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Author Topic: iStock in the New Year  (Read 70616 times)

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« Reply #175 on: December 12, 2009, 14:47 »
Hi Nasoya,

 Yea till they need my car for a date. Uh, I don't think so but I'd be happy to drive you and your date ( silence ). We talked about this when you were 14 how you needed to start saving for your own car: ) The oldest is 14 right now and is talking a big game about saving but as Cuba Gooding would say " Show me the money ". ;D


« Reply #176 on: December 12, 2009, 14:53 »
Currently (accounting for the exclusive bonus) I make 20% more by being independent.  With the changes at IS, if I were to go exclusive I would almost certainly make up that 20% and quite possibly make even more. 

Are you saying that 80% of your microstock income comes from IS???

« Reply #177 on: December 12, 2009, 15:18 »
As you can see by the chart I've included, IS accounts for less than 1/4 of my all-time earnings. The only reason that they are so high is the amounts that I used to make there back in the beginning. Now, IS is about 1/5 (20%) of my monthly earnings, perhaps even less. Even if I could upload a reasonable number of images each week and didn't hate their upload system, I can't afford to go exclusive!

« Reply #178 on: December 12, 2009, 17:13 »
Currently (accounting for the exclusive bonus) I make 20% more by being independent.  With the changes at IS, if I were to go exclusive I would almost certainly make up that 20% and quite possibly make even more. 

Are you saying that 80% of your microstock income comes from IS???

I would imagine Lisa means that if she were exclusive her commissions would double (as a diamond level), so she must be making roughly 40% of her total earnings from IS.

My level is about the same - it fluctuates between 39%-42%.  So it will be a matter of watching and waiting in the New year to see how IS sales alter, before making the exclusivity decision.  I do this full-time, so it's a decision that I would not make lightly, and even then with lots of trepidation! 


« Reply #179 on: December 12, 2009, 20:24 »
Currently (accounting for the exclusive bonus) I make 20% more by being independent.  With the changes at IS, if I were to go exclusive I would almost certainly make up that 20% and quite possibly make even more. 

Are you saying that 80% of your microstock income comes from IS???

I would imagine Lisa means that if she were exclusive her commissions would double (as a diamond level), so she must be making roughly 40% of her total earnings from IS.

Exactly!  Thanks for clarifying, Robyn :)

@Geopappas - if Istock was already 80% of my earnings I would be able to double that to 160% as a diamond exclusive.  That would have been way too much to resist all these years!

« Reply #180 on: December 12, 2009, 20:52 »
I think IS stands to gain huge profits from these changes, and maybe lose a few customers to cheaper sites.

Unlike the best match sorts (at least for exclusives) where you get the feeling that they are just moving sales around, sometimes you get them, sometimes someone else gets them. Now they are moving the goalposts. Since too many people getting up to the top tiers is an "unsustainable" situation for them (something I find hard to believe), it looks like they will just move the goalposts again when the group that is almost there now, is almost there again.

an admin (I think) posted something suggesting that they would tweak the best match to insure that the more expensive exclusive content sold more than the cheaper independent content. That is scary.

Maybe they feel they have enough premium submitters and are starting to close the doors for everyone else. Between the suggested best match massacre and the new levels, surely it would now take years for all but the best new shooters to move up the ranks to the point where exclusivity makes financial sense.

Maybe they are making a grab for the non-exclusive diamonds, but they are kicking everyone else in the teeth.

« Reply #181 on: December 12, 2009, 22:20 »
I am a base cont at IS, do you think all this could help me with downloads? Do you think customers will really care if it is a exclusive image, if they have to pay more? my thinking is that designers would rather have more for less. Unless it is a high profile add campaign.
 I have a small port but it seems downloads are just starting to happen and I started thinking there was a ray of hope for that 250. Now holy crap! that tunnel just got very very dark. :'(

« Reply #182 on: December 13, 2009, 20:43 »
I agree with the things being said. Istock exclusivity is extremely attractive now that they are increasing prices etc ........ If they decided to let non-exclusives upload exclusive images I might try it and who knows I  would considering stopping uploading elsewhere anymore to upload solely to istock.

I think other agencies need to start seriously putting prices up unless they want people to go exclusive to istock, fotolia infinite, or simply other avenues, increasing the cash received every month in the industry is becoming harder and harder.

