing Peter to pay Paul  ::)


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #34 on: October 23, 2010, 04:43 »
Instead of whining about your 10th of a cent going towards the stocky award, maybe you should think about how much of the tax money is wasted by your government. Jeez...
Whining about tax waste would not be on topic here.


« Reply #35 on: October 23, 2010, 04:57 »
No one here seems to understand marketing.

Including yourself it would seem..... the idea of marketing is that it's aimed at potential buyers, this contest is for suppliers.

« Reply #36 on: October 23, 2010, 09:35 »

If only you was in charge of the H2O Vac advertising, my life would be 2x better, since their commercial are 50% of what Canadians see everyday.


That marketing worked on me. I want that vacuum. LOL


« Reply #37 on: October 23, 2010, 11:17 »
No one here seems to understand marketing.

Including yourself it would seem..... the idea of marketing is that it's aimed at potential buyers, this contest is for suppliers.

And, uh, why exactly wouldn't you want to keep your suppliers happy?


« Reply #38 on: October 23, 2010, 11:50 »
Hate to tell you this, but it's unlikely any buyers will even look at those lightboxes. Well, maybe if those buyers are also contributors. But then they will only buy if they have the need for your illustrations. I think the "exposure" such contests generate is highly over-rated and may even be fabricated.

Not so sure about unlikely.

Before I was a buyer/contributor I was just a buyer and I often look through themed lightboxes to add to my private ones. But really the bottom line is self-promotion. If I get buyers (even if only a handful) to look at my illustrations and then my portfolio it could mean a sale, and I make so few sales that each one is still exciting to me. :D

« Reply #39 on: October 23, 2010, 12:23 »
No one here seems to understand marketing.

Including yourself it would seem..... the idea of marketing is that it's aimed at potential buyers, this contest is for suppliers.

And, uh, why exactly wouldn't you want to keep your suppliers happy?

You keep your suppliers happy by paying them a fair royalty, and by investing in advertising to keep the buyers coming. All the silly contests and woo yay community crap amounts to little more than a big steaming pile of BS, if you ask me. To hell with games, you want to make us happy, then pay us a fair wage and treat us with a little respect!!!

« Reply #40 on: October 23, 2010, 12:26 »
Contests are something you do in addition to treating your suppliers well, not a substitute for it.  Studies have shown that workers work harder when they're given attention periodically, even if as in this case they have little chance of benefiting directly.  But so close to an attack on suppliers' compensation, this kind of thing is more likely to do harm than good.  Adding insult to injury, as the old saying goes.


« Reply #41 on: October 23, 2010, 13:27 »
Contests are something you do in addition to treating your suppliers well, not a substitute for it.  Studies have shown that workers work harder when they're given attention periodically, even if as in this case they have little chance of benefiting directly.  But so close to an attack on suppliers' compensation, this kind of thing is more likely to do harm than good.  Adding insult to injury, as the old saying goes.

You may want to be more specific about the "studies" you seem to be referring to. Besides, I'm not sure why this has turned into a "substitute" discussion. I have learned in management that recognition is important for employees, more important than salaries. People want to feel they are valued as employees. They want to enjoy their job. So your studies stand against my studies ;-)

Again, I don't know if people have done their math, but I find it naive if contributors think the shared wealth of $20,000 among more than 50,000 contributors amounts to much.


« Reply #42 on: October 23, 2010, 13:53 »
Yeah, seems everything is unsustainable except the parties.

That sums it up perfectly, Cathy! 

Kinda like the string quartet on the Titanic kept playing as the ship went down...

« Reply #43 on: October 23, 2010, 13:54 »
Anyone that thinks this istock scheme of rewarding ten contributors among thousands is great marketing is clearly naive. At best, is a slight distraction. I'd be impressed if they had up to 50 winners, but im sure 10 was the absolute minimum they can get away with. Many will try it out, only ten will be hooraying in the end.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #44 on: October 23, 2010, 13:55 »
Again, I don't know if people have done their math, but I find it naive if contributors think the shared wealth of $20,000 among more than 50,000 contributors amounts to much.
It's the principle.

« Reply #45 on: October 23, 2010, 14:03 »

People want to feel they are valued as employees. They want to enjoy their job. So your studies stand against my studies ;-)

Nothing says "I value you" more than cash compensation. :D

Even the best jobs breed resentment if you are working as hard as you can with ever decreasing returns.

« Reply #46 on: October 23, 2010, 14:07 »
Hate to tell you this, but it's unlikely any buyers will even look at those lightboxes. Well, maybe if those buyers are also contributors. But then they will only buy if they have the need for your illustrations. I think the "exposure" such contests generate is highly over-rated and may even be fabricated.

Not so sure about unlikely.

Before I was a buyer/contributor I was just a buyer and I often look through themed lightboxes to add to my private ones. But really the bottom line is self-promotion. If I get buyers (even if only a handful) to look at my illustrations and then my portfolio it could mean a sale, and I make so few sales that each one is still exciting to me. :D

Well, good luck to you. I hope it works out. As for me, I didn't have much success finding anything I wanted the few times I looked at themed lightboxes for images. I'd much rather just conduct my own search than trust that someone else thinks they know what I want. Now lightboxes that contributors have made of their own similar images are a different story.

However, the lightboxes for this contest cover such a vague and wide range of concepts, that I really can't see them being particularly useful to buyers, IMO.

« Reply #47 on: October 23, 2010, 15:01 »
You may want to be more specific about the "studies" you seem to be referring to. Besides, I'm not sure why this has turned into a "substitute" discussion. I have learned in management that recognition is important for employees, more important than salaries. People want to feel they are valued as employees. They want to enjoy their job. So your studies stand against my studies ;-)

Again, I don't know if people have done their math, but I find it naive if contributors think the shared wealth of $20,000 among more than 50,000 contributors amounts to much.

I will speak for myself. Recognition is great to receive, but NOTHING is more important than my salary. A raise in salary automatically reflects that I have done a good job and management is showing me that with the extra $$. Not sure where "management" got the idea that recognition is MORE important than salaries. Maybe the same management that wants to not give raises and in fact lower peoples' salaries so that they can continue with their BMWs, trips to Europe and vacation homes at the beach.

« Reply #48 on: October 23, 2010, 15:06 »
You may want to be more specific about the "studies" you seem to be referring to. Besides, I'm not sure why this has turned into a "substitute" discussion. I have learned in management that recognition is important for employees, more important than salaries. People want to feel they are valued as employees. They want to enjoy their job. So your studies stand against my studies ;-)

Again, I don't know if people have done their math, but I find it naive if contributors think the shared wealth of $20,000 among more than 50,000 contributors amounts to much.

$20,000 split among 50,000 contributors is nothing. $20,000 by itself is a helluva lot of money. For instance, maybe it could go towards paying a good IT guy to fix just one of the problems with the website (like maybe the search) instead of pissing it away on yet another contest. Fixing the website would go a long ways towards helping the buyers with a better buying experience.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #49 on: October 23, 2010, 15:19 »
Again, I don't know if people have done their math, but I find it naive if contributors think the shared wealth of $20,000 among more than 50,000 contributors amounts to much.

$20,000 split among 50,000 contributors is nothing. $20,000 by itself is a helluva lot of money. For instance, maybe it could go towards paying a good IT guy to fix just one of the problems with the website (like maybe the search) instead of pissing it away on yet another contest. Fixing the website would go a long ways towards helping the buyers with a better buying experience.
Brilliant point!


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