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Author Topic: deactivate images/ close account/ banned  (Read 7004 times)

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« on: January 17, 2014, 11:38 »
A week ago I asked iS to deactivate all of my images from iS (almost 600 files). After 7 days with no respond I sent another email and got answer fast:
"Before we fully close your account, could you please confirm if you would like the outstanding amount of $xxx in your account sent to you via check (if so, please confirm the mailing address) or if you would like a payment sent to your paypal account (if so, please confirm the PayPal email address)?"

I asked if my earnings already include Partner Program earnings for Dec. and Jan. (which wasn't counted yet off course). Waiting for respond I tried to login and what I see? "your account has been banned"

Is it regular procedure?
Any comment? As I have no words for that  ::)

« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2014, 17:24 »
Normal and istock does not get along well in the same sentence.

I suggest you dont worry, be happy you are out of there. When the check arrives, kiss it and cash it and have fun.

One of the best things with breaking up with istock is that you dont have to worry about endless insanities anymore.

It compares to, in the physical world, when you carry a bag of cement from your cars trunk and finally dump it on the ground in front of the house. A relief. Phew.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2014, 17:33 »
A week ago I asked iS to deactivate all of my images from iS (almost 600 files). After 7 days with no respond I sent another email and got answer fast:
"Before we fully close your account, could you please confirm if you would like the outstanding amount of $xxx in your account sent to you via check (if so, please confirm the mailing address) or if you would like a payment sent to your paypal account (if so, please confirm the PayPal email address)?"

I asked if my earnings already include Partner Program earnings for Dec. and Jan. (which wasn't counted yet off course). Waiting for respond I tried to login and what I see? "your account has been banned"

Is it regular procedure?
Any comment? As I have no words for that  ::)

I have no idea if that's normal. Crazy if so.
I'm not sure if you now have any way to contact CR about your payments, but if you can't contact them, try SMing Pieman (Lobo) on here. I' not sure what other recourse you have.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2014, 18:07 by ShadySue »

« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2014, 17:59 »
A couple of days ago I created a support ticket asking for my account to be closed.   I wonder how long that will take...


« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2014, 18:08 »
A couple of days ago I created a support ticket asking for my account to be closed.   I wonder how long that will take...


« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2014, 18:10 »
That's a normal reply. When I asked a question about closing my account (not actually closing it, but asking about payouts before reaching 100$) they closed it anyway and sent me the "banned" emails and inability to login as well. That made me quite happy about my decision to leave, plus I didn't have to do anything further.

They need to work on their communication skills I think. I honestly could not understand how a representative from a company could speak to the suppliers and customers (I have purchased there from many business accounts over the years as a contractor) the way that their forum mod did. Now every job I'm at I refer somewhere else to buy stock. I'm sure they don't care at all, but it adds up eventually.


« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2014, 19:07 »
I closed my account a couple of weeks ago and got the 'banned' tag....just their way of saying your account is closed.

The Dec and Jan PP payments will be included in your final payment along with your existing iS balance. That payment may take up to 3 months to be received....at least that's the way I understand it from my own experience.


« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2014, 19:08 »
A couple of days ago I created a support ticket asking for my account to be closed.   I wonder how long that will take...

It took a few days for them to close my account after the support ticket was sent.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2014, 19:23 »
I've said before that any company worth their salt would do a debrief when someone leaves, so see how they can improve in future.
Says it all that they don't.


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2014, 19:31 »
It's been a long time ago when I requested they close my account. I got what was owed to me at that time. I could no longer sign on either once I requested they close it. I had no question as to why I should be concerned.

Well about a year later I did a tineye search on one of my images and low and behold it was still on iStock along with all my images that were suppose to have been deleted and they were still all for sell. They changed my name from donding to dondingdelete and had continued to sell my photos. I had over $100.00 in my account. Once I knew the name on the new account I was able to sign on with my password. I did finally get them deleted....at least I think...haven't checked lately. That's been almost a year ago the second time around so a total of two years since the original request. I did manage to get my money.

Just a word of warning folks. If you ask your account to be deleted....tin eye some of those images to make sure they are no longer on there making them money. If I had never run that tineye search I would never have known they were still selling my photos without my permission and they owed me money.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2014, 19:35 »

Just a word of warning folks. If you ask your account to be deleted....tin eye some of those images to make sure they are no longer on there making them money. If I had never run that tineye search I would never have known they were still selling my photos without my permission and they owed me money.
Alternatively (as I don't find tineye totally great) try GIS, or do searches on some of your less usual keywords (so's you don't need to check through hundreds of files).

Donding, that's surely verging on common theft?


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2014, 19:42 »

Just a word of warning folks. If you ask your account to be deleted....tin eye some of those images to make sure they are no longer on there making them money. If I had never run that tineye search I would never have known they were still selling my photos without my permission and they owed me money.
Alternatively (as I don't find tineye totally great) try GIS, or do searches on some of your less usual keywords (so's you don't need to check through hundreds of files).

Donding, that's surely verging on common theft?

