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Author Topic: Do you need to get vaccinated against coronavirus every year?  (Read 1461 times)

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« on: September 25, 2024, 04:26 »
I got my last vaccination 2 years ago. I've had 4 vaccinations in total.
And now I don't know whether to get the fifth vaccination or not?
Do you get vaccinated every year? What does medicine in your countries say about this? (When answering, please write which country you are from).

Anti-vaxxer is not allowed to write in this thread!  ;D
« Last Edit: September 25, 2024, 04:29 by stoker2014 »

« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2024, 07:41 »
You have a basic immunity with just one complete vaccination. Basic immunity exists once the immune system has been exposed to pathogen components through vaccination or the pathogen itself through infection.

In my country only groups of people who are at increased risk are recommended an additional booster each year.
These are, people over 60, residents of long-term care facilities; anyone with relevant underlying conditions, people with an increased infection risk on account of their occupation in healthcare or long-term care that involves direct contact with patients.

However, it's difficult to even get the vaccination here, because doctor's practice still only get the vaccine in vials with 10 doses and since they are unlikely to get 10 patients wanting to get vaccinated on the same day, they have to throw away the rest and therefore do not order the vaccine in the first place.

« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2024, 07:49 »
I got my last vaccination 2 years ago. I've had 4 vaccinations in total.
And now I don't know whether to get the fifth vaccination or not?
Do you get vaccinated every year? What does medicine in your countries say about this? (When answering, please write which country you are from).

Anti-vaxxer is not allowed to write in this thread!  ;D

Haha re: your statement "Anti-vaxxer is not allowed to write in this thread!  ;D". So anything that does not tell you to get injected makes a statement an "anti-vaxx" statement? (Which, BTW - the injection is not a "vax" in the traditional sense as one has been 'educated' through schooling to believe, so not getting the deathjab is a good - the media has trained you to have an emotional 'triggering' response to that word). Stop calling it a "vaccine" because it is not a "vaccine" (esp. not that one 'learned' in school). It's designed to to turn your body essentially into a programmable computer, with the "mNRA". It alters your DNA/genetic makeup, on PURPOSE. It is POISON. It is VERY VERY BAD.

Anyways. The answer is: No.

1. There is no "contagious virus", never was, still isn't. You can't "get sick" from it, you can't "die" from it - because there is no such thing. It is a PICTURE, it is a 3D "scary" looking computer model. So - the "vaccine" (which is not a "vaccine" in the traditional sense, it is actually a poisonprick/clotshot/etc - THAT is what it is) is very bad. IF you want "authorative" information (because common sense, thinking, etc eludes you) - on all the wonderful "effects" of the injection (not "side effects", nor the silly invented phrase "adverse effects" - but "effects" - i.e., one of the PURPOSES of the injection) - read page #17 of this FDA document of KNOWN RESULTS from the injections.]

It's not the only "authorative" source, but is one of the easiest ones to understand. That was NOV 2020. Before the massive push to get people injected with the clotshot.

2. Sorry to hear you've gotten FOUR injections. The injections CAUSE "long covid". The injections CAUSE "turbo cancers". The injections CAUSE "blood clots"[/u] and "heart issues". Those are some of the PURPOSES of the injections. I personally know people who have DIED FROM THE INJECTIONS. They are VERY VERY bad. Do not get any more. You can't "catch covid" - because it DOES NOT EXIST. It's a 3D computer model.

3. If - you, sadly like many people who injected yourself believe in the religion of convid - and "you got sick therefore it exists"... what you ACTUALLY got sick from is ANY one of the following combinations:
- poisons deliberately sprayed on the 'masks' (aka demondiapers)
- poisons deliberately sprayed on the "tests"
- shoving a stick up your nose to poke your brain (very bad + very stupid)
- suffocating yourself for 2+ years ESPECIALLY if you used "n95s" (look up hypoxia)
- the psychological fear + stress
- poor diet/eating habits
- etc, etc

THAT is what you "got sick" from. Also - the "masks" were designed to get you to participate in a bit of a "magic" trick in which essentially you've been hypnotized - kind of like a stage magician getting people to quack like a duck (or in this case, join the convid religious cult).

