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Author Topic: iStock Royalty Change  (Read 129576 times)

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« Reply #350 on: October 31, 2016, 13:12 »
I'm speaking with someone from Freelancer's Union this afternoon. Keep in mind that this isn't really what you think of as a "Union;" they don't organize people or represent groups legally. So I'm not sure where this will go or how or whether they can help in any way. However, dozens of people have emailed them, so we did get their attention. ;)

Right now they're just confused and want clarification about what's going on.

Dozens of people! We can make our own union! Maybe a Facebook group for the beginning or twitter to be connected and up to date.

Didn't that happen once before, and didn't Getty retaliate? I was completely out of the loop then.

I think  that is a part of the main problem we need a union in that the indivdual is annonym for the agencies.

We can collect contributor email adresses to send out hot news.
We can build american, german, russian, french, etc. "special forces" to inform the buyers/contributors in there native speech.
We can fight there advertisement. We can make promotion with our own advertisement funded by membership fees and donations.

But the first step is organization to building our own network.

It all depends on us!

« Reply #351 on: October 31, 2016, 15:52 »
If you try to start a union, it won't work. Pull your hand out of a bucket of water and the hole fills right in. You aren't employees, you aren't forced to submit your work to any agency. There are thousands of hobbyist, some really talented that would submit their work just for the thrill of seeing it sold online. I started in Macrostock when I got $600.00 and more for an image. I never dreamed I would start selling images for .25 in 2007. There were some great years in between (not considering what I got paid for macrostock). Now is a new decade of the microstock industry and it looks like it is going to be a take it or leave, choose your agency(s) choose how and what you shoot, and how much time you are going to invest in it. 
Between cellphones, good inexpensive DSLR's, hobbyist, buyers wanting rock bottom prices and free or copyright infringed images on the internet. It has become a very difficult environment for a great experienced stock photographer.
I just keep working as hard as I can and try to produce the best work I can come up with. I will stay true to what is in my heart, capturing photographs.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #352 on: October 31, 2016, 16:41 »
Those are probably some Getty earnings, they're happening every month....0,01$-0,06$...

So, they sell the pics at a MacroStock (Getty) for something like $500 and pay us a royalty of $0.02 ?!

I just opened few pics at Getty and got this message: "Buy this photo at 485.00 GBP. Or just 400.00 with an UltraPack. Save Now".

400.00 GBP = $500 USD

No, they discount sales unbelievably heavily to certain buyers, as Alamy and probably others do. There is also something called Getty Connect, which I don't understand at all, but is something like a pay-per-view scheme, which is possibly/probably where the 2c came from. Is it a black bar on your chart? That denotes the Connect scheme.


  • UK
« Reply #353 on: October 31, 2016, 17:22 »
ShadySue, thanks. Yes, it is a pitiful thin black bar. iStock website is so cumbersome and complicated, it is difficult to find and understand anything.

« Reply #354 on: November 01, 2016, 12:41 »
Hello everybody!

Stocker from Russia are very unhappy IStock policy.

Many agree to sign the petition. If you give a link to the public the text of the petition, that a lot of participants to sign.

However, many doubt the success of the struggle for their rights against a huge corporation.

Outputs are two: either sell it for 2 cents, or delete a portfolio and go to other sellers.


« Reply #355 on: November 01, 2016, 13:08 »
The CV was a great idea, and a great feature back in the day. However, a combination of spammers and not being kept up to date means it's not as useful as it could be.

The CV made me an intentional spammer.
I do not spam on any other site, but on IS sometimes I was forced to spam if a word was not in their CV for the meaning that I needed. Better choosing an imperfect disambiguation than leaving out the word completely.

Luckily, now I'm out of iStock. I'm starting to realise how much time I lost with their terrible upload method, I should have spent it shooting new photos for other sites.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2016, 13:13 by lemonyellow »

« Reply #356 on: November 01, 2016, 13:33 »
I don't think there's that much free content out there. It's just, that people think, that they can use it for free, or sites with "free content" which was actually stolen from agencies.

