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Author Topic: Scoopshot secures $1.2 million in funding from Yuri  (Read 30825 times)

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« on: July 16, 2013, 13:05 »

Scoopshot is taking on the multi billion-dollar photo industry with a new service for crowdsourcing on-demand photography in minutes, backed by Yuri Arcurs. Offering an alternative to stale stock photo libraries and expensive agencies, Scoopshot gives all photo buyers the ability to set assignments for its global network of 280,000+ mobile photographers.

The photography-on-demand service has received $1.2 million funding from Yuri Arcurs, the world's top selling stock photographer, who sells one photo every eight seconds.  Scoopshot will use the funding to accelerate its international growth with a focus on the UK, US and German markets.

This crowdsourcing of photography assignments has been tried before without much fanfare. Think this one will be any different now that they've got some of Yuri's money and possibly his industry knowledge to help them?

« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2013, 14:12 »

But anyways:
"The birth of on-demand photography could sound the death knell for the stock industry as we know it, says Scoopshot CEO, Niko Ruokosuo:  "Buyers are tired of wading through page after page of stale and over-used photography, before having to compromise. For the first time, they can request exactly what they want and receive it within minutes and without spending a fortune. "

How do they imagine they are going to get exactly what they want, within minutes, without spending a fortune?  That's somewhat laughable.  That isn't stock.  That's custom photography shoots.  And for $5?  You think YA would have more respect for photographers, after his recent professional/professional quip.


« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2013, 14:26 »
I don't see how this could work.  Do they think photographers the world over, or even just iphone shutterbugs, are going to run out to do custom shoots to spec the same day, upload them immediately, and happily dance off to spend their $5 on a coffee?


« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2013, 14:39 »

This guy claims he was making $500 a week on Scoopshot. I just don't see how.

Or I do see how, but I don't know why anyone would want to do that much work for that money.

« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2013, 14:43 »
That idea is hilarious. Custom photo shoots for 5 dollars? Of course....that is what we all love to do all day...

All the worlds stock imagery, at least the good quality content, is being supplied by a very, very tiny group of people who can create images with the necessary level of quality.

Good luck sending assignments to enthusiasts with mobile phones for 5 dollars...

ETA: with all the experience yuri has, I wonder if the concept is a different one to what is presented in that article. He really should know that custom photography doesn't work for 5 dollars.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2013, 15:38 by cobalt »

« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2013, 15:52 »
it could work in the third world, there are still places where 5$ go a long way.

but for anything else, forget it, and it's really a BAD IDEA to even trying to sell such a dis-service, this is the very last thing photographers need and it further devalues photography as a whole.

« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2013, 16:05 »

This guy claims he was making $500 a week on Scoopshot. I just don't see how.

Or I do see how, but I don't know why anyone would want to do that much work for that money.

Obviously fake story. If anyone claims it isn't: show the shots + the usage. The days when advertisements just stretched the truth and used some weasel words are long gone, now with this crumbling economy everyone clawing the others' eye out for the last few pennies left by the .1%, they are just lying like there is no tomorrow.

« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2013, 17:05 »
Wake up and smell the coffee guys and gals.

You think Yuri is the just throwing $1.2mill out the window?

This isn't about actually commissioning photography for $5. The $5 (I think it might be actually be $2.50 now btw, if you read the site) is just an incentive to get people shooting and uploading. This is a whole new library build in the making and it's an investment in the future (near future) technology of smart phones which in a couple of years from now will be seriously awesome bits of compact camera kit.

I've been tinkering with FOAP for a while and it's quite addictive cos it's so so simple. Whip your phone out, make a nice composition, click a few buttons to make it look cool, keyword and upload from your phone. Job done - had fun - portfolio growing. Who knows, maybe one day somebody will buy one.

I won't make any real money of course, but with the numbers game (crowd sourcing) comes a nice profit for the agency owners (Yuri et all) :-)

Smart phones + crowd sourcing .... Watch this Space.

(Oh, and don't forget all those recent threads about newspapers getting rid of staff photographers and giving journalists iphones). But then why even send anybody out when there's always a crowd of nearby on lookers with a smart phone?

