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Author Topic: Should uploading slow as sales slow?  (Read 7408 times)

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« on: September 18, 2008, 20:55 »
I'm relatively new in micros.  I've been visiting this forum for quite a while and have heard much of the summer slow down.  I've finally got full time internet access at home, a rather nice studio set up, and have just returned from a couple phenomenal photo trips.  Long story short, should I hold off on uploading the 200+ pictures I have ready to go so that they are new and fresh on the sites when sales pick up, or upload them now and hope they don't get lost to obscurity as newer files are uploaded.  I know it's best to slowly upload to SS, which is not a concern to me as I haven't been accepted there yet, but what about the others?  DT seems steady regardless of uploads, but what about IS, StockXpert, 123, and FT?


« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2008, 21:55 »
Since IS severely limits the number of uploads per week, I would not hold off with them.
It could be quite a while before you get them all accepted there.

I seem to find that it takes a while before either DT or IS shots really take off, if at all.
So it might be better to get them in sooner rather than later.
Also, inspection times will probably get longer as everyone returns from vacation/holiday and begins uploading at the same time.

Just my $0.02 worth.

« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2008, 03:09 »
I just upload all the time.  Perhaps if you upload, you might get picked for an image of the week or artist of the week or get one of your photos featured on the front page of a site.  That will lead to lots of sales.  Perhaps a big buyer will find something they like in your portfolio and download lots of images.  None of that happens when they aren't on the sites.

« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2008, 03:39 »
I think you've read it just about right. Shutterstock slow and steady, the rest return rather like Dreamstime. So get them uploaded and available.

« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2008, 10:52 »
I dont think Shutterstock is slow. I was accepted at 09/27/08 and my income has doubled. Ive had uploaded nearly 400 images on dreamstime last week, but had only 4 Downloads.

« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2008, 14:25 »
when starting submit to all the big 6 and get your portfolios established - each site has a different sell pattern, and for an individual it ca change from mnt to month -- SS is always my top earner, but 2nd 3rd & 4th change from month to month


« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2008, 14:27 »
I dont think Shutterstock is slow. I was accepted at 09/27/08 and my income has doubled. Ive had uploaded nearly 400 images on dreamstime last week, but had only 4 Downloads.

Apples to Oranges, you can't compare SS returns with ANY other site.  They've always been high volume. And you usually start getting sales from the time you upload your first image.

Other sites seem to be about portfolio exposure.  The more images you have in your port, the more sales start to come in regularly.

And, of course, it's all about QUALITY... if your images aren't as good as what is currently on the site, your images will sink to the bottom.  But a quality image will stand the test of time and stay up or near the top.


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