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Author Topic: Layoffs at istock  (Read 141658 times)

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« Reply #550 on: January 24, 2012, 12:10 »
Looks like we're going to be getting another update today and hopefully some answers to some burning questions.

answers? you are kidding right? :-)

I have gotten to the point where the prospect of upcoming announcements from Istock brass fills me with dread. 

me too.  all I can think of is "oh Lord, what now?!"

« Reply #551 on: January 24, 2012, 14:28 »
Looks like we're going to be getting another update today and hopefully some answers to some burning questions.

I don't have any 'burning questions'. Istock isn't that important any more.

If that's the case, why are you one of the most active persons in any Istock related topics?  ???


« Reply #552 on: January 24, 2012, 15:11 »
Looks like we're going to be getting another update today and hopefully some answers to some burning questions.

answers? you are kidding right? :-)

I have gotten to the point where the prospect of upcoming announcements from Istock brass fills me with dread. 

And a touch of boredom as well. How long can we be fed this sugar coated trash as they try to disguise the truth of what's being served up to us?

Maybe that's the plan. Lull people like me into ignoring them for being irrelevant and uninformative.  :)

Yes I do find that all the Getty people (if it is in fact "all" were retained and their counter parts from IS were "all" let go.) is kind of one sided. But fact of the matter is, home office stays, has tenure and probably some union contract that say they can't be let go for a "new hire" from Canada. Holy Cow. Labor relations nightmares and huge separation clauses. While dropping people from Canada isn't as expensive.

What would you do if you were running the company? (that's a general, You anyone, not You Lisa)

To this day I've never been fired from a job. Of course being self employed for 42 years helps. But I have had part time jobs to pay the bills, worked two during college, and the most recent at the hotel 2008, when a new management company came in, it was humorous. I got one day notice, the night before I was gone, in an envelope from the manager. Oh so kind and polite you B's. Then when I asked about termination they said, "Oh you weren't fired, you just weren't hired..." Cute, very cute.

Might as well throw the monkey wrench into this festival.

1) How many people were let go?

2) How Many were migrated to Seattle?

3) How many were offered no option to transfer?

4) How many were offered a transfer and declined?

Anyone have the facts behind any of this, or is the whole thread conjecture?

« Reply #553 on: January 24, 2012, 15:20 »
Looks like we're going to be getting another update today and hopefully some answers to some burning questions.

I don't have any 'burning questions'. Istock isn't that important any more.

If that's the case, why are you one of the most active persons in any Istock related topics?  ???

I can answer that, though Gostwyck for sure will answer for himself, too. For the same reason I am still one of the most active persons in istock-related topics...because a. we can post whenever and wherever we feel like and b. a lot of us were at istock early on and have watched it go from something great to nothing. Just because exclusives (and by exclusives I am not just saying you, but all exclusives) are in the hot seat today doesn't mean they have a lock on talking about istock. EVERYONE has lost something, some early on, some are just feeling the $hit hit the fan now.

I don't have any burning questions either and whatever answers come out likely won't be anything earth-shattering anyway. I think there are a whole bunch of intuitive, smart businesspeople in this forum, including Gostwyck, and I value their opinions as well as yours. We ALL are watching and commenting because whatever happens will most certainly affect all the other sites in one way or another.

« Reply #554 on: January 24, 2012, 15:23 »
My January has been terrible at Istock. Do you think a lot more buyers migrated to other agencies in January because they were waiting for the end of the calendar year ?


« Reply #555 on: January 24, 2012, 15:27 »
With apologies to the bard:

To jump, or not to jump: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the bank balance to suffer
The ebb and flow of outrageous RCs,
Or to take action against a sea of troubles,
And by diversifying end them?


edit: what thread is gostwycks first rule of microstock in?

One of the best ever:

(parts cut about everyone seeing lower sales on new images...)

If your images are good enough then they will sell. If they're not then they won't. No point in concocting elaborate conspiracy theories to explain a lack of sales because that is unlikely to be the issue.


« Reply #556 on: January 24, 2012, 15:34 »
Looks like we're going to be getting another update today and hopefully some answers to some burning questions.

I don't have any 'burning questions'. Istock isn't that important any more.

If that's the case, why are you one of the most active persons in any Istock related topics?  ???