There's another very similar concept App from Depositphotos as well called Clashot.
Same thing .... everyone is getting on board. Another race to IPO millions.

As a professional photographer, obviously this is all highly depressing really, but hey, you've either gotta laugh or cry. lol

« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2013, 17:14 »
It seems like it should be hugely successful (if you can get people to contribute). P.T. Barnum would be proud. ;)

« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2013, 17:15 »
PS .... the $500/week guy probably is a lie though.

Or at best a plant .... they probably sponsor some guy to run around taking thousands of pics and basically buy them off him.
They make a 'mobile app' photographer millionaire and everybody starts uploading like mad, cos everybody wants to be (rich) like him.

That's very cheap advertising & promotion for $500 per week.

When I first started looking at Micro, I often wondered if Yuri was just that as well. Somebody (with obvious talent too), that the industry sort of 'sponsored' to make a hero of.

Kinda like the David Beckham of micro that everybody is desperate to mimic.

« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2013, 17:21 »
How interested are real businesses in non-released imagery?  They can't all want brick walls and cats.

« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2013, 17:28 »
Don't all the big agencies all have some kind of mobile stock collection? For both editorial and creative stock?

And there you can make real money becuase they have customers, plus you get to mix mobile stock with your regular portfolio?

If it wasn't for yuri investing I would think this is just another investment "teaser" story - pretend to build a business, come up with some modern sounding business plan, add as many impactful buzzwords as you can and then once it is all set up go and sell it out to some naive investor who doesn't really know the industry.

But yuri is smart, so maybe there is some idea there that I really cannot see.

Anyway, doesn't sound like an agency I would join. If I shoot with a phone, I'll just add it to the regular portfolio.

« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2013, 17:34 »

You think Yuri is the just throwing $1.2mill out the window?

Yep. Why not? Have seen lot smarter people totally tank.

« Reply #13 on: July 16, 2013, 17:40 »
Don't all the big agencies all have some kind of mobile stock collection? For both editorial and creative stock?

And there you can make real money becuase they have customers, plus you get to mix mobile stock with your regular portfolio?

If it wasn't for yuri investing I would think this is just another investment "teaser" story - pretend to build a business, come up with some modern sounding business plan, add as many impactful buzzwords as you can and then once it is all set up go and sell it out to some naive investor who doesn't really know the industry.

But yuri is smart, so maybe there is some idea there that I really cannot see.

Anyway, doesn't sound like an agency I would join. If I shoot with a phone, I'll just add it to the regular portfolio.

Take a look at the site, it's a niche of what could be presented for a purposely crappy looking fake-real stuff, with the random pop of quality out of quantity when lighting was abundant, and some moron got lucky with the composition. I don't think this model has anything to do with f.e. very attractive models in smooth directed lighting, with single color and other set-up backgrounds.

« Reply #14 on: July 16, 2013, 17:41 »
Wake up and smell the coffee guys and gals.

You think Yuri is the just throwing $1.2mill out the window?

Most likely, yes. Yuri might be a highly successful photographer but his record as an 'angel investor' in risky dot-com businesses is unknown. I think he is far too driven by his ego and he probably doesn't have enough experience to do the necessary due diligence or make rational decisions __ but we'll see. He might still be lucky.

There's no way this concept is strong enough to make it to an IPO. By far the quickest way to make big money will be to sell out early to FB, Google or the like in the way that Instagram did.

Michael Birch, the founder of would-be social media site Bebo, did very well. He sold out to AOL for $850M in 2008 ... and has just bought it back at auction for $1M.

« Reply #15 on: July 16, 2013, 17:44 »
PS .... the $500/week guy probably is a lie though.

Or at best a plant .... they probably sponsor some guy to run around taking thousands of pics and basically buy them off him.
They make a 'mobile app' photographer millionaire and everybody starts uploading like mad, cos everybody wants to be (rich) like him.

That's very cheap advertising & promotion for $500 per week.

When I first started looking at Micro, I often wondered if Yuri was just that as well. Somebody (with obvious talent too), that the industry sort of 'sponsored' to make a hero of.

Kinda like the David Beckham of micro that everybody is desperate to mimic.

