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Author Topic: Vetta Sale at iStock  (Read 68090 times)

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  • There is a crack in everything
« on: December 06, 2010, 18:34 »
Wouldn't you hate to be a spin doctor at iStock.
Basically, iStock is offering a sale of Vetta files until the end of December, but 'sweetening the blow' by doubling RCs on Vetta sales during the Sale.
So I guess that's Good News for the Buyers, and for those Exclusives who are near to their next RC target and who have a lot of good-selling Vettas.
No news for non-exclusives and exclusives with no Vettas, or none which sell within that time.
Bad news for exclusives who sell Vettas during the Sale, but aren't near their next target, as they're getting less $$$ and the extra RCs won't make a scrap of difference.
As I'm nowhere near the Gold Target (but over 9,500 dls), I'm definitely a Boo-hoo not a woo-way on this one.
Added: they can work out the code for this, but not to pay us our missing 10%, for several weeks. Ha!
« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 18:36 by ShadySue »


« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2010, 18:46 »
Nice for a few I guess.  But let me understand this correctly - they are doubling RC credits, but not commissions?  So the contributors that sell during this period are getting reduced royalties, on top of the recent cuts in Vetta commissions? And this is being spun as a good thing?

Gotta hand it to Istock, they have now figured out a way to "compensate" their contributors without giving them money.  First paid in cash, now in RCs.  Maybe next, instead of RCs, we can expect to be paid in lollipops?   :P

« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2010, 19:16 »
Um, Woo------- yay?   ::)

« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2010, 20:03 »
If you see the replies in the IS thread, there's a lot of very negative reaction to this nonsense.

My guess is there are many in the "in crowd" who aren't making their targets and this is a way to smooth the way for them.

The sale prices are silly - 6% off on a small size? Who will be motivated by that who wouldn't otherwise have purchased the Vetta image? There's a 20% discount on XXXL sizes, but again, if you wouldn't spend 150 credits I doubt you'd spend 120.

Nothing for illustrators, audio or video artists in terms of an RC bonus. Reminds me of some of those EU rules that member countries have to meet with their economies - when the big economies break the rules they're given a waiver, but nothing like that for the little guys.

This is a total crock (and I've nothing personal in it as I've no Vetta images any more and met my 40K redeemed credit target already).

« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2010, 20:39 »

My guess is there are many in the "in crowd" who aren't making their targets and this is a way to smooth the way for them.

I think so too. It irritates me that I'm being asked to believe it's just marketing.

« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2010, 21:00 »
It's *marketing* people!!




Lame. Lame. Lame. Burn baby burn.

I love it that that the woo-yays have now become woo-nays. They suck more than I ever possibly could have anticipated.

« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2010, 21:19 »

My guess is there are many in the "in crowd" who aren't making their targets and this is a way to smooth the way for them.

I think so too. It irritates me that I'm being asked to believe it's just marketing.

That seem reasonable until you add in the vector "in crowd". I guess they are on the outside looking in too. C'mon iStock, tell us how you really feel!


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2010, 21:45 »
Gotta love the explanation...same ol same ol

"This is not about muted cheers.
This is marketing, people... and we believe it will benefit everyone, contributors included.

I think it should have said "top 1% of exclusive contributors that don't even need it included"

« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2010, 22:15 »
It's just incredible how stupid they think contributors are.


  • Canadian Photographer
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2010, 22:49 »
I don't think even those it helps to get to targets should be wooyaying this one. it's a pay cut - no matter what it's called. three weeks before Christmas. sigh. this is a crap play. go ahead and market, I'll buy marketing. but give me the same royalties, please.

Caspixel - just a question. if you hate iS so much, why is it you're one of the most active contributors to iStock threads? do you get paid to commiserate or something? anyways, whatever.

« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2010, 22:58 »
It's not like they are cutting the prices and lowering commission like they did last time. They are taking a hit because of it too. Plus it's just temporary.

Not anything to get all worked up over.


« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2010, 23:20 »
I am not worked up, just fed up. Below is what I just posted on that thread. I have never posted anything negative or snarky on an IS forum before, but I am over being polite. Over it.

"This so-called "marketing" benefits only those at the "cool kids table". Yeah, I am a small-time, non-exclusive vector artist. Exclusives should get some perks for putting all their eggs in the IS basket, but not all exclusives have vetta files. This pervasive clique mentality has always bugged the crap out of me. Geez give bonuses to your "special" people if you want to but do it quietly, don't make some half-baked announcement like your doing a great thing for all buyers and contributors when it will only benefit 1% of contributors, and even they don't seem too happy about it.