One of the disadvantages of established microstock is that often there are too many search results to wade through. The thing you might want to use might be there but can be impossible to find. And the styles are all jumbled up because the work is not curated.

There is some very good content available free today (properly legal). One free site where our much-hipper-than-us client chose images from is really very cool. Much of the work has a similar feel to it. One of the advantages of that site is that it has relatively little content.


  • stockcoalition.org
« Reply #357 on: November 01, 2016, 13:49 »
Hello everybody!

Stocker from Russia are very unhappy IStock policy.

Many agree to sign the petition. If you give a link to the public the text of the petition, that a lot of participants to sign.

However, many doubt the success of the struggle for their rights against a huge corporation.

Outputs are two: either sell it for 2 cents, or delete a portfolio and go to other sellers.

I and others have a call scheduled with the attorney who founded Freelancer's Union. The person I chatted with yesterday suggested a lot of good ideas that they've found to be effective in other fights. I'm also not sure Getty will implement any changes (though other large corporations have), but again, I think it's important to get the message out there.

Honestly, if we don't make noise about 2 cent royalties now I think we might all be kissing microstock goodbye, unless we live in countries with very low costs of living. This could be Getty's attempt to kill iStock, and maybe all microstock, if it becomes unsustainable for most of us. I'm sure there are a few people here who'd be happy with that, but I'd be sad. I'd have to work in advertising again. :(


« Reply #358 on: November 01, 2016, 14:49 »
This could be Getty's attempt to kill iStock, and maybe all microstock, if it becomes unsustainable for most of us. I'm sure there are a few people here who'd be happy with that, but I'd be sad. I'd have to work in advertising again. :(

Let's make a distinction here: I'd be sad if they succeeded in killing microstock, but not if they succeeded in killing iStock.


« Reply #359 on: November 01, 2016, 15:22 »
Hello everybody!

Stocker from Russia are very unhappy IStock policy.

Many agree to sign the petition. If you give a link to the public the text of the petition, that a lot of participants to sign.

However, many doubt the success of the struggle for their rights against a huge corporation.

Outputs are two: either sell it for 2 cents, or delete a portfolio and go to other sellers.

I and others have a call scheduled with the attorney who founded Freelancer's Union. The person I chatted with yesterday suggested a lot of good ideas that they've found to be effective in other fights. I'm also not sure Getty will implement any changes (though other large corporations have), but again, I think it's important to get the message out there.

Honestly, if we don't make noise about 2 cent royalties now I think we might all be kissing microstock goodbye, unless we live in countries with very low costs of living. This could be Getty's attempt to kill iStock, and maybe all microstock, if it becomes unsustainable for most of us. I'm sure there are a few people here who'd be happy with that, but I'd be sad. I'd have to work in advertising again. :(

Let us know how it goes and what we can do. Of course don't give away any information that helps Getty  ;)

« Reply #360 on: November 01, 2016, 16:53 »
Suppose that you have 750 images in your portfolio and one buyer with a yearly subscription plan bought all of them.

750*0.02= $15(10.5$ after taxes) or  maybe 750*0.03= $22.5 (15.75$) after taxes.

This is the value of giving your 750 image port to a buyer on Istock.



  • stockcoalition.org
« Reply #361 on: November 01, 2016, 19:23 »
copyright infringed images on the internet

Like the ones Getty downloaded from the Library of Congress and licensed to who knows who, then kept up after the photographer, Carol Highsmith, requested they take them down....after they sent her a letter demanding payment for her own work?

« Reply #362 on: November 02, 2016, 07:38 »
 Delete your profiles. You can't do this?
There is another solution: delete your profiles.
Or another one: delete your profiles.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #363 on: November 02, 2016, 07:44 »
Delete your profiles. You can't do this?
There is another solution: delete your profiles.
Or another one: delete your profiles.
Use the correct terminology: I presume you are urging 'delete your portfolios'.