Yep, good question. Ask him how on earth he got a hassy deal, which usually is for super senior and-or super high class artists. You won't get any clear definite answer.

« Reply #16 on: July 16, 2013, 18:36 »
I looked at the 12 images of Glasgow on Scoopshot - a recent task to get interesting places and people for Visitors

Other than the mall interior, which is a nice shot and not what you'd find on the agencies because of rules about property releases and, in SS's case, the idea that editorial must be newsworthy, I think what SS and Dreamstime have to offer is much better.

"Stale" or no, the 850+ Glasgow photos on DT and the 1,500+ on SS are a ton better than what Scoopshot has to offer. When there's nothing newsworthy or new in a topic, but people just need images for a web site or brochure, "stale" stock does just fine I think

The summer sandwich photos are equally dire, including (anyone remember this from Buy Request at iStock?) several that aren't of sandwiches at all. A pot of shrimp on a stove, a soda bottle on some blankets...

You have to love the small, out of focus shot of a package of Oscar Mayer Bologna...

This seems (a) insane as a business idea and (b) an odd thing for Yuri to fund given that he has an interest in the existing stock business staying around.

People seem to greatly underestimate the awfulness of pictures people grab with their smartphones.

I realize whoever wrote the text on the Scoopshot web site is not a native English speaker, but there are several places that mention Scoopshot transferring the copyright (although there are also seemingly contradictory mentions of multiple sales being possible and only publishing rights being transferred)

"When you send your photo or video to Scoopshot, you give Scoopshot the right to use it in the Scoopshot service. All photos are for sale and cannot be used without buying appropriate publishing rights.

Scoopshot has permanent rights for transferring the copyright of the photo or video. Scoopshot will then ensure that you get the agreed compensation for the transferred rights."
« Last Edit: July 16, 2013, 18:50 by jsnover »

« Reply #17 on: July 16, 2013, 19:43 »
The summer sandwich photos are equally dire, including (anyone remember this from Buy Request at iStock?) several that aren't of sandwiches at all. A pot of shrimp on a stove, a soda bottle on some blankets...

How is that different from say Stocksy saying "Go shoot some sandwiches", aside from the fact the images are horrendous?  That isn't "stock on request".  That's just a phone image repository.


« Reply #18 on: July 16, 2013, 20:50 »
I looked at the 12 images of Glasgow on Scoopshot - a recent task to get interesting places and people for Visitors...

Some of them are decent. But what seems to be severely lacking is any sort of buyer protection. These photos obviously aren't model released, some feature logos, possibly protected architecture, lots of stuff that would land any of us in hot water at a stock agency. And stuff that can easily get a buyer sued if they use it commercially.

Again, seems like an awfully odd thing for a guy like Yuri to be involved in. He knows the business, especially the legalities of it. Why get involved in something like this?

« Reply #19 on: July 16, 2013, 20:58 »
in this case you should not look at the photos, but where and when the message is released.

« Reply #20 on: July 16, 2013, 21:14 »
Maybe the 1.2 million will go into things such as model releases...a digital model/property release within the app...maybe some editing functionality to remove logos...who knows.

« Reply #21 on: July 17, 2013, 01:22 »
If you have a look at the site, it is not meant to be for creative stock. It's more a replacement for/add-on to the "reader's pictures" pages you often see in newspapers and magazines. Eventually it could also become a good source for "eyewitness news".

I found a couple of German and Austrian media having a task running like "What I am eating":

If you also consider that the images to be seen is the type of images that people usually post on Instagram or Facebook, I can see why it would work for both sides... It's probably not going to be a direct competition with microstock, though.

« Reply #22 on: July 17, 2013, 04:17 »
Maybe the 1.2 million will go into things such as model releases...a digital model/property release within the app...maybe some editing functionality to remove logos...who knows.

startups are NOT supposed to make real money, their goal is to be sold to a rich suc-ker in no more than 2-3 yrs, that's how it works with VCs.

if yuri invested 1 million he plans to get 2-3 millions back, simple as that, every VC does that, it pays well because of the high risk involved (up to 90% of the startups miserably fail or never find a buyer).

look at Demotix, same sh-it, and finally they sold it to Corbis, but do they ever made a profit ? i doubt so.

