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Author Topic: Canon or Nikon?  (Read 13598 times)

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« on: January 01, 2009, 13:40 »

I have a couple of questions which by many will probably be considered as stupid... I apologize for this but I have to ask...

I am a hobby photographer, I travel a lot and take travel pictures everywhere I go. The problem is that I sold my Nikon d70 camera and I am looking for a new one. Well, the problem actually is that I can't decide what to buy now...!

I've also become more and more interested about portrait and studio photography. So my questions are:

- What do you consider being a good camera for travel (landscape, architecture, etc) and studio shots?
- What lenses do you recommend?
- Unfortunately, my budget is limited to 1300 (1800USD). I've spent hours and hours last days trying to figure out if Nikon D90 offer a better value than Canon Eos 40D...

All you ideas, suggestions, tips, everything, are highly appreciated!!

Thank you!


« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2009, 16:30 »
Canon rules!  ;D


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« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2009, 16:45 »
I'd suggest trying both brands to see what you like. I'd say which is better is really down to personal preference. Neither is just "better".

I started out with Canon film and switched to Nikon digitial a few years ago. I've been shopping for a Canon DSLR (30D probably) to do some testing just to make sure I'm investing in the right platform.

Why'd you dump the D70?

« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2009, 17:12 »
Thanx for your answer PaulieWalnuts,

Well, the D70 was a good camera, but one of my friends was interested of it and I was looking for something "better"...
The truth is that I don't belong to those who fall in love with a camera model, I am just interested about the results! Unfortunately I don't have the posibility to try both cameras, that would have been great!


« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2009, 17:20 »
Camera bodies are less important than lenses ...

And lenses are less important than the person standing behind them ...

« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2009, 17:47 »
Taking everything into account, I would suggest that you read a few reviews and while doing that, keeping in mind that the EOS 40D was put to market about two years ago, and the D90, only a few month ago. The D90 consist of the latest technology, where many elements are taken from the D300 / D3. D300 & especially D3 has been highly reccomended for thair outstanding technology.

I have absolutely no experiences with the D90 and I have absolutely nothing bad to say about Canon, (I use the D3) but given the current aggressive development and marketing from Nikon, I would maybe think twice before switching away from Nikon right now. It seems that many professionals currently are switching from Canon to Nikon.

Up untill the launch of the latest models from Nikon, starting with D3/D300 and then D700/ D90, there's no doubt that Canon had some advantages, but now... Right now, I would for sure stay with Nikon.

That's my honest opinnion, and I'm sure that many of the Canon guys and girls will disagree, but that's life.. 

You should make your own choice after the review reading. I'm sorry to say so, but you'll never find anything but opposite directed reccomendation's, when asking this question in forums such as this  ;D   (sorry for the language as I'm not a native english speaker)


« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2009, 18:18 »
I would say that you will get no good reason to choose Canon over Nikon or Nikon over Canon: both brands are a good and safe choice and whatever you choose you will have everything you need to do excellent photos.

I've always been a Canon guy but I cannot give you any good reason for that choice... may be I prefer the look of Canon bodies? But this is not a good reason :)

This is thus a strange situation where you have to choose with no good arguments to help you... but whatever you choose, you win  ;D

« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2009, 18:35 »
I second what Michealo said, lens is more than important than the camera body, and the person behind the camera is more important than the camera. As long as your camera has basic to intermediate functions, you won't go wrong whether it is a Nikon or Canon (the debate never ends).

As for a walk around lens. I recently added the Tamron 18-250 Di-II on my Canon 10D. I was hesitant to get a non-Canon lens at first and have always found the 70-200 f/4L (which I owned once) not wide enough and the white body very intrusive. The reviews on the Tamron were very good all around (even by the pros) .I decided I shall get a less conspicuous lens this time around. I have been very pleased with the results.


« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2009, 18:47 »

The discussion never ends......

One practical detail..  Whgen choosing a zoom lens, have in mind that if you plan to use it in a studio, you might wan't one with a fixed f:stop value in all of the zom area. Othervise you'll have to adjust the exposure whenever using the zoom functionality...

When using stuidioflashes, you're running on manual. There's no automatic obtions awailable... 

« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2009, 19:14 »
Canon and Nikon are both good, but if you are used to a D70, you may find yourself "at home" more easily with a D90. And it can't be repeated too often: lenses are much more important than cameras. As a good, reasonably priced standard zoom, I can recommend the Tamron 17-50 f/2.8. Great lens, and it's available in any mount.


« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2009, 23:26 »
I'm a Canon shooter and always have been since going digital in 2001. 

That said, if I was just starting I would seriously consider going with Nikon.

Having owned 6 Canon DSLR models, I have had to exchange half of them because of quality control issues. (went through 4 10D's before getting a good one)  Canon rarely puts out a camera that is perfect in its first production run, IMHO.  Buyers always get to test them and discover the bugs.  I think that is completely wrong when you are talking about cameras ranging from $1500 - $3500 new. 

I also have not been happy with the introduction of the 5D II - the way they announced it in Sept. and many folks (including me) still didn't have them by Christmas.  Not the way to treat loyal customers.

And lastly, I think Nikon's flash exposure accuracy and speedlights far surpass Canon's. 

Sounds like I am trashing Canon, I know.  I will say that my 5D I takes the most beautiful images I have ever seen out of any camera, so that is a plus.  And it was the only one of the DSLR's I have owned that was perfect right out of the box.   Another plus is the ergonomics of the canons.  I find the layout very intuitive, and the Nikons a bit confusing. 

