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Author Topic: Twitter  (Read 32177 times)

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« on: March 21, 2009, 17:04 »
I've been thinking a lot about Twitter lately, and how to best use it to drive traffic to my portfolio - the right approach might prove very profitable. Here's an easy way to get started: click.

It might be good to follow this Twitter group, too.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2009, 17:40 by sharply_done »


« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2009, 17:16 »
Thanks for the tips. How many images did you sent? Only your best one... And did you send the thumbs version with the agencies logos on?

« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2009, 17:21 »
... And did you send the thumbs version with the agencies logos on?

Sending a thumbnail or an image with a commercial (or any) watermark would be bad Twitter manners.
I sent a link to this low-res image (400x600) on Flickr, then provided a link to it on iStock.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2009, 17:57 by sharply_done »


« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2009, 17:22 »
Thanks for the link.  I too have been considering the "social" approach to marketing.  I wish I knew more about Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc.  I hope this thread gets a lot of input ... good tips, etc.

Have you already submitted a "best picture?"

OOOOPS ... I posted while you were answering.

« Last Edit: March 21, 2009, 17:25 by WarrenPrice »

« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2009, 17:49 »
Thanks for the link sharply. Ive been trying to understand the point of TwitterI guess this could be a start.

« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2009, 17:56 »
Thanks for the link sharply. Ive been trying to understand the point of TwitterI guess this could be a start.

After you've learnt how to make (and keyword!) commercial imagery, the biggest barrier to success is exposure - that's where sites like Flickr and Twitter come in.


« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2009, 18:00 »
I was worried about letting my images without watemarks so I sent the one with teletubbies as watemarks

Then this picture is unusable and I'm sure it's a winner!!!
« Last Edit: March 21, 2009, 18:01 by Vonkara »

« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2009, 18:04 »
I'm getting quite a lot of value out of Twitter. I'm following quite a few people from MSG, but if there are any more, it would be cool to create a list in this thread.  Here's the MSG people I'm currently following: (obviously) (Andres Rodriguez)  (PicNiche)  (Niltomil)

These are just the active MSG members that I've found. There's plenty of other microstock people and agencies you may wish to follow. Use the list of accounts I'm following to get you started:

Who else?

« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2009, 18:05 »
I checked out your site on Flikr Sharply, but couldnt see any links to you ports??.  Do I have to sign up to see that?

« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2009, 18:34 »
This might be of Interest to anyone wondering what is the use of Twitter

I joined just this week finding my way around twitter, not tweeting much yet!
Thanks for the links.

David  ;D

« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2009, 19:21 »
I checked out your site on Flikr Sharply, but couldnt see any links to you ports??.  Do I have to sign up to see that?

It's against the Flickr terms of Service (TOS) to provide a link on the same page as the image, but you are permitted to link on your profile page - here's mine.

Using Flickr can take a little bit work: you have to find popular and relevent groups to join, then 'send' your image to them. Flickr uses an 'Interesting' algorithm to rank images, where a comment or 'fave' is the equivalent of a DL. The biggest drawback with Flickr is it's 'tit-for-tat' atmosphere: few people will comment or fave your images if you fail to reciprocate, making your stuff fall into a bottomless hole. It's critical to spend your time there wisely. I used to spend a fair amount of time there, but have ignored it in the past year or so. I still have a few highly ranked images, though.

« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2009, 19:26 »
I'm getting quite a lot of value out of Twitter. I'm following quite a few people from MSG, but if there are any more, it would be cool to create a list in this thread.  Here's the MSG people I'm currently following: (obviously)

I used to follow microstockgroup, but it generates waaaay to much traffic - there's a tweet every time a post is made!
You should figure out a way to work that better, leaf - tweeting only new posts would be a good start, and a huge improvement.
Having a separate twitter profile would probably work better, too. Too bad 'leaf' is already taken.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2009, 19:32 by sharply_done »

« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2009, 20:26 »
I only get the occasional tweet from the MicrostockGroup account. Seems to correlate pretty well with new threads, not new posts.

« Reply #13 on: March 21, 2009, 20:40 »
I'm still experimenting, but I think twitter is overrated.  Too much nonsense chatter, not enough business.