« Reply #23 on: July 17, 2013, 04:30 »
There was a task from Yuri not that long time ago.

« Reply #24 on: July 17, 2013, 05:22 »
Maybe the 1.2 million will go into things such as model releases...a digital model/property release within the app...maybe some editing functionality to remove logos...who knows.

startups are NOT supposed to make real money, their goal is to be sold to a rich suc-ker in no more than 2-3 yrs, that's how it works with VCs.

if yuri invested 1 million he plans to get 2-3 millions back, simple as that, every VC does that, it pays well because of the high risk involved (up to 90% of the startups miserably fail or never find a buyer).

look at Demotix, same sh-it, and finally they sold it to Corbis, but do they ever made a profit ? i doubt so.

true true, imho Yuri probably invested in an upcoming 'magic IPO' or something similar. But the sucker is more likely to be a poor sucker... these magic IPOs are avoided by institutional investors (except the insiders of course).

« Reply #25 on: July 17, 2013, 06:17 »
But anyways:
"The birth of on-demand photography could sound the death knell for the stock industry as we know it, says Scoopshot CEO, Niko Ruokosuo:  "Buyers are tired of wading through page after page of stale and over-used photography, before having to compromise. For the first time, they can request exactly what they want and receive it within minutes and without spending a fortune. "

"I'll have a business team, 7 to 8 people between 20-30 years, mixed genders and ethnicities, of course. Modern office space, but nothing too fancy - should have a great skyline in the background, though..."

"Coming right up, sir, would you need a girl with a headset with that?"

"Yeah, why the heck not - how much is that?"

"Together that will be $9.89,- sir."

*Hands over a tenner* - "Keep the change..."

"Much obliged, sir..."

« Reply #26 on: July 17, 2013, 06:26 »
Brilliant concept. Shift of paradigmes.

And we have just heard that press photographers were fired and replaced by iPhones. The journalists are next, then the editors.
News and images are moving out to the public and become peer to peer.

maybe I should throw out my d 600 and get one of them nokia mega camera phones, and begin to photograph accidents and burning wheatfields in the neighbourhood..
There is a fat ugly cat in my garden, I could photograph it, the cat people would like such news.
I could also shoot it, litterally, and such create real news that would really get attention and clicks and affiliates and commercials.
Endless possibilities.

What I try to say is that with news shifting to peer to peer, they are also at high risk of being strangely manipulated.
But well ok, thats nothing new. Its just more unpredictable.


« Reply #27 on: July 17, 2013, 07:12 »
...And we have just heard that press photographers were fired and replaced by iPhones. The journalists are next, then the editors.
News and images are moving out to the public and become peer to peer...

Are people really gullible enough to do the job of journalists and photographers for free? I hope at some point they realize that they are doing work that someone previously was paid for.

« Reply #28 on: July 17, 2013, 08:20 »
true true, imho Yuri probably invested in an upcoming 'magic IPO' or something similar. But the sucker is more likely to be a poor sucker... these magic IPOs are avoided by institutional investors (except the insiders of course).

everything is saleable today, even crap like Wikitravel was sold for 1.7 millions and now it's worthless and the same company also bought Route66, another disgrace.

and these were not even e-commerce sites, they just were content farms with wiki volunteers producing the content for free and the site showing ads.

a site like yuri's it's a full fledge social e-commerce site and therefore it can easily be perceived as worth 5-10 million $ if we use the crazy VC's metric system.

how's that any different from cr-ap like Fiverr ?

« Reply #29 on: July 17, 2013, 10:15 »
I can see a concept like this being very useful for people who need pictures of a certain thing, like the telephone directory.  There is an army of photographers that are spread out literally everywhere around the world so if it became as popular as instagram, someone is probably only a few hundred meters away from the location you need.  So, if a message could pop-up ... you are within 100m of a needed photo shoot.. it might be worth your trouble to snap the pic.  Making an effort and going out of my way to create an image that will probably only be purchased one time for $2.50 is certainly not worth my while.

