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Author Topic: LuckyOliver Enters Midstock Market - Allows Some Photos to Be Custom Priced  (Read 22336 times)

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« on: April 20, 2007, 05:23 »
LO now allows artists with over 100 sales to custom price 25% of their portfolio.  Artists with over 500 sales can custom price 50% of their portfolio.

Custom-priced images will be specially placed on a side bar called the "Sideshow".

Artists with over 100 images need to take advantage of this before July 19, 2007 or they will have to pay $1/image to custom price images.

Artists that don't have 100 images yet, but achieve that total after July 19, 2007 will have to pay $1/image to custom price images.

What do you guys & gals think?

See the following link for more info:


« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2007, 05:28 »
I think it is a good idea.  There is however going to be a lot of images in the side show if artists with over 500 sales can have 50% of their portfolio in the sideshow!  It is nice to be able to set certain images apart from the others though.

One thing I wish though is that the side show images weren't taken out of the regular search.  Currently they only show up in the sideshow area.  If there is 50 images in the side show the buyer is only ever going to see those last 43 images if they click on the sideshow link.

« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2007, 05:29 »
it will be interesting to see if customers go for it, or if they just search around to the other sites more?

what are others putting their side show images at?  I have put mine at 5 tokens.

« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2007, 05:33 »
Artists that don't have 100 images yet, but achieve that total after July 19, 2007 will have to pay $1/image to custom price images.

My biggest complaint with the new feature is that it is geared towards members with uber-portfolios, since it is way easier to reach 100 downloads with 1000s of images.

Since most members have < 100 images online, they won't be able to take advantage of this new feature.

In other words, for members with smaller portfolios, they will need to pay to use this new feature.

I would have preferred to have seen the new feature implemented for images that were selling well.  For example, all images that have over a certain # of sales could then be priced higher.

Although I don't have a large portfolio (it averages a little over 100 images between all of the sites that I am on), I am usually in the top 10% of sales on each site.  Yet, I won't be able to participate in this new feature unless I pay (since I only have a few dozen sales at this point).

« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2007, 07:29 »
500 sales???   For me, at SS, IS and others, okay, no problem, I can do that... piece of cake.               

but....at my current sales rate on LO.....?   I'm 58 years old.   It'll never happen in my lifetime.     I'm disappointed.

Unless sales start to pick up..................

or....  Maybe I should hire a staff of 10 or 20 and start snapping away....

 no 'happy face' posted.   -tom
« Last Edit: April 20, 2007, 16:25 by a.k.a.-tom »

« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2007, 07:59 »

and for the first time in my short carreer, I'm actually thinking about going exclusive.....

Say it ain't so tom!

I'll have more to say a little later today - but consider the Best Match search on IS - consider being able to actually influence what images appear on the first page - that would be a great advantage to photogs!

« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2007, 08:12 »
I agree, to decide to put one or two images on a special section is a really good idea, however, 25 or 50% of the portfolio in that section for the big contributers who have more than 100 and 500 Dls is quite a lot of images.
That special section won't be so special anymore.. Someone who has 4000 images probably has more than 500dls till July 19ths. He can place 2000 images in that section while I with my tiny portfolio probably won't reach  hundred dls this year.

But the thought of the special section is really good.

« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2007, 08:32 »
I think it would be nice to have a max of 10% of ones portfolio in that section... It seems odd that the rate was set at 50%.. however luckyoliver also seems to know what they are doing, or don't generally seem to do things on a whim so hopefully they have thought through why they want such a large number.

Getting 50% of the sales from that section however is a very nice bonus.

« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2007, 09:22 »
I think it would be nice to have a max of 10% of ones portfolio in that section... It seems odd that the rate was set at 50%.. however luckyoliver also seems to know what they are doing, or don't generally seem to do things on a whim so hopefully they have thought through why they want such a large number.

Let's not forget that everyone's portfolio is not just simply based on one subject. i think all of us have images spread all over the tent (bad LO pun there!). That will spread things out.

And I doubt that a carney is going to just pick every image of a series of poses (as was mentioned by tom) to be in the sideshow so i doubt one photographer will be hogging a specific sticky word... there may be thousands of stickywords where images don't even appear in the sideshow.

And yes, LO has spent a lot of time discussing this :)

« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2007, 09:25 »
it will be interesting to see if customers go for it, or if they just search around to the other sites more?

what are others putting their side show images at?  I have put mine at 5 tokens.

Indeed it will be interesting!

The pricing is another question all together - that's the hardest thing i can think of in this biz. LO isn't the first site to start this individual pricing thing tho but as far as i know, this sideshow is the first of its kind and should be a very interesting feature for LO.

« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2007, 09:31 »
i wonder how many people have 100 downloads at LO.....its okie to have 100 downloads in other sites but at LO???

We can even do a poll and see who has 100 downloads at LO....that will be interesting

« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2007, 09:33 »
let's just make sure we understand the numbers...

first, to be able to price 25% of your portfolio and have them put in the sidebar, you must have over 100 downloads.

the 500 number comes later and let's you put 50% of your portfolio (which is a maximum by the way - you don't have to put any in there).