That temporary "sickness" was designed to manipulate you into believing into a fake virus, so you'd get injected with something that actually does cause permament damage.

b) If you "couldn't smell therefore it exists"... when were you EVER able to smell when you "got a cold"?

c) If you "know someone who died from it therefore it exists"... did you know that the "tests" were doctored + not standarized (on purpose), that LOTS OF MONEY (like LOTS AND LOTS of money) was given to doctors, hospitals, etc to claim something was "convid" related (it was a CON, hence CONvid, not "covid")... that lots and lots of doctors/medical professionals are actually incompetent, never actually researched what was going on - "just followed orders", were threatened with losing their job if they said ANYTHING contrary to the medical establishment, etc, etc..?

4. If... however - you refuse not only to consider any of the above - but want to religiously believe in the cult of convid... and you want to believe a magical particle could count the # of people at a table, knew if you were sitting or standing in a restaurant... and didn't attack costco, but just small businesses... if you want to believe so desperately in it to make you "feel" good... Then...

a) Why not get "daily" injections? Heck, why not hourly injections? I mean - if "four" shots are "good" for you, wouldn't 400 provide "400x times the protection" against a fake virus?
b) Heck - why not just stick a needle in your arm - walk around with that all day - and have an IV attached with a bag of the substance all day?
c) Why not - since "oh noes" - there are "variants of concern" (another "triggering" word designed to override people's THINKING and get them to REACT emotionally) - why not - get one of "each" from the "different countries" - so you can "feel" protected? After all - what if an "east indian" has an "east indian" variant... maybe stick 20 in your arm? Maybe you can get a coffee card, so once you've gotten 9 injections, you get a free coffee on the 10th?

Now - of course I am not advocating any of #4 - because that would be utterly insane and stupid. I'm saying that so perhaps your brain can be jarred a bit - and - even though its a "tough pill to swallow" (no pun intended) - you can see that you were lied to, as was most of the world - into injecting yourself with poison...

And - on top of that... might as well tell you if you aren't already aware/haven't heard... one of the other purposes of the "injections" (NOT a "vax" in the traditional sense, although as it turns out ALL of them actually are bad and CAUSE the 'diseases' they purport to get rid of) - if you aren't already aware... apparently these injections contain "s.a.n.s." (self-assembling nano-structures) - super high tech stuff - basically designed to track/trace/control/etc you... think of yourself having officially become a "node" of the internet... In other words - now the reason people get "clots" is because they actually have organic/metallic "internet nodes" growing inside of them, and they become too big because their body can't handle it - and then they have serious health issues.

But bottomline - no - you do NOT need to get another injection. It's POISON. Serious. THINK. USE YOUR BRAIN - what's left of it.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2024, 08:08 by SuperPhoto »

« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2024, 08:09 »
You have a basic immunity with just one complete vaccination. Basic immunity exists once the immune system has been exposed to pathogen components through vaccination or the pathogen itself through infection.

In my country only groups of people who are at increased risk are recommended an additional booster each year.
These are, people over 60, residents of long-term care facilities; anyone with relevant underlying conditions, people with an increased infection risk on account of their occupation in healthcare or long-term care that involves direct contact with patients.

However, it's difficult to even get the vaccination here, because doctor's practice still only get the vaccine in vials with 10 doses and since they are unlikely to get 10 patients wanting to get vaccinated on the same day, they have to throw away the rest and therefore do not order the vaccine in the first place.
Well, I haven't had a vaccination for 2 years. Maybe my immune memory is starting to weaken. Also, new forms of covid are emerging, and vaccines are being modernized. So this question is open.
In fact, I have been vaccinated 5 times. The first time was when I got coronavirus. I almost died. So my first vaccination was natural.  ;D

« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2024, 08:13 »
Haha re: your statement "Anti-vaxxer is not allowed to write in this thread!  ;D". So anything that does not tell you to get injected makes a statement an "anti-vaxx" statement?
No, I only mean those who write such nonsense and rubbish as you.  ;D

« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2024, 08:25 »
Haha re: your statement "Anti-vaxxer is not allowed to write in this thread!  ;D". So anything that does not tell you to get injected makes a statement an "anti-vaxx" statement?
No, I only mean those who write such nonsense and rubbish as you.  ;D

Lol, sorry to hear it seems you are a bit of a lost cause. Maybe it seems like nonsense to you because the words are too complicated for you, or maybe you only have a grade 3 education. (Actually children were smarter than most adults, esp. grade 3 or lower). Perhaps reading past the first few lines were really really tough for you, so you didn't make it to the rest of the statement.

Playing in your sandbox, because it seems you want to believe in convid SO desperately. Why are you asking people on an internet forum? After all - you believe the tell-lie-vision... so - why not do what your tellavision tells you to do? (Incidentally, your television is also telling you to chop off your body parts to become "trans", it is telling you if you are caucasian not to have children so you can give all your money/etc to black/east indian/arabic/etc people who are having 5-15 children EACH to collect 'child payments', it is telling you to become gay, it is telling you to hide in your house because of "climate change" and buy an electric vehicle that has batteries that explode while you sit in it)... why not do what your tell-a-vision is telling you to do there? (Lol, sadly there is a possbility you already do).

Go to CNN. If CNN tells you to inject yourself 50x. Why not do that? (For that matter, "fox" does try to manipulate people too, just in a different way because its owned by the same people).

Why don't you inject yourself 100x, 1x per day? That way, you can "feel" that you now have "daily fake protection"?

Actually, if 100x, 1x/day is "good" - why not do 100x in a SINGLE day? Heck. Order 1000. That way you can be SUPER "protected".

Go to 100 different doctors offices in a week, so you can get 10x injections from all of them. You'll make them a lot of money.

Do you not see how utterly stupid that is? Apparently, not yet if you are asking people on an internet forum whether you should continue to poison yourself.

In case you were actually considering any of the above - no, do not do that. It is insanely stupid. The "vaccines" are not "vaccines". They are poison.


Since it seems you want SOO badly to believe in this fake virus. Let's play along.

Imagine this fake convid virus - when it encounters OTHER fake variants from people from different countries - has CONVID BABIES...
SO now - instead of 4 fake variants... it has 400 fake variants! Now, these convid variants particles are floating in the air, they stick to groceries and stick to your mouth... but now - when they mix with the saliva in your mouth, they have NEW fake convid variants! so now they have 2,000 fake convid virus particles floating your mouth OMFG!

So... you could go to a fake doctor that is getting paid LOTS of money for every injection... and ask to get yourself injected 2000x against all these fake variants!

But OH NOES! What if... the fake "booster" only lasts 1 day? Well... maybe you can get 2000 injections EVERY SINGLE DAY!

365 days... 2000 daily injections... In one year - just think! You could have 730,000 "boosters", and be 730,000x as "protected" against a fake virus, with 730,000x the amount of toxic poisons floating around in your body! OMFG! Wouldn't that be exciting?

No. Don't do that. Use your brain.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2024, 08:40 by SuperPhoto »

« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2024, 11:27 »

1. There is no "contagious virus", never was, still isn't. You can't "get sick" from it, you can't "die" from it - because there is no such thing. It is a PICTURE, it is a 3D "scary" looking computer model.

In view of the thousands of deaths in Bergamo alone, with well over a thousand deaths among medical staff, I find such representations by uneducated know-it-alls unbearable and respectless.

I agree with you on one point: the vivid pictures of Corona virus are computer-assisted models. This is partly due to the fact that viruses cannot be photographed. However, the creation of these is based on sectional images (which, as with MRI, is not a real image in the true sense of the word) from the transmission electron microscope. But it doesn't really matter because the diagnosis is immunological anyway.


If you are otherwise healthy, I would not get vaccinated. The link between vaccination side effects and long Covid syndrome has still not been conclusively clarified. This is due to the fact that even before Covid, there were numerous people who fell ill with a number of non-specific symptoms despite being in the best of health.

« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2024, 12:12 »
I didnt realise there were so many medical professionals who sell stock :-o surely a doctors salary means he has no need to :-o

« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2024, 17:16 »

1. There is no "contagious virus", never was, still isn't. You can't "get sick" from it, you can't "die" from it - because there is no such thing. It is a PICTURE, it is a 3D "scary" looking computer model.

In view of the thousands of deaths in Bergamo alone, with well over a thousand deaths among medical staff, I find such representations by uneducated know-it-alls unbearable and respectless.

SuperPhoto has a primitive mindset.  ;D ;D ;D


If you are otherwise healthy, I would not get vaccinated. The link between vaccination side effects and long Covid syndrome has still not been conclusively clarified. This is due to the fact that even before Covid, there were numerous people who fell ill with a number of non-specific symptoms despite being in the best of health.
Thank you doctor!

« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2024, 19:47 »

1. There is no "contagious virus", never was, still isn't. You can't "get sick" from it, you can't "die" from it - because there is no such thing. It is a PICTURE, it is a 3D "scary" looking computer model.

In view of the thousands of deaths in Bergamo alone, with well over a thousand deaths among medical staff, I find such representations by uneducated know-it-alls unbearable and respectless.

I agree with you on one point: the vivid pictures of Corona virus are computer-assisted models. This is partly due to the fact that viruses cannot be photographed. However, the creation of these is based on sectional images (which, as with MRI, is not a real image in the true sense of the word) from the transmission electron microscope. But it doesn't really matter because the diagnosis is immunological anyway.


If you are otherwise healthy, I would not get vaccinated. The link between vaccination side effects and long Covid syndrome has still not been conclusively clarified. This is due to the fact that even before Covid, there were numerous people who fell ill with a number of non-specific symptoms despite being in the best of health.

RalfLiebhold: RE-READ my post. You obviously you didn't read it correctly, completely, or both - because infortunately, you are very misinformed. Any "deaths" were either because of the "treatment" for the fake virus (i.e., incubation), 'co-morbidities' (i.e., recording something else totally unrelated as a "convid" death), etc, etc. There never was - and still is not - a "contagious virus". You've been lied to big time - and unfortunately - are still under a bit of a magical spell, i.e., quacking like a chicken and don't even know it.

"Long CONvid" is CAUSED by the injection for anyone actually experiencing any symptoms. Aka - it is "vaccine injury".

« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2024, 19:50 »
Quote from: stoker2014

SuperPhoto has a primitive mindset.  ;D ;D ;D

Haha. You are a funny guy - in that - that is all you can think of. It's like your eyes are glazed over. Sad, very sad.

So..... are you going to get your coffee card, so you when you get a 9th injection, you can get a free coffee?
Or... why not just 'replace your blood' with the injection to make you 'feel safe'...? (not. again that would be incredibly dumb).

Good luck. If you really want to know whether you should get an injection - ask one of the doctors who was 'fired' because they told the truth. Allopathic doctors who are still "practising" and promoted the clotshots were either incompetent, corrupt, or both.

« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2024, 19:58 »
Well, I haven't had a vaccination for 2 years. Maybe my immune memory is starting to weaken. Also, new forms of covid are emerging, and vaccines are being modernized. So this question is open.
In fact, I have been vaccinated 5 times. The first time was when I got coronavirus. I almost died. So my first vaccination was natural.  ;D

Lol + ugh...

a) Not a "vaccine" (although, as it turns out - ALL 'vaccines' actually are bad. This one happens to be a lot worse). Its a deathjab/poisonprick/etc. More specifically - a vector for injecting "s.a.n.s." into your bloodstream among other things (self assembling nano particles). It GIVES you what you think is "covid".
b) If you got ill - see 1st post for what you most likely 'got sick' from. You can't "catch" something that doesn't exist (not to mention the idea of 'catching' a virus is based on germ theory).
c) Really fascinating that you don't even see that you are quacking like a duck. You are under a spell (as are most people who still believe in the cult of convid).
d) Curious - do you currently wear "a" mask (although, part of the pyscholgical trick was to call it "your" mask, because then you want to 'own' it). Were you one of the people who wore a blue + black, but made sure people could see the blue slightly so people knew that you had "two" masks?