« Reply #30 on: July 17, 2013, 10:53 »
I can see a concept like this being very useful for people who need pictures of a certain thing, like the telephone directory.  There is an army of photographers that are spread out literally everywhere around the world so if it became as popular as instagram, someone is probably only a few hundred meters away from the location you need.  So, if a message could pop-up ... you are within 100m of a needed photo shoot.. it might be worth your trouble to snap the pic.  Making an effort and going out of my way to create an image that will probably only be purchased one time for $2.50 is certainly not worth my while.

The price appears to set by the buyer and therefore they could choose to offer more (or less) than the 'standard' $5.

Over on Istock there are always plenty of gushing contributors willing to do custom shoots, at their own expense, for magazine editor 'ecsc', with only a remote possibility of getting paid anything at all. It's very sad but it is true;

« Reply #31 on: July 17, 2013, 11:48 »

this can't be true, look at the those pictures :o

even a man on the collection ;D

« Reply #32 on: July 17, 2013, 12:38 »
I can see a concept like this being very useful for people who need pictures of a certain thing, like the telephone directory.  There is an army of photographers that are spread out literally everywhere around the world so if it became as popular as instagram, someone is probably only a few hundred meters away from the location you need.  So, if a message could pop-up ... you are within 100m of a needed photo shoot.. it might be worth your trouble to snap the pic.  Making an effort and going out of my way to create an image that will probably only be purchased one time for $2.50 is certainly not worth my while.

It will probably not even get purchased one time. There will be competing images.

« Reply #33 on: July 17, 2013, 13:08 »

this can't be true, look at the those pictures :o

even a man on the collection ;D

Are those your feet in the flip flops Luis?

« Reply #34 on: July 17, 2013, 15:58 »
"For the first time, they can request exactly what they want..."
They can request what they want but this task shows that they don't have to necessarily get it.
It looks like 75% of Scoopshot contributors a) don't read briefs b) cannot read at all

Send us a picture where and how ( paper or digital ) you read our Tagesspiegel

« Reply #35 on: July 17, 2013, 16:11 »
"For the first time, they can request exactly what they want..."
They can request what they want but this task shows that they don't have to necessarily get it.
It looks like 75% of Scoopshot contributors a) don't read briefs b) cannot read at all

Send us a picture where and how ( paper or digital ) you read our Tagesspiegel

I wonder if they ban you if you post too many unrelated photos in projects?

« Reply #36 on: July 17, 2013, 18:21 »

this can't be true, look at the those pictures :o

even a man on the collection ;D

Are those your feet in the flip flops Luis?

mine are cute ;D


« Reply #37 on: July 18, 2013, 01:24 »
I wish I had 1.2 million to chuck out the door just for laughs.... seriously, he must be doing extremely well.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #38 on: July 18, 2013, 05:49 »
You think Yuri is the just throwing $1.2mill out the window?
He spent a fortune on peoplestock, then ended up throwing in his hat with iStock/Getty (though he still gets to keep PS).
Now he's starting another 'rival' agency! Apparently.

But yes, where is the huge difference over FOAP?
Wasn't there an ill-fated Getty project called Scoop a few years back?

« Reply #39 on: July 18, 2013, 05:51 »
Scoopt.  I put the link to their failure story somewhere.  'Citizen journalism' doesn't work and 'request stock' doesn't work.  Because, well, if you request it and people shoot it, it isn't stock.

« Reply #40 on: July 18, 2013, 07:06 »
Scoopt wasn't a failure for the people who started and invested in it before it was sold to Getty for big bucks.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #41 on: July 18, 2013, 07:09 »
Scoopt wasn't a failure for the people who started and invested in it before it was sold to Getty for big bucks.
Oh! Same old, same old, then.  :(

« Reply #42 on: July 18, 2013, 12:33 »
Scoopt wasn't a failure for the people who started and invested in it before it was sold to Getty for big bucks.

exactly ! as a startup it was a success.
their goal is to find a buyer, not to make actual money, it's like a Ponzi.

« Reply #43 on: July 18, 2013, 17:15 »
"EyeEm claims it is the worlds first mobile photography community and marketplace. The company will use the funding to internationalise and build a mobile photography marketplace for users to sell their images to clients, marketers and brands beginning to turn the still-free service into a business."

