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Author Topic: Lifeographies.com is a new StartUp in microstock industry  (Read 30490 times)

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« Reply #50 on: May 15, 2017, 10:18 »
What part of the drug do you want to conquer geographically, the whole world, Europe or Switzerland?

A niche of the market such as public transport and getting the biggest on it?

The idea of ​​conquering the world market at once has been tried before. It could be the vision, but start with the goal of being the best in pictures needed in the local market in Switzerland. If you can conquer 3000 regular subscribers, there is a chance to get this with a small profit. There will be need of at least 3 million images of satisfactory quality with spread on keywords and subjects in the base.

Can you get into nearby markets, for example Austria with another 3000 customers as next step, it can be really good.

My experience is that customers seek partly the customized isolated images on white  for ideas, but also images that appear to be taken from everyday life, local business, streets, buildings, places in the market where the customers are located. Ask the Swiss photographers for local images, by google adds, adds in local photo magazines.

Good clients to market you service for are local newspapers, government agencies, smaller advertising agencies, municipal administrations, political parties, associations and smaller companies. You need to call them, visit them.

Be transparent and fair with customers and contributors. This service will cost you money for at least five years before it make any good profit.

Keep on!

« Reply #51 on: May 15, 2017, 10:54 »
I am wondering why nobody is mentioning the poor quality of the images... or am I wrong?

No, the quality is really low. And also not "authentic" enough, to qualify for the "mobile stock trend".

Why should a customer come to them? What is it that they specialize in or makes them more interesting than all the other sites?


  • Author Brutally Honest Guide to Microstock & Blog

« Reply #52 on: May 16, 2017, 05:32 »
This would be great, if you got on a time machine back to 2001..seems too difficult to compete now without having a clear niche and offering contributors something special!

« Reply #53 on: May 16, 2017, 07:58 »
Interesting and typical that they have not been back in here posting and answering questions. The humble pie served up, as helpful as it could really be, had too many carbs.

« Reply #54 on: May 16, 2017, 09:50 »
Interesting and typical that they have not been back in here posting and answering questions. The humble pie served up, as helpful as it could really be, had too many carbs.
Hi Mantis,

Thank you for your message.
We are also here and we read all your proposals, some of them well-founded. We try to respond punctually only when the issues mentioned by you are resolved. Thank you and keep up your work in uploading content.

All the best.
Lifeographies.com Team.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

« Reply #55 on: May 16, 2017, 11:10 »
"Contributors are required to keep at least seventy (60%) percent of their portfolio online with Lifeographies.com for a period of at least one (1) year. You may disable all files older than six months from the date of review at any time. You will be allowed to disable a total of thirty (40%) percent of your total Media submitted within the past one (1) year. Media that was disabled and then enabled again will be counted as new submissions, no matter of their original upload date."

Come on.  Really?

If you think that's bad, look at Canva, for instance,  You cannot delete content from there, ever, and that's a lot longer than twelve months..

« Reply #56 on: May 16, 2017, 12:40 »
"Contributors are required to keep at least seventy (60%) percent of their portfolio online with Lifeographies.com for a period of at least one (1) year. You may disable all files older than six months from the date of review at any time. You will be allowed to disable a total of thirty (40%) percent of your total Media submitted within the past one (1) year. Media that was disabled and then enabled again will be counted as new submissions, no matter of their original upload date."

Come on.  Really?

If you think that's bad, look at Canva, for instance,  You cannot delete content from there, ever, and that's a lot longer than twelve months..

Canva's a bit of a different bird though.  As a design tool, it's not really different than a buyer already having licensed it and having it on their desktop.  You certainly can't call that back, so you can't really call back content already licensed through their interface.
"You have the right to remove any of your Stock Media from our Service at any time for any reason. Canva will use reasonable efforts to cause the Stock Media, including any additional versions such as Cut Outs (as defined below), to be removed from the Service and affiliated or partner websites within sixty (60) days of your deactivation of such Stock Media. However, you agree that any licenses issued by Canva in respect of any Stock Media that is removed from the Service will remain in full force and effect under the terms of that license."