But serious... if you believe the lie so strongly - why are you asking internet forum people? Why aren't you just being a good dutiful compliant 'herd' (cow) and getting injected according to what your paid off/corrupt (or just plain incompetent) doctor is promoting? (Turn off the t.v., doctors are not "gods", nor do most of them have a clue what is going on because they were focused on making MONEY and really don't care about your health as long as they make MONEY)... Maybe ask your doctor how many shots he/she needs to give you to pay for his/her next mexico vacation, and then see if you want to get that many shots.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2024, 20:02 by SuperPhoto »

« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2024, 20:00 »
I didnt realise there were so many medical professionals who sell stock :-o surely a doctors salary means he has no need to :-o

True, you don't. :) And true - a doctors salary doesn't mean you would need to sell stock, although it is a lot of fun. :)

Incidentally, a lot of "medical professionals" not only were not "professional" at all - but:
a) never read any reports (just took 'higher ups' words for it)
b) were insanely egotistical (a number of nurses especially of all people - figured that because of the mere fact of "being a nurse" that it somehow gave them "divine" knowledge, utterly stupid stupid egotistical mentality)
c) considered themselves "too busy" to read up on any literature. (one particular jewish doctor/couple felt "oh-so-overloaded" because they "had" to work (OMFG) EIGHT whole hours a day, instead of the regular 2 or whatever their 'normal' was).
d) corrupt. some that knew it was poison didn't care - as long as they got paid (one fellow in the UK I believe it was, set up a system to make $1 million/month by injecting as many shots into people as he could)
e) fearful of losing their job - so didn't say anything. various "health authorities" that ran the governing bodies incidentally were paid off/bribed east indians threating other people (they enjoyed the little bit of power they had + the big payoffs, and the underlings just complied to keep their jobs)...

Only a few doctors/nurses actually did any thinking/reading/etc - spoke out - and then the media was used as a weapon against them. The same media that is owned by the people pushing the deathjab.

Anyways, no - most medical "professionals" were not professional at all about it. They lied, were corrupt, were incompetent - and really, really did not care about you at all as long as their own ass_ets were protected.

One of the really really sad part of it all though is...

The people who got injected, were lied to trusting 'authority' figures - were so mentally abused/mentally raped - that now... it is extremely hard for them not only to consider that they were abused/mind raped/etc, - but so utterly hard to believe they were duped so hard that it is easier for them to continue to believe the lie, and get 'more' shots to 'prove' it to themselves, than to admit they were lied to and to take action to stop the evil.

That, is very sad. Hopefully you wake up sooner than later to the truth.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2024, 23:02 by SuperPhoto »

« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2024, 00:42 »

RalfLiebhold: RE-READ my post. You obviously you didn't read it correctly, completely, or both - because infortunately, you are very misinformed. Any "deaths" were either because of the "treatment" for the fake virus (i.e., incubation), 'co-morbidities' (i.e., recording something else totally unrelated as a "convid" death), etc, etc.

There was no treatment at the time described. Artificial respiration is also not a treatment, but prevents suffocation when the lungs are damaged.

« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2024, 02:23 »
SuperPhoto, reread my first post! Anti-vaxxer is not allowed to write in this thread!

This concerns you!  ;D ;D ;D

« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2024, 03:39 »
It is very bad that good people have died and are dying from coronavirus, and not Anti-vaxxers who spread stupid anti-human propaganda that benefits China and the Russians. Gullible people listen to Anti-vaxxers, do not get vaccinated and die from coronavirus.

« Reply #16 on: September 26, 2024, 03:44 »
How is vaccination going in Israel now? I remember two years ago, doctors in Israel vaccinated people over 60 even every 3 months.
Judging by the small number of posts in this thread, I see that there is currently no coronavirus epidemic in the world. Apparently, mass vaccination of people every year or every six months has been canceled everywhere.

