Hi again, I just wanted to do an update and maybe get feedback from others.
I did decide to just go with illustrations and will do photography a more of a summer hobby thing.
I'm slowly building up a portfolio and have been accepted and have been selling a few on SS (whoo hoo!)
I'm only at 100 or so vector images and I do know that isn't enough to start making a living off of microstock, but ya gotta start somewhere.
I wonder if anybody might have suggestions for me on things I might be too blind to see myself for being so close to my work or if I'm doing fine and should just keep doing what I'm doing. (go ahead and hit me hard if you must, I can take it)
This place is probably the best place to view my illustrations at.
http://www.toonvectors.com/artists/starsania/32Thanks for taking the time to look! =D