I'm fairly active on iStock topics even though I believe their are steering their once mighty ship straight for the rocks. iStock's resurgence or continued malaise or absorption into Getty is something that affects the business that we're all earning money from. I feel free to comment on FT - which banned me as a contributor - or on iStock - where I'm only banned from the forums - or on sites I do not yet contribute to when they make moves that affect all of us (contributors) as a whole. While exclusive at IS I made many, many comments about the Partner Program in which I didn't participte.

When US Rep Barney Frank (who is retiring) was recently asked in an interview if he smoked marijuana (he's in favor of decriminalizing it) he said no, and that he never anticipated having an abortion, but that didn't stop him from strongly supporting women's right to choose one.

For those who feel iStock is unfairly criticized here, feel free to add your opinions to the mix in discussions. I'm weary of this needling and baiting - smiley face or no - of those whose negative views of the agency you don't share.

« Reply #557 on: January 24, 2012, 15:47 »
Yes I do have one "burning question": how am I going to get that last $82 that IS owes me?  They shut off my sales in December as if flipping a light switch.  I might be dead by the time I reach another payout; but if I close the account I expect I'd get more of a response if I emailed Vladimir Putin...   


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #558 on: January 24, 2012, 15:49 »
Yes I do have one "burning question": how am I going to get that last $82 that IS owes me?  They shut off my sales in December as if flipping a light switch.  I might be dead by the time I reach another payout; but if I close the account I expect I'd get more of a response if I emailed Vladimir Putin...   

How long have you been waiting for a CR reply? Might be worth reminding them?

« Reply #559 on: January 24, 2012, 16:06 »
I understand the resentment. I have a few pet peeves myself. What I don't understand is the chronic and biased complaints which is not good for your own health, either. If Istock goes down the drain, how many people will truly benefit? In addition, the exclusives at times are victimized not only by Istock's bad policy moves, also colleagues on the forum. What is good if all exclusives drop the crown and compete with you in SS and all other agencies? Will you still be making as much?

Why do I remain exclusive?

1. Money. Correct me if I am wrong. According to what I read, some indies such as Lisa still make a big portion from Istock although I understand that the amount is not as good as before. Is Istock #2 earner for Lisa? As an exclusive, my income is growing, though not gloriously.

2. Possibility to grow. Not only everyone including indies can attend lypses, Getty and Istock provide a lot of info and guidance if you look into it.  If an image is rejected, at least a chance to resubmit is sometimes offered. Occasionally if one resubmits a rejected image which was not supposed to, if the flaws are corrected, they still get accepted. While in some other site, you may get your account cancelled without further explanations (from what I read here), is it true?

3. Room for discussion. Ok, Lobo and so on. But if you voice the same kind of dissents in any other sites, you are lucky if your account can remain open. For Jsnover, even a few years after she made some fair comments at one particular site, does this site forget and forgive her dissents?

4. Life is equal. Exclusive and non-exclusive are choices. As exclusive, we only have one basket for all eggs in exchange of better best match and $. But that's a choice. You have the equal opportunity to make or not to make the choice. As I wish you well as an indie, I hope you also understand my position and wish me well.

That's all I can think of now.


« Reply #560 on: January 24, 2012, 16:47 »
   ^^^ that's fine. but if others have different points of view, they have a right to express them. I'd rather read things i disagree with and maybe learn something, than to only read what reinforces my own point of view.

« Reply #561 on: January 24, 2012, 17:02 »
   ^^^ that's fine. but if others have different points of view, they have a right to express them. I'd rather read things i disagree with and maybe learn something, than to only read what reinforces my own point of view.

Thank you. I typed out five paragraphs twice, deleted them before posting, and you managed to say what I wanted to say in three succinct sentences.

I don't believe there was a possibility for me to grow at istock, and I certainly don't believe that life is equal. But I'm OK with anyone who is doing wonderfully at istock, just as they should be OK with me having done crappily (new word) at istock.  ;)


« Reply #562 on: January 24, 2012, 17:17 »

1. Money. Correct me if I am wrong. According to what I read, some indies such as Lisa still make a big portion from Istock although I understand that the amount is not as good as before. Is Istock #2 earner for Lisa? As an exclusive, my income is growing, though not gloriously.

Yes, Istock was my top site (around 40% give or take) for 6.5 of my 7 year micro career.  Only the last few months did they slip to #2.   

Money is a great reason to be exclusive.  Clearly you believe you have made far more as exclusive than you would have as independent.  You may very well be right. 

