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How many different tools/ websites do you use to upload to stock websites?

0. I do everything manually
21 (65.6%)
1. I stick to my one platform, it does everything I need.
6 (18.8%)
2. Combining these 2 works fine for me
0 (0%)
2+ It's a hassle to be honest, I wish they could all be combined somehow.
2 (6.3%)
None of the above.
3 (9.4%)

Total Members Voted: 31

Author Topic: New platform for contributors:  (Read 6545 times)

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« Reply #25 on: June 06, 2024, 00:04 »

... in addition to companies like "ipsos mori" polls (which is latin for "they die") pushing the convid scam ....

Your Google translation is wrong.
Ipsos is either a nomen or the plural pronoun of ipse. This would then mean themselves and not they. Depending on the context, mori has the meaning: dying, blackberry, law, regulation, etc.

Latin cannot be translated, but must be analysed in context.

But it doesn't matter. There is also a comprehensible explanation for the naming:

Our name - Ipsos MORI - was formed in 2005 by the merger of Ipsos, founded in France in 1975 with its named derived from the Latin phrase ipso facto and Market and Opinion Research International (MORI), founded in the UK in 1969. This merger created our name: Ipsos MORI, it explained.

Incidentally, I would also be careful with the MSG Forum. MSG = mori sadistici grex


Thank-you. Yes, I agree with you that context is important.

If you dig a bit deeper (past the wikipedia 'company' statement) - you'll find the people organizing what was going on (a) plan decades in advance, (b) like to mock people/make fun of them. The phrase "ipsos mori" was actually intended to mock people. That particular company was a big 'promoter' of what was going on, and it was just one example of the 'mocking' that goes on...

As a different example of the mocking (making fun of, part of their 'rituals' - basically 'they' (the people who organized what was going on) - feel they "have" to let people know what is going on, but generally like to do it slightly 'coded' because they think they are smarter than everyone else, and subsequently like to make fun of them (aka 'mocking' them) because they figure they are too 'dumb' to understand. As another example - the major 'variants' (which btw are ALL bogus) - were promoted heavily - like the "Mu" variant back in 2021 I think it was (sounds like 'moo moo', aka 'cows', 'herd mentality', making fun of ppl/i.e., trying to say that they are as dumb + controllable as a herd of cows), and the "Ba2" variant (baaa baa -> sheep/do whatever they are told/etc), then the "Ba4" variant (baa baa baa baa, because "they" figured people were too dumb to figure out 'ba2' was so made even more fun of them).  Yes - the "news" stories were that "they" were "randomly" choosing greek letters/etc for the "official naming" convention - but that was just to pacify those too lazy to dig any deeper. When you read a bit more, a lot more material (other than just the surface material) - becomes quite apparent what is really going on. And there is a lot, lot more than just that - this is just an extra example I am including.

« Reply #26 on: June 06, 2024, 00:11 »
Hi SuperPhoto,

Thank you for taking the time to share your valued opinion!

a. Noted, thanks!
b. We have been using them for years, in combination with Microstock+, Microstock Analytics etc. We are not inventing the wheel, just putting pieces together.
c. Challenge accepted! ;)
d. It's a trained ML model that will keep improving over time. Not a Chatgtp model. Yes, we tested it!
e. We do not take commissions, and if an 'average' person makes $1000 a month, $20 seems pretty fair no?
f. Noted, it is very stimulating.. :)
g. It's just a placeholder!

If you have any more questions or suggestions, please let me know!

Cheers, Cees

No problem! Good luck! :)

Out of curiosity - for your ML model - how exactly did you set that up? Thanks!

« Reply #27 on: June 06, 2024, 12:58 »

... in addition to companies like "ipsos mori" polls (which is latin for "they die") pushing the convid scam ....

Your Google translation is wrong.
Ipsos is either a nomen or the plural pronoun of ipse. This would then mean themselves and not they. Depending on the context, mori has the meaning: dying, blackberry, law, regulation, etc.

Latin cannot be translated, but must be analysed in context.

But it doesn't matter. There is also a comprehensible explanation for the naming:

Our name - Ipsos MORI - was formed in 2005 by the merger of Ipsos, founded in France in 1975 with its named derived from the Latin phrase ipso facto and Market and Opinion Research International (MORI), founded in the UK in 1969. This merger created our name: Ipsos MORI, it explained.

Incidentally, I would also be careful with the MSG Forum. MSG = mori sadistici grex
As a different example of the mocking (making fun of, part of their 'rituals' - basically 'they' (the people who organized what was going on) - feel they "have" to let people know what is going on, but generally like to do it slightly 'coded' because they think they are smarter than everyone else, and subsequently like to make fun of them (aka 'mocking' them) because they figure they are too 'dumb' to understand. As another example - the major 'variants' (which btw are ALL bogus) - were promoted heavily -.. [more of this blather redacted ]

why is your response in every thread here that you disagree with do you regurgitate your silly anti-covid nonsense?   


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