Who will get bought first? Lol...


  • We Have Exciting News For You
« Reply #44 on: July 18, 2013, 17:34 »

this can't be true, look at the those pictures :o

even a man on the collection ;D

Darn, I sent the wrong picture. My toenails are painted.


  • We Have Exciting News For You
« Reply #45 on: July 18, 2013, 17:46 »
I can see a concept like this being very useful for people who need pictures of a certain thing, like the telephone directory.  There is an army of photographers that are spread out literally everywhere around the world so if it became as popular as instagram, someone is probably only a few hundred meters away from the location you need.  So, if a message could pop-up ... you are within 100m of a needed photo shoot.. it might be worth your trouble to snap the pic.  Making an effort and going out of my way to create an image that will probably only be purchased one time for $2.50 is certainly not worth my while.

I'd agree.

Plus there are a lot of good mobile phone shooters out there. This will probably take some revenue away from stock sales but I can't see it being significant. Who would use this to buy? Professional media buyers already complain about sifting through garbage. Bloggers? Teachers?

And I have a hard time seeing long term sustainability. No recurring revenue? You get $2.50 once, IF, the buyer buys. And the buyer may not buy anything. I wonder how many people will submit a few dozen pics, not get a penny, and give up.

« Reply #46 on: July 19, 2013, 00:12 »
Who would use this to buy? Professional media buyers already complain about sifting through garbage. Bloggers? Teachers?

forget about bloggers, even the top ones never paid a dime, see the crooks at BoingBoing or TechCrunch.

years ago i even wrote to a Tech Crunch editor, 100% of their images were stolen from google images, i sent them a list with links to the original images, they wrote me with a funny tone that they were thinking it was "public domain" or "fair use" and thanks for all the chips !

« Reply #47 on: July 19, 2013, 00:20 »
Bloggers here, in DK sometimes pay for photos, and many are quite observant of where they get them from.

There has been a few copyright claims and the knowledge has spread in the environment.

A commonly spread misunderstanding is that its free to use photos if your blog is not commercial, but you have to pay if you earn money.

« Reply #48 on: July 19, 2013, 00:35 »
what Scoopshot is doing is to take a few steps up the ladder and bring order to chaos.
And moneyterize on this new order.
There are billions of photos flowing around in the net, noone knows how and if they are copyrighted and many dont care or understand.
Now Scoopshot qualifies this bulk of information, by location and by standardizing the copyright.
To Scoopshot of course, so they can resell and all that, but als there is a compensation to the producer, and however small, random or unlikely, the insention is there, and its better than nothing.

Just like back in the "empty your harddis days".
This a new concept, an new microstock equivalent being born, a new attempt, and yuri knows exactly that.
It is not meant to challenge the image agencies, but more likely the news agencies. The steps up the ladder come from selling real goods, in form of images, to selling metadata in form of guaranteed location, time and copyright.
Smart move.
The emerging peer to peer news bloggers will love this.
The good old newspapers and tv stations will hate it although they will use it, and even encourage it and such facilitate their own demise. Just like some photographers did, when they encouraged microstock. Yuri was one. How ironical.
History repeats.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2013, 00:50 by JPSDK »

« Reply #49 on: July 19, 2013, 08:28 »
Bloggers here, in DK sometimes pay for photos, and many are quite observant of where they get them from.

There has been a few copyright claims and the knowledge has spread in the environment.

A commonly spread misunderstanding is that its free to use photos if your blog is not commercial, but you have to pay if you earn money.

yeah because they've read about the so called "Fair Use" but they fail to realize it only applies to the USA.
it's a disgrace that people is allowed to blog, i love the chinese model where you need a licence by the state.


  • We Have Exciting News For You
« Reply #50 on: July 19, 2013, 08:48 »
Now that I've looked into this more I think it's something to keep an eye on. It seems rough but has potential to be disruptive.

Right now there's no quality control. But stock sites seem to be backing down on the whole quality requirement. If they figure out how to give even a slight preference to sellable images this could improve the buyer experience. Maybe favor people who are showing consistent sales and move those images toward the top.

