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Author Topic: Zoonar.de  (Read 30316 times)

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« on: August 06, 2007, 16:48 »
Do you know www.zoonar.de? really good agency, very good searchresult, very good availability, good prices for photografer and fair prices for customers. Easy up and fast download - upload via ftp. Site in german and english available.

I looked and serve a lot of microstock sites, but this small german (Hamburg) one was the best Ive seen till now, in this segment.

look at: www.zoonar.de

for me a real upstarter in the beginning

« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2007, 21:23 »
Wellcome gustyx, are your by accident working for zoonar? Well maybe you have seen and served a lot of microstocksites and it is your honest opinion that zoonar is the best, but I browsed through some of Zoonar's images and have not seen any downloads for them, but maybe I was just looking at the wrong pics. If it is otherwise as I have seen please clarify, we are happy to contribute to agencies where you can sell lots of images.

« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2007, 23:07 »
really good agency, very good searchresult, very good availability, good prices for photografer and fair prices for customers.

And obviously very little sales. Right now there are 6 pictures claiming to be the topsellers - with 2 sales each! OMG. Make 3 sales and you become King of the Zoonar universe! :)

« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2007, 23:38 »
You mean like this guy ?

« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2007, 02:02 »
You're first and only post Gustyx, and ... pow! ... you're singing the praises of a new stock site.

That immediately raises warning flags for me.

Can you tell us more? Do you work for the site? Do you sell photos there? How many? What's the payout like? How long have you been with them? Which other sites are you with to enable you to make comparisons?

I'm staying strictly away until I get more information. C'mon ... give us the lowdown.   :)


« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2007, 03:58 »
I like the ideas of Zoonar.

- Photographers get 50-80%
- Photographers set the licence restriktions (no coercion for Royalty Free)
- Photographers set their own prices
  (microstock called "budget", some "normal"or "premium")
- and they are the fastes agency i known. All my pictures was online in 12 Hours!
- zoonar get a great start. 100.000 pictures in 7 months. This is very fast.

I had some sellings at Zoonar. No Microstock, but i get 200.- Euro for one Pic of a Mountain in Bavaria !! But it is true, i have to wait a long time (5 months, then i get these selling). I think this is normal for a new agency. The other ones had started not better.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2007, 04:02 by Goone4 »

« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2007, 04:57 »
Looks nice, but they don't seem to have much business yet. I liked this sentence though:

"We can and want to pay out higher fees, since at Zoonar, you take over part of the work (keyword string), and because we are a streamlined operation."

Nice attitude   :)

« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2007, 05:43 »
I had a quick look there.

If I'm not mistaken you can only sell pics there that are not on other sites!

Correct me if I'm wrong.

« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2007, 06:01 »
Correct me if I'm wrong.

You are wrong, they do not require exclusivity. :) Funny enough the German version says "no exclusivity demands", the English translation "low exclusivity demands".

But uploaded pictures are bound to Zoonar for at least 6 months, so if you are going to opt-in for DT's "Sell the rights" license it seems as if Zoonar is a no-go because you can't remove your pictures from there within 72 hours.


« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2007, 06:04 »
This is wrong. Zoonar don`t want exclusive rights.

All my pics on other agencys too. Zoonar is for future (i get 80% there and have separated my pics in the different price kategories). The big five are for now.

But my biggest agency is alamy. i made much more money there than at any microstock. But it is a hard process, cause you don`t have sellings every week in the normal price sector. you have to learn this, than you can earn more money than in the microstock sector.

« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2007, 06:30 »
Interesting ...

Someone called Gustyx joins this forum as a new member and, within 10 minutes of joining, writes a post singing the praises of a new stock site. Then we hear no more.

A day later someone called Goone4 joins this forum as a new member and within 5 minutes writes a post also praising this agency, giving a comprehensive list of its positive features.

Both use the same, rather characteristic style of English (For example, omitting the definite/indefinite articles ... "Zoonar is for future" "Really good agency")

Hmmm ... like I said ... interesting.   ???

« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2007, 06:48 »
indeed, thought it was pretty plain see through myself ;)


« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2007, 07:06 »
Don`t blame it on my bad english! Zoonar is very known in Germany but very unknwon in the other countries. this is the reason. They do the english version in June...

I look at this forum since a long time, but the only agency i really can say something is istock. I change from Istock to Alamy in the end of 2006, cause i have much (!) more money (not sellings) their. But alamy is no microstock. This is why i dont posted here in the past.

I think Zoonar is also no really microstock. They have a microstock price, but also higher prices. But look for yourself. I?m happy if you don`t go there, cause my chance to make money is higher with not too much photographers.

It`s ok to criticize, but every one have too look for himself. This is why i posted here, cause i think zoonar has a new concept!   

« Reply #13 on: August 08, 2007, 00:32 »
This is so funny- all the owners of new sites come to this forum to pimp them- but pretend to be happy customers!
Goone4, and gustyx are so blatantly the same person! Well done you "two", from now on you will be known as "the twins who run Zoonar". To be fair, your pimping was a tiny bit more sophisticated that this guy pimping Zymmetrical, but not by much:


I dont get it- why arent you just honest about who you are? If you said "hey guys, we just set up a new site... Take a look" we'd all be interested and youd get a good hearing. Now, we just think youre liars out to con us. Im sure not going to trust you with my images, or indeed the money which youll theoretically bring to me with your site.


« Reply #14 on: August 08, 2007, 07:02 »
Im not the same person as gustyx. If i am, you get 5000.- Euro from me. So keep on searching !!  ???

Whats the problem to talk about new agencys? Their was a time, the microstock sector was bashing by the "old photographers". Now the Microstock-Photographers make the same mistake: Also take one way and don`t look around. All the new things are damned!

If you don`t like zoonar, don`t use it. No Problem. But I like to look new ways, cause the market is not a still thing. What comes next after the microstocks? Free Stocks will have the same success in some years. You don`t like to hear this, but this is the way the market goes.

 Zoonar is also a new way: different prices, different licences, direct price negotiations from buyer to photographer (without agency ascendancy) and more money (50%-80%). I like this. So what?

« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2007, 08:51 »
Oh come on! Two completely new posters who both happen to speak in the same kind of German English- they both love this new site (which, I think most people who look at it would agree, is rather mediocre at best), and they both use language which is blatantly aimed at getting us to go there as quickly as possible.
Read your posts again- youll see that you tried too hard. People just dont talk like this about new sites- theres nother special or new about yours- its just a rehashed version of istock with a few new rules. I dont have any issues with that- but lets not lie about it in order to trick people into going. There are no "big new ideas" which youve come up with that havent been done before.
Ill tell you what- if either of you new boy(s) can show me a personal website, or a site which has your work on it, then Ill take it back. Even your portfolio on this new site might convince me. Can I see your work, either of you? Or are you just admin from this tacky, hyped site which cant even afford real advertisements?

« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2007, 09:02 »
besides, the best selling file has only sold twice.  How could anyone (other than admin) possibly say that this is a better site to upload than any of the others to the right of the screen there?

« Reply #17 on: August 08, 2007, 09:20 »
There must be a "start your own microstock" instructional course out there that teaches one of the things to do to increase traffic is to promote your site on forums like this one but portray yourself as a submitter.  After all, the photographers on forums like this are eager to join any new MS sites that come on the scene and will dump loads of pictures there just on the recommendation of an actual contributor like Goony & Gusty here.  Yes sir, just sit back and watch the flood of new members joining up---but watch out, you may not be able to handle the huge numbers!! ::)

« Reply #18 on: August 08, 2007, 10:39 »
It is realy amazing how, the people her are distrustfully. Why? Besides I´ am not anybody else and I´ve only the one account her, why should have more. Goone 4 is only another user of zoonar, who like it - Thats the fact.

