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Author Topic: has anyone used keyindiagraphics for retouching and keywording?  (Read 8820 times)

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« on: January 15, 2013, 13:05 »
I can no longer cope with retouching and keywording of my shoots, at moment have about 10000 RAWs need to be processed (of course i wont send RAWs to anyone). i'm thinking about outsourcing retouching service, does anyone has any experience, good or bad, with keyindiagraphics? my biggest concern is safety of my images. if you have dealt with them before please give some advice, here on the forum or pm. thank you
« Last Edit: January 15, 2013, 13:08 by dreamstock »

« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2013, 13:35 »
I have had bad experience whith them. The quality of the work was useless.

« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2013, 19:01 »

MM: Sabemos que, debido a tu altsima produccin, usas de vez en cuando los servicios KeyIndia ests contento con su funcionamiento? cundo crees que es rentable un servicio as?

Estoy muy contento con ellos, actualmente se encargan de retocar imperfecciones de la piel de los modelos y quitar marcas de los objetos, tambin se encargan de las Keywords. Son muy buenos y muy minuciosos con su trabajo, quitan hasta las pequeas motas de polvo que puedan haber en la ropa o los objetos, dejando una foto perfectamente limpia.

by google translate

MM: We know that because of your high production, using occasionally KeyIndia services are you happy with your performance? When do you think is profitable service like?

I am very happy with them, currently responsible for retouching skin imperfections of models and brands remove objects, also responsible for the Keywords. They are very good and very thorough with their work, remove even small specks of dust that may be on clothing or objects, leaving a perfectly clean picture.


  • Boris Jaroscak
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2013, 04:14 »
Hey... I have been giving my works to KeyIndia Graphics for more than a year and i am very happy about the services they provide. And since they are reasonable, it is easy on my budget as well.

Jesika9 can you please provide here link to some stock agency with your stock portfolio that contains images that were as you say keyworded using this service? In every post you made here at MSG you mention KeyIndia in very enthusiastic way. Hmmmmm ... I think you must be very satisfied customer of their service when you promote them so much. ;) So why not to give here link to your portfolio? I would like to see it so I can judge about the quality of keywording based on real examples of your images in stock agency.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2013, 04:30 by jareso »

« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2013, 23:15 »
I thought i am the only lazy person who does not like retouching and believe it in giving to companies who can do retouching for me... :P...

« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2013, 03:52 »

« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2013, 06:44 »
I contacted them to get a price for the kind of retouching I do myself (I think it's fair to say I'm pretty high class) so they asked me to upload originals + retouched finals to see what it's all about. I guess they really liked my work because they used it to advertise their 'expert services'. Claiming others' work as your own is one thing... using my pics without my permission is another thing... but the really jerk part is that they put up the unretouched shot of my model all over the place without my / her permisson...  Stay away from these jerks.

« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2013, 07:47 »
wow thats bad.. what picture is it? did you ask them to explain? what did you do?


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« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2013, 21:23 »
I did a five image trial and wasn't impressed. They are somehow tied to JaincoTech and I've used JT for a couple hundred images. The problem is you need to review their work. And when you find stuff they missed, like not removing company logos, you need to send an email back explaining all the stuff they missed. Then re-review the images, send some back again, and on and on. I then still needed to do work on the images to make them the way I wanted them.  It probably depends on what you shoot but in the end it wasn't worth it for me.

« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2013, 11:17 »
in my opinion these indian services are too expensive for just a quick calibration of exposure and a semi automated keywording.

i dont know about their production costs but to give you an idea a junior IT guy will earn a salary of around 3-400$ per month in Thailand, 150-200$ in Cambodia, 2-300$ in Vietnam, 5-600$ in China, 2-300$ in Indonesia and Philippines.

how can they justify their prices ? 1$ per image for retouch + keywording ? no thanks.

of course i'm not talking about manul removal of spots, that would take some time, i'm talking about basic stuff and especially the keywording, i wasnt impressed by their keywording at all.

« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2013, 12:57 »
Jaincotech and keyindia are two completely different companies but both are targeting microstock photographers. Both were represented at the last microstock expo.

Jaincotech has been purchased by pro image experts now though, so they have changed names.

« Reply #11 on: May 17, 2013, 13:54 »
I haven't tried the Indians or Asians for keywording as there are too many reviews that aren't too favorable for them.

Instead I use Mike.  He was recommended to me by a colleague after I came back from a 2 week trip with 1500 images to edit.

He offers all kinds of services for image editing from basic stuff to full background changes as well as key-wording services.

I use his basic service which includes (and I quote from his email):

Exposure correction, White balance correction, Noise reduction, dust and scratch removal (within reason), logo / TM removal. 15-30 keywords embedded in the meta data and brief, accurate description.

For all that I pay just $1 per image, the same rate that these indian & asian companies are charging and this guy is UK based.

He does not advertise anywhere as he has more than enough custom just through word of mouth but still turns jobs around in just 2-3 days in most cases and I send him 50 - 200 images a time

I can honestly say I doubt there is a better service out there.

If you want to give him a try his email is [email protected]

Peace to all.

P.S. forgot to mention he does 2 free images as a sample for each person so you can see if you like his style.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2013, 14:30 by Darren Green »

« Reply #12 on: May 18, 2013, 03:16 »

but i wonder how can he live in UK earning 1$ per image.

consider 2000 images per month, 5 days a week, 8hrs per day ... that means 5 minutes per image, 100 images/day, plus uploading the images back to customers, writing emails to customers, eventual phone calls, etc .. all this for 2000$ and he's supposed to pay taxes on that.

it's a hell of salary in places like cambodia or india or philippines but UK ? maybe on par with grilling burgers at mcdonalds.

« Reply #13 on: May 18, 2013, 05:17 »
Are you sure he's not just outsourcing the actual work elsewhere? Sounds impossibly cheap for the UK.

« Reply #14 on: May 18, 2013, 11:51 »
Well lads I dropped him an email, (mostly to suggest that he signs up here) and asked him about your queries.

As for pricing, apparently he used to charge more however he lowered the price to compete with the Asian market as not many photographers are willing to pay more when they can get it done in Asia for peanuts.

As for your equations Xanox $2000 USD equates to about 1400 per month, less payable taxes on that comes out with around 1280 per month.

Now when I was working as a van driver over here I was making 8.25ph on a 40 hour week averaging 1320 per month before taxes and that was considered a good wage for the position.  My wife works as a care assistant in a care home and only gets 7.25 per hour.

Salary compared to cost of living in the UK means that the majority of the UK workforce are barely just above the bread line these days.  primarily since the EU deals where all the eastern europeans came over and started taking jobs for half price, meaning that the labour pools got flooded and employers could pay next to nothing.  If it wasn't for minimum wage laws the a massive majority of the UK would be living in poverty.

Anyhow I digress,  Mike is retired, got bored with retirement, so offers the service primarily to stay busy and help top up his pension.

He does not outsource and states that he is plenty busy but will always accept a job if he can do it in a timely fashion.

When I mentioned the forum he also mentioned that he would welcome you guys to drop him a couple of samples to see if you like the quality of his work.

I say what have you got to lose?

Peace to all.

Once again you can reach him at [email protected]


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« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2015, 03:40 »
I have been in touch with a production house enrichpixel.com, they do fab job.. with a very reasonable price... I have never had complaint with their retouching... You can give them a try.. they offer free samples..


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