« Reply #14 on: March 21, 2009, 20:47 »
I only get the occasional tweet from the MicrostockGroup account. Seems to correlate pretty well with new threads, not new posts.

Oops, my bad. Leaf must've changed things since I followed it. Still, not much use in that for me - I can just as easily poke my head in here as see it on Twitter.

« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2009, 20:51 »
You could need some boost in sales Sjlocke ;) I checked out your port and dl:s. When I hit F5 it increased with more than Ive had this year. My good :o

« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2009, 21:15 »
I'm still experimenting, but I think twitter is overrated.  Too much nonsense chatter, not enough business.

Yep, I had the same observation, but with some people I enjoy the nonsense chatter.  I have two accounts.  @microstock which is purely business, and @leetorrens which is my nonsense chatter. I think if you choose carefully who to follow you can keep your timeline pretty free of nonsense chatter. I hear @nytimes is rather light on personality. ;)

« Reply #17 on: March 21, 2009, 21:15 »
I'm still experimenting, but I think twitter is overrated.  Too much nonsense chatter, not enough business.

What were you expecting from a social networking site? Finding business stuff on Twitter would be akin to finding stock imagery on Flickr - it just isn't going to happ... oh wait, nevermind.

« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2009, 21:16 »
I'm still experimenting, but I think twitter is overrated.  Too much nonsense chatter, not enough business.

Yep, I had the same observation, but with some people I enjoy the nonsense chatter.  I have two accounts.  @microstock which is purely business, and @leetorrens which is my nonsense chatter. I think if you choose carefully who to follow you can keep your timeline pretty free of nonsense chatter. I hear @nytimes is rather light on personality. ;)

That's true - if people post too often or too much nonsense, I drop them.  Hopefully, I'm careful enough to post mostly interesting business stuff with the occasional personality bit.

« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2009, 21:43 »

« Reply #20 on: March 21, 2009, 22:35 »
That's true - if people post too often or too much nonsense, I drop them.  Hopefully, I'm careful enough to post mostly interesting business stuff with the occasional personality bit.

I dropped @Cutcaster because John had promotional auto-tweets setup to go off every few hours which bugged me. He uses discount coupons, so he can see exactly how much revenue he's generating through Twitter - quite smart. While he's using it to drive sales, I'm clearly not his target market. I use it to build relationships and hope that by providing value (linking to interesting stuff, breaking news, spreading rumors, etc) I can build authority in the microstock niche, which helps my blog. Neither my method or Johns is more holier than the other, but they do represent different value opportunities to followers.

That's the beauty of Twitter. It is what you make of it. If you want to muck about and pass time, you can. If you want to use it for pure business, you can. It's just a tool. Use it in whatever way works for you.

« Reply #21 on: March 21, 2009, 22:43 »

I used to have one follower, but I guess they became bored with me. I don't update my account that often. Mostly, I was just curious as to how Twitter worked.

« Reply #22 on: March 21, 2009, 22:55 »
That's true - if people post too often or too much nonsense, I drop them.  Hopefully, I'm careful enough to post mostly interesting business stuff with the occasional personality bit.

I dropped @Cutcaster because John had promotional auto-tweets setup to go off every few hours which bugged me. He uses discount coupons, so he can see exactly how much revenue he's generating through Twitter - quite smart. While he's using it to drive sales, I'm clearly not his target market. I use it to build relationships and hope that by providing value (linking to interesting stuff, breaking news, spreading rumors, etc) I can build authority in the microstock niche, which helps my blog. Neither my method or Johns is more holier than the other, but they do represent different value opportunities to followers.

That's the beauty of Twitter. It is what you make of it. If you want to muck about and pass time, you can. If you want to use it for pure business, you can. It's just a tool. Use it in whatever way works for you.

Yes, I did too.  He's a nice guy, but all I got were cutcaster ads and coupons out of it.

« Reply #23 on: March 22, 2009, 08:46 »

« Reply #24 on: March 22, 2009, 10:39 »
Just to make a correction, the NiltoMil twit is going to be

the MattAntonino one is for all-things-me.  You'll get sports on there sometimes, business that isn't micro, photography, micro, everything.  If you ONLY want micro stuff, follow niltomil not mattantonino 


« Reply #25 on: March 22, 2009, 11:16 »
I don't know how relevant this is to anyone else but it convinced me.  I'm a sports photographer ... motocross in particular.  I do an occasional assignment for Racer X Magazine or Cycle News.  I just went to Racer X Online to check the news and ...

