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Author Topic: Have some of Istock top Contributers been individually contacted?  (Read 10038 times)

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« on: September 11, 2010, 05:27 »
Could not help but notice some of the more successful Contributers who were very anti new Anoucement at first are no  longer vocal in the Forums  :o

Do you think they have neen singled out for personal discussion to get on board or simply have said their piece and thats it ? would be intersting to know what is going on behind the scenes

« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2010, 05:30 »
I bet so, beacuse if I were a top contributer, at would have contacted IS by mail or phone, when the first message hit the boards, and the I would have tried to negosiate a deal directly. So thats probably what happend - at least for some of the top names such as Yuri etc.

« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2010, 05:30 »
I believe sjlocke is still voicing his discontent and I guess he'd be one of the first for IS to contact if this was the case.


« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2010, 05:30 »
I doubt it, they are probably just stepping back to assess what to do next. It's pretty clear IStock are taking no notice of specific points raised in the forums so not much point posting. The threads are just being left open so people can let off steam.

« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2010, 05:46 »
How many of the top one hundred contributor participate in forums anyway,in this matther i do not think %10 have participate,like Lise Gagn,Hidesy,Yuri Acurs,jhorrocks,ducan1890,Andresr,webphotographer,jgroup,enjoynz,etc,correct me if i am wrong those top earners makes the majority of sales with IStock....


« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2010, 05:50 »
I'm sure SJLocke will always be true to himself, first and foremost  :)

« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2010, 05:52 »
Maybe many of the top contributors got to be there because they don't spend so much time on the forums!


« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2010, 05:55 »
Maybe many of the top contributors got to be there because they don't spend so much time on the forums!

 :D  Good point!

« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2010, 06:03 »
Well being only a Gold Canister Contributer over there I drew some comfort from the protests of the upper tier Contributers who as I say do not seem so vocal since the latest Statement from HQ True most likely they are busy crunching numbers or getting on with the rest of their lives like we should all be doing lol

Just wondered how much personal dialogue and assurances was going on behind the scenes  ;)


« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2010, 06:07 »
Well being only a Gold Canister Contributer over there I drew some comfort from the protests of the upper tier Contributers who as I say do not seem so vocal since the latest Statement from HQ True most likely they are busy crunching numbers or getting on with the rest of their lives like we should all be doing lol

Just wondered how much personal dialogue and assurances was going on behind the scenes  ;)

Well... it may be the first calm after the first explosion... everyone needs a rest sometimes  ;)

Everyone will have to figure this out for themselves.  Personally I think the trust is severely broken for many.  Of course, some will feel they have more to lose by foregoing the crown and will take the 'better the devil you know' route.  The truth is, no-one's going to know how this will pan out for a year or two.  Even KT said something along the lines of revisiting the whole issue if it doesn't work out as they expect - so there's no certainty anywhere.  Just do whatever you feel is right for you.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2010, 06:09 by rubyroo »

« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2010, 06:16 »
My guess is they are just going to wait and see what effect these changes have on their bottom line as that is what matters most. That's what I'm doing at least. Most of the very top contributors don't seem to be dropping from the 40% commission level so it's not as big of a deal for them. I'm sure IS management designed it that way. The exclusives that carry the most weight are the ones that have the most to gain.


« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2010, 06:21 »
Even KT said something along the lines of revisiting the whole issue if it doesn't work out as they expect

A threat or a promise ?

So you get the Agency Collection invite. 2 years later you are dealing with a different team and it's like - oh sorry it didn't work out as expected and it's 20% from now on. You're really important to us.

And in two years there are even fewer other places to go.

« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2010, 06:28 »
I doubt it, they are probably just stepping back to assess what to do next. It's pretty clear IStock are taking no notice of specific points raised in the forums so not much point posting. The threads are just being left open so people can let off steam.

There really isn't any point in beating a dead horse. For me, this is just a last straw in a long line of bad moves on IS's part, so it really wasn't a big surprise. Contributors will either stay on board and continue drinking their kool-aid, or they will make a move to replace their lost income.

