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Author Topic: Batch in Istock submission  (Read 1265 times)

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« on: January 26, 2025, 02:46 »

I have a collection of images from various unrelated shoots in December 2024, and I would like to submit them to iStock.

Can I consolidate these photos into a single batch, or must I submit each shoot as a separate batch? I prefer the former option, as it would simplify the submission process.

Your guidance on this topic would be greatly appreciated.

Wishing you a peaceful Sunday,


« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2025, 03:10 »

I have a collection of images from various unrelated shoots in December 2024, and I would like to submit them to iStock.

Can I consolidate these photos into a single batch, or must I submit each shoot as a separate batch? I prefer the former option, as it would simplify the submission process.

Your guidance on this topic would be greatly appreciated.

Wishing you a peaceful Sunday,


I have done multiple submissions of one batch with unrelated photos and never had a problem. It also didn't affect rejection rate. So I would say, put them all in one batch. I would not make your batch too large though. Very large batches seems to take longer to review. So put a max of 30 in it or so. But that number is just a gut feeling.

« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2025, 03:31 »
One reason I'd suggest you separate them, at least into a few batches, or maybe just submit a portion of the uploads that are in a single batch, is in case you get an awful reviewer who just rejects everything, or near everything, then you have to go re-upload / descriptions / tag again.     

« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2025, 03:42 »
Upload 99 or 100 photos in one batch. It will be faster. Of course, it is better to put different photos in one batch, so as not to get 30% rejection for similar ones.

« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2025, 21:17 »
Thank you for your input. I have submitted all the photos in one batch. This batch contains 73 photos from several unrelated shoots. Have a great week!

« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2025, 21:58 »
With Deepmeta, you can submit photos from different unrelated shoots together in one batch. Just make sure that they are all commercial or all editorial. You cannot mix together commercial and editorial images within the same batch with Deepmeta.

« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2025, 06:21 »
I've observed that photos or videos submitted without a model release tend to be reviewed relatively quickly. In contrast, assets that include a model release often remain unreviewed for extended periods, sometimes exceeding ten days.

Based on your experience, what is the typical review time for assets with model releases on IS?

« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2025, 21:47 »
Careful.  The batch system at istock is not advantageous.  When you submit a batch of say five photos only one of those photos will appear in search results.  The rest will only be shown as similar images at the bottom of the main image page.  Sales will suffer.  Best to submit in as small batches as possible, perhaps only one photo per batch.

« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2025, 23:25 »
Thanks for pointing this out.

Ive been searching for my works on istock and I cannot say that I experienced what you mentioned. I could see all of my approved assets in the search results.

« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2025, 23:45 »
Careful.  The batch system at istock is not advantageous.  When you submit a batch of say five photos only one of those photos will appear in search results.  The rest will only be shown as similar images at the bottom of the main image page.  Sales will suffer.  Best to submit in as small batches as possible, perhaps only one photo per batch.

I had no idea!

Thank you for sharing this.

« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2025, 09:00 »
Ive been searching for my works on istock and I cannot say that I experienced what you mentioned. I could see all of my approved assets in the search results.


« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2025, 15:56 »
Careful.  The batch system at istock is not advantageous.  When you submit a batch of say five photos only one of those photos will appear in search results.  The rest will only be shown as similar images at the bottom of the main image page.  Sales will suffer.  Best to submit in as small batches as possible, perhaps only one photo per batch.

Not sure what you mean by this? Do you mean if the "five photos" have the same subject and keywords"? I have submitted batches of editorial photos, but they are of different subjects.

« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2025, 05:42 »
I have both approved photos and photos pending approval in the same batch, which I submitted more than two weeks ago.

Based on your experience, how long does it usually take for all the photos in a batch to be approved? Is it typically up to one month or less or longer?

« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2025, 11:34 »
I have both approved photos and photos pending approval in the same batch, which I submitted more than two weeks ago.

Based on your experience, how long does it usually take for all the photos in a batch to be approved? Is it typically up to one month or less or longer?
I am for 95% sure the remainder will be reviewed within a week from now.

« Reply #14 on: February 06, 2025, 22:14 »
Careful.  The batch system at istock is not advantageous.  When you submit a batch of say five photos only one of those photos will appear in search results.  The rest will only be shown as similar images at the bottom of the main image page.  Sales will suffer.  Best to submit in as small batches as possible, perhaps only one photo per batch.

Not sure what you mean by this? Do you mean if the "five photos" have the same subject and keywords"? I have submitted batches of editorial photos, but they are of different subjects.

Exactly as I said above.  When you create a batch the submission system assumes the batch is of similar or related subjects.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #15 on: February 07, 2025, 13:55 »
Careful.  The batch system at istock is not advantageous.  When you submit a batch of say five photos only one of those photos will appear in search results.  The rest will only be shown as similar images at the bottom of the main image page.  Sales will suffer.  Best to submit in as small batches as possible, perhaps only one photo per batch.

Really? I don't see that.

Exactly as I said above.  When you create a batch the submission system assumes the batch is of similar or related subjects.

Since almost everything I do is one of a kind, and I submit in batches, I don't think the similar applies and only one image from a batch will show. Maybe IF they are similar, that can happen?

Reminder: illustrations can't be uploaded in the same batch as Photos. I know nothing about how IS handles Video.


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