MicrostockGroup Sponsors


Have you stopped or slowed uploading at iStock, and when?

independent (since the RC system)
12 (10.3%)
independent (in 2011)
7 (6%)
independent (in 2012)
3 (2.6%)
independent (in the last 6 months)
5 (4.3%)
independent (never stopped uploading)
19 (16.2%)
independent (never stopped uploading but not as regular as before)
32 (27.4%)
independent (left iStock)
5 (4.3%)
exclusive (since the RC system)
0 (0%)
exclusive (in 2011)
2 (1.7%)
exclusive (in 2012)
2 (1.7%)
exclusive (in the last 6 months)
1 (0.9%)
exclusive (never stopped uploading)
15 (12.8%)
exclusive (never stopped uploading but not as regular as before)
4 (3.4%)
exclusive (left iStock exclusivity and continue uploading)
0 (0%)
exclusive (left iStock)
1 (0.9%)
never was an iStock contributor
2 (1.7%)
exclusive (plan on dropping crown and continue uploading)  
3 (2.6%)
exclusive (plan on dropping crown and stopped uploading)
1 (0.9%)
independent (left iStock exclusivity and continue uploading)
2 (1.7%)
independent (left iStock exclusivity and stopped uploading)
1 (0.9%)

Total Members Voted: 92

Author Topic: So when have you stopped uploading at iStock?  (Read 13171 times)

0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic.

« Reply #25 on: December 18, 2012, 15:11 »
have you took your portfolio from iStock?

No I haven't; I'll still take whatever revenues I can get from the files I've made.

Thanks for the suggestion, Lisa. I've considered dropping exclusivity many times but I find the US tax stuff daunting (I am in Norway), especially if it isn't a long-term investment. I also tried "branching out" into the istock 3D field as a non-exclusive, but they wound't have any of it (I still feel wounded;)


« Reply #26 on: December 18, 2012, 15:35 »
have you took your portfolio from iStock?

No I haven't; I'll still take whatever revenues I can get from the files I've made.

Thanks for the suggestion, Lisa. I've considered dropping exclusivity many times but I find the US tax stuff daunting (I am in Norway), especially if it isn't a long-term investment. I also tried "branching out" into the istock 3D field as a non-exclusive, but they wound't have any of it (I still feel wounded;)

If Norway has a treaty you might not have to pay tax in the US, but only in Norway as a normal Norwegian sole trader.



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