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Author Topic: Moodboard  (Read 19589 times)

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« Reply #25 on: November 26, 2008, 10:37 »
I just joined and tried to upload my id and 3 initial samples, it timed out after 20 minutes.
Any suggestions?  Never had problems like that before, even with large images at Alamy.
Is there a glitch?

« Reply #26 on: November 26, 2008, 14:37 »
I just joined and tried to upload my id and 3 initial samples, it timed out after 20 minutes.
Any suggestions?  Never had problems like that before, even with large images at Alamy.
Is there a glitch?

I experienced the same problem, even if the test files were smaller than 2MB each. I tried with both firefox and safari that time.
Then, I reduced their size further so that these files all together were less than 2MB and it worked.

Hope it works for you as well.

« Reply #27 on: November 26, 2008, 15:13 »
I just finished application. Files were 1.9MB on disk and no problem with upload.


« Reply #28 on: November 26, 2008, 15:58 »
i will try again.
it's odd though, when you read that they say they want images with 300 dpi for A2 printing, so no 6MP camera need apply.
yet for sample of your work they only ask for max of 2MB, which is more or less a 4MP image like fotolia or crestock requirement, not 49MB tiff like Alamy.

and if they time out at such small image size, i don't know how successful or quick their UL will be when you submit the bigger size.
did i misunderstand something here? 

« Reply #29 on: November 27, 2008, 06:35 »
So I passed the test and started uploading pics and the 1st one was rejected :

I though DPI were not important ???

 "Hi, I really like this, but we would need it in 300dpi. We will be taking smaller files later on, but not quite yet. Be great to see it in a larger size!"

Thank you,

The moodboard team

« Reply #30 on: November 27, 2008, 06:55 »
I just got my 10 images rejected for not having the DPI set at 300 :(  watch out for that!

« Reply #31 on: November 27, 2008, 08:20 »
So I passed the test and started uploading pics and the 1st one was rejected :

I though DPI were not important ???

 "Hi, I really like this, but we would need it in 300dpi. We will be taking smaller files later on, but not quite yet. Be great to see it in a larger size!"

Thank you,

The moodboard team

WOW... they seems not to understand what dpi are and that dpi is not related to the file size  :o


« Reply #32 on: November 27, 2008, 10:10 »
So I passed the test and started uploading pics and the 1st one was rejected :

I though DPI were not important ???

 "Hi, I really like this, but we would need it in 300dpi. We will be taking smaller files later on, but not quite yet. Be great to see it in a larger size!"

Thank you,

The moodboard team

WOW... they seems not to understand what dpi are and that dpi is not related to the file size  :o
Incredible stupid i'm in the businesses for several years and i always heard this 300dpi-nonsense. 300dpi means nothing without additional information (size in inch). As agency they could automatically set the file to 300dpi in the moment customers are downloading as it just a tag in the meta-deta which can easily changed without do any processing at the file at all.
The response really is showing that they have no idea and are totally clueless - really really stupid!

« Reply #33 on: November 27, 2008, 14:30 »
I just got my 10 images rejected for not having the DPI set at 300 :(  watch out for that!

This site development and who invented this is far away from what is dpi. Dpi is nothing just a number. It seems that they read dpi from exif to calculate the photo size, they think as big is the dpi as better is the quality.

Please write to them a mail and explain how stupid they are. You may include also some tutorial links.

« Reply #34 on: November 27, 2008, 18:54 »
Same 300dpi nonsense here, plus their contributor site design is woefully inadequate. They claim to have some 70,000 images online, but if you look at their contributor front page images you will see that 40,000 images come from Corbis. So who does that leave as contributors? I think I will pass on this one until they bring their ranching up to date.

« Reply #35 on: January 16, 2009, 07:04 »
Hi all,
as promised, here is a quick update after more than 1 month on moodboard.

Images online: 160
% rejection: 15
sales: 2 (within budget collection)
earnings: 2,41 

I'm gonna upload some more images than stop to see what happens in the next few months....

Best regards,

« Reply #36 on: January 16, 2009, 08:00 »
ok, keep us updated....so far all the new sites have not been too successful, Just look at Lucky Oliver, and there was anotherone that gave money and everyone said had potential???