The news was that they are now a Twitter Member.

If Magazines are selling there ... why not pictures? 

« Reply #26 on: March 22, 2009, 13:03 »
Thanks for the posting Sharply_Done.  I had been meaning to check it out.  I'm now signed on to Twitter and already can see some value in it.   I think it will be a little like my cell phone.  It works really great when I remember to turn it on.  :)

« Reply #27 on: March 22, 2009, 13:58 »
What exactly is it? Another network?


« Reply #28 on: March 22, 2009, 21:15 »
I am hoping it's just a fad.  :-\

« Reply #29 on: March 22, 2009, 23:22 »
We've just entered the whole Twitter thing also haha! For the time being we are just helping users out if they have any problems and also to make mini announcements.

Feel free to follow us at [nofollow] :)

« Reply #30 on: March 23, 2009, 02:47 »
I am hoping it's just a fad.  :-\

Sure, like trains, cars, space travel and the internet. They all will go sooner or later.  ;D

« Reply #31 on: March 23, 2009, 07:20 »
I heard of Twitter before, but never been on the site. Saw this post here, and went to Twitter. I will try it for a while

« Reply #32 on: March 23, 2009, 07:24 »


« Reply #33 on: March 23, 2009, 10:10 »

We all snickered at first but it's a fine medium for news tidbits that are worthwhile mentioning, but not worth coming up with a news or blog post about.   


« Reply #34 on: March 23, 2009, 11:18 »
What exactly is it? Another network?

I kept waiting for someone to answer your question.  I am intrigued by the social sites popping up everywhere.  My friend, who is an SEO specialist, swears by them.  I'm curious.  and, to try answering your question ... I think it all started with MySpace and YouTube.  They became so popular that the BigBucksGuys jumped in and that caused a rush to imitate or improve upon them.  Twitter is one of the better-known, more successful.  Not sure if they are really similar, but FaceBook might be another.  Like Flemish Dreams said, you ain't gonna beat 'em, might as well jump in.   ;D


« Reply #35 on: March 24, 2009, 15:57 »
Twitter = currently also behind on their submissions. ;)

Twitter is over capacity.
Too many tweets! Please wait a moment and try again.

See, even 140 characters of text adds up with programming. :)

EDIT: They've now added a comforting graphic:
« Last Edit: March 24, 2009, 16:02 by zymmetrical »

« Reply #36 on: March 24, 2009, 21:02 »
In a nutshell... in my opinion...

Twitter is like an open chat room.  There are millions (billions??) online, and able to see whatever you post.  You have a character limit of 140, so whatever you say, including link, has got to fit. 

The trick is getting them to see you.  When you "follow" people, then you can see what they say.  When they follow you, they can see what you say.  You can type out into the void, but the possibility that someone will pick you up is very small.  So, in a way, yes.  It is another networking thing.

Hope that explains it a bit more.
Gebbie  ( @RGebbiePhoto, @MrsRGPhoto )

« Reply #37 on: March 25, 2009, 00:40 »

« Reply #38 on: March 25, 2009, 02:02 »
You can follow us at :

Mikko / Studio Foxy

« Reply #39 on: March 25, 2009, 15:00 »
just signed up with twitter

I have been playing around with photo sharing sites to generate interest in my site and photography. It seems like most of the contacts I get from Flickr are only interested in using my photos if the price is right ($0.0), I tell people they can buy my stuff for under a dollar at most stock sites and they are just not interested.

Dont make the mistake of watermarking your stuff like I did, just upload low res versions.

« Reply #40 on: March 25, 2009, 16:23 »
Anyone using Picasa? I uploaded some stuff, here is my link.

I dont really get it, is it supposed to be like Flickr?


« Reply #41 on: March 26, 2009, 08:20 »
twitter is shenanigans
« Last Edit: July 22, 2011, 10:58 by PhotoPhan »


  • Architect, Photographer, Dreamer
« Reply #42 on: March 26, 2009, 16:01 »
I'm getting quite a lot of value out of Twitter. I'm following quite a few people from MSG, but if there are any more, it would be cool to create a list in this thread.  Here's the MSG people I'm currently following: (obviously) (Andres Rodriguez)  (PicNiche)  (Niltomil)

These are just the active MSG members that I've found. There's plenty of other microstock people and agencies you may wish to follow. Use the list of accounts I'm following to get you started:

Who else?