And the special allowance for those already over 100 let's LO get some images there in the sidebar quickly. Yes, that means those of us (like me) with less than 100 (i only have 41 at this point) may potentially have to pay token per image to get in the sidebar, but like on Google Adwords, you gotta pay something to get special treatment.

Think of 100 DLs as a goal. I'd love to get there quickly to be able to have my images in the sidebar - even if i don't use special pricing (i may just leave them at the LO pricing but want to have them highlighted?)

« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2007, 09:59 »
500 sales???   For me, at SS, IS and others, okay, no problem, I can do that... piece of cake.               

no 'happy face' posted.   -tom

from the other thread here called 'pricing' - they are talking about Fotolia stuff... here's a snippet:

"For Standard Licenses:
If you are non-exclusive, then you can't change the prices on your images until you are an Emerald (which means that you have sold over 10,000 images).
If you are exclusive, you can change prices on your images starting at Bronze (which means you have sold over 100 images)."

wow - so it takes 10,000 Downloads over there - and you thought 100 was a lot? heehee

I've got just a few more DLs at fotolia than i do at LO and i've been at fotolia twice as long!

Just another perspective


« Reply #13 on: April 20, 2007, 11:36 »

"After the initial 90-day complimentary period, eligible Carnies will pay one token to place one image in the sideshow, but the image will garner sideshow listing for every sticky word related to the image. In essence, for the cost of one token, you can get preferred Sideshow placement for your image in 25, 50, 100 or more searches, depending on the number of sticky words associated with the image."

Looks like Lucky Oliver is starting its Marketing effort - starting with you. Obviously this will make them money while putting the risk squarely upon yourselves - ala Google Adwords.

I find it funny that they're offering it free for 90 days but you need 100 downloads to participate. They know hardly anyone has 100 downloads, so not many will get the free placement. Thanks guys.

On a side note, I want to thank whoever here recommended Feature Pics - just got my first payout. Now there's a site I hope keeps growing.

« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2007, 12:11 »
Looks like Lucky Oliver is starting its Marketing effort - starting with you. Obviously this will make them money while putting the risk squarely upon yourselves - ala Google Adwords.

I find it funny that they're offering it free for 90 days but you need 100 downloads to participate. They know hardly anyone has 100 downloads, so not many will get the free placement. Thanks guys.

I'm not sure i understand your logic.

There's no "risk" for those getting in in the first 90 days - they're getting good placement for nothing. Yes, after that, if you reach 100 DL's, you'll have to give up a token (you'll have 100 at that point), but it is only one token and it doesn't cost you per click as Adwords does... it is a one time cost. Is that a huge risk? Not like Getty that charges you $250 per image.

If you look, there are plenty of images already appearing in the sidebar... i don't know any stats, but there are obviously folks over 100DLs. Yes, i wish i was at 100 now to get in free, but i'll willingly pay 1 token to try to ensure i get my images some additional visibility.


« Reply #15 on: April 20, 2007, 12:51 »
Looks like Lucky Oliver is starting its Marketing effort - starting with you. Obviously this will make them money while putting the risk squarely upon yourselves - ala Google Adwords.

I find it funny that they're offering it free for 90 days but you need 100 downloads to participate. They know hardly anyone has 100 downloads, so not many will get the free placement. Thanks guys.

I'm not sure i understand your logic.

There's no "risk" for those getting in in the first 90 days - they're getting good placement for nothing. Yes, after that, if you reach 100 DL's, you'll have to give up a token (you'll have 100 at that point), but it is only one token and it doesn't cost you per click as Adwords does... it is a one time cost. Is that a huge risk? Not like Getty that charges you $250 per image.

If you look, there are plenty of images already appearing in the sidebar... i don't know any stats, but there are obviously folks over 100DLs. Yes, i wish i was at 100 now to get in free, but i'll willingly pay 1 token to try to ensure i get my images some additional visibility.

Well, considering you work for them, I don't expect you to understand my logic. In your eyes they can do no wrong. Just look at the poll, the vast majority are under 100 downloads, so they don't get the free placement. I did the "dog" search as recommended and see the same two dogs over and over, yeah as a designer that's what I want to see. As a designer looking for an image, that's the first and last time I would use that feature.  I think it would be a lot better if LO handpicked the "best" shots to go in that area. But NO then they wouldn't make any money off of us.

It's funny that you and the CEO like to compare LO to Getty, justifying the low commission rate of 30% and now what they charge for placement, are you reading out of the same playbook? Getty sells images for $350 a piece so the comparisons are really few and far between. 

« Reply #16 on: April 20, 2007, 13:05 »
 I am not sure if it is really so important to set your own price because I don't think you will be able to sell them at the highest price you set there if  they are also sold in  other sites too.(ok may be tehre is a slight chance,which I think is very slim)I am sure many of the buyers know the fact that  many of us upload to multiple sites and it won't take much effort them to find out where else we are ???
but the feature will  be effective if your image is exclusive to the site then it will be a simmillar  to what FT already offers IMO

« Reply #17 on: April 20, 2007, 13:24 »
Well, considering you work for them, I don't expect you to understand my logic. In your eyes they can do no wrong.