IS isn't going to budge because there will be enough people in the forums showing outrage and tossing threats around, but who won't actually have the guts to put their money where their mouth is. That's what IS is banking on. The new mantra of corporate greed..."take whatever we want, keep the little guy down. They are barely squeaking by as it is, they won't have the guts to give up the pennies they are getting, it's all they got. Come on Joe Kelly, let's take the jet to Dubai this weekend."
« Last Edit: September 11, 2010, 07:48 by cclapper »

« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2010, 06:50 »
How many of the top one hundred contributor participate in forums anyway,in this matther i do not think %10 have participate,like Lise Gagn,Hidesy,Yuri Acurs,jhorrocks,ducan1890,Andresr,webphotographer,jgroup,enjoynz,etc,correct me if i am wrong those top earners makes the majority of sales with IStock....

Top 100 has around 12% - 15% of total IS downloads all-time. Is that majortiy? Besides many of them participated, far more than 10% (nico blue, webphotographer, 4x6, sean, duncan1890 and others).

« Reply #14 on: September 11, 2010, 07:45 »
What do you want me to say?  I said it all in the other threads, and nothing has changed.  I don't want to just keep on picking on the Sunshine Group, as that makes me feel very negative.  That small group seems to believe everything is necessary because of iStock is in danger of bankruptcy or something.  I don't get it.

I'm ok with the base idea of the RCs and the performance based royalties (as I'm active currently).  I don't like it can be jiggered any amount annually to achieve a certain average payout percentage.  You think we're not "competitors" now, just wait until you helping someone else move up a level kicks you back down two.

I don't like the Vetta royalty drops.  I don't like the Vetta price increase.  I don't like outside work being pimped on IS.  I don't like the EL bonus being dropped.  I don't like independents getting an unsustainable 15%.  I don't like boning Illustrators just because they actually make more credits.  All of that is straight greed from Getty. 

« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2010, 08:10 »
But you are still not considering going independent? (Just curious).

« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2010, 08:39 »
"All of that is straight greed from Getty"

Mr Locke is right on this one. This is not news. In some way many Istock contributors not directly involved with Getty had never seen the sharp teeth of this wolve before, and are now schocked to see this happening by their beloved idistributor. Whatever Mr. Kelly Thompson says, he is under the orders (directly or not) of Mr  Jonathan Klein who at the same time responds to investors at Hellman & Friedman.

Mr Thompson statement "But money isnt going to be what makes you all happy" cracks me up. He should tell that to H&F and would not endure one single second in front of his responsabilities at Istock. I wonder how he could let that go off in front of thousands of his suppliers......All his 3 pronouncement to date were... to say at least innacurate in many ways, and in some way reminded me to some old teacher attitude clapping my shoulder saying "I know better you will understand when you grow older".

Fact is: Istock is now a huge business that at this grow rate will take over Getty in a few years. 40% is an enormous rate by macro RF standarts. 20% max for contributors sometimes less for some of their Partner collection. That difference is what will be equalized more sooner than later.....and no I don't think the macro RF cut is going up.

Can they do it even with a lot of creators resistance. Yes I think so, they did it before. When royalties at Getty where cutted many years before, also a lot of photographer quitted or searched alternatives but in the end they were filled up by other ones. There is just too much content and creators nowadays, we are not a scarce resource by any means, at least not yet, if the screws get being tighten this may happen but not in the foreseable future and seriously,.... they know that they need fresh material all the time. It's just that they will go as far as very optimized contributors are able to produce be it 15%,10%, or 8% , simple market economics.

On the other hand they have been and I think will be succesful for many contributors. They know how to actively sell our work and will push harder and harder. So Mr Thompson might have a serious point that absolut revenues for many photographers might grow. I don't know, could be small talk or not. My data shows that my Getty revenues have declined the last months but this again is another different animal and another topic of discussion. They can afford the luxury to filter out some contributors but the line is thin where you gain inmediat profit against making your competitors stronger if too many excellent contributors leave alltogether or drop exclusivity. I think they know their line very well. But the detailed picture will come clearer next year.



