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Author Topic: Yayimages - Streaming Microstock  (Read 6507 times)

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« on: September 19, 2013, 09:33 »
This sound innovative:

"The music, film and image industry faced a new reality when the world became digital. Content became digital, and people got used to digital content being free. While the music and film industry have taken steps to stop illegal use and increase their revenue by offering a better alternative, we still haven?t seen any effective steps being made in the image industry.
It?s estimated that 85% of all images used online are being used without a license. So what to do? Getty has chosen to stay out of it, as long as the users don?t make money on the content. At YAY we want to try a different approach. We want to create an online solution for online image users. We?ve looked at other industries that have managed to turn non-paying customers into paying customers, and we hope to achieve the same.   
Therefore we are releasing our new product for online users: YAY Streaming.
YAY Streaming will give users a link, instead of a file, to use on their online sites. They will also get the option to edit the image and add filters directly in their browsers.  The image will be app. 600 pixels on the largest side. On the new site users will experience the latest in search technology with a cutting edge similar image search from Pixolution. The search will help users to not only to find the right image, but also help the creative process ? and it will give a better exposure of the entire image base. Our target audience for streaming is professional bloggers, small businesses, and small websites.
With a streaming model we?re able to cut the prices, host the images ourselves ? and maintain control over how and where the images are used. The web subscription will not include downloads - only online streaming. Users can upgrade their subscription to larger sizes, and they can also choose to include downloads. 
We?ve looked into other streaming products, such as Netflix and Spotify, and we?ve set the price point accordingly, at $9.90.  This is low compared to other image products on the market today, but it?s not meant to compete with other high-res subscriptions ? it?s to open up a new market. Ideally we would?ve chosen a higher price, but taking into consideration the result from our initial customer survey, and looking at the prices of other consumer services, such as free blogs and Netflix for only $7.99, we found it difficult to set the price any higher than $9.90. We?re trying to convert non-paying customers into paying customers, and the key to earnings is volume. If we together can change the attitude of online image use to a paying model, there is a potential for a new dawn for microstock images."

« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2013, 10:36 »
Doesn't answer the key question how and how much will we get paid. Whether  its a good thing for income is debatable but think its an inevitable development.

« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2013, 10:39 »
There was a bottom part of the email that looks like it was missed in the copy paste

 YAY! A New Site!
Were happy to announce that were launching a new site this fall! Weve been working on creating a new site, with a brand new and beautiful design, and an amazing search technology. The site is still under construction, but youll find it later at     
The music, film and image industry faced a new reality when the world became digital. Content became digital, and people got used to digital content being free. While the music and film industry have taken steps to stop illegal use and increase their revenue by offering a better alternative, we still havent seen any effective steps being made in the image industry.
Its estimated that 85% of all images used online are being used without a license. So what to do? Getty has chosen to stay out of it, as long as the users dont make money on the content. At YAY we want to try a different approach. We want to create an online solution for online image users. Weve looked at other industries that have managed to turn non-paying customers into paying customers, and we hope to achieve the same.   
Therefore we are releasing our new product for online users: YAY Streaming.
YAY Streaming will give users a link, instead of a file, to use on their online sites. They will also get the option to edit the image and add filters directly in their browsers.  The image will be app. 600 pixels on the largest side. On the new site users will experience the latest in search technology with a cutting edge similar image search from Pixolution. The search will help users to not only to find the right image, but also help the creative process and it will give a better exposure of the entire image base. Our target audience for streaming is professional bloggers, small businesses, and small websites.
With a streaming model were able to cut the prices, host the images ourselves and maintain control over how and where the images are used. The web subscription will not include downloads - only online streaming. Users can upgrade their subscription to larger sizes, and they can also choose to include downloads. 
Weve looked into other streaming products, such as Netflix and Spotify, and weve set the price point accordingly, at $9.90.  This is low compared to other image products on the market today, but its not meant to compete with other high-res subscriptions its to open up a new market. Ideally we wouldve chosen a higher price, but taking into consideration the result from our initial customer survey, and looking at the prices of other consumer services, such as free blogs and Netflix for only $7.99, we found it difficult to set the price any higher than $9.90. Were trying to convert non-paying customers into paying customers, and the key to earnings is volume. If we together can change the attitude of online image use to a paying model, there is a potential for a new dawn for microstock images.

This is what the site looks like now. It's still under construction.

The commission is 50%, and the revenue is shared between the photographers used within each streaming product. 
For businesses and designers weve added subscriptions that allows for download of images. The prices for these will be from $49.90 to $199, and the commission is 50%. The industry average shows that users on average download up to 100 images from a sub. If we get the same numbers, the average commission will be $0.49. Well update these numbers as soon as we have our own records. There is no daily usage limit, but a monthly limit of 750 images. To prevent abuse and mass-downloading weve added a captcha when usage exceeds 20 images per day.
We know that some of you prefer to not sell your images on subscriptions, and some will object to the pricing. For you weve added the option to opt out.  Just log in, and uncheck YAY Subs on the API list.  Well continue to sell single images on, and subs will be sold on  This is your chance to be a part of the next generation of online images. Why not try it for a couple of months? You are free to opt out whenever you want.
Well send you more information when were closer to a launch, 1-2 months from now.
Feedback? Questions? Send them directly to Linda, at [email protected] and she'll get back to you.

« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2013, 13:19 »
Not sure if I will opt out.  Don't almost all the artists using Spotify make very little?  Wont having all my portfolio available at 600 pixels on the long side mean people can get quite large images of my entire portfolio for very little?  I don't see why people would pay $2 or more on some sites for blog sized images when they could do this deal and get them much cheaper?

I might be interested in this if it does get only people that don't buy images now paying us something but I don't see that happening.  What I think will happen is that people will switch from pay per download and we will make less money.  I might give it a month, to see how it works but opting out looks like the only sensible option.

Anyone that doesn't like this should look at how istock have a similar option but don't have an opt out for non-exclusives.  That was one of many reasons why they no longer have my best selling images and I no longer upload new images.


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