FYI, you can find me on there too:

« Reply #43 on: March 26, 2009, 16:31 »
Humpf, madelaide was already taken.

Tell me when you find something useful out of it, and then I'll join.  Can you believe I have never even entered Orkut or Facebook?



« Reply #44 on: April 27, 2009, 09:45 »
I just opened my own twitter under this username, but I am still at a loss what good it can be for my stock photos. What do you do with twitter anyway?
I've added 2 follows this far...
So now what?  excuse this greenhorn, as I am not really too conversant with all these newage webstuff, but I just thought I join the crowd  ;D

But seriously, I do like to hear from someone who knows what to do to take advantage of twitter. PM me here or at twitter if you feel like writing. cheers
« Last Edit: April 27, 2009, 09:47 by tan510jomast »

« Reply #45 on: April 27, 2009, 10:16 »


« Reply #46 on: April 27, 2009, 13:08 »
I just opened my own twitter under this username, but I am still at a loss what good it can be for my stock photos. What do you do with twitter anyway?
I've added 2 follows this far...
So now what?  excuse this greenhorn, as I am not really too conversant with all these newage webstuff, but I just thought I join the crowd  ;D

But seriously, I do like to hear from someone who knows what to do to take advantage of twitter. PM me here or at twitter if you feel like writing. cheers

Don't PM.  I want to hear (see) the answer to this too.  I just created my Facebook page but haven't figured that one out either.  Can we please get some expert input?
...Should we start a new thread?


« Reply #47 on: April 27, 2009, 14:07 »
Case in point, I just posted at

"Buyer request: civilians wearing surgical masks ala 'swine flu'. First person to upload an accepted shot gets homepaged."

Twitter is useful for timely updates at the very least - follow your favourite minds and let them keep you updated. If someone keeps updating on what they ate for lunch or random stuff, simply unfollow.     

Tip o' the day: let's say you are a nature photographer, and are interested in your peers, as they come online in Twitter. Go to, and use the following as your alert criteria:

(intitle:Nature Photographer * on twitter OR intitle:Nature Photographer * on twitter OR intext:bio Nature Photographer OR intext:bio Nature Photographer OR intext:bio * Nature Photographer OR intext:bio * Nature Photographer)

You will get (your choice) live or daily updates of new people coming online with Twitter and can check them out and if they seem ok then you can follow them. Replace the phrase 'Nature Photographer' with your job description of choice.

For Facebook- that's a whole other can of worms and i'm afraid to say it's just not ADD enough for a young guy like myself, too many options. I think Twitter hit the nail on the head with the simplicity part - an idea virus needs to be simple to spread.

« Reply #48 on: April 27, 2009, 14:23 »


« Reply #49 on: April 27, 2009, 15:00 »
i broke down and joined last week.


« Reply #50 on: April 27, 2009, 15:06 »
i broke down and joined last week.

Ya , and I joined a couple of days ago, and you just added me to your following list. Nice silhouettes, btw , and thanks .   Still I am wondering how we can use twitter to improve our sales . I understand the keyword thing to find what buyers are looking for, but what about using it to get ppl to look at your port. How do I do that? And would they disconnect your links like they did at Flickr if you do so?
« Last Edit: April 27, 2009, 15:07 by tan510jomast »


« Reply #51 on: April 27, 2009, 15:36 »
i broke down and joined last week.

Have you been able to see any benefits?

« Reply #52 on: April 27, 2009, 15:57 »
One tip would be to use your own avatar and to write a short bio. When people find someone that they like, they are likely to go through this person following and followers list. You can hover over the user name to see the bio to decide if they like to follow.


« Reply #54 on: April 27, 2009, 16:28 »
Thanks, Oboy.  Those suggested links do look interesting.  Now, where are my reading glasses?   :)

« Reply #55 on: April 27, 2009, 17:00 »
I use twitter to promote my photography blog Anytime I post a new entry on my blog I "tweet" about it on Twitter and I can see instant traffic from my followers.