« Reply #57 on: May 16, 2017, 12:46 »
Out of curiosity, I just checked out the site.

It loaded within 6 seconds - kind of slow but not terrible.

But when I tried some very basic searches, such as "travel " and "people" after trying some locations such as "Italy" that I assumed I could find on a Swiss site, I still ended up with zero images and I made sure I was searching the entire database.

Is the search engine broken?

You seem to have a lot of editorial images. Who is your primary market?


« Reply #58 on: May 16, 2017, 14:22 »
its a no-go from the very beginning, image spamming from poor images all over, the best thing is to try favorite keywords and see the result, one trial and you will never try it again.


  • Author Brutally Honest Guide to Microstock & Blog

« Reply #59 on: May 16, 2017, 15:15 »
its a no-go from the very beginning, image spamming from poor images all over, the best thing is to try favorite keywords and see the result, one trial and you will never try it again.

I used to work with online poker and it reminds me of sites who were way behind the curve try to compete with the big boys at the time (Party or Pokerstars) but they didn't have that many tables going and no incentives for new guys to join.

One way Lifeographies could potentially get more contributors is to start offering minimum 70% commissions to new contributors then I'd probably give it a try, even exclusively.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #60 on: May 16, 2017, 15:43 »
its a no-go from the very beginning, image spamming from poor images all over, the best thing is to try favorite keywords and see the result, one trial and you will never try it again.
I tried some of my favourite keywords (for trying out new websites) and there were no results, tried a slightly broader category and the photos weren't noticeably poor compared to the opposition (but some of the English language captions were almost as bad as mine would be captioning in another language), but there were a lot of 'very similars', like many sites (e.g. iS, SS, Alamy).
It was extremely slow, though. About 12 seconds to open from the link in the OP, but after about three searches gettimng slower each time, the page went black with a white 'rotating timer indicator thingy' for over 1/2 minute and I gave up. Specifically, I had made one search, then deleted that search, wanting to try another. The 30 secs was while the first search was deleting (after I'd done two previously).
« Last Edit: May 16, 2017, 16:14 by ShadySue »

« Reply #61 on: May 16, 2017, 15:55 »
I think the only thing that would get my interest would be to get payment up front for images....after all if they are confident of their selling ability they would soon recoup it. Like most of the start ups I see nothing about marketing....who will buy these images?

« Reply #62 on: June 13, 2017, 15:46 »
Hello everyone,
We would like to thank you for your feedback. We appreciate your honesty and hope that you will find that it resulted in some positive changes on lifeographies.com.
We are constantly seeking ways to improve your experience on our platform. We can guarantee that any future ideas and feedback will be considered by our team and all feasible ideas will be implemented as soon as possible.
Best regards
Your Lifeographies team.

Tyson Anderson

  • www.openrangestudios.com
« Reply #63 on: June 13, 2017, 17:41 »
Holy crap!  Seems like every other month a new company makes this exact same post.  If a new company wants to learn how to get a positive response in this forum, just read through all the mistakes the past few new companies have made.  How can you not thinking the contributors earning percentage is important information to put in your original post?

« Reply #64 on: June 13, 2017, 18:27 »
Hello everyone,
We would like to thank you for your feedback. We appreciate your honesty and hope that you will find that it resulted in some positive changes on lifeographies.com.
We are constantly seeking ways to improve your experience on our platform. We can guarantee that any future ideas and feedback will be considered by our team and all feasible ideas will be implemented as soon as possible.
Best regards
Your Lifeographies team.

And those are?


« Reply #65 on: June 15, 2017, 06:09 »
I live in Hong Kong.

Your website assumes that I'm on the mainland of China, and so that I want to use simplified Chinese.

