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Author Topic: PIXYLOO Announcement  (Read 25360 times)

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« on: November 21, 2014, 06:29 »
ohhhh here it is .. the dreaded moment when you first announce something new ;) Before I do though - Id like to give out a special thank you to Sean Locke, Jo Ann Snover, Leaf & ShadySue. We used a lot of feedback from photographers & buyers and those of you here on MSG that I talked to have been a big help. Your thoughts were greatly appreciated and we hope to hear more from you.

Ok Im going to give the super fast breakdown based on the common concerns and then everybody can feel free to drill me with any questions. First off, I'd like to introduce PIXYLOO

Royalties :: 40% for non-exclusivity. There will also be an exclusive option with higher royalties & benefits but thats being added further down the road.

Subscriptions :: We do not support the industries sub model strategy. We will offer two RF base options web $10 / print $25 .. Extended Add-ons range from $75-$500 Image Dimension also plays no role in pricing therefore the minimum image size accepted is 8.6MP (3200x2400px).

Ease of Uploading :: Right now its super easy. Make sure that you have IPTC data filled out & send us the batches. We will take care of the rest for you.

Signing Up :: Its by invite only. You will need to apply for consideration.

Review Times :: Lets face it, review times have been an on-going complaint from contributors on all the agencies for the last 14 years. Im not going to BS anyone by saying how fast PIXYLOO review times will be. In fact, were going to intentionally take longer because we are not moving forward with the standard review system that has been used by most of the micro agencies. We want to focus more on quality of service and less on how fast we can reach 40 bazillion images online.

Marketing :: Im not going into detail about our marketing plan but it does involve us initially giving away all of our profits upfront to buyers for them to generate sales on your images. We will also be marketing directly to a pre-existing list of buyers when we exit the pre-launch phase. PIXYLOO is a new stock agency but there's several decades of experience behind it.

Just a quick touch on some other things to give you an idea of where we're going .. we plan on focusing a lot on community & education through the blog & youtube. We will also be putting effort into features (beyond a typical forum) that encourages communication between buyers & sellers on a local level. If a buyer in your area is looking to contract a job out to a local artist, we want to make that process as easy as possible and where you can profit 100% from the opportunity. That's just one way we want to help our contributors grow their businesses beyond selling stock should they choose to. Theres also the PIXYLOO Freedom of Speech policy which states that when the forums go live anyone who alters a contributors negative comment about PIXYLOO to read comment removed by admin will be severely beaten about the head. I absolutely cannot stand seeing agencies do that .. if were called out publicly on a mistake - youre going to see us publicly take responsibility and make things right. Were not going to play that game of censoring comments and deleting threads that dont praise our actions. Honesty & Integrity is very important to our business model. We have a lot of ideas and a solid foundation to build them on.

Ok, questions? Feedback? Go take a peek at PIXYLOO and tell us what you think. We are always open to ideas. Keep in mind that we are in pre-launch and not currently marketing to buyers. So, you might come across a bug or two. If you want to be in our very first round of contributors, make sure to visit the Call to Artists.


« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2014, 07:06 »
Pixy Loo? Are you taking the piss ? (pun intended  :P )

The name might frown some brows in the UK

« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2014, 07:15 »
Overall that sounds pretty good.
One remark though: Minimum resolution of 8.6 MP excludes a lot of very usable content. I have been shooting several years with a (8.2 MP) Canon 30d, so all that content would not be usable at your site.
Other than that: Are you looking for any special content or special look? Or will you be accepting a broad spectrum of content?

« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2014, 07:16 »
ohhhh here it is .. the dreaded moment when you first announce something new ;) Before I do though - Id like to give out a special thank you to Sean Locke, Jo Ann Snover, Leaf & ShadySue. We used a lot of feedback from photographers & buyers and those of you here on MSG that I talked to have been a big help. Your thoughts were greatly appreciated and we hope to hear more from you.

Ok Im going to give the super fast breakdown based on the common concerns and then everybody can feel free to drill me with any questions. First off, I'd like to introduce PIXYLOO

Royalties :: 40% Should be 50%for non-exclusivity. There will also be an exclusive option with higher royalties & benefits but thats being added further down the road.

Subscriptions :: We do not support the industries sub model strategy. We will offer two RF base options web $10 / print $25 .. Extended Add-ons range from $75-$500 Image Dimension also plays no role in pricing therefore the minimum image size accepted is 8.6MP (3200x2400px).