And cellphones are becoming the new standard camera. Most people have cellphones which makes almost anyone a photographer. The image quality of the new 41MP Nokia is so-so but how long will it be before big megapixel cellphones with good quality will become common? A couple years?

Another thought is this actually may help reduce the supply of free and stolen images. If the general public catches on that they can make money they may be less likely to give stuff away on Flickr or wherever. And maybe copyright law will become more common knowledge so people could become more sensitive to it.

Interesting times.

« Reply #51 on: July 19, 2013, 09:04 »
That sent me off to read 9 chapters and 93 in LOV OM OPHAVSRET.

And so easy is it not.
Private use is allowed, but private is private and no publication is allowed.

i think ill study it a bit more and also look at some legal cases.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #52 on: July 20, 2013, 05:40 »
i love the chinese model where you need a licence by the state.
I didn't know that. Does the state ensure that they license images?

I am disadvantaged in not being able to read Asian orthographies, but it seems that a lot of abuse of e.g. Alamy photos licensed by e.g. the Telegraph is that the articles appear within hours, probably minutes on a plethora of apparently Chinese [1] blogs, in cluding the original photos, and days, probably hours later, they can be all over the Blogosphere for that script.
[1] As I can't read it, I can't be sure; and for the same reason, I can't chase up the abuses.  >:(

Uncle Pete

« Reply #53 on: July 26, 2013, 20:39 »
No, but it will be interesting to watch. Might do better than tyhe other failures, but I don't see it taking over Microstock. News photos $2.50 others $5, unless it's changed? (50% of that for contributors)

Anyone here on Scoopshot? Anyone making anything from them?;_ylt=A2KJ3CWWguVRBDEAVjeTmYlQ

Scoopshot is taking on the multi billion-dollar photo industry with a new service for crowdsourcing on-demand photography in minutes, backed by Yuri Arcurs. Offering an alternative to stale stock photo libraries and expensive agencies, Scoopshot gives all photo buyers the ability to set assignments for its global network of 280,000+ mobile photographers.

The photography-on-demand service has received $1.2 million funding from Yuri Arcurs, the world's top selling stock photographer, who sells one photo every eight seconds.  Scoopshot will use the funding to accelerate its international growth with a focus on the UK, US and German markets.

This crowdsourcing of photography assignments has been tried before without much fanfare. Think this one will be any different now that they've got some of Yuri's money and possibly his industry knowledge to help them?

This sums it up:

Scoopt.  I put the link to their failure story somewhere.  'Citizen journalism' doesn't work and 'request stock' doesn't work.  Because, well, if you request it and people shoot it, it isn't stock.

« Last Edit: July 26, 2013, 20:50 by Uncle Pete »

« Reply #54 on: July 28, 2013, 09:34 »
Photos at scoopshot hold ZERO value beyond one task. Someone with urgent requirements may buy those dull, low resolution and full of noise pics. $500 a week is still not sensational. It is not even convincing that something divine is happening. They must have added one more 0 to 500 and it would have sounded little hilariously convincing.  Yuri may have been taken for a ride by jazzy and promising business plan shown by scoopshot.  At venture capitalist's office, there is no deficit of such business plans. Do serious VC invest money in such ventures? No. So where they go next. Such plans go to novice and unsuspecting neo rich or investors who are not grounded by business sense.  It is the second phase failure for business while it is first phase failure for investor. Anyways, the result is the same. The clock does not stop ticking and time just waits to see failure.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2013, 09:39 by pro_microstock »

« Reply #55 on: July 29, 2013, 06:30 »
Though I dont have a lot of faith in the Scoopshot model, I have to admit im impressed with what some people can create with their mobile and how they can monetize it. Pretty impressive gallery in my book.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #56 on: July 29, 2013, 06:41 »
Though I dont have a lot of faith in the Scoopshot model, I have to admit im impressed with what some people can create with their mobile and how they can monetize it. Pretty impressive gallery in my book.

Cool photos; thanks for the link.
I'm not on Instagram (do you really have to sign up just to see beyond the first page? I usually won't do that.) Is there any way of protecting your work there?

« Reply #57 on: July 29, 2013, 06:45 »
Though I dont have a lot of faith in the Scoopshot model, I have to admit im impressed with what some people can create with their mobile and how they can monetize it. Pretty impressive gallery in my book.