I also see rumors that a new virus is coming, worse than coronavirus. I wouldn't be surprised if it is also being developed in China, like coronavirus.

The world is in the third world war and the main weapon is bacteriological weapons. The virus kills many more people than even nuclear weapons. Therefore, we must be prepared for the emergence of new deadly viruses.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2024, 03:48 by stoker2014 »

« Reply #17 on: September 26, 2024, 04:16 »
Do you know what the biggest poison of modern times is? It's the belief of some people that absolutely everything they see on TV is a lie, while at the same time they believe that everything their algorithm bubble finds for them on the internet is the pure truth.

These are often the people who believe that injected particles are meant to track and control them. Meanwhile, they voluntarily disclose millions of pieces of data about themselves every day. They sit in their car, in their smart home or use their smartphone or PC and only trust their social media channels controlled by algorithms - and are not even aware of the extreme extent to which they are being tracked and controlled/manipulated there. These people swear that the virus only exists to make a handful of people rich. At the same time, they make people rich who claim the opposite and get paid handsomely for expert lectures, advertising on their social media or YouTube channels or through donations, for example.

These people are advised to use their brains!

« Reply #18 on: September 26, 2024, 08:44 »
every day or as often you can this is the way!

« Reply #19 on: September 26, 2024, 09:11 »
Do you know what the biggest poison of modern times is? It's the belief of some people that absolutely everything they see on TV is a lie, while at the same time they believe that everything their algorithm bubble finds for them on the internet is the pure truth.

These are often the people who believe that injected particles are meant to track and control them. Meanwhile, they voluntarily disclose millions of pieces of data about themselves every day. They sit in their car, in their smart home or use their smartphone or PC and only trust their social media channels controlled by algorithms - and are not even aware of the extreme extent to which they are being tracked and controlled/manipulated there. These people swear that the virus only exists to make a handful of people rich. At the same time, they make people rich who claim the opposite and get paid handsomely for expert lectures, advertising on their social media or YouTube channels or through donations, for example.

These people are advised to use their brains!

Hi Wilm,

Some broad, random assumptions you are making here... How did you arrive at your conclusion that it is "the" biggest "poison"? Lol... Does that mean...

a) By your statment, that you believe everything on t.v. is truth?
b) Interesting you think it is a 'bubble' that 'finds' info for people, when generally those that have come to realize what is really going on actually seek out information, do critical thinking and reasoning, as opposed to having information spoonfed. Does that mean your algorithmic bubble custom tailored to you is accurate?
c) You are making some broad & inaccurate assumptions about what people do and don't disclose. As an aside though - in general - I do agree too many people do post waaaaaay to much about themselves on social media, and have illusions about 'privacy' simply because say something like 'facebook' has 'privacy' settings. (They obviously do not really understand how data sharing/storage/etc really works behind the scenes).

It seems you 'kind' of might have a cursory knowledge of some things going on, but just choose not to really investigate any further...
« Last Edit: September 26, 2024, 09:22 by SuperPhoto »

« Reply #20 on: September 26, 2024, 09:13 »
How is vaccination going in Israel now? I remember two years ago, doctors in Israel vaccinated people over 60 even every 3 months.
Judging by the small number of posts in this thread, I see that there is currently no coronavirus epidemic in the world. Apparently, mass vaccination of people every year or every six months has been canceled everywhere.

I also see rumors that a new virus is coming, worse than coronavirus. I wouldn't be surprised if it is also being developed in China, like coronavirus.

The world is in the third world war and the main weapon is bacteriological weapons. The virus kills many more people than even nuclear weapons. Therefore, we must be prepared for the emergence of new deadly viruses.

Stoker! Cool - one thing we can agree on - yes, WWIII started in March 2020 and started by a small group of people vs the rest of the world. However, it is a psychological war, not a 'bacterial' war.

When, hopefully you realize sooner than later - that there never was a "contagious virus", and still isn't - that sending $1 TRILLION+ dollars to "ukraine" has really nothing to do with 'buying equipment' to 'fight a war'.. maybe you'll start to wonder why... there was such a push to get you injected with a random substance that neither you, nor obviously your 'health professional' had any clue was in it... 

