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« on: February 27, 2008, 21:15 »
On the Road Again

Recently, thanks to a lot of help and advice from Odditorium citizens, we've acquired a DSLR camera at my house. It's very exciting, and we're looking forward to taking the new Canon out and about with us when we hit the road for some upcoming trips.

Since contemporary cameras take big photos, especially if you're shooting in RAW,  long trips away from your home computer system or laptop create a storage issue. While flicking through the internet trying to solve a problem I am not yet lucky enough to have, I found some tips I never would have thought of and products I've never heard of:

   Save on upload time by brings a stack of blank CDs - a lot of internet cafes will let you burn CDs or DVDs from their workstations instead of just using their internet connection. And hey, you can mail the CDs to yourself back home! If you're me, that means less worrying about losing all those little cards and CDs, but more worrying about the reliability of the world's various postal services. Hmm.
   Portable data storage devices let you transfer all the images from you SD cards to a portable card downloader that you can also view and delete from. Nifty! The monochrome end seems cheap, while the full colour, multiple image viewer models look like an iPhone and cost about as much.
   Speaking of iStuff, I don't know why it never occurred to me to use an iPod for this kind of storage, but with an iPod Camera Connector, you can. As this really in-depth review and work-flow says, "If you already have an iPod, the iPod Camera Connector can be an inexpensive solution for backing up photos or freeing up memory cards on-the-go."

I'm sure there are other, probably simpler solutions out there, but all of this stuff is new to me so I'm like a kid in a candy factory right now, looking at new toys for my new toy.

But one of the very best travel photography tips I came across is simple, cheap and smart: take a snapshot of your name and address and set it as your camera's LCD wallpaper in case you lose it. A lot of (but not all) cameras will let you do this. Happily, mine does!



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