Stockfresh got clobbered because of their limited subscription model, so they went all-in, meaning that any size is now available with subscription. They claim, and I agree, that buyers are now accustomed to sub models and while they offered subs, the program wasn't good enough. I don't see how you will survive without them, but I support you fully by trying to change that horrible sub mentality. Subs are good for the company but piss poor for us contributors.

Ease of Uploading :: Right now its super easy. Make sure that you have IPTC data filled out & send us the batches. We will take care of the rest for you.

Signing Up :: Its by invite only. You will need to apply for consideration. So what is the criteria? What are you looking for? By being selective, in my mind, means you have a specific look you are seeking. Obviously you won't be competing on isolated tomato images. This is important. You need to be clear on what you are looking so we won't waste our time applying, or, conversely, will spend time optimistically applying.

Review Times :: Lets face it, review times have been an on-going complaint from contributors on all the agencies for the last 14 years. Im not going to BS anyone by saying how fast PIXYLOO review times will be. In fact, were going to intentionally take longer because we are not moving forward with the standard review system that has been used by most of the micro agencies. We want to focus more on quality of service and less on how fast we can reach 40 bazillion images online. If you're being selective on contributors you shouldn't have the 40 bazillion image problem, but then you are either a specialty agency targeting a certain market or a me too agency who will be unable to compete with those agencies who do have 40 bazillion images. Another key point is that there are other agencies, like Stockfresh, who cannot compete with other micros, so being a specialty agency, competing with the likes of Stocksy, might be the only way to win.

Marketing :: Im not going into detail about our marketing plan but it does involve us initially giving away all of our profits upfront to buyers for them to generate sales on your images. We will also be marketing directly to a pre-existing list of buyers when we exit the pre-launch phase. PIXYLOO is a new stock agency but there's several decades of experience behind it.
Not to be a buzz killer but Stockfresh had a lot of experience behind it, too. They are a dud agency. Just saying. The real challenge is that this is a supply and demand business, like any business, and there is a sh!t load of supply already, cheap and very good quality. That will be a very challenging mountain to climb for "just another micro", so I hope your differentiator can overcome the micro stock market forces.

Just a quick touch on some other things to give you an idea of where we're going .. we plan on focusing a lot on community & education through the blog & youtube. We will also be putting effort into features (beyond a typical forum) that encourages communication between buyers & sellers on a local level. If a buyer in your area is looking to contract a job out to a local artist, we want to make that process as easy as possible and where you can profit 100% from the opportunity. That's just one way we want to help our contributors grow their businesses beyond selling stock should they choose to. Theres also the PIXYLOO Freedom of Speech policy which states that when the forums go live anyone who alters a contributors negative comment about PIXYLOO to read comment removed by admin will be severely beaten about the head. I absolutely cannot stand seeing agencies do that .. if were called out publicly on a mistake - youre going to see us publicly take responsibility and make things right. Were not going to play that game of censoring comments and deleting threads that dont praise our actions. Honesty & Integrity is very important to our business model. We have a lot of ideas and a solid foundation to build them on.

Ok, questions? Feedback? Go take a peek at PIXYLOO and tell us what you think. We are always open to ideas. Keep in mind that we are in pre-launch and not currently marketing to buyers. So, you might come across a bug or two. If you want to be in our very first round of contributors, make sure to visit the Call to Artists.

I went traveling after I got your email, and forgot to respond, so above are my initial thoughts.  Micro stock is on a critical mass downward spiral in terms of contributor royalties and agency honesty, integrity and trust. It will be very hard to compete in this bubble in a way that drives success and good partnerships, but I am behind you.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2014, 07:19 by Mantis »

« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2014, 07:23 »
Pixy Loo? Are you taking the piss ? (pun intended  :P )

The name might frown some brows in the UK

LOL .. nicely played. I actually hadn't thought about that possibility in the UK but now that you've brought it up .. I love it! ... those designers won't easily forget us and be sitting around saying ... what was that site called .. PIXY something.  :P

I would say we planned it but in truth .. we created a list of around 2000 potential names and only 3 of them actually had a .COM available. LOL

« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2014, 07:38 »
Overall that sounds pretty good.
One remark though: Minimum resolution of 8.6 MP excludes a lot of very usable content. I have been shooting several years with a (8.2 MP) Canon 30d, so all that content would not be usable at your site.
Other than that: Are you looking for any special content or special look? Or will you be accepting a broad spectrum of content?

That was decided because it comes out to an 8x12 at 300 dpi which allows for a perfect magazine cover with a 1/2 safety margin .. and I can't count how many times I've been asked to resend a client a file because they didn't think they could use an image if it wasn't just a hair bigger. You would think that all art directors could resize an image faster than sending an email request.  ;D
As for your 8.2MP images .. simply run them through a batch image process in Photoshop or export them out of Lightroom at 3600. Provided the images were sharp to begin with, that small increase is honestly not going to hurt the quality.