... but one part of the statement I did find interesting was this:

"We're also hoping to encourage the strongest talents in stock today to consider bringing their best work to iStock exclusively."

Good catch Richard.  I missed that.  Definitely sounds like the door to image exclusivity may be opening a crack.

yeah, interesting take on that sentence.  I would find it hard to believe that iStock would let non-exclusives upload exclusive images but i would be very interested in seeing it happen.  iStock seems very protective of their exclusives and is their trump card in a way.  If they let people upload as partial exclusives it could feel like they are loosening their grip a little.  If they did so however, it might encourage photographers to test the water before jumping all in.  
« Last Edit: December 13, 2009, 20:45 by andresr »

« Reply #183 on: December 13, 2009, 20:56 »
I don't see any image exclusivity implied here. istock always wants 'your best work'.  If a diamond independent goes exclusive then they would probably upload their most successful images (that weren't already on istock) first, and maybe not bother with their less successful stuff.


« Reply #184 on: December 14, 2009, 00:31 »
I agree with the things being said. Istock exclusivity is extremely attractive now that they are increasing prices etc ...

Thanks for your perspective, Andres. Through all of this I have been wondering what you top guys have been thinking and if exclusivity suddenly looked any different to you. I must say, I'm a bit surprised, although I can also understand how this might look appealing to some.

After letting this istock news soak in over the weekend I think I've come to the conclusion that my "sky is falling" attitude was a little unnecessary and without any good theoretical basis, since other sites do have tiered pricing as several folks have pointed out and those sites are still doing well. Not sure exactly how the buyers will respond to this new structure, but I think I'm a little more open to the idea now than I was last week. I'll be taking a "wait and see" approach with this going forward. It will be an interesting 2010 to watch and see how things play out at istock.

« Reply #185 on: December 14, 2009, 06:25 »
an admin (I think) posted something suggesting that they would tweak the best match to insure that the more expensive exclusive content sold more than the cheaper independent content. That is scary.

Maybe they feel they have enough premium submitters and are starting to close the doors for everyone else. Between the suggested best match massacre and the new levels, surely it would now take years for all but the best new shooters to move up the ranks to the point where exclusivity makes financial sense.

Let me help you out here: There were two posts by JJRD stating something about "giving exclusives more exposure" and making their files "easier to find" - you can find them here: - right at the top

and here: - sixth post from the top

In the first one JJRD says - answering a question if exclusives would have a better postition in the best match come February: "We do not like, as you know, to answer such questions... with that said, if we introduce such a thing as ''Exclusive +'', controlled by exclusive contributors, chances are that the answer to your question could be yes.", in the second it's less obvious, but he still states that: "So given that statement, the conclusion is obvious, needless to say: yes, it will be easier, somehow, to find files that have been flagged by exclusive contributors as deserving to be included in Exclusive +''.

50 pages later:

someone calculates, that with the new prices, Istock makes more money on an exclusive sale than on an independent sale - no matter the size of the photo. To me it is obvious where this is going, and you are right: It is scary  :o

« Reply #186 on: December 14, 2009, 07:12 »
In the first one JJRD says - answering a question if exclusives would have a better postition in the best match come February: "We do not like, as you know, to answer such questions... with that said, if we introduce such a thing as ''Exclusive +'', controlled by exclusive contributors, chances are that the answer to your question could be yes.", in the second it's less obvious, but he still states that: "So given that statement, the conclusion is obvious, needless to say: yes, it will be easier, somehow, to find files that have been flagged by exclusive contributors as deserving to be included in Exclusive +''.

Just to make sure everybody understands these quotes correctly: It's about "Exclusive Plus", a collection which is planned to be added some time next year. This collection will be at a higher price point than regular images, somewhere between regular exclusive images and Vetta. In those posts, JJRD mentions that - similar to Vetta files today - those Exclusive Plus images might get a benefit in search positioning over regular images.

Whatever it is about best match positioning for regular exclusive vs. regular non-exclusive images is based on speculation. But those quotes have nothing to do with "regular" files.

« Reply #187 on: December 14, 2009, 07:21 »
In the first one JJRD says - answering a question if exclusives would have a better postition in the best match come February: "We do not like, as you know, to answer such questions... with that said, if we introduce such a thing as ''Exclusive +'', controlled by exclusive contributors, chances are that the answer to your question could be yes.", in the second it's less obvious, but he still states that: "So given that statement, the conclusion is obvious, needless to say: yes, it will be easier, somehow, to find files that have been flagged by exclusive contributors as deserving to be included in Exclusive +''.

