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Author Topic: Soupmeister.co.uk  (Read 5044 times)

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« on: September 03, 2006, 07:46 »
Found this new site from another forum:


Browsed through the site. Here are some things I noticed:

1. Site supposedly started February 2, 2005. For a site which is more than 1 year old, it's forum is sure like a ghost town. (Although there is a section in it's news that the board itself was started only August 7, I'm not sure on the veracity of this claim.
2. There are only 15 photographers on the site. Again, for a site more than 1 year old, this is very peculiar.
3. It uses a site template similar to USPhotoStock. Not sure what is it with this template and fly-by-night agencies...
4. The news section containing news from Feb 2005 to present seems to look like its just been put there in one night.
5. Site owner is honest enough to say that it is being run as a hobby.

Lastly, with the above points, I didn't bother to read their contracts. Maybe somebody else will...

« Last Edit: September 03, 2006, 07:52 by Boylet »

« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2006, 15:50 »
yes, one more stock site made from a template.

« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2006, 16:42 »
Regarding sites without hardly any sale/site activity, I don't see MicroStockPhoto listed as a stock list here, and when we submit we now are encouraged to go to other stock sites, LuckyOliver being highlighted.  Is MSP getting out of business?  I emailed them to ask if I should still continue to upload or not, no answer yet.  Does anyone know?


« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2006, 16:52 »
I quit wasting time there about a month ago.

« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2006, 19:25 »
Regarding sites without hardly any sale/site activity, I don't see MicroStockPhoto listed as a stock list here, and when we submit we now are encouraged to go to other stock sites, LuckyOliver being highlighted.
A reference to LO there is new to me, but this message to improve sales by submitting to other sites is not (and I found it quite odd from the start).  I had one sale there, the forum used to have some activity and the owner would reply to suggestions, but it's been quite dead until I last checked it.  Like in other similar sites, I'm not submitting to it anymore, except for an eventual upload just to show I'm still alive.


« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2006, 20:20 »
Thanks DBV and Adelaide.  I had 2 sales total at MSP, the same picture, the same day... someone must have clicked twice by mistake!  It seems that the owner isn't putting his attention into it anymore.  Yes, it's probably a waste of time at this point to continue uploading, the attention shifts from one stock site to another...

Do you think that it would be wise to take off the pictures from the site before it closes or before it's sold to someone else ?  The TP experience remains present, where we don't know yet why the new owner bought the library and how he intends to use it.  It just '*poof*'.. disappeared...

« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2006, 21:15 »
This site is built with this $295 software : http://www.ktools.net/products.php
There's a lot of sites like this one...
« Last Edit: September 03, 2006, 21:18 by yupgp »

« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2006, 21:38 »
This site is built with this $295 software : http://www.ktools.net/products.php
There's a lot of sites like this one...

I guess now I know what they mean when they say "cheap" site...  ;D

« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2006, 22:52 »

My original idea was to remain at the sites for one year, to give them time to grown and maybe start really running, but you're right, after TP's disappearance it may be a good idea to just get out completely.

Another such site is Stock Photo King.  I had something like 20 images uploaded there, then gave up because they were accepting any kind of crap, even after telling me they would be narrowing the tolerance.  A couple of days ago I wrote them asking to have my images removed (I can't delete them), they now say they're making big changes and launching a new site (currently set over Ktools also), asking me to stick with them...  I wonder if I should.


« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2006, 23:24 »
Adelaide, I really appreciate your feedback.  I'm not on SPK (nor on soupmeister to keep the thread in focus), and won't, it's better to stick to the sites which have more exposure and a good marketing strategy, and where they don't hesitate to invest some finances for running a  full-page photo magazine advertisement etc.. Those sites are professional, and not surprizingly give us a return in sales.

I'll give a few more days for MSP to answer my email, and then I'll see.  But I will probably end up removing everything.

Funny I just went to the MSP site to check when was the admin last post, and it's May 31st... definitely dormant...  Here it is:

"How about the new status, 'Image Reviewed'? If the status is Image Reviewed and the title hasn't been replaced with NOT APPROVED, does that mean it is approved ?

Site Admin
Joined: 05 Nov 2005
Posts: 238
PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 4:59 pm    Post subject:    Reply with quote
err yep Smile it means approved"

« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2006, 10:12 »
I totally agree with Berryspun about this.

We also had the text "Image Reviewed" and have changed this to "Image approved"




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