I think the secret for using Twitter "professionally" is to be professional and try to keep your tweets photography related.

Here is a post on my blog I wrote about using Twitter to promote yourself.

follow me on Twitter
« Last Edit: April 27, 2009, 17:02 by travismanley »


« Reply #56 on: April 27, 2009, 18:59 »
what about myspace? i have that one too. is twitter any different?

« Reply #57 on: April 27, 2009, 19:02 »
I feel so odd.  I never even entered Orkut, I don't have Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, never used MSN or Messenger.   ;D

« Reply #58 on: April 27, 2009, 19:18 »
I like Twitter more than myspace and facebook because it is so simple. If you have a thought/message/update you want to share with a bunch of people about your photography just post it on Twitter.

I really like the Twitter-Fox add-on because it sends tweets from the people you are following to a little toolbar in Firefox so you can be working etc. on the web and get updates without having to actually check it at

It is a great way to keep tabs on people too.


« Reply #59 on: April 27, 2009, 19:28 »
I like Twitter more than myspace and facebook because it is so simple. If you have a thought/message/update you want to share with a bunch of people about your photography just post it on Twitter.

I really like the Twitter-Fox add-on because it sends tweets from the people you are following to a little toolbar in Firefox so you can be working etc. on the web and get updates without having to actually check it at

It is a great way to keep tabs on people too.

What about their rights to use your photographs, like I read Facebook is notorious for that. I don't hear of anyone complaining, but I know several people at work who won't touch Facebook because of that. I know Flickr will deactivate your links to any microstock sites, as FlemishDreams mentioned that, and a friend of mine had that done too to her links .
But overall, just this month alone, I got more people saying they opened a Twitter account. I first heard about it from my favourite new artist Imogen Heap. She likes Twitter too.

« Reply #60 on: April 27, 2009, 20:49 »
I think some people enjoy posting about themselves more than others care.  I also don't like people who just congratulate and promote each other back and forth.  I want one, maybe two tweets a day from people, and if I start seeing them pop up too much, it's unfollow time.


« Reply #61 on: April 27, 2009, 21:49 »


« Reply #62 on: April 27, 2009, 22:34 »
I think some people enjoy posting about themselves more than others care.  I also don't like people who just congratulate and promote each other back and forth.  I want one, maybe two tweets a day from people, and if I start seeing them pop up too much, it's unfollow time.

lol, Sounds like Facebook, where you get tons of updates from everyone telling you about where they are spending time with their bf to the colour of his socks. Also, everyone wants to add you as a friend, but no one bothers to reply to your messages, only keep sending you what they call it ... hmm, can't remember what they call it. a hug, a pinch, or whatever. I guess this is the newage of passive conversation , lol.

« Reply #63 on: April 28, 2009, 04:48 »
Ok.Where are the results of your publication on Twitter, or some like that...!????

We get about 30 % of commission from our "microstock mother-sites"...

Part Of these 70% of  earnings certainly go for the promotion of our portfolios!
Let them (microstock sites) do it, I'm already too long staring at the monitor...

Why to promote yourself on non-profitable sites!?

I think that these sites won't bring more profits to our images....

Also I think  twitter don't like image sellers...
« Last Edit: April 28, 2009, 04:52 by borg »


« Reply #64 on: April 28, 2009, 08:51 »
I have only been on for a week. I joined when MSG had that outage last Sunday. I was desperate I guess. ::) Not sure what to do with it yet so for now I have posted a link to some personal work I have done recently. I am not interested in promoting my microstock portfolios with it.

I am following a few people who are "twittering fools" to put it mildly. One is a celebrity and following him feels almost like watching a reality TV show. So there's always the entertainment factor.

I feel so odd.  I never even entered Orkut, I don't have Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, never used MSN or Messenger.   ;D
Don't feel left out, I am not on any of them either. (except now twitter) I don't even have texting on my cell phone. How lame is that? Although, I may have to breakdown and join the Facebook so I can keep in contact with my kids while they travel. They prefer it over email.

