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Author Topic: It's about survival, .....  (Read 9366 times)

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« on: March 18, 2021, 18:16 »
It's about survival, ...... Sad Forum

An appeal to all users who read this forum and do not participate.

Do not think that humans are all over the planet as sad as the users who usually write in this forum.

Please participate, don't let this forum die as the saddest forum on the internet.

A little joy, please.

That mind, soul and heart renew their neurons.

It is not important to accumulate youth, the important thing is to always be young. A little blood in the veins !!!!!!

A little color to life !!!!!

You are with me?

I know you will miss me, it is logical. I understand it.


« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2021, 18:26 »
I have seen Easter processions much more fun and dynamic than this forum.

If you want, I will undress and I will put a photo of the shower, whatever you want, but please, a little joy.

The question is, does this forum have a solution? Or are we forced to listen to the negativity and sadness of those who always write here?


« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2021, 18:43 »
What do you expect from this day?
What happens soon?
We are passing through, and very brief. It's up to you, participate or leave this forum as it is, the grayer forum on the internet.

Put here, your photo of the shower, tell me if sex is better after 50.

Do you think that hugging the trees can help generate emotional stability?

Do you think there is life after the light goes out?

Do you think that laughing is a luxury for millionaires?

Do you think I should make an appointment for the doctor?

Tell me something!!!!!

We are short on time.

Don't make your life a clock.

Don't be manipulated.

Smile. There is another way of life.

And tomorrow will be a better day than today, for sure.

Do not allow your energy to be absorbed. Lives. Today is worth enjoying, there is much to do today. We are brevity. IT LIVES.

Clair Voyant

« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2021, 18:49 »
Someone's been day drinking...


« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2021, 19:00 »
Someone's been day drinking...

Thank you for your positivity and joy in your words.

It takes smiles like yours. Even if you have to tense every muscle in your body, pretend!


Today you must start a new project, that project that you have always had in your head.

Today is your day.

Hug friend. I know laughing is not in fashion, pretend !! Lives.

It's because of the cortisone in the blood. Today is your day. Have fun.

Hormones are sent by your brain, pretend, but start smiling. You will soon see that smiling costs you less.

Don't let your mind manipulate you with the past and stress you out with the future. Live the present, the here and now.


« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2021, 19:18 »
Your mind, your state of focusing your mind, is everything. You can be sad for eternity. Also face, the solutions and see the environment in a different way. It is not for now. By now this forum should know, be a little more cheerful.
Get vaccinated against sadness. One thing is an emotion at a certain moment, and another live emotionally burned.

Criticizing and making fun of me will not make this forum any more fun.

« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2021, 02:06 »
« Last Edit: March 19, 2021, 04:26 by Bad Robot »


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2021, 04:32 »
I'm in a very similar position to Bad Robot, though Mum didn't die through medical incompetence.
rpd on iStock just hit an all-time low. Not worth getting out of bed to make images for $1.05 average.
Still in lockdown here.
Good news: remembered - again - how to turn off notifications from Getty about Creative Briefs and whatever they call their 'requests'.  8)

I'm finding my 'joy in small things', but they're not relevant to this forum.

« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2021, 05:37 »
I'm in a very similar position to Bad Robot, though Mum didn't die through medical incompetence.
rpd on iStock just hit an all-time low. Not worth getting out of bed to make images for $1.05 average.
Still in lockdown here.
Good news: remembered - again - how to turn off notifications from Getty about Creative Briefs and whatever they call their 'requests'.  8)

I'm finding my 'joy in small things', but they're not relevant to this forum.

I'm sorry to hear that Sue :(

Its been a bad year and I really can't stand idiots lecturing everyone how we should all think happy clappy thoughts and all will be well.   >:(

I removed my original comment as I didn't think I need to justify to the OP why life is tough.

They're typical of the type that likes to preach and think their happy clappy BS is going to solve all the world's problems.

