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Author Topic: Istock Approval process  (Read 5642 times)

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« on: March 15, 2006, 11:53 »
OK, I've been submitting to IStockPhoto for about 6 weeks along with many other sites. I can definetely tell they are getting extremely picky and don't take much time on approving images from non-exclusive photags. I keep getting images rejected because of noise. I shot the images with a Canon 10D at ISO 100. They are as clean as can be. Then I get images rejected for being overprocessed and I only adjusted the levels and contast; I hardly touched them. It goes on and on. Is it their nice way of saying we didn't like the subject matter? I have no problem with comments like this image isn't suitable for stock photography or we already have enough similar images. Another issue is copyright issues. I've gotten a few back claiming copyright issues and there isn't a logo or anything of the sort anywhere?? Here is an example from today claiming copyright issues. They sent back a thumbnail with the rejection.

Do you see any copyright issues. Maybe I'm blind??

OK, I'm finished ranting, sorry.


« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2006, 19:16 »
They probably don't like your subject matter. The image looks fine at this size. I cant see any noise and it doesn't look overprocessed at all. Does the hi-res look the same?

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« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2006, 00:59 »
On the example given here they stated there was a copyright issue.  And they attached a small thumbnail of a small section of the original image to show where the problem is.  They have done this for several rejected images.  They will crop a small section of the original image to show the problem.  So here is the thumbnail I got back.  If you want to see the original images here it is at featurepics.

Do you see any copyright issues.  The other 6 microsites I submitted it to didn't find any copyright issues either.


« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2006, 02:55 »
maybe the pattern on the swimsuit :S ... i dunno

I agree it seems convincing when all the other sites didn't find a problem however different sites have different standards as well.

I submitted some christmas ornaments of little troll figures once.  All the sites accepted them, while canstock was worried about copyright on the figures and didn't accept them.

I submitted some ginger bread houses, that were decorated in TONS of m&m :(  that was a silly thing to do, as i had to go and erase all the little m's on the candies.  Anyhow i did that, submitted them, and they were accepted to all the places...... except istock.. which found some m's that i missed :)

not to stand up for istock however, i am quite often frustrated with the reviews... sometimes just try to forget about it, and other times try and fix it, and some times just get frustrated.

« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2006, 11:46 »
I'm not overly bitter about it by any means. I just felt a little frustrated and wanted to point out that sometimes their approval process is silly. But the important thing is they are making me money and selling my images. I am still going to use them. Just a little random ranting. ::)



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