« Reply #65 on: April 28, 2009, 09:32 »
though I still need to start really using it


« Reply #66 on: April 28, 2009, 09:53 »
though I still need to start really using it

don't feel bad. I am able only to add FOLLOWING to some people by looking at lora's list, but still haven't found out how to start a blog. I think I created one that says first shot, but where do I write the blog,lol
I probably just die of boredom with this and go back to flickr where it 's much more straightforward for this feeble mind, ha!ha!..
at least i can still read leaf's forum and updates to imogen.

don't expect to read any of my blogs, i was thinking of transferring the blog  I SHOOT PEOPLE FOR FUN AND MONEY which i have with the local newspaper's website , but i don't quite frigging know how, lol.
give up already ! rofl.

« Reply #67 on: April 28, 2009, 11:19 »
If anyone is really bored they can follow me at


  • Chad McDermott - Elite Image Photography
« Reply #68 on: April 28, 2009, 13:05 »

« Reply #69 on: April 28, 2009, 18:24 »
I feel so odd.  I never even entered Orkut, I don't have Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, never used MSN or Messenger.   ;D
Don't feel left out, I am not on any of them either. (except now twitter) I don't even have texting on my cell phone. How lame is that? Although, I may have to breakdown and join the Facebook so I can keep in contact with my kids while they travel. They prefer it over email.

Cell phone? I don't have one, I HATE cell phones. I gave one to my mother because she is old and may need it in an emergency.

When I was my boss substitute he wanted to give a corporate cell phone, and I said no.  If I am not at the office nor at home, I don't want to talk about work!

« Reply #70 on: April 28, 2009, 18:57 »
I am still not sure how it would help me with microstock? So far I was watching news feeds at Google Reader so if my favorite microstock blogger writes an article I can see it but know I am also flooded with short messages from twitter... I am thinking about removing what is tracked elsewhere... Soon we need tracker for trackers :-)

« Reply #71 on: April 28, 2009, 19:14 »


« Reply #72 on: April 28, 2009, 19:36 »
I feel so odd.  I never even entered Orkut, I don't have Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, never used MSN or Messenger.   ;D
Don't feel left out, I am not on any of them either. (except now twitter) I don't even have texting on my cell phone. How lame is that? Although, I may have to breakdown and join the Facebook so I can keep in contact with my kids while they travel. They prefer it over email.

Cell phone? I don't have one, I HATE cell phones. I gave one to my mother because she is old and may need it in an emergency.

When I was my boss substitute he wanted to give a corporate cell phone, and I said no.  If I am not at the office nor at home, I don't want to talk about work!

rofl , you sound like me , i had the phone companies trying to get me a mobile and text messaging, also the blackberry sales agent tried that too. i told them i prefer the old phone with the voice mail because if i don't want to speak to you, i don't have to. rofl.
funny, almost 2 decade ago, we were supposed to free ourselves from work by getting job sharing, so we could play more. instead with progress, almost everyone has a "prosthesis" to their ear, lol.
i used to force my students to leave the mobile at the door, like clint eastwood telling them to leave the guns at the entrance, lol.
i am known as the dinosaur in most places i go, oh well. i really don't care, dinosaur or not, my time is my own  ;D

« Reply #73 on: July 03, 2009, 20:50 »

When I post on my twibe it mirrors to my tweeter and my facebook. I'm still trying to figure out how to also forward the tweets to my Facebook Page.

I usually only post business related stuff as my tweets are also published on my website.

« Reply #74 on: July 04, 2009, 01:41 »
I usually only post business related stuff as my tweets are also published on my website.

Quote from: business related stuff
Need to do some shopping then it's off to get Corwin from Camp.

But then sometimes we forget we have a twitter feed out to the world, as my DMAA tweets show on this forum I have to think about what I am doing and if the tweet may be informative.

"I am following you!" sounds freaky, so "I am following your tweets!"

David  ;)

« Reply #75 on: July 04, 2009, 05:48 »
This is why I said usually. Every once in a while I post to wrong page.

« Reply #76 on: July 04, 2009, 09:59 »
Who else?
I'm a fanatic non-twitterer and a non-facebooker. I even turn my cellphone off at night, unable to follow the latest fads. I canceled Flickr after finding out I was exchanging too many comments for nothing. I just go out and shoot, shoot, shoot. Shouldn't we all?


  • O.I.D. Sufferer (Obsessive Illustration Disorder)
« Reply #77 on: August 27, 2009, 12:44 »
I like seeing what other photographers are up to, checking out their projects, Twitter is really quite useful.

Follow me too!


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