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Author Topic: Moneybookers Fraudsters  (Read 3500 times)

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« on: April 24, 2008, 22:30 »
Just a heads up.  I just got one of those spammy - click here - messages that my moneybookers account has been suspended due to suspicious activity.  No, I didn't click.. but the only place that I can think of that they would have grabbed this specific e-mail address is here on MSG.   Sneaky Buggers.

« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2008, 02:36 »
if you go into

PROFILE (at the top), then

you can choose to hide your email address... probably a good idea to avoid spam.  If people want to contact your privately they can send a Private message and ask for your email that way.

spammers also send out emails to [email protected] etc. etc.

i constantly get emails sent to
superjed@microstockgroup  etc etc
« Last Edit: April 25, 2008, 03:08 by leaf »

« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2008, 10:55 »
I have a separate email address set up at my own domain just for paypal and the bank account. In that way, if I ever get one of the spammies I will know the address has been "shared" or compromised in some way. The address is never used for any outgoing email of any kind, nor is it ever used on a board, for a microstock acccount, etc. My brother suggested this as he got caught up in a paypal mess late last year.

I did an experiment when I had AOL a few years back. I opened up an emal address off my AOL account one nite. I just opened the address, never went onto to the internet using that account name, never emailed from that account name, never did ANYTHING under that account name,  It was a very unique address, not a common name with numbers, like John2634 or something like that. It was more like w29z44yt5. Within a week, I was gettting all kinds of porn spam, Kind of tells me it was an inside AOL job. I dumped the whole AOL thing shortly after that.


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