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Author Topic: Downloads per month  (Read 5667 times)

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  • Photographer
« on: September 14, 2007, 15:54 »
What is a high number of downloads per month? What should I shoot for?

My best image is 6/month, and my second best only 2/month...

I've tried to look for the most popular images, but that feature was offline...

What has everyone else experienced for dl/m?

« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2007, 16:20 »
My bestseller is currently at over 50/month. And several over 20. Allways aim for more  :). the most popular are probably much much higher.

« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2007, 16:58 »
The highest I ever had was 124  dls/month but in the last best match re-shuffle it slowed right down  and is now at 72 but around the same time another one took off and is now at 92,6.   
I currently have 5 images at over 50dls/month and 10 at over 100dls/month. 
3 of them are very similar images of something that I thought of but there wasn't much of in the collection and them along with 2 more similar ones have a total of nearly 200 dls/month. I have noticed a few copies of them recently but I still have the advantage in the search because of the high downloads month ratio which seems to make a difference in the best match search.
A lot of it is the luck of finding a concept that hasn't been well covered or managing to do it better. I constantly look at magazines for inspiration and have had some great ideas this way.

« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2007, 19:47 »
One of my goals is to have at least 20 images with 10 DL/month. I dipped down to as low as 15 over the summer, but things are looking better now (currently at 22).

I've occasionally had stuff at 100+ DL/month, but successes like that are few and far between. My current top seller is at 88.8 - if I was into numerology I'd be ultrahappy with that number.

...I currently have 5 images at over 50dls/month and 10 at over 100dls/month.
That's fantastic, fotografer ... way to go!

« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2007, 20:19 »
Hmmm.... 88.8....... is that some sort of Fibonacci thingy...?

« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2007, 20:35 »
My numbers are very humble.  My best seller in IS (9 months online) has 6.0dls/mo.  A recent one (3 months) has 6.2dlds/mo.  Then I have 3 between 3-4 dlds/month.  And the rest...

But then you are talking about IS stats only, right?


« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2007, 23:32 »

...I currently have 5 images at over 50dls/month and 10 at over 100dls/month.
That's fantastic, fotografer ... way to go!

Thanks, congratulations yourself.  There's a lot of luck involved in this on IS and else where.  I have images that I think are much better that don't do nearly as well.  One image that I have on 22.9 month (and has been as high as 50ish) I nearly didn't bother putting up as I thought it would be rejected for bad lighting but decided to put it up and then repeat the shoot and then take it down but it did so well that I left it there and the re shoot which is so much better doesn't do nearly so well.
Another one that I have had as high as 40 month but went down to 9 after best match changes barely sells on other sites. It only did 3 downloads in first 3 months at DT.
It's extremely difficult to predict best sellers.

« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2007, 01:49 »
At one time, I had around 10 photos with over 10 downloads a month but now I only have 2.  I am going to have to think about quality and usefulness for stock.

« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2007, 13:44 »
Hmmm.... 88.8....... is that some sort of Fibonacci thingy...?
Not Fibonacci, but a unique number nevertheless. It's a Harshad number (a number divisible by the sum of its digits), and is the sum of eight consecutive primes. The number 8 means "sudden fortune or prosperity" in Cantonese - judging by how often I've seen it, "888" seems the way to go.

« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2007, 14:25 »
Nick Leeson used 88888 for the account number that ran up a $1.4 Billion loss.  He chose it as 8 is supposed to be a lucky number  :)

« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2007, 15:20 »
Barings Bank strictly forbade using number 8 in any documents since then.

(OK, I made that up :))


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