Its simplistic and trite nonsense  >:(

« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2021, 05:39 »
Someone's been day drinking...

Thank you for your positivity and joy in your words.

It takes smiles like yours. Even if you have to tense every muscle in your body, pretend!


Today you must start a new project, that project that you have always had in your head.

Today is your day.

Hug friend. I know laughing is not in fashion, pretend !! Lives.

It's because of the cortisone in the blood. Today is your day. Have fun.

Hormones are sent by your brain, pretend, but start smiling. You will soon see that smiling costs you less.

Don't let your mind manipulate you with the past and stress you out with the future. Live the present, the here and now.

sarcastic tripe  >:( I agree with Clair Voyant you need to keep off the happy juice or drugs.


« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2021, 12:34 »
Thanks. I am very grateful.

My words are supported by neuroscience. Einstein was also physical, metaphysical, and he already sensed that there were perceptions and dimensions that we could not see.

Nobel laureate Ramon y Cajal warned that we are all sculptors of our brain.

Today, it is known that the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic system is altered, generating all kinds of relationship between the brain and the physical body.

Moods and the way each individual copes with the world determines how each brain sees its reality.

Diseases caused by bad stress, always with fear, fear and our brain assimilate that we cannot do anything. That we are like this, spectators, the public that sees how his life passes without meaning.

The attitude of facing challenges was already studied by science thousands of years ago. Today the exact relationship between the way of thinking and health is known. That life is worth living is a matter for each individual. Despite the difficulties. Some eminence in history, he affirmed, that when you have nothing, it is the way to have everything.

I just wanted to observe the users who speak and those who are silent.

I am here, on a professional level. I always need to learn, everything.

I have many things to do today is going to be a great day, which I want to enjoy to the fullest.

Thanks for everything.

I leave you the song that Mecano dedicated to the Genie when he was facing the last moments of his life. It has subtitles in case you don't know Spanish.


« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2021, 14:38 »

 tell me if sex is better after 50.  NO

Do you think that hugging the trees can help generate emotional stability?  NO

Do you think there is life after the light goes out?  NO

Do you think that laughing is a luxury for millionaires?  NO

Do you think I should make an appointment for the doctor?  YES


« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2021, 17:36 »

 tell me if sex is better after 50.  NO

Do you think that hugging the trees can help generate emotional stability?  NO

Do you think there is life after the light goes out?  NO

Do you think that laughing is a luxury for millionaires?  NO

Do you think I should make an appointment for the doctor?  YES

That reminds me of what a friend of mine says, that 50 may be scarce, better sex from 100 dollars. Each acquaintance of mine is a world. Yes.

There is a whole therapy about hugging trees and their effects on the body. I must delve into it, it has to be, at the very least, relaxing.

I believe that there are doors that we are not able to see.

Very grateful for your input. Thanks.

« Reply #13 on: March 19, 2021, 17:54 »
I can't make sense of anything you say Tenebroso. Those lengthy pseudo-poetic posts full of meandering nonsense. No offense, you remind me of a stereotypical rambling vodka drinking village loony.


« Reply #14 on: March 19, 2021, 18:07 »
I can't make sense of anything you say Tenebroso. Those lengthy pseudo-poetic posts full of meandering nonsense. No offense, you remind me of a stereotypical rambling vodka drinking village loony.

The benefit of hugging has been demonstrated between humans and with animals.

It is also proven that trees communicate with each other. They are shown to create substances that arise in a fire hazard or pest that attacks them.

Being living beings and being all interconnected, hugging trees is likely to be beneficial.

I will spend time on it, soon. Since it is known that if we do not put it on the agenda as a priority and urgency, we will leave it in oblivion.
I am sure that he will give me something more than some burned being who drags his elbows on the ground and is dedicated to (microstock) telling us his sorrows and tears of how unfair this business is with him to each post.

Learning from the mistakes in microstock is necessary, as is getting up from each fall in the rest of the events of each day.
We will be selling directly to the customer soon. It will be another era of microstock.