That's a great way to upset Hong Kongers:
1) HK uses traditional Chinese characters;
2) Plenty of HKers don't like being considered part of the People's Republic of China;
3) I use English. So do many businesses in HK. It's very international.

Also, the site is SO SLOW.

These days, if a site takes more than about five seconds to load, I assume there's a problem with the website and give up and do something else -- such as go to a rival site.

Sometimes I come back. Sometimes I don't. Why are you taking the risk of driving away customers and contributors?

It is not a great advert for your competence if you cannot operate a website a normal speed.


« Reply #66 on: June 15, 2017, 06:13 »
The front page says:


That will confuse buyers. They will think the site doesn't sell pix.

Very basic stuff.

« Reply #67 on: June 18, 2017, 05:49 »
Not interested until video prices are at least $60 per clip.


« Reply #68 on: June 18, 2017, 09:02 »

There is nothing new in traditional stock industry, but you can create new ideas in your content, and for that you must contribute in order to be visibile and sell.

Geez, I wish I could afford saying that: There is nothing new in my product, it's hack job, it's mundane, sub par quality and unoriginal. It's up to buyers to find a good use for it.

Sorry, Team, no sale.


« Reply #69 on: June 18, 2017, 09:16 »
I think the only thing that would get my interest would be to get payment up front for images....after all if they are confident of their selling ability they would soon recoup it. Like most of the start ups I see nothing about marketing....who will buy these images?

That's an excellent idea, except I would ask to pay for my time to upload and keyword. Sure Lifeographies, pay me 5K upfront and I will upload my port, no problem. That's before royalties, to be perfectly clear.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2017, 09:18 by niktol »

« Reply #70 on: June 18, 2017, 10:10 »
I am wondering why nobody is mentioning the poor quality of the images... or am I wrong?

No, the quality is really low.

strange! that was what many SS contributors have been saying, here and on their forum, about the change in ss since they flooded their inventory to bolster numbers for the shareholders carrot,
yet, ss seems to do fine with low quality ... and the departure of many old successful contributors.

« Reply #71 on: June 18, 2017, 11:52 »
I think the only thing that would get my interest would be to get payment up front for images....after all if they are confident of their selling ability they would soon recoup it. Like most of the start ups I see nothing about marketing....who will buy these images?

That's an excellent idea, except I would ask to pay for my time to upload and keyword. Sure Lifeographies, pay me 5K upfront and I will upload my port, no problem. That's before royalties, to be perfectly clear.
I'd take $10 an image to be recouped from initial sales....you can bet  review standards would be tight but fair ;-)...otherwise I'm taking all the risk by taking time uploading stuff that in all probability will never sell.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2017, 12:06 by Pauws99 »


« Reply #72 on: June 18, 2017, 12:26 »

 I'd take $10 an image to be recouped from initial sales....you can bet  review standards would be tight but fair ;-)...otherwise I'm taking all the risk by taking time uploading stuff that in all probability will never sell.

Not to mention the risk of having the images and financial information stolen because of inadequate online security protocols. Yippee ki yay, let's sell some hot dogs!


« Reply #73 on: June 18, 2017, 13:25 »
I think the only thing that would get my interest would be to get payment up front for images....after all if they are confident of their selling ability they would soon recoup it. Like most of the start ups I see nothing about marketing....who will buy these images?

That's an excellent idea, except I would ask to pay for my time to upload and keyword. Sure Lifeographies, pay me 5K upfront and I will upload my port, no problem. That's before royalties, to be perfectly clear.
I'd take $10 an image to be recouped from initial sales....you can bet  review standards would be tight but fair ;-)...otherwise I'm taking all the risk by taking time uploading stuff that in all probability will never sell.

On second thought, I already like your way better. There is no guarantee that after using the asset that a portfolio is no sales will be reported, regardless of whether they took place or not. $10 per image/illo sounds pretty fair for a new kid on the block.


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