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Author Topic: Image Thieves targetting IS again?!!  (Read 31595 times)

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  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #75 on: February 02, 2011, 18:35 »
My fraud sales were really weird. Two of dandelion clocks, which I'm sure you can find free all over the web and one of an obscure African bird species. Not at all 'typical'. I can hardly imagine they're going to gain much from trying to sell on the dandelion clocks!

« Reply #76 on: February 02, 2011, 18:36 »
I cashed out yesterday. Now I am at -0,60.


I cashed out a week ago. Now I owe IS about $2.77. Woo-yay! Yeppers.

« Reply #77 on: February 02, 2011, 18:41 »
Today iStock email me that they removed 15  fraud sales from my account.
All fraud sales are from December a month ago? Strange, it takes to long to find fraud sales. Not good at all!

long? I had one for FT the other day and like 10 months later :P

« Reply #78 on: February 02, 2011, 18:41 »
I can't keep up with the thread.  at iStock..

whatever happened to "money isn't going to make you happy" ?

I didn't think I had any fraudulent sales, but they found at least one of mine.  I only lost $3 - so far.  I can't believe the amounts being reported by some people.  sad.. very sad.  

« Reply #79 on: February 02, 2011, 18:42 »
Today iStock email me that they removed 15  fraud sales from my account.
All fraud sales are from December a month ago? Strange, it takes to long to find fraud sales. Not good at all!

long? I had one for FT the other day and like 10 months later :P

FT takes the money back too?  jsut curious how other sites have reacted to this sort of thing.

« Reply #80 on: February 02, 2011, 18:44 »
Today iStock email me that they removed 15  fraud sales from my account.
All fraud sales are from December a month ago? Strange, it takes to long to find fraud sales. Not good at all!

long? I had one for FT the other day and like 10 months later :P

FT takes the money back too?  jsut curious how other sites have reacted to this sort of thing.

yep two times here both sub sales.. got one at DT also

« Reply #81 on: February 02, 2011, 19:27 »
I just saw 'the email'.
They took $14.30 from my account.

I hope I didn't have any of these sales in Jan.

Feel really bad for Sean. He got hosed.

« Reply #82 on: February 03, 2011, 03:09 »
There is a separate thread concerning the email sent out.  I thought I'd leave it as two threads as the conversation topic (started at least) as two slightly different things.  Here is the other thread

« Reply #83 on: February 03, 2011, 06:23 »
-4$  :'(


« Reply #84 on: February 03, 2011, 06:27 »
Do they DL,  ELs as well?


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #85 on: February 03, 2011, 07:01 »
Do they DL,  ELs as well?
From the big thread, apparently so, though who knows why. Apparently a few of those which were reported to users, and by them on the thread as unsold were ELs (because of that odd way iStock reports ELs).

« Reply #86 on: February 03, 2011, 08:14 »
To clarify, me "EL"s were all Vetta/Agency files with the legal guarantee "bug" from 12/21-23.


« Reply #87 on: February 03, 2011, 09:29 »
Pugh!!!  its going from the ridiculous to the sublime.


« Reply #88 on: February 04, 2011, 17:35 »
  Just got a chargeback from IS. Only one, so I guess that's good. Funny thing, it's for an "identity theft" shot. ;D

« Reply #89 on: February 04, 2011, 17:45 »
  Just got a chargeback from IS. Only one, so I guess that's good. Funny thing, it's for an "identity theft" shot. ;D

Who said thieves don't have a sense of humor?  :D

« Reply #90 on: February 05, 2011, 13:55 »
I've had DT refund monies for a small sale when the client meant, and re-paid for, a large. FT has taken back monies for a refund. It's a sale here or there. Not a weeks worth of sales in one hit.

I think the real point here is that agencies like BS were able to stop the fraud in hours while it took IS over a week. BS had minimal losses because of their timeliness, where as IS lost thousands because of their incompetence. We're now on our 3rd suspected case of fraudulent downloads at IS since Dec.


« Reply #91 on: February 05, 2011, 18:39 »

I think the real point here is that agencies like BS were able to stop the fraud in hours while it took IS over a week. BS had minimal losses because of their timeliness, where as IS lost thousands because of their incompetence.

It certainly is a stark contrast, isn't it? 

« Reply #92 on: February 05, 2011, 21:37 »

I think the real point here is that agencies like BS were able to stop the fraud in hours while it took IS over a week. BS had minimal losses because of their timeliness, where as IS lost thousands because of their incompetence.

It certainly is a stark contrast, isn't it? 

BS was on it quite quickly although I lost a lot more on BS than on IS.

We cannot be sure though if the attack on BS was of the same magnitude like IS.

I have the feeling that there was more "oomph" behind the IS attack, also in regards to stealing exclusive content. Therefore IS is a much more attractive target than BS.


« Reply #93 on: February 11, 2011, 09:00 »
Anyone else thinking that this could be another one of istock's "tests" to see how we react before making a more permanent policy change? They test price increases before launching them officially. Maybe they're testing out a policy on fraudulent charges.

DT already does this, charging all fraudulent purchases back to the contributor. istock might be looking at this as another way to get a few more bucks out of us on a regular basis.

« Reply #94 on: February 11, 2011, 09:35 »
Anyone else thinking that this could be another one of istock's "tests" to see how we react before making a more permanent policy change? They test price increases before launching them officially. Maybe they're testing out a policy on fraudulent charges.

DT already does this, charging all fraudulent purchases back to the contributor. istock might be looking at this as another way to get a few more bucks out of us on a regular basis.

interesting theory but I seriously doubt that.  Too large of amounts to be a "test" 

« Reply #95 on: February 11, 2011, 09:56 »
interesting theory but I seriously doubt that.  Too large of amounts to be a "test" 

It has also been humiliating, severely damaged their credibility and further eroded the confidence of contributors. They do like to dream up ever more devious means of charging customers more and paying contributors less but this one wasn't a planned evolution.

« Reply #96 on: February 11, 2011, 10:06 »

It has also been humiliating, severely damaged their credibility and further eroded the confidence of contributors. They do like to dream up ever more devious means of charging customers more and paying contributors less but this one wasn't a planned evolution.

They are probably thinking "*, I wish we'd come up with it", though. :D


« Reply #97 on: February 11, 2011, 19:55 »
interesting theory but I seriously doubt that.  Too large of amounts to be a "test" 

Maybe "test" wasn't the right word. Still, I'm wondering if maybe there is some discussion at istock HQ about whether or not they should make this a more regular policy. It may not have been a planed test, especially considering the size and scale of this incident, but it still could give way to a more permanent policy change. I could imagine some folks at HQ thinking, "We can get away with taking back funds for large-scale fraud, so why don't we take back funds for the smaller fraud charges, too?"

« Reply #98 on: February 11, 2011, 20:23 »
Possibly, but at some point they'll make themselves so painful to do business with that they will start to lose contributors. Especially if they can't keep sales up.

I think I said once before, the worse they treat us and the less we make, the easier it becomes to decide to leave (exclusivity or the site).

« Reply #99 on: February 11, 2011, 21:30 »
This whole fraud thing was bad enough but to me what makes it worse is after trying to voice your opinion on the forum, they sic their bulldog after you and ban you from the forums and sitemail. It's been over a week and every email I send to contributor relations goes unanswered. It's almost as if they want contributors to leave. I know for me my decision has been made already.


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