Not understanding your logic has nothing to do with my feelings toward LO - as someone reading your post, i honestly didn't understand your point. I don't know where you get that "they can do no wrong" thing - just because I like LO and have commented in a positive way does not make me blind. Yes, I'm now a forum moderator but that doesn't close my eyes and I'm just as quick to provide them negative as well as positive opinions (tho i usually don't post negatives online - i do send them to LO directly).

I did the "dog" search as recommended and see the same two dogs over and over, yeah as a designer that's what I want to see. As a designer looking for an image, that's the first and last time I would use that feature.  I think it would be a lot better if LO handpicked the "best" shots to go in that area. But NO then they wouldn't make any money off of us.

Umm... the feature was just released today - give it time to even out. If you'll notice by the way, if there are more images than will fit on the first page of the sidebar, they will randomly rotate if you refresh the search.

It's funny that you and the CEO like to compare LO to Getty, justifying the low commission rate of 30% and now what they charge for placement, are you reading out of the same playbook? Getty sells images for $350 a piece so the comparisons are really few and far between. 

Getty happens to be a well recognized name, so it is easy to use their name as an example. My intent was not to compare LO and Getty as equals, i was just using the example that i believe Getty charges to host some images.

« Reply #18 on: April 20, 2007, 13:53 »
Nruboc- Well, we can agree to disagree. It's been less than a day, so it will take some time for things to settle down. We're still an underdog, but we're going to continue to push forward and differentiate our offering.

The first 90 day offer is to get some of our most prolific Carnies the opportunity to play around with the feature to see what works.  They are taking the risk with us, so it seems fair to help them out. Many of our early adopters of LuckyOliver will not be able to join in right away, but they'll still be able to use their tokens that they accumulated last year for uploading.

And Mitch? We tapped him on the shoulder because he seemed to give us both kudos and slaps on the wrist.  He's very pragmatic- we felt this was important to shaping a forum that will benefit a lot of people.

As always, feel free to shoot me an email!

« Reply #19 on: April 20, 2007, 14:09 »
Looks like Lucky Oliver is starting its Marketing effort - starting with you. Obviously this will make them money while putting the risk squarely upon yourselves - ala Google Adwords.

I find it funny that they're offering it free for 90 days but you need 100 downloads to participate. They know hardly anyone has 100 downloads, so not many will get the free placement. Thanks guys.

I'm not sure i understand your logic.

Then let me give it a shot.

This offer is pretty useless to 99% of the artists that submit to LO.

Only a handful of artists have over 100 downloads.  And those artists are probably already onboard.  For example, the #50 Top Photographer only has about 40 downloads.

For the rest of us, we will need to pay if we want to use this new service.

So they might as well have skipped the 90 days, and just said that it will cost in order for us to use the service.

Basically it was clever marketing...

EDITED to correct bad math and to protect the innocent...
« Last Edit: April 21, 2007, 07:12 by StockManiac »

« Reply #20 on: April 20, 2007, 14:11 »
I guess we now know why Bryan kept telling us that we would need our tokens!


« Reply #21 on: April 20, 2007, 14:25 »
I just wish sites would choose inclusive ideas rather than exclusive ideas............here is the list that LO is not giving me:

Beer mat
T Shirt
Side Show

Lucky O started GREAT, gave everyone of the early submitters tokens, it seemed LO was well on it's way to being a fair community for contributors, why not give everyone 10 spaces in the sideshow as a sign of good faith. Sure give the bigger portfolios more, they deserve it, but us little people pad out the bigger portfolios and make the site more visible.

Or how about every 5 comments gets 1 entry into the sideshow...........but 100 dl's, is a bit of a slap down to the vast majority of contributors, really Bryan.

« Reply #22 on: April 20, 2007, 15:14 »
I feel this is getting a bit blown out of proportion.

If you don't like the sideshow don't contribute to it.  100 downloads is peanuts for a site that is active.. hopefully lucky oliver will be active soon and all serious contributors will easily have the 500 downloads, let alone the 100 uploads.

Charging 1 token will keep the sideshow a little more exclusive and make people think about what they stick in there. 

Keeping things inclusive - does that mean everything should be given away for free to 'include everyone'  should fotolia give the highest percent to all uploades so they are all included or just give the premium percentage to the ones with the big sales?

I also think it is good to have something to work towards - advantages for more sales and such.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2007, 15:36 by leaf »

« Reply #23 on: April 20, 2007, 16:44 »
In other words, for members with smaller portfolios, they will need to pay to use this new feature.
Maybe we will be able to use our tokens?  Then it would be perhaps a treat (though I haven't given much thought whether this is advantageous) to those who've been there from the start and have gained tokens.


« Reply #24 on: April 20, 2007, 17:33 »
yes i believe that is the point.  We can use our tokens that we have in our piggy bank.  Many of use have hundreds or thousands to use up.  If we have not tokens we can use our earnings.


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