Agency Based Discussion > New Sites - General

Anyone Selling on Colourbox?

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The same for me - last year some days between 40 and 70 and this year, some days just 10 or so. The must have lost a lot of customers.

I think its more that we are getting burried. And also that popularity does not seem to affect searches, so the pictures just age and disappear.

And I tend to be very forgivefull, when the agency produces sales for me, when it doesnt, I get more and more annoyed with details and finally pull my port.,


--- Quote from: Ed on September 21, 2012, 21:59 ---I don't mean to open a can of worms...or start a debate.  I have an honest question....

If it's an issue that Colourbox only licenses images at .20 or .35 Euro, then why isn't it an issue that Shutterstock or iStock or Dreamstime does the same?

Is it the volume of images licensed?  I'm just trying to (politely) understand...and my question is not related to EL sales at Shutterstock.  It's just something I couldn't get my head around when I pulled out of the micros altogether.

--- End quote ---

The issue for me is not the license price (yest it's one of the lowest in the industry, and for Videos it's just ridiculous (.70EUR for a video sale), but considering the subscription model if they have enough customer, fine by me.

My issue is that they seem to offer also Pay per file, at 10 Eur or 9 EUR per file, but it seems our comission remains at .20 and .30, which makes no sense to give a 4% of the share. Shutterstock will give us way more per single download (ex: 2.85$, 5.70$, ++)

And here is the answer from the Colourbox team:

--- Quote ---Yes, it is correct that currently you receive EUR 0.35 per downloaded vector or EUR 0.70 per video, regardless of whether a client purchases it as a single download or though a subscription. By far most of our images are downloaded as part of subscriptions where they pay less than 1 Euro per image - see more details here
--- End quote ---

Here is my answer:
Wow, just saying for us contributors, it is really the lowest payout seen in the industry for single image download. You make 10 EUR and we make .20 or .35 EUR... This is putting me off. 0.70 EUR for Video subscription when other sites who has more traffic (Shutterstock) gives an average of 18.00$ per video download, no thanks again.

I will send them a thread to this page. They seem like a good agency but a 4% payout on single download and 0.70eur per video is a ripoff.

Sales are down more than 60% in the last 15 month!

I think many buyers have changed to other micros. Why should they pay for 3 million images when they could have 18-20 million images for the same money...


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