Thats right that Zoonar is in the beginning, an that´s the reason why there is not as much selling traffic as at the Big 5. But I only have to sell one pict there when you guys have to sell 70 pix at the Big 5.

In germany, Austria and swiss zoonar is well know, despite of they even started. And the quality of the pix are much better as in one of the Big 5. There I have to search through aload of rubbish to get an result after an hour. This is different at Zoonar, because they had a better searchtool as the most other sites.

Besides I´am an Austrian, Goone 4 is German I think. My post has the only aim, to tell the forum here about this new opportunity to sell an buy pix – that´s it. I have nothing to do with Zoonar itself, I only use it – and like it. If you don´t like it , it is your own opinion the same as I like it.

Would be nice to stop your assumptions.

For Freedom fries and the others:

« Last Edit: August 08, 2007, 14:37 by gustyx »

« Reply #19 on: August 08, 2007, 11:49 »
The reason we are so suspicious is, that a few agencies tried to get photographers by pretending what people here accuse you to do. I have no clue why this siteowners do this, since it is really bad publicity. gustyx, the way you started this thread is exactly the pattern how those site owners tried to get photographers. I am sorry if we are wrong, but we replied in this way because of our experiences we had in the past. The way you speak about Zoonar is  suspicious. Zoonar does not seem like being the best site. Maybe you honestly think that, but maybe a lot of us could not see the reason why you praised Zoonar so high. Also the sales on this site does not reflect that. If you say you need 70 sales from other sites to equal 1 sale on Zoonar this is only partly true. You can also sell your image for a euro at Zoonar. So even if we see this topsellers having 2 Downloads we do not know if it was just a euro sell. And it is not unlikely for a photographer to have 70 Downloads on Microstock in a day or two. But I guess it is unlikely to have a download in a day or two for even for the best photographers over at Zoonar. (Microstock= low price=lots of downloads). So you cannot really compare that. And looking at the pictures at Zoonar I do not think the quality is so much better, some of those images most likely would not get accepted at the Big 5. Maybe the search engine is better, but I do not know about that.
So I hope you understand our suspicion. No offense.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2007, 13:05 by Freezingpictures »

« Reply #20 on: August 08, 2007, 12:56 »
I read of other people who have pictures up there - no one has sold yet... .


« Reply #21 on: August 08, 2007, 13:13 »
Yeah, that`s a point you can criticize. I don`t say that a agency with 100.000 pictures is a good money-machine. I only like the concept, a new idea. That`s all. Maybe not the right stock for the most microstock-photographers...

« Reply #22 on: August 08, 2007, 19:18 »
And the quality of the pix are much better as in one of the Big 5.

You're kidding.

There I have to search through aload of rubbish to get an result after an hour. This is different at Zoonar, because they had a better searchtool as the most other sites.

Yeah, do a search for "business" and you'll find the same spam-f*cked mixture of pictures like on any other microsite. No big difference.

But e.g. the very first picture from a search for "computer" (without changing any sort order etc.) is a photo of a USB stick with a clearly visible brand name (LG's "Xstick"). Congratulations, this is actually a novelty on all microstock sites I know. :)

And also funny: if you chose "random" as sort order the order of the search results never changes. That's the most non-randomly random I've ever seen. :)

I opened a photographer's account there yesterday, let's see what Zoonar will bring in the next months. :D

« Reply #23 on: August 09, 2007, 04:54 »
try a search with words like

funny animal

And you`ll see the different...  ;D

« Reply #24 on: August 09, 2007, 10:19 »
try a search with words like


Oh, a bunch of celebrity shots with no model releases and no idea whether they can be used RF or editorial only. Dangerous ground when used for commercial purposes.

funny animal

Lots of funny animals everywhere.


Here I agree, zoonar is delivering more precise results, gothic architecture and gothic styled people as well.


Try "raccoons". :)

And you`ll see the different...  ;D

Saw it two days agon when I did a search for "server". Well, now there are at least 2 findings. :D
« Last Edit: August 09, 2007, 17:35 by lathspell »


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