I got this email from GoDaddy
Dear Ronald,
Im alerting you today about a potential new policy that could impact your personal privacy online.
GoDaddy knows that as someone who uses our Domains By Proxy privacy service, you value protecting your personal contact information online and we value it, too. Unfortunately, there is work underway at ICANN, the governing body for domain names, which will set new restrictions on privacy services like Domains By Proxy.
The restrictions are intended to target spammers, criminals and other bad guys, but providers like Domains By Proxy already have proven systems in place for addressing unlawful activity while balancing the privacy needs of our customers.
The overwhelming majority of online activity is legal and legitimate. However, the proposed restrictions would treat all domain and website owners as guilty until proven innocent, thereby requiring us to turn over your personal contact information (home address, home phone, etc.) to anyone who makes a claim against you without a subpoena, search warrant or due process of any kind. The doors to your confidential information would be propped wide open.
The good news is that its not too late to change ICANNs course. ICANN has opened a window for public comment on this program and is seeking input from the public. Thats where YOU come in. I encourage you to learn more about ICANNs proposal and make your voice heard by signing the online petition to protect domain privacy at
ICANN has set a deadline of July 7, 2015, so the window to act is short.
Public feedback will be an important factor in determining whether or not these new rules are adopted. I hope you take a few moments to join the campaign.