Just to make sure everybody understands these quotes correctly: It's about "Exclusive Plus", a collection which is planned to be added some time next year. This collection will be at a higher price point than regular images, somewhere between regular exclusive images and Vetta. In those posts, JJRD mentions that - similar to Vetta files today - those Exclusive Plus images might get a benefit in search positioning over regular images.

Whatever it is about best match positioning for regular exclusive vs. regular non-exclusive images is based on speculation. But those quotes have nothing to do with "regular" files.

Still, if some files get promoted in the best match, others will have to fall back - and, at 20% of eligible exclusive content, we are talking a possible amount of 600.000 photos here - if every exclusive uses his/her full quota...

« Reply #188 on: December 14, 2009, 07:29 »
Still, if some files get promoted in the best match, others will have to fall back - and, at 20% of eligible exclusive content, we are talking a possible amount of 600.000 photos here - if every exclusive uses his/her full quota...

No objection.

Just wanted to point out that those quotes are not about the regular images. :-)

« Reply #189 on: December 14, 2009, 07:35 »
For those interested, I have tried to summarize a bit of what has been said here and in the iStock forum (and what the changes are in the first place) in a blog post

« Reply #190 on: December 14, 2009, 08:32 »
I've been on the fence for a couple of years. Started making preparations twice and chickened out both times. After looking at the numbers for diamond exclusive, it's an easy decision for me. The new nonexclusive best match search placement sounds a little scary. Not sure how that loss would be replaced. There are 4 solid Micro sites and I don't see that # growing. I've always felt that Istock is moving in the right direction and like the idea of submitting to their multiple collections.

« Reply #191 on: December 14, 2009, 08:56 »
The new nonexclusive best match search placement sounds a little scary. Not sure how that loss would be replaced.

We have no idea yet what effect it will have on the best match __ all they've actually said is that the Exclusive+ collection will be promoted (just as Vetta is now). They haven't even said how many images will be in the E+ collection. If they are so keen to reduce the average % commission, which it appears they are, then it would make no sense to hide independents' images on which they pay the least.

We also don't know how the customers are going to react when faced with such huge price rises on so many of the images. An 'average' sale of a Medium exclusive image is going up nearly 70% __ in this climate! It could end up being the biggest gift to the other agencies that they've ever had. It is also conceivable that many lower-canister exclusives could give up their crowns in protest if their commission is reduced __ another gift to the competition.

It is certainly going to be interesting to see how this all plays out with both customers and contributors.

« Reply #192 on: December 14, 2009, 09:03 »
They haven't even said how many images will be in the E+ collection.

I beg to differ: They said they would allow 20% of an exclusive's portfolio - which at roughly 3.000.000 exclusive images translates to 600.000 possibles - which is a lot more than Vetta is. I do not think that independents are in for a happy time at IS next year, the question - as you say - is how the price hike will play out for IStock's competition and the customers...

« Reply #193 on: December 14, 2009, 09:32 »
I beg to differ: They said they would allow 20% of an exclusive's portfolio - which at roughly 3.000.000 exclusive images translates to 600.000 possibles - which is a lot more than Vetta is. I do not think that independents are in for a happy time at IS next year, the question - as you say - is how the price hike will play out for IStock's competition and the customers...

Good point __ I missed that. Of course they've also said that E+ won't be starting until 'later on in 2010' so at least we should be able to monitor the effect of the price increases before our images are affected by it.

It seems to me that independents are in a good place whatever happens. If the IS plan works out we can go exclusive for a significant increase in pay, if it doesn't then maybe we'll get more sales at the other sites. Hopefully Istocks competitors will also react appropriately to close the gap too. It's all very interesting!

« Reply #194 on: December 14, 2009, 09:33 »
The new nonexclusive best match search placement sounds a little scary. Not sure how that loss would be replaced.

We also don't know how the customers are going to react when faced with such huge price rises on so many of the images. An 'average' sale of a Medium exclusive image is going up nearly 70% __ in this climate! It could end up being the biggest gift to the other agencies that they've ever had.

It is certainly going to be interesting to see how this all plays out with both customers and contributors.

