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Author Topic: Stockami contributor update - March 2013  (Read 5594 times)

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« on: February 26, 2013, 11:55 »
Just got this email from Stockami....

I was curious, has anyone had good experiences with them?  I started uploading a bit of files, but haven't really given them a chance yet.

80 percent royalties during March 2013
We are delighted to announce that during March 2013 we'll be offering 80 percent royalties to all of our valued contributors. That's double our previous rate and includes extended license sales too. Don't forget to spread the word so you can help us to help you get the maximum benefit from the bonus rate and we'll aim to do this on a regular basis in the future.  find out more

New permanent royalty rate coming soon
The good news doesn't end there. Towards the end of March we will announce our new, higher and permanent royalty rate.

Categories - with a difference
A few weeks ago we added categories to the site but with one very important difference. Categorisation is completely handled by us! We still have a number of files that still need processing but so far the system seems to be working well and we intend to improve and develop it over time.

EPS vector detection
If you do submit vector illustrations you may have noticed that we have implemented software to detect and display the correct EPS vector version. This means your customers know exactly what they're getting and the upload process continues to be free of unnecessary check boxes as part of our "keep it simple" commitment.


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« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2013, 12:29 »
I joined when they were iRockstock. I put in my tiny 600+ portfolio. I now have about 800. I have had one sale for $4. They have a nice interface. No categories. No wasted time for submission (speaking as an illustrator). Their application process is annoying (I tried for raster) because they make you start all over again even if they don't reject all of them. That really ticked me off.

However, seeing that they are willing to give us 80% for a short time and they are sincere (the owner is a former iStock contributor [exclusive?]), I am giving them a chance. I want to see them succeed.

« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2013, 12:41 »
Good to see they are still around. I wish the prices were higher though. I guess I'm too picky, but it is so hard to find new agencies that I actually want to join.

« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2013, 13:08 »
I joined when they were iRockstock. I put in my tiny 600+ portfolio. I now have about 800. I have had one sale for $4. They have a nice interface. No categories. No wasted time for submission (speaking as an illustrator). Their application process is annoying (I tried for raster) because they make you start all over again even if they don't reject all of them. That really ticked me off.

However, seeing that they are willing to give us 80% for a short time and they are sincere (the owner is a former iStock contributor [exclusive?]), I am giving them a chance. I want to see them succeed.

I love the site and halfshag and Radio4 are very helpful.  This is a good example of an Artist trying to create something fair for other Artists. Of course its slow but I'll stick with them and hope the future brings better results.

« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2013, 13:12 »
Quote "I love the site and halfshag and Radio4 are very helpful.  This is a good example of an Artist trying to create something fair for other Artists. Of course its slow but I'll stick with them and hope the future brings better results."

I agree, I would categorize them like GL but less established. I upload at Stockami before a lot of the bigger guys.

« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2013, 15:46 »
Sounds good. I joined in there 2 month ago and now Stockami announce good news. This is really something different ;) rde-orm

« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2013, 15:49 »
Didn't realize they changed names.  Good idea to change, though.

« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2013, 04:42 »
I really like the look and feel of Stockami. I think given time they will can only grow. I will do whatever I can to help professional sites that treat contributors fair. I have my port there and I have sold.

« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2013, 14:22 »
I like them although I haven't got any sales. But I will always try and support agencies that play fair against the contributor by at least uploading to them.

And news like this a rare enough nowadays.

So off to upload some more... ;)


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