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Author Topic: IS new look,do you like it?  (Read 17027 times)

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« Reply #25 on: February 06, 2009, 12:04 »
In addition to stats not updating, I can't get the stats page to load AT ALL today. 

« Reply #26 on: February 06, 2009, 12:05 »
In addition to stats not updating, I can't get the stats page to load AT ALL today. 

That's odd, everything seems to be working for me.

« Reply #27 on: February 06, 2009, 12:20 »
The site is a little slow but i think everything is almost back to normal now. Stats have updated and pages are loading quicker. Sales have been quite good too :)


« Reply #28 on: February 06, 2009, 12:21 »
The site is a little slow but i think everything is almost back to normal now. Stats have updated and pages are loading quicker. Sales have been quite good too :)

Anton, you're right, my stats are finally back and updated too.  And sales were higher than expected!  :D

« Reply #29 on: February 06, 2009, 13:51 »
Anton, you're right, my stats are finally back and updated too.  And sales were higher than expected!  :D

Same here. Buyers must have woken up after the year-end recess and Chinese New Year. It's the same on SS with On Demand sales daily and one extended 4 days ago. Only DT drags its feet this month.

On topic: I don't like the black border around the pop-ups. For people shots, it looks like an obituary.

« Reply #30 on: February 06, 2009, 16:02 »
And nobody said anything about the fonts?
Is it only me who thinks they're blurry, unreadable and just plain weird?
All my PCs are on XP though... might that be the problem?
One of the most important factors in successful web design is readability.
Right now I can barely make up their text.
I wonder what their style sheet looks like...
Previewing images on dark grey enhances the visual experience in some cases. But not all.
And there's another rule in play here - to accurately assess an image you need a neutral grey background.
Using a black frame it's a bit like cheating.
But no matter, designers know that, and if they're happy, so should we.
I just hope they'll fix those darn fonts soon ...
« Last Edit: February 06, 2009, 16:23 by anaire »

« Reply #31 on: February 06, 2009, 16:23 »
I came back to ask you about DT!
Have you looked at your ports on DT today? 
Have they changed the preview as well? (to a slighter lighter gray than IS)?
Or was it the same before and I simply never paid any attention?
I can't remember... I can't remember...

yes, you're right. DT is slower lately (sales wise) for me too. But then I'm only a newbie.
Still, I'm sad. I like them a lot.

« Reply #32 on: February 06, 2009, 16:26 »
And nobody said anything about the fonts?

I did, reply #3. I like the font.

My stats are updated until tomorrow now.  Unfortunately no sales today, so I can't tell if the stats are more accurate than before.


« Reply #33 on: February 06, 2009, 16:48 »
I came back to ask you about DT!
Have you looked at your ports on DT today? 
Have they changed the preview as well? (to a slighter lighter gray than IS)?

Yes DT has the obituary frame too suddenly. It must be a conspiracy between DT and iS!
There are light designs (like DT and iS) and dark designs (like MostPhotos). It hurts the eyes when you enter deviant color or luminance schemes.


« Reply #34 on: February 07, 2009, 06:44 »

Just saw it actually!  yeah I think its nice, the black paspartous, borders around the shots gives it more of a Pro-feeling.

« Reply #35 on: February 07, 2009, 09:58 »
I like it, but to be honest, it's not very important to me. For me as a photographer and audiographer, functionality of upload system is more important.


  • I'm Lobo
« Reply #36 on: February 17, 2009, 11:09 »
Is there a new look? It's taking an eternity for pages to load, if at all.

Out of interest, why do you continue to visit the site that you keep saying charges too much and also 'makes you puke'?
That's a great question. Stacey, don't bother coming to Caspixels defense here. I'd like to see why she chooses to as well.


« Reply #37 on: February 17, 2009, 12:18 »
hey pieman, I'll do whatever I like. thanks.


  • I'm Lobo
« Reply #38 on: February 17, 2009, 12:31 »
hey pieman, I'll do whatever I like. thanks.
Sure, you go ahead. You do enough damage to your credibility on your own. I'll leave you to it.

« Reply #39 on: February 17, 2009, 13:25 »
Gettying back to the original topic. I'm not a fan of the new look, especially the new monthly stat look.


« Reply #40 on: February 18, 2009, 11:45 »
hey pieman, I'll do whatever I like. thanks.
Sure, you go ahead. You do enough damage to your credibility on your own. I'll leave you to it.

you know what Lobo, a few people have kindly emailed me to let me know that pieman is you and I responded that there was no way because Lobo isn't rude or hostile, but doing his job and in general a classy guy. I'm very sorry and disappointed that this is actually you. obviously I was wrong about you, and you are definitely wrong about me. it seems that istock forum bullying follows us out to the real world too.