We will try to have in our ranks people with initiative and a desire to take over the world, not whiners.

The evolution of microstock is beginning, it is a booming market.

The innovation of associating in groups will give the client the option of benefiting from the advantages that the giants of the sector can offer, but the client will also have the option of purchasing those same products directly from their author. Simple. There is a market for everyone and the glass is half full.

Greetings to all.


« Reply #15 on: March 19, 2021, 18:26 »
I can't make sense of anything you say Tenebroso. Those lengthy pseudo-poetic posts full of meandering nonsense. No offense, you remind me of a stereotypical rambling vodka drinking village loony.

I do not allow the mistakes of my past to determine my future. Therefore, I take the initiative of my future. I learn from the past and I don't allow myself to stress over my future. I will fight to determine my future. Simple.

Regardless of the environment, context and events factor. But as I have it very clear, we will soon be able to sell directly to the client.
The equation is simple, all the money for the author, I have no rival. There is nothing stopping me from trying. And if I fail, at least I have tried. Apart from the general negativism in this forum.

I write basically for the reader, not for the one who participates here. For me to memorize my Nik and to stay tuned for future events.

As for understanding myself, I'm used to it, it's not easy to understand me. I don't pretend either.

No, your comment doesn't bother me.


« Reply #16 on: March 19, 2021, 18:36 »
With the amount of users that this online forum has, it did not seem fair to me that only three posts were written in one day. In the gray forum. And I decided to heat the forum. That they speak, mainly well of me. Demonstrating the love that users have for me is always important. Feeling loved is nice.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2021, 08:51 »
I can't make sense of anything you say Tenebroso. Those lengthy pseudo-poetic posts full of meandering nonsense. No offense, you remind me of a stereotypical rambling vodka drinking village loony.

I feel the same way, (not the loony part so much) but the rambling and apparently incoherent clusters of words and phrases, that I can't understand, even after a few attempts. I always thought it was some strange translation software. I can't make sense of most of it.

But I did enjoy a positive and happy post for a change. I thought more people would appreciate that and join in.

You know what I wanted to say Yeah Baby to Tenebroso

Keep it positive in the flood of never ending negativity.

There could be other chemicals involved?  ;)
« Last Edit: March 21, 2021, 11:20 by Uncle Pete »

« Reply #18 on: March 20, 2021, 20:22 »
I can't make sense of anything you say Tenebroso. Those lengthy pseudo-poetic posts full of meandering nonsense. No offense, you remind me of a stereotypical rambling vodka drinking village loony.

maybe a re-incarnate ELIZA

« Reply #19 on: March 20, 2021, 20:24 »

There could be other chemicals involved?  ;)

maybe shooting bleach, or putting a flashlight in his/her belly (advice from our former dear leader)


« Reply #20 on: March 20, 2021, 20:50 »
I have always thought that you were lucky, back then, in those days, there was no anal COVID test. I don't know what would have happened if the Leader found out that there are more efficient anal tests.


« Reply #21 on: March 20, 2021, 22:23 »

There could be other chemicals involved?  ;)

maybe shooting bleach, or putting a flashlight in his/her belly (advice from our former dear leader)

Thank God for the former part of your statement!


« Reply #22 on: March 20, 2021, 23:18 »
I am happy that you are having a good time as a group. Relaxed dialogue is good therapy. Entertains and prepares the mind for a night's rest.

May the teacher accompany you on your rest.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2021, 23:59 by Tenebroso »


« Reply #23 on: March 21, 2021, 03:37 »
I am happy that you are having a good time as a group. Relaxed dialogue is good therapy. Entertains and prepares the mind for a night's rest.

May the teacher accompany you on your rest.

The universal language of music.
Beautiful visually and aurally.
Thank you for sharing.


« Reply #24 on: March 21, 2021, 12:46 »
Thank you for sharing your time with us.



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