  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #17 on: September 11, 2010, 09:10 »

Mr Thompson statement "But money isnt going to be what makes you all happy" cracks me up. He should tell that to H&F and would not endure one single second in front of his responsabilities at Istock. I wonder how he could let that go off in front of thousands of his suppliers......All his 3 pronouncement to date were... to say at least innacurate in many ways, and in some way reminded me to some old teacher attitude clapping my shoulder saying "I know better you will understand when you grow older".

The difference being that your teacher was probably right.


« Reply #18 on: September 11, 2010, 09:16 »
The top 100 contributors at IS, are basically the IS inventory, part of the establishment,  they will never, ever leave or turn independant and why should they? contrary they are now in the brillant position of negotiating some good deals, etc.

The contributors that IS should look out for are the hundereds of ordinary Diamonds even Golds,  they are the establishment of tomorrow and equally just as important if not more so.

Many of the top say 50 at IS, are the same old thing,  isolations on white, business-people and blah, blah, blah. Nothing special nowdays, typical Micro stock and so on and if they were to apply today? well?  interesting indeed.

Few exeptions though and Lisafx is one of them and independant gal shooting real people and all.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2010, 09:18 by lagereek »


« Reply #19 on: September 11, 2010, 09:47 »
Remember that there is also a separate forum for exclusives, where I'd imagine there is quite a bit of discussion going on, hidden from public view where it may be more damaging (though I can't imagine what could be more damaging than some of the things already being said in public.)

« Reply #20 on: September 11, 2010, 09:53 »
Remember that there is also a separate forum for exclusives, where I'd imagine there is quite a bit of discussion going on, hidden from public view where it may be more damaging (though I can't imagine what could be more damaging than some of the things already being said in public.)

Theres no discussion at this forum on the changes, out of a few  questions about the Agency Collection, all is been discussed in the open to everybody forums.

Aswering the question: I haven't been contacted. At least, by Istock.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2010, 09:55 by loop »

« Reply #21 on: September 11, 2010, 09:59 »
Remember that there is also a separate forum for exclusives, where I'd imagine there is quite a bit of discussion going on, hidden from public view where it may be more damaging (though I can't imagine what could be more damaging than some of the things already being said in public.)

You'd have thought so, but it's all happening in public.E

ETA Oops loop beat me to it.
If I recall correctly the ever entertaining Ms Stacey / Yecats etc.  claims to have had a personal call from Roger Mexico.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2010, 10:02 by thesentinel »

« Reply #22 on: September 11, 2010, 10:05 »
You'd have thought so, but it's all happening in public.E

ETA Oops loop beat me to it.
If I recall correctly the ever entertaining Ms Stacey / Yecats etc.  claims to have had a personal call from Roger Mexico.

I'm not surprised about that. Stacey Newman (I assume that's who you mean) is one of the biggest cheerleaders on the forums. I imagine she is friends with a lot of the admins.

« Reply #23 on: September 11, 2010, 10:14 »
You'd have thought so, but it's all happening in public.E

ETA Oops loop beat me to it.
If I recall correctly the ever entertaining Ms Stacey / Yecats etc.  claims to have had a personal call from Roger Mexico.

I'm not surprised about that. Stacey Newman (I assume that's who you mean) is one of the biggest cheerleaders on the forums. I imagine she is friends with a lot of the admins.

The irony is she went on a mega strop a year or two ago when her downloads went down.
I can't imagine what she'd be saying if, like Jo Ann, she'd been an independent enticed into exclusivity under false pretences.


« Reply #24 on: September 11, 2010, 10:36 »

The irony is she went on a mega strop a year or two ago when her downloads went down.
I can't imagine what she'd be saying if, like Jo Ann, she'd been an independent enticed into exclusivity under false pretences.

Yes, it is ironic. For those of us who witnessed those tantrums, this is a little surreal. But, I guess everyone has their own reasons and limits.


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