We do not want to limit the entire collection to a certain look or just the current trend. We're interested in a broad range of images. For example .. fades & sun flares are a fad now and we'll accept them but we also want images that will be popular 5 - 10 years down the road.

« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2014, 07:48 »
Thanks. If you accept upsized images (as long as the result is sharp enough) I might do that for those that are good enough to start with.
All newer images are big enough anyway.

And your name: you're just one letter off to make it sound like that: http://www.toitoidixi.de/en/produkte/toilettenkabinen/DIXI-B.php   ;D


« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2014, 08:13 »
Dixi is a loo, even better  8)


« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2014, 08:29 »
8.2mp, you just wiped out 250 of my best selling images. This wont be a good marriage.

« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2014, 08:46 »

I went traveling after I got your email, and forgot to respond, so above are my initial thoughts.  Micro stock is on a critical mass downward spiral in terms of contributor royalties and agency honesty, integrity and trust. It will be very hard to compete in this bubble in a way that drives success and good partnerships, but I am behind you.

We went with 40% because out of our commission, were going to be initially using 10% for core expenses and then giving the rest back to the buyers to stimulate sales. The more we give back to buyers .. the more theyre going to spend .. which goes back into the contributors pockets. We also need to have enough of a buffer between non-exclusive % and the exclusive benefits once we put those into place .. or else there would be no real advantage to being exclusive. Of course once the buyer base is established and stable its more of an issue of whats going to make our contributors happy and still be sustainable. You can always make people happy by giving them a raise later .. its when a business start out too generous and has to make temporary cutbacks later that gets people steaming. :)

Yes, the entire subscription issue is an annoying hurdle. To be perfectly blunt, the sub model should have never been created in the first place. Obviously, not the creation of anyone who has ever worked a day as a professional photographer. Too late now .. but we will not encourage them. Not only does the sub model insult the photographer .. it rips off the buyer, who typically doesnt max their downloads due to fluctuating workloads and the fact that 2 days of the week theyre not even in the office. The only ones who benefit are the agencies who offer them get paid for a sale without delivering a product or paying royalties on the sale. I know we could profit a lot more by offering them but the fact that I shoot for a living and my personal ethics wont allow it. :)

Honestly, those who get in from the beginning are going to have the advantage. Do buyers need that image of an isolated tomato? Most definitely and we want to make that available for them. Are we going to continue accepting thousands of isolated tomatoes for the next decade? Nope.
Were going to bring in new photographers in phases. The ones now are going to have a lot more flexibility in what they upload than those who join a year from now.

No, we dont expect a problem with the 40 bazillion images issue anytime in the near future. LOL .. Ive sat down with designers and content providers and a common complaint is that they cant find what theyre looking for quickly because theres simply too much crap to wade through. Back to that isolated tomato .. how long does it take to find the image you want for a project when you have to sit there browsing though page after page after page of tomatoes that all pretty much look identical. We dont want to offer designers 50,000 images of tomatoes to choose from. We want them to search tomato and be given a decently sized yet diverse selection of quality tomato shots that they can quickly choose from and get back to work on their project. The designer is happy because weve taken away their frustration and the companies CFO is happy because their staff isnt wasting man hours.

I dont want to use Stockfresh as an example because I have nothing to do with them and I dont wish to speak negatively about any of the agencies for that matter. However, I think a great example to get my point across is simply using photography studios in general. For the last decade my wife & I have owned a portrait studio in our metro area. I dont even bother counting the competing studios in this city anymore .. there are literally thousands of them here within a 30 mile radius who charge a fraction of what we do we know people who have had their all day wedding shot for 50 bucks. However, we still shoot more clients every year than 99% of them and commonly have portrait clients drive up to 2 1/2 hours to get here. My point being it is possible to operate successfully without even trying to compete with everybody. One of the things that made our studio one of the top studios in the region was not entirely our skilled experience but the human experience we created for our clients .. thats something we want to bring to PIXYLOO.

and thanks for your detailed feedback .. it's greatly appreciated. :)

« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2014, 09:08 »
Thanks. If you accept upsized images (as long as the result is sharp enough) I might do that for those that are good enough to start with.
All newer images are big enough anyway.

And your name: you're just one letter off to make it sound like that: http://www.toitoidixi.de/en/produkte/toilettenkabinen/DIXI-B.php   ;D

LMAO .. Im stealing the idea for that sign and putting it on our bathroom door.