To be honest, I still can't wrap my head around the acrimony between exclusives and indies.  There really shouldn't be such a huge divide.  I realize that the treatment of indies at Istock has fostered this divide, but as adults and thinking people we don't have to let ourselves get sucked into it.

Personally, I do have some negative feelings about the way Getty, and their parent H&F have mismanaged Istock.  It has caused negative repercussions across the industry.  But I certainly have no negative feelings towards exclusives, either individually, or as a group. 

Whenever exclusives and indies start sniping at eachother I can't help but hearing the song from the show Oklahoma:  "Oh the farmer and the cowman should be friends..."  ;)


« Reply #563 on: January 24, 2012, 17:21 »
   ^^^ that's fine. but if others have different points of view, they have a right to express them. I'd rather read things i disagree with and maybe learn something, than to only read what reinforces my own point of view.

Exactly, I agree. We need different views. But if one is truly bored on the topic, will boredom contribute anything to the discussion?

The fact that Istock generates so many discussions and emotions, proves that the site is not dead.

At least for me, Istock is not all bad.

« Reply #564 on: January 24, 2012, 17:23 »
   ^^^ that's fine. but if others have different points of view, they have a right to express them. I'd rather read things i disagree with and maybe learn something, than to only read what reinforces my own point of view.

Thank you. I typed out five paragraphs twice, deleted them before posting, and you managed to say what I wanted to say in three succinct sentences.

I don't believe there was a possibility for me to grow at istock, and I certainly don't believe that life is equal. But I'm OK with anyone who is doing wonderfully at istock, just as they should be OK with me having done crappily (new word) at istock.  ;)

I am sympathetic to indies. I was an indie myself at one point. Hope you continue your success.

« Reply #565 on: January 24, 2012, 17:24 »
Yes I do have one "burning question": how am I going to get that last $82 that IS owes me?  They shut off my sales in December as if flipping a light switch.  I might be dead by the time I reach another payout; but if I close the account I expect I'd get more of a response if I emailed Vladimir Putin...   

How long have you been waiting for a CR reply? Might be worth reminding them?

No I said "if" I close the account, I haven't done that.  Still wondering if I'll ever get another sale...

« Reply #566 on: January 24, 2012, 17:30 »
Lisa, I totally agree with you. Thank you.

As an exclusive, I actually don't have huge increase in DLs. But I do benefit from the price increases. E+ works very well for me too. Before I became exclusive, many exclusives told me that at least they could focus on improving their skills and not to deal with many sites. Guess I also get lazy, lol. For someone like you, Lisa, your decision to be an indie is definitely correct. You have too many eggs, big golden ones, you need many safes! 

1. Money. Correct me if I am wrong. According to what I read, some indies such as Lisa still make a big portion from Istock although I understand that the amount is not as good as before. Is Istock #2 earner for Lisa? As an exclusive, my income is growing, though not gloriously.

Yes, Istock was my top site (around 40% give or take) for 6.5 of my 7 year micro career.  Only the last few months did they slip to #2.   

Money is a great reason to be exclusive.  Clearly you believe you have made far more as exclusive than you would have as independent.  You may very well be right. 

To be honest, I still can't wrap my head around the acrimony between exclusives and indies.  There really shouldn't be such a huge divide.  I realize that the treatment of indies at Istock has fostered this divide, but as adults and thinking people we don't have to let ourselves get sucked into it.

Personally, I do have some negative feelings about the way Getty, and their parent H&F have mismanaged Istock.  It has caused negative repercussions across the industry.  But I certainly have no negative feelings towards exclusives, either individually, or as a group. 

Whenever exclusives and indies start sniping at eachother I can't help but hearing the song from the show Oklahoma:  "Oh the farmer and the cowman should be friends..."  ;)



« Reply #567 on: January 24, 2012, 17:42 »

As an exclusive, I actually don't have huge increase in DLs. But I do benefit from the price increases. E+ works very well for me too. Before I became exclusive, many exclusives told me that at least they could focus on improving their skills and not to deal with many sites. Guess I also get lazy, lol. For someone like you, Lisa, your decision to be an indie is definitely correct. You have too many eggs, big golden ones, you need many safes! 

Thanks, but speaking as a goose, I can definitely say my egg production is way down, LOL.  Honestly, I probably would have made a lot more as exclusive over the past years, especially since they implemented the price changes.  But with all the changes and upheavals the past couple of years my nerves would have been totally shot.  Either that, or I'd be addicted to valium! 