Though terminating your contract would be the best way to go to get all the money you're due.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2016, 07:47 by ShadySue »

« Reply #364 on: November 02, 2016, 09:11 »
Delete your profiles. You can't do this?
There is another solution: delete your profiles.
Or another one: delete your profiles.
Use the correct terminology: I presume you are urging 'delete your portfolios'.

Though terminating your contract would be the best way to go to get all the money you're due.

That's true. It's better to contact their support to close your account. This way you will receive the money in your balance even though it's not yet $100.

« Reply #365 on: November 02, 2016, 10:13 »
Delete your profiles. You can't do this?
There is another solution: delete your profiles.
Or another one: delete your profiles.
Use the correct terminology: I presume you are urging 'delete your portfolios'.

Though terminating your contract would be the best way to go to get all the money you're due.

That's true. It's better to contact their support to close your account. This way you will receive the money in your balance even though it's not yet $100.

They can keep my 56 cents :-)   Perhaps they need it more than I do!

« Reply #366 on: November 02, 2016, 16:42 »
This could be Getty's attempt to kill iStock, and maybe all microstock, if it becomes unsustainable for most of us. I'm sure there are a few people here who'd be happy with that, but I'd be sad. I'd have to work in advertising again. :(

Let's make a distinction here: I'd be sad if they succeeded in killing microstock, but not if they succeeded in killing iStock.

Can't agree more then one time or I'd give you a 10.

« Reply #367 on: November 03, 2016, 07:03 »
Managed to start deactivating.  When are they stopping us deactivating?


« Reply #368 on: November 03, 2016, 13:52 »
Managed to start deactivating.  When are they stopping us deactivating?

According to iStock some time in August ;)

« Reply #369 on: November 03, 2016, 16:19 »
Delete your profiles. You can't do this?
There is another solution: delete your profiles.
Or another one: delete your profiles.
Use the correct terminology: I presume you are urging 'delete your portfolios'.

Though terminating your contract would be the best way to go to get all the money you're due.

That's true. It's better to contact their support to close your account. This way you will receive the money in your balance even though it's not yet $100.

So that's possible?  I'm at $ 99.51, and I definitely want my money.  What's the best way to go about closing my account and deleting my portfolio.

« Reply #370 on: November 03, 2016, 16:41 »
Delete your profiles. You can't do this?
There is another solution: delete your profiles.
Or another one: delete your profiles.
Use the correct terminology: I presume you are urging 'delete your portfolios'.

Though terminating your contract would be the best way to go to get all the money you're due.

That's true. It's better to contact their support to close your account. This way you will receive the money in your balance even though it's not yet $100.

So that's possible?  I'm at $ 99.51, and I definitely want my money.  What's the best way to go about closing my account and deleting my portfolio.

Yes, I've contacted their support.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #371 on: November 03, 2016, 17:23 »
Delete your profiles. You can't do this?
There is another solution: delete your profiles.
Or another one: delete your profiles.
Use the correct terminology: I presume you are urging 'delete your portfolios'.

Though terminating your contract would be the best way to go to get all the money you're due.

That's true. It's better to contact their support to close your account. This way you will receive the money in your balance even though it's not yet $100.

So that's possible?  I'm at $ 99.51, and I definitely want my money.  What's the best way to go about closing my account and deleting my portfolio.

« Reply #372 on: November 04, 2016, 04:36 »
Managed to start deactivating.  When are they stopping us deactivating?

According to iStock some time in August ;)
Must be the first time their complete incompetence has been to my advantage :)

« Reply #373 on: November 04, 2016, 05:05 »
I stopped uploading to Istock 3 years ago and Im feeling so light to not have uploading there with their primitive and so complicated process, their slow site, their so low commission, their so greedy, stingy and dictatorial mind,  im really surprised some are still uploading to these crooks after so many commission cuts, scams and lies other the years .
« Last Edit: November 04, 2016, 08:07 by Smithore »

« Reply #374 on: November 04, 2016, 08:49 »
I just sent in a request to close my account. My images have been gone for years, but I kept my account open in case future intelligence prevailed on their part, but that isn't going to ever happen.


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