Lol, It is funny also how you resort to 'labels' (i.e., name calling, like calling someone "anti-vaxxer!') to try and dismiss anything you can't think of how to discuss intelligently... it is rather childish. It's like me saying something silly like "omfg, you are one of those PROvaxxers PROpharma PROpoison people! omfg omfg omfg". Also interesting - you never actually address nor it seems consider any possibility that you've been duped, nor that you actually got sick from the poisons deliberately sprayed on the PPE... You are quacking like a chicken - you are under a magical spell. Not sure yet what the magic word to snap you out of it is - but - yeah... there is no "virus" to "die" from - it is the injections people are dying from, the poisons sprayed and doused on the PPE, the pscyhological fear...

Incidentally - the "new" virus you speak of is most likely the new simulation... It's called "SPARS" (you should read the document), if I recall correctly was put out by the united nations organization, and it is "set" in 2027. (Event 201 was the "convid" simulation, and the final prep work was done in Oct 2019 before "the virus" was "released").
« Last Edit: September 26, 2024, 09:33 by SuperPhoto »

« Reply #21 on: September 26, 2024, 10:00 »
Sorry, When I read the Headline and i can relate with ShutterStock Yearly Reset the Level thing.

Now I feel that every 1st Jan - i got infected with Covid-19

« Reply #22 on: September 26, 2024, 10:38 »
Sorry, When I read the Headline and i can relate with ShutterStock Yearly Reset the Level thing.

Now I feel that every 1st Jan - i got infected with Covid-19
I meant to get vaccinated once a year. This day and month is different for everyone.

« Reply #23 on: September 26, 2024, 10:50 »
Do you know what the biggest poison of modern times is? It's the belief of some people that absolutely everything they see on TV is a lie, while at the same time they believe that everything their algorithm bubble finds for them on the internet is the pure truth.

These are often the people who believe that injected particles are meant to track and control them. Meanwhile, they voluntarily disclose millions of pieces of data about themselves every day. They sit in their car, in their smart home or use their smartphone or PC and only trust their social media channels controlled by algorithms - and are not even aware of the extreme extent to which they are being tracked and controlled/manipulated there. These people swear that the virus only exists to make a handful of people rich. At the same time, they make people rich who claim the opposite and get paid handsomely for expert lectures, advertising on their social media or YouTube channels or through donations, for example.

These people are advised to use their brains!

Hi Wilm,

Some broad, random assumptions you are making here... How did you arrive at your conclusion that it is "the" biggest "poison"? Lol... Does that mean...

a) By your statment, that you believe everything on t.v. is truth?
b) Interesting you think it is a 'bubble' that 'finds' info for people, when generally those that have come to realize what is really going on actually seek out information, do critical thinking and reasoning, as opposed to having information spoonfed. Does that mean your algorithmic bubble custom tailored to you is accurate?
c) You are making some broad & inaccurate assumptions about what people do and don't disclose. As an aside though - in general - I do agree too many people do post waaaaaay to much about themselves on social media, and have illusions about 'privacy' simply because say something like 'facebook' has 'privacy' settings. (They obviously do not really understand how data sharing/storage/etc really works behind the scenes).

It seems you 'kind' of might have a cursory knowledge of some things going on, but just choose not to really investigate any further...

a) No.
b) I read in many bubbles. But I am absolutely aware that I also primarily get the information that the algorithm selects for me. I try to avoid this by questioning it.
c) I don't know the objective truth either - I can only try to get as close to it as possible. However, I wonder why there are contemporaries who believe that they know the ultimate truth.

« Reply #24 on: September 26, 2024, 11:27 »

..... However, I wonder why there are contemporaries who believe that they know the ultimate truth.

Wilm, conspiracy theorists usually have a narcissistic personality disorder and feel they belong to a superior elitist group by spreading the only truth.
Somehow it boosts their self-confidence.
You can also see this in their choice of words, which doesn't allow any contradiction or discussion.
It's more of a psycho thing, so discussions are completely pointless.


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