Cool photos; thanks for the link.
I'm not on Instagram (do you really have to sign up just to see beyond the first page? I usually won't do that.) Is there any way of protecting your work there?

I have no idea tbh, the link showed up on my twitter and Im not much of an instagrammer myself. Im sure others here know more about it. I was jsut curious and the the photos were much better than I expected. Worth sharing.

« Reply #58 on: July 29, 2013, 06:47 »
I can see the pitch from the ad agency to the client now:

"And this is going to be a really cost effect ad campaign.  We would crowd source the photography to a bunch of high school kids with smartphones.  It's only going to cost about $25 for the whole series.  Of course we will be adding our 15% commission."

The top players don't pitch low ball.  Maybe low end website designers creating a Blogger site for the local septic tank service company.  And then after looking through 25,000 images of people's cats sent in with the wrong keyword, they'll have to go out and shot the photo themselves.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #59 on: July 29, 2013, 09:16 »
"Cunningham is aware that Instagrams niche is hipster types living in big cities."
Oh well, that leave me two steps away.  8)

« Reply #60 on: April 10, 2018, 04:59 »
how is this going? the link to the app on google play is dead, is this now only for iphone? seems a million chucked into an endless pit. doesnt look a like a million dollar website either,


« Reply #61 on: April 10, 2018, 05:26 »
how is this going? the link to the app on google play is dead, is this now only for iphone? seems a million chucked into an endless pit. doesnt look a like a million dollar website either,

Considering this thread is 5 years old I think it says it all about Yuri's white elephant
« Last Edit: April 10, 2018, 10:48 by Sammy the Cat »

« Reply #62 on: April 10, 2018, 08:20 »
it has gone very quiet around his business, he says hes never been wrong about business decisions and that he is 3 years ahead of the curve, yet no site selling content shot from a mobile has taken off., i was just wondering how this went as he was adamant this was the next gold mine and we were all wrong

i wanted to check out the app for android but its not available. the site is also not updated to remove the broken link. so i would guess the business is no longer a point of focus.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #63 on: April 10, 2018, 09:21 »
it has gone very quiet around his business, he says hes never been wrong about business decisions and that he is 3 years ahead of the curve, yet no site selling content shot from a mobile has taken off., i was just wondering how this went as he was adamant this was the next gold mine and we were all wrong

i wanted to check out the app for android but its not available. the site is also not updated to remove the broken link. so i would guess the business is no longer a point of focus.

Good signs that no one cares. I did a bit of searching, found no Android App. Doesn't mean there is none, just that it's not easy to find.  ;)

Anyone here (working) on Scoopshot? Anyone making anything from them?

This (STILL!) sums it up:

Scoopt.  I put the link to their failure story somewhere.  'Citizen journalism' doesn't work and 'request stock' doesn't work.  Because, well, if you request it and people shoot it, it isn't stock.

If you missed it or want to read again, why Yuri went exclusive on IS and how he saw phone photos as the new wave. I got the link from Alamy forums where they made fun of phone photos. Hey wait, Alamy launched Stockimo and SS and IS now accept uploads for Phone Photos. Yuri wasn't totally wrong, but honest, his prediction that Scoopshot or others would totally disrupt the industry, didn't quite pan out, did it?

There are a bunch of good looking shots and people from around the world.  Pro Scoopshot

« Reply #64 on: April 10, 2018, 09:41 »
if the app is not in the google play store then i presume it has been pulled (or deleted) if i cannot downlaod it from the app store but have to get it somewhere else, i will not install it. so i am 99% sure  either they discontinued the app and pulled it or google removed it from the store for good reasons.

« Reply #65 on: April 10, 2018, 11:23 »
Scoopshot is Dead!

I used this app 3 years ago, there were "jobs" from Companies that needed images, like Yellow pages from Austria that wanted  new images of Firms and stores for their website, i shot around my City and got 2 for images..

The site is outdated, and the app not updated since 2015 i think, it still works but i think its all automatically generated Submissions like "sunsets, rain etc", it changes every day, and even if you win a submission nothing happens  ;D


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