* if this isn't Lobo, I'm glad because I'm not usually that wrong about people.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2009, 02:17 by yecatsdoherty »

« Reply #41 on: February 19, 2009, 02:22 »
Is there a new look? It's taking an eternity for pages to load, if at all.

Out of interest, why do you continue to visit the site that you keep saying charges too much and also 'makes you puke'?

That's a great question. Stacey, don't bother coming to Caspixels defense here. I'd like to see why she chooses to as well.

Because iStock ROCKS.


« Reply #42 on: February 19, 2009, 02:51 »
hey pieman, I'll do whatever I like. thanks.
Sure, you go ahead. You do enough damage to your credibility on your own. I'll leave you to it.

you know what Lobo, a few people have kindly emailed me to let me know that pieman is you and I responded that there was no way because Lobo isn't rude or hostile, but doing his job and in general a classy guy. I'm very sorry and disappointed that this is actually you. obviously I was wrong about you, and you are definitely wrong about me. it seems that istock forum bullying follows us out to the real world too.

* if this isn't Lobo, I'm glad because I'm not usually that wrong about people.

As a buyer I came to this site because people (usually) treated each other with respect and contributors were honestly interested in getting feedback from buyers. We buyers and contributors do not always agree, for sure, but here we treat each other with respect and only rarely rudeness. This is a site mainly for contributors, yes, but I do believe that it is valuable for buyers as well so that we may understand your point of view and get a greater appreciation for the hard work many people put into creating quality images for us to purchase.  I like the idea that we need each other and value each other's contributions to this world that we call microstock.

I stopped participating at istock because the forums there treat buyers like total rubbish and they shout down, insult and otherwise belittle their opinions. I am now dismayed to see that these same istock fanatics seem to have migrated to this site (at the behest of whom I wonder?) and are now actively trying to shut down opinions about istock that might not fit what they want to hear.

This is not the istock forums - please treat people with respect and allow them the opportunity to express their opinions and do not attack people personally. If you succeed in hijacking this site you will lose what I believe is an opportunity for buyers and contributors to learn from each other.


« Reply #43 on: February 19, 2009, 03:15 »
see below
« Last Edit: February 19, 2009, 03:39 by yecatsdoherty »

« Reply #44 on: February 19, 2009, 03:32 »
hey hoi ha - I just wanted to clarify that you are pointing your comments to pieman...his comment to me was very biting, and I waited for a long time tonight before replying to him and I hope my reply was as courteous as possible.

I'd also like to share how upset this has made me. I'm not a shrinking violet, and in fairness to istock, I have been quite vocal recently. not so much about changes happening, change is very necessary, but because of how we are treated as contributors and buyers when these changes occur.

I have always been a very positive, joking--and I hope--helpful participant in the forums. I have been sarcastic at times too, but usually jokingly and in a good hearted nature. my enthusiasm for istock has always been on my sleeve, and I have worked pretty hard to establish myself on the site. it seemed everyone was a good friend, including many of the admins.

from almost the first post I made in disagreement with IS policies, announcements and decisions over the last few months -- I began receiving pressure from all sides. certain established istockers, who are clearly in bed with the admins, starting being very rude and overtly called me out in forums without consequence. I have been removed from admin creative networks and I have now realized that this has followed me out to this forum too.

I am definitely willing to take my lumps, and anyone who knows me knows that if I ever learn of insulting someone, I am the first person to go right away and apologize. I have received so many calls, emails, sitemails from other IS users in the last few months telling me of their own experiences and how afraid they are to participate in the forums. they have asked me to keep on asking questions and not to let the pressure get to me and they have consistently told me that though I am asking tough questions, I always do it well and professionally. these are people I don't even know, who are taking the time to send me supportive messages and I appreciate it immensely.

but you know what, it has been REALLY upsetting. I was actually in tears tonight when I saw that post. please excuse my language, but this kind of crap is so playground, it is unbelievable.

I just hope other contributors learn from this. it isn't worth it to expose yourself in the forums on IS, especially if you plan on disagreeing with their policies or their attitudes. just do your work, upload and keep doing your best. that is what I am doing now, with eyes wide open.

I agree with what you said hoi ha. this has been my experience. and as hard as it is, I see no point in reacting any further to them. I think sometimes that is what they want anyways.

Yecats - yes, I was upset to read the attacks against you and others and that is what I was referring to in my post. I found the personal attacks uncalled for and not in keeping with the spirit of this site. 

All I know is I enjoy this forum, I enjoy the diversity of opinion and I enjoy the fact that we can express ourselves without fear of being attacked. We will not all agree - and who wants that anyway? - but that is why this is a great site. If someone disagrees with a post, then by all means say so ...just don't let it devolve into personal attacks.


« Reply #45 on: February 19, 2009, 03:43 »
yes, I agree with you.

this is an awesome site, where someone is always willing to help and offer advice. I thought it was a safe haven to discuss IS problems. the post I read tonight that was directed at me was so insulting, and it eventually had me in tears. I am not easily overwhelmed but I think it was the icing on the cake.