Is the difference between $6.00 and $10.00 that big of deal to the average buyer? It would be nice to hear from some buyers. The cost of a gallon of milk where I live is about $7.00, I could move to a cheaper Island, but I like it here. It offers a little more of what I'm looking for. I'm sure Istock lost a few customers during the last big price hike, but not that many. If prices were going from $60.00 to $100.00 I think that would be more significant.


« Reply #195 on: December 14, 2009, 09:45 »
I've been on the fence for a couple of years. Started making preparations twice and chickened out both times. After looking at the numbers for diamond exclusive, it's an easy decision for me. The new nonexclusive best match search placement sounds a little scary. Not sure how that loss would be replaced. There are 4 solid Micro sites and I don't see that # growing. I've always felt that Istock is moving in the right direction and like the idea of submitting to their multiple collections.

The best match thing is kind of the wild card. Without knowing how much damage that will do to non-exclusive files in search placement, it's hard to come to any conclusions about exclusivity. In theory, the royalty percentage increase plus the price increase plus the best match factor could result in similar (or more) earnings compared to independent earnings. But there is no way to know just yet how the best match factor will pan out.

I think it is safe to say, however, that some shift to favor exclusive files will happen, regardless of how vague the istock admins may be about it. They'd be crazy not to favor exclusive files in search results if they are going to start making more money from those files on each sale.

« Reply #196 on: December 14, 2009, 10:09 »
The new nonexclusive best match search placement sounds a little scary. Not sure how that loss would be replaced.

If they are so keen to reduce the average % commission, which it appears they are, then it would make no sense to hide independents' images on which they pay the least.

They may pay the least, but after the new changes, they will also be making the least on independents images.  This is a big change.
I made a chart showing the changes - look in the "How does this affect the seller?" section

« Reply #197 on: December 14, 2009, 10:13 »
I've been on the fence for a couple of years. Started making preparations twice and chickened out both times. After looking at the numbers for diamond exclusive, it's an easy decision for me. The new nonexclusive best match search placement sounds a little scary. Not sure how that loss would be replaced. There are 4 solid Micro sites and I don't see that # growing. I've always felt that Istock is moving in the right direction and like the idea of submitting to their multiple collections.

The best match thing is kind of the wild card. Without knowing how much damage that will do to non-exclusive files in search placement, it's hard to come to any conclusions about exclusivity. In theory, the royalty percentage increase plus the price increase plus the best match factor could result in similar (or more) earnings compared to independent earnings. But there is no way to know just yet how the best match factor will pan out.

I think it is safe to say, however, that some shift to favor exclusive files will happen, regardless of how vague the istock admins may be about it. They'd be crazy not to favor exclusive files in search results if they are going to start making more money from those files on each sale.
best match seems pretty stable these days, no huge swings like in the past. It does look like exclusives get a little push which is understandable. If newer higher priced collections are getting good placement which nonexclusives have no access to, there is only one direction for nonexclusive earnings to go. Less visibility=less sales, regarless of what happens with best match. But, like you said, what point is there in keeping nonexclusive files up front if they are making less on them.

« Reply #198 on: December 14, 2009, 10:48 »
I thought only exclusives complained about the best match. I've never really seen it affect my sales. As a non-exclusive, I've always been at the back. I just assumed people used the other searches to find my files.

« Reply #199 on: December 14, 2009, 11:17 »
But, like you said, what point is there in keeping nonexclusive files up front if they are making less on them.

Because they said this;

"We're also hoping to encourage the strongest talents in stock today to consider bringing their best work to iStock exclusively."

I think they'll also want plenty of the lower-priced images highly visible to counteract any customer dissatisfactions about the price hikes.

Those that remain independent generally do so for reasons of finance, stability and security. Istock would have a pretty hard time convincing them to go exclusive if they keep screwing around with the best match and artificially suppress their sales. Many of us suffered badly in previous amateurish dabblings with the best match and have long memories.

Speaking personally I'll be making my plans based more on what I think might happen to the industry over the next few years rather than the next few weeks or months. The micro market is still in it's infancy and a lot can happen yet. For starters it does rather look as if Istock is 'being fattened for market' (as one of m'learned friends put it via site-mail) and who knows what further changes to canisters/commissions a new owner could make if they wanted to recoup their investment quickly?

I'd need a sizeable financial incentive and a lot of confidence in both the stability of the site and the moral conduct of the owners (to not keep hacking away at commissions, T&C, etc) before I put all my eggs in their basket.


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