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Author Topic: When do subs start  (Read 23928 times)

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« Reply #50 on: April 05, 2014, 09:18 »
Since it's April and this supposedly has started, has anyone gotten one? Or will it be reported like TS, next month? I wonder what I should be looking for, if and when I get the first Sub DL?

Anyone have one? Anyone know?

wds is correct.
From the original email we were sent on 4th March and in the OP of the subs thread on iS (3rd March)
Royalties will be reported monthly, not in real time. Initially we will be reporting these royalties under the Partner Program.
and in case you also missed it:
Image Subscription downloads arent purchased with credits so we will not be calculating RCs with these downloads.
So we are doubly screwed.

Cash purchases aren't made with credits either, but they give RCs for those.
I really have to wonder if the RC system is going to disappear or be radically changed in 2015. They haven't dropped levels based on RCs for the past two years, so in effect, they really aren't following "the RC system".


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #51 on: April 05, 2014, 09:29 »
'According to Lobo': "We will be revisiting the idea of allowing RCs to apply to Image Subscriptions after we see how things go."


« Reply #52 on: April 05, 2014, 09:57 »
There is still a lot of confusion over these packages, and what images are sold how and where, and it also seems that no one is able to track sub sales in real time and that they may be reported in the same color as PP.

I would say I would get used to Istock's imbecile way of doing business and reporting, but it keeps surprising me how imbecile they are. I have worked for several large global companies, using reporting tools, and also been dependent on real time data, but it was always available to me. We also provide external reports to our customers, on daily bases, with sales from that day. All other agencies seem to be able to report in real time as well. Why IS wont do it has to be a decision made on purpose, because I am convinced it cant be a technical issue.

« Reply #53 on: April 05, 2014, 09:58 »
'According to Lobo': "We will be revisiting the idea of allowing RCs to apply to Image Subscriptions after we see how things go."

I guess they're scared it might lead to people moving UP a level, which is probably not considered a desirable outcome.


« Reply #54 on: April 05, 2014, 14:37 »
I'm a bit concerned that these will not be reported in real time.  After the recent reporting disaster with the PP numbers, it is worrisome that we will have the same lack of transparency with Istock subs sales. 

« Reply #55 on: April 05, 2014, 19:27 »
I think the SUB's are a good idea to try and the pricing to compete with SS is good. I think different levels is good as even SS has this with OffSet. I am just feeling positive and happy, yes my medication has kicked in.

« Reply #56 on: April 05, 2014, 20:09 »
I think the SUB's are a good idea to try and the pricing to compete with SS is good. I think different levels is good as even SS has this with OffSet. I am just feeling positive and happy, yes my medication has kicked in.
I'd be happy to take your medication too.  This new subscription program is making me feel depressed with panic attacks.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #57 on: April 05, 2014, 20:18 »
I think the SUB's are a good idea to try and the pricing to compete with SS is good. I think different levels is good as even SS has this with OffSet. I am just feeling positive and happy, yes my medication has kicked in.
I'd be happy to take your medication too.  This new subscription program is making me feel depressed with panic attacks.
Me too. I don't believe many SS buyers will swap and have to wade through all the badly keyworded files that are coming through. I've seen a recent acceptance where the main subject is out of focus - so badly I could see it in the thum as well as having lots of unnecessary burn out. I have no idea what they're thinking of. It's not just quantity which counts with buyers. Time matters too.

I think it will certainly cannibalise credit sales - having a whole month to spend your credits is far better for the buyer than daily sub. ceilings - so flexible that buying credits is hardly a viable option, and they could always top up with a few credit sales in an emergency. Lucky bonus for someone getting a higher credit-price sale late in the month - with RCs - while the poor sods early in the month had to suffer sub sales.

I foresee nothing good in this. It would be a relief to be wrong, but I don't think I will be.

Uncle Pete

« Reply #58 on: April 05, 2014, 23:11 »
Thanks both, it's partly my fault because I generally just toss emails from IS into the trash, without reading them. Reading the forum there is like banging my head against the wall. It feels best when I stop doing it.  :)

Since it's April and this supposedly has started, has anyone gotten one? Or will it be reported like TS, next month? I wonder what I should be looking for, if and when I get the first Sub DL?

Anyone have one? Anyone know?

wds is correct.
From the original email we were sent on 4th March and in the OP of the subs thread on iS (3rd March)
Royalties will be reported monthly, not in real time. Initially we will be reporting these royalties under the Partner Program.
and in case you also missed it:
Image Subscription downloads arent purchased with credits so we will not be calculating RCs with these downloads.
So we are doubly screwed.