I have chosen not to participate in any IS forums from now on. I just want to upload, sell my work and be left alone. I have been very pressured for two months to silence my opinions about what I feel are very poorly handled changes. but conversely, I have received so many emails, calls and sitemails from other contributors who have agreed with my opinions of late. I am very thankful for their support, because otherwise I would be feeling pretty low.

I have obviously ticked off a few big wigs, and I am worried they will overtly close my account. stating an opinion is not worth that to me. I have worked too hard and feel it would be immensely unfair of them to do that. I am nervous to post anything here too, so I`ll be reading, but that`s about it. thanks again to all for the messages tonight. seriously, much appreciated.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2009, 03:54 by yecatsdoherty »

« Reply #46 on: February 19, 2009, 10:27 »
iStock seriously needs to chill out. They are becoming the * of microstock, looking to silence any and all opposition. So a few people are disgruntled about their policies. So what? It was bound to happen the bigger and more corporate they become. But it looks really, really bad when their admins come onto other forums and personally attack their contributors and buyers.

Seriously, WTH is going on over there with their culture and their business? It's like they've become wild animals, attacking out of desperation.

« Reply #47 on: February 19, 2009, 10:40 »
iStock seriously needs to chill out. They are becoming the * of microstock, looking to silence any and all opposition. So a few people are disgruntled about their policies. So what? It was bound to happen the bigger and more corporate they become. But it looks really, really bad when their admins come onto other forums and personally attack their contributors and buyers.

Seriously, WTH is going on over there with their culture and their business? It's like they've become wild animals, attacking out of desperation.

Sorry but this is absurd. Calling IS *? You must read a completely different set of forums to me because I see plenty of dissent and disagreement that is almost invariably allowed to run its course. You've obviously never tried the FT forum.

I doubt very much that you have any evidence that "... their admins come onto other forums and personally attack their contributors and buyers."

This thread has descended into ridiculous hysterical nonsense.

« Reply #48 on: February 19, 2009, 11:11 »
iStock seriously needs to chill out. They are becoming the * of microstock, looking to silence any and all opposition. So a few people are disgruntled about their policies. So what? It was bound to happen the bigger and more corporate they become. But it looks really, really bad when their admins come onto other forums and personally attack their contributors and buyers.

Seriously, WTH is going on over there with their culture and their business? It's like they've become wild animals, attacking out of desperation.

There's people that can't tell the difference between "disagree" or "attack". I've never seen personal attacks on IS forums. Unless not saying "Yes, you're right" and adding "I have a different opinion"is an attack. Maybe semantics  have changed. In any case, I haven't not seen any attack (as defined in the dictionary), so I would need a quoted example of these kind of "attacks" to consider it. Btw, I don't think these examples exist.

Then, complaining about a closed thread once you and the other person defending your same point of view have posted about 40-45 times (20 one, 20 the other, more or less) in five days , doesn't seem at all as if these people have been deprived the opportunity of telling their minds.

Nothing to say to the fact that people complain about rises on prices. It's right and is a valid opinion. But when your realize that in the last three years 90% of the posts complaining about that come from the two same posters, and that their posts into this theme roughly approaches the number of 300, is that something that I can't' define seems to be going on.


« Reply #49 on: February 19, 2009, 11:33 »
loop - I'm not sure if I am one of your two posters or not. but if so, if I have made 300 posts, I guarantee that if you actually read most of them, they are all fluffy and inconsequential. with the exception of the last few months.

what has fueled my feelings of 'hysteria' has been the response I received so quickly from admins. it isn't true that discussions are allowed to run their course. certainly best match threads are allowed, so I give credit to them for that. but I also think that is because other users come in there and effectively shut down nay sayers before admins even have to. it is kind of a self-limiting thread. the current thread was shut down when an established, well-liked contributor threw her two cents in very angrily.

if it appears that I have purposely stirred the pot out of some hatred I have for iStock, then that is a very false impression and one I would like to correct. I am very proud of being in the iStock image collection. I have been quite stressed about falling sales, and thought the forums were a place to express that concern.

behind the avatars, usernames and forum this point all I care about is doing my work and maybe helping someone else along the way once in a while, as many generous istockers have helped me as I learned the ropes. I'm not trying to be a smartass or to save face. I'm upset how the forum fiasco has devolved and I am taking very seriously some of the comments that have been made to me.

I'm a pretty conscientious person, and anyone who knows me in real life will attest to that. I work hard and just want my work to be valued, and I guess I was so upset about the comment that pieman directed at me yesterday because it was just flat out mean and without purpose. and it embarrassed me.

I don't think istcok are *, I think they have every right to protect their business interests. as do contributors and buyers.



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