« Reply #37 on: January 16, 2009, 08:15 »
Just took a quick look at the site, and apart from a few system errors, I noticed this:


Your Royalties build on a per image basis with your sales as shown below

Sales Percentage Exclusive Non-Exclusive
Base Level (0-24 Sales) 20% 20% 20%
Exclusivity Bonus 5% 25% -
25 - 99 sales 1% increase 26% 21%
100 - 149 sales 1% increase 27% 22%
150 - 249 sales 1% increase 28% 23%
250 - 349 sales 1% increase 29% 24%
350 - 549 sales 1% increase 30% 25%
550 - 699 sales 1% increase 31% 26%
700 - 899 sales 1% increase 32% 27%
900 - 1999 sales 1% increase 33% 28%
2000 - 2499 sales 2% increase 35% 30%
2500 - 4999 sales 2% increase 37% 32%
5000+ sales 3% increase 40% 35%

At moodboard we won't make you jump through hoops to see higher earnings.

If your pictures are strong enough from the outset, and we agree image exclusivity, we will team them with the collection that enhances their best features.

Our experienced editors don't just tick boxes but will help you think commercially about pictures.

Your sales reports can be customised so you can view them in the way that makes sense for you and we've made our upload function as easy as possible, so you can spend the rest of your time taking pictures that matter.


This seems to be rather low royaltees for US, perhaps not making it worth the effort of uploading to yeat another site with close to NO downloads?  - Or?.....

« Reply #38 on: January 16, 2009, 08:56 »
The DPI has some significance for the end user: when the end user opens the file in layout program (for example Adobe Indesign) the size of the image on the page is calculated from the dpi and pixels of the image. 72dpi files tend to open up at annoyingly big sizes and have to be scaled down.

Using 300dpi also reduces the chance for errors; of course every professional layout person will check every images real dpi before printing, but still...

Why isn't every piece of cameras and software set by default 300dpi? Who needs 72dpi or such anyway, the web doesn't use the dpi info to anything!

« Reply #39 on: January 16, 2009, 14:41 »
About DPI, Zymmetrical has that requirement too, although it doesn't change anything to image quality/size. I downloaded the new (free!) Irfanview yesterday and I noticed that there is a lossless plugin to change the DPI. That means your image isn't touched, just the number in the EXIF and in the JPG headers. Make sure to download all the plugins.

Menu: Options | JPG Lossless Rotation... (Plugin) > Window opens:

None (can be used for optimizing and clearing)
Set DPI X: 300 Y: 300 (JPG header + EXIF)
Keep all APP markers (default)

Press Start.

As usual, you can do this in batch mode for all files in a folder.
Press T and the Thumbnail window opens. CTRL-click all thumbs you want to change, then follow these instructions:

Menu | File | JPG Lossless Operations | Lossless rotation with selected files... > same window opens; set as before; press Start.

« Reply #40 on: March 03, 2009, 07:26 »
Is anyone still uploading here? Ive tried but cant add categories using a Mac and the login page will not work on my PC. Ive sent several emails to support but no one appears to know the answer. Id be interested to know if the site is working for other members.


« Reply #41 on: March 03, 2009, 11:36 »
Is anyone still uploading here? Ive tried but cant add categories using a Mac and the login page will not work on my PC. Ive sent several emails to support but no one appears to know the answer. Id be interested to know if the site is working for other members.

well i actually succeeded uploading my 3 images a couple of days ago, got approved and uploaded my first 10 shots last night.  before that, i had trouble uploading the 2MB application shots and ID.
i wrote them and got a quick response from Kate.
the only problem i encountered last night was i cannot log in via moodboard.com. i found out that you have to go in via my.moodboard.com
also i was lost about how to submit my keyworded images from My Dashboard. but diego from here was good enough to email me to show me how.

i wrote Kate about that too last night and she told me they will check into the first problem. all in all, very good experience of open and friendly communication with them, in spite of the technical startup problems i had.

« Last Edit: March 03, 2009, 11:39 by tan510jomast »


« Reply #42 on: March 04, 2009, 16:17 »
latest report. first 10 images submitted , culled from a port that were approved by all the sites submitted. results : 1 approved. although i must give them the credit that it took them a day to review, and the image they took was one that sold in 3 of 5 site.

« Reply #43 on: March 04, 2009, 17:51 »
latest report. first 10 images submitted , culled from a port that were approved by all the sites submitted. results : 1 approved.

Too many sites, too little time.


« Reply #44 on: March 04, 2009, 23:04 »
latest report. first 10 images submitted , culled from a port that were approved by all the sites submitted. results : 1 approved.

Too many sites, too little time.

flemish, you are right. perharps the 1/10 approval is a good omen ( new moon tonight, hehheh)
. instead of just trying for like you say "too many sites too little time", maybe better to concentrate on a couple or the three that are actually selling . i know my port is small, but it could be larger if i stopped having to uploading to "too many sites". spend more time on making new images for 3 chosen sites rather than spending most of the time uploading to all , most of which are not even being seen or sold.
a good lesson for me .


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