Haven't had enough time yet with the 5D II to render an opinion, but off the top of my head I am not delighted with the preset white balances - incandescent and auto tend to run a bit to yellow/green. 

That's minor, so I am not jumping ship or anything.  But like I said, if I was just starting I might go with Nikon instead. 

« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2009, 00:14 »
I would go with what your friends have, if you do not see obvious advantages with either brandt. I occassionally borrow lenses from my friend. Also consider how lenses are priced. It seems that Nikon lenses are more expensive here in Germany than Canon lenses.
Personally I have been very happy with canon and I think the canon bodies and lenses look better ;)


« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2009, 12:27 »
YES! Canon or Nikon.

Some people may disagree and name some other brands as well.

Doesn't matter that I shoot Canon, as I have some close friends that use Nikon. We are all very happy.

It's an individual choice, sometimes based on nothing but name and perceived image of a brand. Both Canon and Nikon make comparable cameras and lenses. In the end everyone has to decide for themselves if they are the one buying the equipment.

« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2009, 12:47 »
I agree with Freezing, those grey Canon lenses are sexy.  ;)  The other point about sharing with a friend is a very valid one.   My friend went shopping with a Canon guy so she bought a Canon.  She is often with me and has no lenses or flashes.  I have a few lenses on my shelf she could have had.

Yes, Lisa - the creative lighting system that Nikon offers is amazing.    Get a speedlight or two and you have a portible studio.  (Note... the SB-600's are great and cheap but if you grow into using PocketWizards it has no synch.  They cost more but I'd say go SB-800 while they are still available or the new SB-900.)  

Whatever your brand though, make good lens choices.  If you get the best lens you can afford you may use it for a decade or perhaps a lifetime.   I've said it on another post recently, I would urge you to look for full-frame lenses even if your new camera has a digital crop sensor.   Most of my lenses are fine, but my everyday lens is DX and I will have to replace it as well when I get my next body.     The fact that I will have to replace a $1500 lens when I buy a full frame sensor makes a new camera purchase extra painful.  

« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2009, 13:05 »
Olympus :x


« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2009, 13:15 »
Volvo or Saab??  same quality, same crap. If you know what I mean.

« Reply #16 on: January 03, 2009, 01:21 »
I believe it's a matter of being used to one brand. I got D80 simply because I used F70 (or N70 in USA) before. If you are familiar with D70, you would probably have a less of a learning curve with a D90. D90 is also a very new model, together with a flash SB-900.

« Reply #17 on: January 03, 2009, 10:44 »
Canon - no high quality zoom lens under $1000, Nikon no metal sealed body under D300. Olympus no camera over 12Mpix, on the other hand best zoom lenses ever made, Pentax with uncertain future, Sony with some quality issues...  Depends what you need. Best outdoor camera is definitely Olympus E-3 with no competitor, best studio is disputable but probably any pro Canons or Nikons with fixed focal lenses.

Truly there is very little (if any) difference between all modern "semi-pro" dslr models up to iso 800, which is too much for any stock agency anyway. Go to the shop, try all options and choose at least average quality lens. Its more about how the camera fits your needs and lenses available then the brand.


« Reply #18 on: January 03, 2009, 12:25 »
You could always get a D80 for <$500 and spend the rest on good lenses.
I've used a D80 for two years for both studio work and weddings. Don't exceed 800 ISO and there's no problem. At 100 ISO for stock, I doubt you will see a huge difference in the output between the D80 and the D90.
Or get a used Canon 5D Mk I from a careful amateur......couple of prime lenses and the quality will beat most of the other stuff out there!


« Reply #19 on: January 03, 2009, 20:38 »
Volvo or Saab??  same quality, same crap. If you know what I mean.

So what do you drive lagereek? a lamborghini... like this one?

in other words,

« Last Edit: January 03, 2009, 20:42 by hali »


« Reply #20 on: January 04, 2009, 23:44 »
I agree. For the most part it is the one behind the camera. It really comes down to personal choice. How the camera feels in your hands, how the features feel and what you want ina camera.


« Reply #21 on: January 07, 2009, 03:27 »
Volvo or Saab??  same quality, same crap. If you know what I mean.

So what do you drive lagereek? a lamborghini... like this one?

in other words,


Blimey!!  a police-car as a Lamborghini!  not bad at all.

Yes I use the new H3 with a 50 back but only for studio and commissioned work, not for stock.
For stock I use Nikons, the D3 and D700.
Ive been a Nikon man since the early Nikon F2, thats about 25 years. *!! Im getting on here.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2009, 03:33 by lagereek »

« Reply #22 on: January 07, 2009, 05:38 »
Thank You so much everyone for your answers!

« Reply #23 on: January 11, 2009, 17:44 »
I am a nikon person. I just ordere my first DSLR which was a Nikon D40. So far i am impressed to say the least. It is very easy to use and takes great high quaility pics.

Nikon all the way!


« Reply #24 on: January 11, 2009, 23:14 »
The first pictures I took were with a borrowed AE-1 program, so that's probably why that was the first camera I bought for myself. I've had a succession of Canon cameras since, but I think either Canon or Nikon would be a fine choice. As others have said, it's about the lenses. Once you commit to that investment, you'll probably continue with the cameras that use that lens mount.


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