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Microstock Monitor on Linux under Wine


Hi Daneel,

I'm trying to get microstock monitor to work on linux under wine (which lets you run windows apps on linux). I have installed the windows version of firefox and the microstock monitor plugin. However I get the following error "TypeError: Components.classes[cid] has no properties" whenever I press "Refresh All". I assume that it is due to a missing dll. Could you tell me which dlls microstock monitor relies on?

Thank you and best wishes,

Hi Klaas,

Just download the microstock monitor xpi file. Then open it with Winzip (or any other zip decompression program). There you will find a components folder which includes the dll which is needed.

Good luck,

how can i get it work on Linux? (i've got Ubuntu 7.10)

I didn't tried it to install on my Debian yet as I only participate on few stocks so can track sites individually.
But since this program require some DLL I think the only way to use it is to install Firefox under Wine and install Microstock Monitor there.


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