Oh now I'm even more thrilled to see I'll be locked in at Non-exclusive: All Collections: $0.28/download Even though I contend that Exclusives should get some favoritism for being loyal, I would say that IS should be the bottom of the industry for Subs and artists returns. Well not the absolute bottom, they are tied with themselves on TS offering the same measly 28c for a DL.

And 24 pages later of blabber, there's still nothing worth getting excited about in this offer, for a non-exclusive.

So I'll wait a month and see what happened.

I don't understand how counting views has a value for guessing at DLs. Maybe someone can explain that? I have a file on IS, with the most views of all my files, and Zero DLs. It must have some killer keywords, but when people get there, they find something other than what they were looking for. Interesting but fruitless.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2014, 23:30 by Uncle Pete »

« Reply #59 on: April 06, 2014, 01:03 »
Of course t has a logic. The client likes this file, no matter if good or bad, and he buys it because he just knows he can't get it cheaper anywhere else.

You reply to me without actually reading what I've written: I said the higher price is not justified just because the photographer is exclusive. There are quite a few exclusive images that justify higher prices because they are unique and special. Actually I also believe there are quite a few non-exclusive files that are wasted on cheap sites. But there is also a lot of exclusive content that is just the same as what you can find everywhere else at 10% of the cost.

And yes, those customers who are still with iStock, are mostly bigger companies having large contracts with the whole Getty family, so they are not bothered to pay $20 or $50 for an image. But they also have controllers asking why they wouldn't be able to buy somewhere else at a fraction of the cost.

Most importantly: We are talking about the buyers that are still left with iStock. Remember the time (a few years ago) when iStock made about three times the revenue as all microstock competitors combined? If you didn't notice, this time is over. iStock got stuck somewhere, they are making about the same or a bit less revenue than three years ago with fewer customers paying the higher prices. But a big chunk of the market went elsewhere and until now there has been no indication that this move has stopped.

« Reply #60 on: April 06, 2014, 04:03 »
The only  microstock revenue that matters to me is my microstock revenue. I can't care less if company A doubles company B or whatever, no matter how entertaining these kind of informations can be for you.

« Reply #61 on: April 06, 2014, 06:06 »
And 24 pages later of blabber, there's still nothing worth getting excited about in this offer, for a non-exclusive.

I disagree with you for two reasons as follows:

1. The 'iStock Essentials' check box is available in general search. Although listed under a 'subscriptions' heading, it is not something which only subscribers are going to see. It is the new alternative to the price slider - a one click short cut to the lowest priced content. It effectively makes the price slider obsolete. Searching for content to buy it would likely be my default. Whether I was on subscription or not. And the best of the lowest price content is non exclusive. Because exclusives currently have their work mostly in higher priced collections.

2. The content available in the less costly of the two subscription programs is dominated by very high quality non-exclusive content. As an example, do a search for 'business' - which is probably one of the most important keywords. Then select the 'iStock Essentials' option. This limits the search results to only show images available at the lower price point. Make sure to select either 'best match' or 'most popular'. I think you will agree that there is some great work on offer. Now, finally, select 'Only from iStock'. You can see that the best content at the lower price subscription point is non-exclusive.

I am interested, not complaining.

« Reply #62 on: April 06, 2014, 06:10 »
I think their strategy people have just caught up to the late 2Oth Century business model - where you would sit in a meeting and hear people say:

"Let's run it up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes it" or my personal favorite: "Let's put this out on the back porch and see if the cat licks it up."


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #63 on: April 06, 2014, 06:11 »
And 24 pages later of blabber, there's still nothing worth getting excited about in this offer, for a non-exclusive.
They said "Were excited to introduce image subscriptions, ..."
They didn't even try to suggest that there was anything for us to be excited about.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #64 on: April 06, 2014, 06:12 »
I think their strategy people have just caught up to the late 2Oth Century business model - where you would sit in a meeting and hear people say:

"Let's run it up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes it" or my personal favorite: "Let's put this out on the back porch and see if the cat licks it up."

I've seen nothing else there for 3-ish years now. Only differences now is that the changes come thick and fast with no time to prove themselves, and they are more obviously bouncing all over the place, with one 'idea' cancelling a recently previous one.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #65 on: April 06, 2014, 06:33 »
I'm a bit concerned that these will not be reported in real time.  After the recent reporting disaster with the PP numbers, it is worrisome that we will have the same lack of transparency with Istock subs sales.

Not to mention the long-standing 'delayed royalty' issue with their existing subs program (I think it goes back to November).