This is probably the snarkiest thing I have ever posted at IS, but really, I am fed up. I am taking my insignificant, part-time, low-earner opinions and checking out. I am sure I will be missed."

« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2010, 23:21 »
It's not like they are cutting the prices and lowering commission like they did last time. They are taking a hit because of it too. Plus it's just temporary.

Not anything to get all worked up over.

So how many Vettas do you have?  I don't see how giving special benefits to one group of contributors and not others (be it this program, or the "relaxation" of rules for exclusivity that was given to Agency contributors, or differing targets for different media) can ever be something to not "get all worked up over."

« Reply #13 on: December 06, 2010, 23:24 »
It's not like they are cutting the prices and lowering commission like they did last time. They are taking a hit because of it too. Plus it's just temporary.

Not anything to get all worked up over.

It is a blatantly unfair thing to stack the dice (double the RC for Vetta sales until the end of the year) to benefit a small clique of favored admins get to their end of year targets. It's a banana republic mentality where those in power make all the rules to favor themselves and their cronies. There's a public "system" and then there's the private reality.

It's nauseating hypocrisy to present this steaming pile as marketing. Add that to the Getty folks who get to be "exclusives" at iStock while selling the same agency files with RF licenses from their own web sites - something that would get us kicked out - and the many other lies and cash grabs and I'm so worked up I can't get over it.


« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2010, 23:31 »
Right-on. You tell em!!!!

« Reply #15 on: December 06, 2010, 23:38 »
It is a blatantly unfair thing to stack the dice (double the RC for Vetta sales until the end of the year) to benefit a small clique of favored admins get to their end of year targets.

You're arguing that the admins only select vetta files from their friends and coworkers? How . did any of mine get accepted then? The only time I ever post on their forums is to rant about all their idiotic changes. Exclusive illustrators have a right to be upset because they can't get into Vetta but that isn't a new issue. Nothing about this holiday deal is any less fair than whats been going on for months.

I've been very disappointed with IS lately but compared to their usual shenanigans this is nothing.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 23:40 by Kngkyle »

« Reply #16 on: December 06, 2010, 23:46 »
It is a blatantly unfair thing to stack the dice (double the RC for Vetta sales until the end of the year) to benefit a small clique of favored admins get to their end of year targets.

You're arguing that the admins only select vetta files from their friends and coworkers?

I didn't say that and that's not what I mean. You getting extra RCs for your Vetta files is collateral damage - that's not why they're doing it, but you get the benefit of extra RCs anyway. The problem is that Vetta isn't selling the way it did before the prices went up. Next year's royalties for diamonds will be cut if they don't make 150K RCs before year end. This move (doubling the RCs) is trying to help them make it, IMO.


« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2010, 02:20 »
Way to go IStockphoto, I'm sure your Content Administrator with all the face shot Vetta files will be very happy.

What a joke.

« Reply #18 on: December 07, 2010, 07:20 »
I am not worked up, just fed up. Below is what I just posted on that thread. I have never posted anything negative or snarky on an IS forum before, but I am over being polite. Over it.

"This so-called "marketing" benefits only those at the "cool kids table". Yeah, I am a small-time, non-exclusive vector artist. Exclusives should get some perks for putting all their eggs in the IS basket, but not all exclusives have vetta files. This pervasive clique mentality has always bugged the crap out of me. Geez give bonuses to your "special" people if you want to but do it quietly, don't make some half-baked announcement like your doing a great thing for all buyers and contributors when it will only benefit 1% of contributors, and even they don't seem too happy about it.

This is probably the snarkiest thing I have ever posted at IS, but really, I am fed up. I am taking my insignificant, part-time, low-earner opinions and checking out. I am sure I will be missed."

Excellent post, exactly the way I feel.

None of this whole announcement affects me in any way, as I am not exclusive or have Vetta files and never will be or will have. It affects my bottom line in no way, unless all of the millions of buyers that come in to IS to buy because of this huge "marketing effort" actually stop and buy some of my images in addition to the tons of discounted Vetta images they are going to buy. (read sarcasm). What did affect my bottom line was the announcement in September, and I haven't forgotten. For me, that was the last straw. This just piles on to the stinkin heap.