« Reply #568 on: January 24, 2012, 19:06 »

To be honest, I still can't wrap my head around the acrimony between exclusives and indies.  There really shouldn't be such a huge divide.  I realize that the treatment of indies at Istock has fostered this divide, but as adults and thinking people we don't have to let ourselves get sucked into it.

Personally, I do have some negative feelings about the way Getty, and their parent H&F have mismanaged Istock.  It has caused negative repercussions across the industry.  But I certainly have no negative feelings towards exclusives, either individually, or as a group.  

Whenever exclusives and indies start sniping at eachother I can't help but hearing the song from the show Oklahoma:  "Oh the farmer and the cowman should be friends..."  ;)

Cause they are Sheepherders and they smell funny!  :D We're the cattlemen. (or maybe the other way around?)

Yes, I've said it before, we're in this together. No divide for me between anyone. Last week it was people who had some feelings about folks from other countries, as if they didn't have the same rights as the rest of us. Free market, let our pictures speak, not our prejudices.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2012, 19:14 by RacePhoto »

« Reply #569 on: January 24, 2012, 19:15 »
Race, I agree.

Lisa, it would be highly likely, had you concentrated on IS, you would have had a lot more images. You would be able to upload more with your huge capacity to making quality images.

« Reply #570 on: January 24, 2012, 19:32 »
Thanks, but speaking as a goose, I can definitely say my egg production is way down, LOL.  Honestly, I probably would have made a lot more as exclusive over the past years, especially since they implemented the price changes.  But with all the changes and upheavals the past couple of years my nerves would have been totally shot.  Either that, or I'd be addicted to valium! 

I remember asking you for advice several years ago, and you were really helpful and very level-headed. I decided to stay exclusive, you went the other way, but I'd guess there's a chance it may change for me down the road. Right now I am happy and doing well. But if (when?) I get crunched by Getty cutting % rates, I may leave even though I would take a hit. If I feel I'm being squeezed and it isn't fair, I'm willing to lose some money to go in a different direction. So I can totally relate to it not simply being a $ issue, though of course that's a biggie.

« Reply #571 on: January 24, 2012, 19:32 »
   ^^^ that's fine. but if others have different points of view, they have a right to express them. I'd rather read things i disagree with and maybe learn something, than to only read what reinforces my own point of view.

Thank you. I typed out five paragraphs twice, deleted them before posting, and you managed to say what I wanted to say in three succinct sentences.

I don't believe there was a possibility for me to grow at istock, and I certainly don't believe that life is equal. But I'm OK with anyone who is doing wonderfully at istock, just as they should be OK with me having done crappily (new word) at istock.  ;)

I am sympathetic to indies. I was an indie myself at one point. Hope you continue your success.

Funny.  :D


« Reply #572 on: January 24, 2012, 19:59 »
I wonder if Getty, H&F, iStock management is following this thread.  Certainly filled with sound business advice and planning recommendations for restructuring.
Could it be that the MSG Business Management Gurus have offered a plan for their own distruction?

 ??? :P ;D

« Reply #573 on: January 24, 2012, 20:18 »
How sad, pathetic, and predictable. A few crumbs from iStock HQs and they still scramble thankfully like little mice.

Two things:

1. Grandfathered canister levels
2. No plans for iStock editorial

How can anyone believe anything they say. It's all corpor-babble.

« Reply #574 on: January 25, 2012, 04:21 »

As an exclusive, I actually don't have huge increase in DLs. But I do benefit from the price increases. E+ works very well for me too. Before I became exclusive, many exclusives told me that at least they could focus on improving their skills and not to deal with many sites. Guess I also get lazy, lol. For someone like you, Lisa, your decision to be an indie is definitely correct. You have too many eggs, big golden ones, you need many safes! 

Thanks, but speaking as a goose, I can definitely say my egg production is way down, LOL.  Honestly, I probably would have made a lot more as exclusive over the past years, especially since they implemented the price changes.  But with all the changes and upheavals the past couple of years my nerves would have been totally shot.  Either that, or I'd be addicted to valium! 

My nerves *are* shot and my inspiration quotient is way down, though I diligently continue to churn out routine images. If I do get round to tossing the crown, the very best thing about it will be not having to watch every episode of the iStock horror show.


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