Maybe it was....I'm just glad I have nothing to do with them anymore and never plan to in the future no matter if they turn themselves around.
As for tineye....it was just a random search trying to see where my popular photos on Shutterstock were being sold and rather they were on the web. I don't normally even do that....I'm just glad I did that time.

« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2014, 04:19 »
The Dec and Jan PP payments will be included in your final payment along with your existing iS balance. That payment may take up to 3 months to be received....at least that's the way I understand it from my own experience.
"Before we fully close your account, could you please confirm if you would like the outstanding amount of $xyz in your account sent to you via "
They didn't say anything about PP for Dec. and Jan. and that is 2 months of earnings... :| They just want to send this $xyz for today.

And yes, I'm ready for 3 months waiting.

stockastic, tell us if you got respond :)
donding, your history made my day :D ... however, it's sad, very sad...  :'(  >:(
ShadySue, thanks. I have some contact (I think) but it's unbelievably slow and poor...
« Last Edit: January 18, 2014, 04:21 by Ariene »


« Reply #13 on: January 18, 2014, 10:27 »
The Dec and Jan PP payments will be included in your final payment along with your existing iS balance. That payment may take up to 3 months to be received....at least that's the way I understand it from my own experience.
"Before we fully close your account, could you please confirm if you would like the outstanding amount of $xyz in your account sent to you via "
They didn't say anything about PP for Dec. and Jan. and that is 2 months of earnings... :| They just want to send this $xyz for today.

And yes, I'm ready for 3 months waiting.

stockastic, tell us if you got respond :)
donding, your history made my day :D ... however, it's sad, very sad...  :'(  >:(
ShadySue, thanks. I have some contact (I think) but it's unbelievably slow and poor...

I closed mine about 2 weeks ago and was told the final payment would include Dec and that part of Jan during which my images were still on the PP.....

« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2014, 10:47 »
And how about partners sites? Images are deleted from iS, but still visible and ready to buy with Partners... How long did it take in your cases to delete them from others?


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #15 on: January 18, 2014, 11:27 »
And how about partners sites? Images are deleted from iS, but still visible and ready to buy with Partners... How long did it take in your cases to delete them from others?

I brought that up with them the second time around to make sure I got that money as well as had them removed from the pp site. They said it would take 30 days to get them off there. I honestly can't remember if they waited until they were removed from the pp site before they paid the final payment. Like I said the last contact with them was close to a year ago. I know I did get it, but just make sure you double check with some thing like tineye or some other kind of search on some of your pics that are on another stock site to be sure they are off there. Pretty sad when you have to do their job for them


« Reply #16 on: January 18, 2014, 12:10 »
And how about partners sites? Images are deleted from iS, but still visible and ready to buy with Partners... How long did it take in your cases to delete them from others?

I was told it would take up to 30 days; it's been just shy of two weeks and in checking TS I see my images have been removed.

« Reply #17 on: January 18, 2014, 20:09 »
It's been a long time ago when I requested they close my account. I got what was owed to me at that time. I could no longer sign on either once I requested they close it. I had no question as to why I should be concerned.

Well about a year later I did a tineye search on one of my images and low and behold it was still on iStock along with all my images that were suppose to have been deleted and they were still all for sell. They changed my name from donding to dondingdelete and had continued to sell my photos. I had over $100.00 in my account. Once I knew the name on the new account I was able to sign on with my password. I did finally get them deleted....at least I think...haven't checked lately. That's been almost a year ago the second time around so a total of two years since the original request. I did manage to get my money.

Just a word of warning folks. If you ask your account to be deleted....tin eye some of those images to make sure they are no longer on there making them money. If I had never run that tineye search I would never have known they were still selling my photos without my permission and they owed me money.

Something like that happened to me when I left.  Images deactivated, then account closed - and I learned (from someone who bought one) that my images were still available on Getty months later.  And still being sold.  After reporting it, I did eventually get my percentage (I should have gotten 100% since they were selling them while I had no account there, when they had no right to be selling them), but it seemed to be awfully difficult to get them taken down from Getty.  And yeah, your email name / paypal account is immediately renamed with (name)closed, so I don't know how one is supposed to be able to get their money since they'd be sending it to a paypal account with the wrong name. 
« Last Edit: January 18, 2014, 20:11 by KarenH »

« Reply #18 on: January 18, 2014, 20:17 »
It's been a long time ago when I requested they close my account. I got what was owed to me at that time. I could no longer sign on either once I requested they close it. I had no question as to why I should be concerned.

Well about a year later I did a tineye search on one of my images and low and behold it was still on iStock along with all my images that were suppose to have been deleted and they were still all for sell. They changed my name from donding to dondingdelete and had continued to sell my photos. I had over $100.00 in my account. Once I knew the name on the new account I was able to sign on with my password. I did finally get them deleted....at least I think...haven't checked lately. That's been almost a year ago the second time around so a total of two years since the original request. I did manage to get my money.

Just a word of warning folks. If you ask your account to be deleted....tin eye some of those images to make sure they are no longer on there making them money. If I had never run that tineye search I would never have known they were still selling my photos without my permission and they owed me money.

That's fraud.

« Reply #19 on: January 21, 2014, 22:11 »
I would like to see your portfolio.
I can buy some pictures. Thank you.


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