It is so perfectly clear what is going on over at Getty/IS, and I am happy to see that the numbers of people who have actually woken up is increasing. As the clich goes and has been said many times since September, the only way to hit Getty/IS where it hurts is with your feet. Both buyers and contributors. Did I wish that things were going to go this way? NO! I wish I would have gotten a commission increase in Sept., however small, and that a real marketing effort was put forth to bring in more buyers so that we all could have made money. And that the site was improved for the better!

This is ALL, 100%, totally Getty/IS's doing. I love how it keeps getting deflected back to us "negative" contributors, as though WE are the ones making the bad decisions. As though OUR negativeness (?) was what started this whole cascade to the bottom.

I particularly love how those sitting at the TOP of the crap pile are constantly scolding the rest of us "regular" contributors about how we are acting like schoolchildren and this isn't a schoolyard, this is a business. As if the reason they are at the top of the heap just happened by accident and none of the other tens or hundreds of thousands of smaller contributors had anything to do with the success of Getty/IS. Of course they got there because they are good. Partially. Let's not forget the partially part.


    This user is banned.
« Reply #19 on: December 07, 2010, 07:28 »

You're arguing that the admins only select vetta files from their friends and coworkers?

Not 'only'. But they are pretty shameless, given that you can zoom in on shots at istock.

I've been very disappointed with IS lately but compared to their usual shenanigans this is nothing.

Oh, great attitude. They started pimping kids at projects years ago, so when they got your daughter, it's not worth a mention, really. Congratulations. : )

« Reply #20 on: December 07, 2010, 09:03 »
Caspixel - just a question. if you hate iS so much, why is it you're one of the most active contributors to iStock threads? do you get paid to commiserate or something? anyways, whatever.

Most active? Really? You're delusional (but we already knew that). I've been a member here for 2 years and I have a little over 200 posts. Anyway, I don't owe you any kind of explanation for why I do or don't post.

« Reply #21 on: December 07, 2010, 09:50 »
Gotta hand it to Istock, they have now figured out a way to "compensate" their contributors without giving them money.  First paid in cash, now in RCs.  Maybe next, instead of RCs, we can expect to be paid in lollipops?   :P

That's not gonna happen, Lisa: lollipops cost money and don't vanish magically at midnight on December 31st.

I find it hard to believe that Vetta sales are so common that the "beneficiaries" of this scheme are going to get hundreds of Vetta sales between now and the year end to propel them over the barrier. I think it was Sean Locke who said that maybe half-a-dozen people would go up a level as a result of this, for the rest the credits are worthless.

In any case, they have already announced that some people who get near the target but are a bit short will be grandfathered into the next level and your payment percentage will be secret henceforth unless you (or Wikileaks) release it, so if the company is willing to let them favour their friends they can grandfather them all into any level they like.

So the targets aren't targets at all and being tipped into the next level with a few hundred extra credits will simply do what grandfathering might have done anyway.

Perhaps the Vetta price is being cut because they have pushed it too high and they are trying to find a level which customers will accept. There is plenty of proof that the expected sales boom at the year end has failed to materialise which must mean that sales have fallen way below the projected level on their charts - unless they were just lying to us about how many of the sales they expected to get in the last quarter.

« Reply #22 on: December 07, 2010, 10:23 »
okay. so let me see if I understand this... can someone help me out here?

1) have they fixed the 10% thing and made back payments yet? (I am not affected by this, but just wondering)

2) This "sale" results in small savings for buyers which means reduced commission to the contributors.  But hopefully offset by more sales.

3) double RC is only on the Vetta images, yes?  and, they don't show up right away, they'll add them later. 
"I'll gladly you pay you tomorrow for a cheeseburger today"


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #23 on: December 07, 2010, 10:26 »
okay. so let me see if I understand this... can someone help me out here?

1) have they fixed the 10% thing and made back payments yet? (I am not affected by this, but just wondering)

2) This "sale" results in small savings for buyers which means reduced commission to the contributors.  But hopefully offset by more sales.

3) double RC is only on the Vetta images, yes?  and, they don't show up right away, they'll add them later. 
"I'll gladly you pay you tomorrow for a cheeseburger today"

1. No;  2 Yes and in theory, yes;  3. Yes and yes.

« Reply #24 on: December 07, 2010, 10:41 »
Well, it's ridiculous but thankfully doesn't affect me personally in a negative way.  More like "business as usual" and hopefully brings in more buyers who spend their credits on something other than vetta when they see what else is on available on the site. 

The whole fact that it only benefits a select group of contributors  - only exclusive photographers with vetta images (no illustrators, video or audio, as far as I can tell) - is ridiculous.  just sort of continues to rub salt in the wound.


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