Isn't it funny that they have actually got a reporting column for 'delayed royalties', like it's 'built-into' the system?
Still, it's better than just sweeping them under the carpet and hoping we never find out.

Uncle Pete

« Reply #66 on: April 06, 2014, 07:55 »
OK I'll be excited in May when I see my PP sales, mixed with my PP sales, and have no clue if they came from the new exciting IS subs program or the old exciting TS subs program? How the heck do they come up with this stuff. One month late reporting (or 15 days maybe), reporting mixed with a different agency results?

And the argument that somehow TS is different from IS subs, has eluded me. Why not just one place for everything? Is dividing them into two collections doing something beneficial? Seems like all these letters and collections and price points and ways to buy are more confusing for buyers, than making things nice and easy.

"It's a no brainer" (that's for the collection Red Dove)

And 24 pages later of blabber, there's still nothing worth getting excited about in this offer, for a non-exclusive.
They said "Were excited to introduce image subscriptions, ..."
They didn't even try to suggest that there was anything for us to be excited about.

« Reply #67 on: April 06, 2014, 08:22 »
One month late reporting (or 15 days maybe),

Or 50+ days? Make a sale on April 3rd and get it reported on May 27th. Then request a payout and get paid on June 9th...  ::)

« Reply #68 on: April 06, 2014, 08:34 »
I think the SUB's are a good idea to try and the pricing to compete with SS is good. I think different levels is good as even SS has this with OffSet. I am just feeling positive and happy, yes my medication has kicked in.

I believe that the only way it could be good is if it doesn't erode existing credit sales, which it will, unfortunately. 

Uncle Pete

« Reply #69 on: April 06, 2014, 13:23 »
I didn't realize it was that bad. I thought that my previous month DLs from TS were showing in the middle of the next month. (most of the time) Sometimes it takes longer.

But I see what you mean, in a good month, it's going to be 45 days from the 1st, until, maybe getting reported to us. Makes me ask, like many before have asked, why do all the rest of the agencies have same day reporting, maybe within hours?

Is the system that convoluted and messed up at TS and IS that they can't keep track of things. This is from the biggest stock agency in the world and what was once the biggest Microstock agency? Highly unprofessional. Or is that unsustainable?

I mean "professionals deal with professionals". Right?

One month late reporting (or 15 days maybe),

Or 50+ days? Make a sale on April 3rd and get it reported on May 27th. Then request a payout and get paid on June 9th...  ::)


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #70 on: April 06, 2014, 18:20 »
Is the system that convoluted and messed up at TS and IS that they can't keep track of things.
...  Or is that unsustainable?
Both of the above, probably.


« Reply #71 on: April 07, 2014, 03:56 »
I think the monkeys trained to make monthly economic accounts of PP with fingers will revolt when they know they must also calculate sales by subscription... and we will return money back

« Reply #72 on: April 07, 2014, 04:31 »
In the UK we have a word now added to the Oxford English Dictionary, which seems entirely appropriate for IS and a few others.......


Meaning: A situation that has been comprehensively mismanaged, characterized by a string of blunders and miscalculations.

Most famously used to describe the wet mongrel of a budget put out by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in 2012

« Reply #73 on: April 07, 2014, 06:41 »
Since it's April and this supposedly has started, has anyone gotten one? Or will it be reported like TS, next month? I wonder what I should be looking for, if and when I get the first Sub DL?

Anyone have one? Anyone know?

wds is correct.
From the original email we were sent on 4th March and in the OP of the subs thread on iS (3rd March)
Royalties will be reported monthly, not in real time. Initially we will be reporting these royalties under the Partner Program.
and in case you also missed it:
Image Subscription downloads arent purchased with credits so we will not be calculating RCs with these downloads.
So we are doubly screwed.

Views are not revenue. I wonder how long it will take before the istock exclusives realize they are about to get all the views they have been asking for and not increase and probably a decrease in revenue. To me all Getty is trying to do here is pay virtually nothing for what they consider to be just padding out their collections.

gillian vann

  • *Gillian*
« Reply #74 on: April 07, 2014, 07:26 »
In the UK we have a word now added to the Oxford English Dictionary, which seems entirely appropriate for IS and a few others.......


Meaning: A situation that has been comprehensively mismanaged, characterized by a string of blunders and miscalculations.

Most famously used to describe the wet mongrel of a budget put out by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in 2012

I too was thinking this has govt employee mentality stamped all over it. There's a whole lot of overlap and double handling, and general "make it up as we go along", and the drones are still getting their paycheck, meanwhile us small business owners at the coalface keep getting screwed.


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