8.2mp, you just wiped out 250 of my best selling images. This wont be a good marriage.

Like I told Dirkr .. as long as you can upsize without noticeably hurting the quality its ok. I know a lot of people are accustomed to being told by that they cant upsize. We do inspect everything at 100% of course but were not so .. how should I put this .. anal when it comes to certain aspects of the review process. For example we know that ISO grain and color noise are two completely different things and that shooting a shallow DOF at f/2 does not automatically mean the image is out of focus .. of course if you have some shots from back in the day on a 2MP consumer level digital .. youre probably up the creek without a paddle when it comes to upsizing.  :P

« Reply #11 on: November 21, 2014, 09:21 »
« Last Edit: November 21, 2014, 09:31 by rimglow »

« Reply #12 on: November 21, 2014, 09:32 »
Are you located in Ann Arbor, MI or Kansas?

just outside the Kansas City metro on the Missouri side.

« Reply #13 on: November 21, 2014, 12:02 »
I assume you're not offering vectors?

« Reply #14 on: November 21, 2014, 12:18 »
I assume you're not offering vectors?

Initially we're not offering vectors but that's subject to change in the future.


  • stockcoalition.org
« Reply #15 on: November 21, 2014, 12:35 »
So I read this thread for nothing? Bleh.

« Reply #16 on: November 21, 2014, 12:37 »
Based purely on the honesty and quality of what you've written in this thread, I'm actually tempted to give you a chance as a contributor! Are you available for in-person meetings if I should stop by while in town?

« Reply #17 on: November 21, 2014, 12:43 »
And question #2: How do I communicate to you, in my application on your web site, that the body of work you'll see of mine on agency XYZ is older and doesn't necessarily represent what I'd submit to you?

« Reply #18 on: November 21, 2014, 12:47 »
How are you dealing with the whole withholding tax issue wrt non US contributors ? Are you deducting US withholding taxes ? Also - will you be applying sales taxes (TVA, VAT etc) to customers where applicable - e.g. those in EU countries ?


« Reply #19 on: November 21, 2014, 12:59 »
Applied. I'm hopeful and we need new players to shake things up!

« Reply #20 on: November 21, 2014, 13:00 »
I don't like the name but the terms seem fair.  What makes this site any different from all the other sites?  By that I mean if you are offering the same content as everyone else why will buyers go there, especially when I can find that content at lower prices on other sites?
« Last Edit: November 21, 2014, 13:07 by tickstock »

« Reply #21 on: November 21, 2014, 13:07 »
Based purely on the honesty and quality of what you've written in this thread, I'm actually tempted to give you a chance as a contributor! Are you available for in-person meetings if I should stop by while in town?

I hear the word meeting and instantly get bored LOL .. just bring your camera and we'll go shoot something cool  ;D

And question #2: How do I communicate to you, in my application on your web site, that the body of work you'll see of mine on agency XYZ is older and doesn't necessarily represent what I'd submit to you?

Is your portfolio extremely out of date compared to the work you do now? If it is, go ahead and include the link anyway and then either PM here or shoot me a message through the PIXYLOO support page with any other links you have to something more current even if it's a smaller collection on Flickr or your own website.

« Reply #22 on: November 21, 2014, 13:16 »

Pixyloo's site is looking good...

Are those photos on the site yours? They are really nice.

I didn't see any "about us" page with the name of the owners or further information.... is nice to know who are the people running a company, what country / state the company is based of.

Good luck with the new site.


« Reply #23 on: November 21, 2014, 13:27 »
Royalties :: 40% for non-exclusivity.

I`m out. Anything below 50% is not acceptable for a newcomer.

Further thoughts:

1. No offical information displayed: Who are you? What is your VAT number? Where is your company registered? Do you give official invoices? Hiding behind a nice website was possible 10 years ago. Today its a nogo. Looks like the domain is registered to Randy McKown.
2. Nice concept.
3. You might consider changing your name.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2014, 13:32 by Tror »

« Reply #24 on: November 21, 2014, 13:44 »
How are you dealing with the whole withholding tax issue wrt non US contributors ? Are you deducting US withholding taxes ? Also - will you be applying sales taxes (TVA, VAT etc) to customers where applicable - e.g. those in EU countries ?

No different than other businesses. I do not handle our accounting so excuse me if I don't word something properly but basically you'll need to complete a W-8BEN and there's a 30% withholding .. unless your in a country that has a tax treaty with us .. in which case it will be between 0-15% depending on the country. Yes we are also required to apply sales tax to the EUs which is built into the system. I know ... taxes suck.


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