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Author Topic: A new virus from China is flying around planet Earth. The HMPV virus.  (Read 1694 times)

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« on: January 06, 2025, 04:50 »
So, the Chinese have created another biological weapon with the aim of destroying democratic civilization.
What is known at the moment about this weapon virus? Is it more dangerous than covid19? Should we quarantine the planet and wear masks?
There is no vaccine!

 >:( >:( >:(

« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2025, 04:53 »
Ursula von der Leyen has severe pneumonia.
The European Commission president cancels engagements in Lisbon and Gdańsk after falling ill.

« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2025, 07:11 »
Why do you always get caught up in conspiracy theories?

The virus was isolated in the Netherlands back in 2001 first time and is known to cause some of the seasonal flu-like illnesses worldwide. As with all other viruses, it can cause severe cases in vulnerable people.

There may be many reasons why the incidence is particularly high in China this year. But it certainly has nothing to do with the virus as a weapon.

In Europe, we have seen an increased hospitalization of children due to infections with harmless RS viruses in the last two winters.  This is thought to be due to an immune gap caused by isolation measures during the coronavirus pandemic.

« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2025, 07:26 »
I am ready to accept your point of view for now. China and its possible modification by the Chinese are alarming. China also spreads viruses through the Chinese, this is logical for a totalitarian regime.

« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2025, 09:00 »
« Last Edit: January 06, 2025, 09:08 by DiscreetDuck »

« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2025, 10:37 »

It's in the mysterious fog that comes from jet planes.  ::)

« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2025, 05:03 »
New York city sprays pesticide minimize new virus spread.


« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2025, 11:52 »
New York city sprays pesticide minimize new virus spread.



Your "view"/belief is "inverted".

The "virus" IS "the spray". "The Spray" Is "The Virus".

If indeed New York is being "sprayed" - THAT is what makes people sick. NOT a "magical particle".

Same thing happened in the 1960's with DDT spray.

"Covid-19" was/is CAUSED by "wearing the masks, shoving a stick up your brain, injecting yourself with random poison".

THAT is what "Covid-19" (aka CON-vid) was.

THAT is how people "got sick".

Not from a "magical particle" that could count the # of people @ a table ("6" people or less), could only "travel" a certain distance (6' or less), or could not "attack" when people were sitting down (6' or less). (BTW, the pyschos who organized it believe in satanism, so love repeating the #6 in case you hadn't noticed that).

"Viruses" - aka "illnesses" are CAUSED by injections ("affectionately" referred to as "vaccines", "deathjabs", "poisonpricks", "clotshots", etc are actually better names for what they are). The illnesses (people refer to as "viruses") are CAUSED by "wearing masks" (sprayed with various poisons for you to breathe in EVERY SECOND you wear one). The illnesses are CAUSED by shoving a stick up your nose to touch your brain... (did you EVER wonder why if supposedly "the virus" was "so deadly" that you needed to wear a "mathsk" at all times lest you BREATHE on someone - yet - to see if you were "ill" you needed to shove a stick up your head to scratch your brain?)




« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2025, 13:43 »
SuperPhoto, Now you are writing complete nonsense.
But I still don't know whether this HMPV is dangerous or not. For now I am only giving general information about the situation in this topic.

« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2025, 14:14 »
Guys, you do realize this is a microstock forum, not the Twitter/X app?

« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2025, 14:17 »
Guys, you do realize this is a microstock forum, not the Twitter/X app?
The topic is in the Off Topic section. What are the complaints?  ;D

« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2025, 14:36 »
The topic is in the Off Topic section. What are the complaints?  ;D

You're right, I didn't even know there is an off topic section (and that anyone needs it).  Sometimes I open topics like this because I think I might find something interesting and related to stock there, but it's just waste of time.

« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2025, 16:26 »
SuperPhoto, Now you are writing complete nonsense.
But I still don't know whether this HMPV is dangerous or not. For now I am only giving general information about the situation in this topic.

Actually, I'm not. But - you just saying 'rubbish! poppycock!' because you don't want to believe it, doesn't make it so. Do you... have any reasoning, other than a video you posted, and "the news" telling you, to believe otherwise? Like, empirical data, data to the contrary, reasoning/critical thinking, or even considering the possibility of what I stated?

Anyways. You were, and are still being lied to.

I admit - it's probably a nice comfortable lie to believe - because the alternative - i.e., believing that there would be people actually deliberately trying to cause you harm for profit - would probably be a pretty tough pill to swallow.

But ask yourself this...

If a doctor "cured" you - how much money would they make, as opposed to if you were regularly "sick", and needed numerous appointments with "medication/treatment/etc" that only hid/disguised the symptoms, but never actually cured you? So.. you'd take pill the rest of your life, regularly get expensive x-rays, expensive treatment, etc...

Which one is more "profitable"?

A 5 minute cure?

Or... a lifetime of hiding symptoms - saying "ooh we are working hard to find a cure! But just come in next week for your appointment?"

You have been lied to.

But I guess it will be hard for you to take that nice warm fuzzy blanket of a lie, to face the truth - because you'd have to make some hard decisions going forward.

« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2025, 19:31 »
SuperPhoto, Now you are writing complete nonsense.
But I still don't know whether this HMPV is dangerous or not. For now I am only giving general information about the situation in this topic.

Actually, I'm not. But - you just saying 'rubbish! poppycock!' because you don't want to believe it, doesn't make it so. Do you... have any reasoning, other than a video you posted, and "the news" telling you, to believe otherwise? Like, empirical data, data to the contrary, reasoning/critical thinking, or even considering the possibility of what I stated?

Anyways. You were, and are still being lied to.

I admit - it's probably a nice comfortable lie to believe - because the alternative - i.e., believing that there would be people actually deliberately trying to cause you harm for profit - would probably be a pretty tough pill to swallow.

But ask yourself this...

If a doctor "cured" you - how much money would they make, as opposed to if you were regularly "sick", and needed numerous appointments with "medication/treatment/etc" that only hid/disguised the symptoms, but never actually cured you? So.. you'd take pill the rest of your life, regularly get expensive x-rays, expensive treatment, etc...

Which one is more "profitable"?

A 5 minute cure?

Or... a lifetime of hiding symptoms - saying "ooh we are working hard to find a cure! But just come in next week for your appointment?"

You have been lied to.

But I guess it will be hard for you to take that nice warm fuzzy blanket of a lie, to face the truth - because you'd have to make some hard decisions going forward.

Maybe you are the one lying to us. Do you have a monopoly on the truth? Just asking questions, just doing some critical thinking.

« Reply #14 on: January 11, 2025, 21:59 »

Maybe you are the one lying to us. Do you have a monopoly on the truth? Just asking questions, just doing some critical thinking.

Lol - "why" would I do that? If you genuinely can't figure that out on your own and need assistance, the answer is no. I am indeed telling the truth. Are YOU "lying"? Lol. Your statement is a manipulation tactic called deflection - designed to make it so you don't actually have to do any critical thinking while giving the 'illusion' of 'argument' and 'debate'..

Asking questions if fine - but that is not what you are doing. You avoided actually addressing ANYTHING in that statement.

Re-read the previous statement, because it obvious you have not, nor absorbed anything. If you have genuine questions about it, feel free to ask.

« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2025, 03:18 »
SuperPhoto, I am guided only by my own experience, which is confirmed by medicine. You are probably a very healthy person and have never been sick, so you are fantasizing.
There are probably some problems with medicine in the US. I'm willing to believe it, I heard that medicine is not on the patient's side. But I don't live in the US, so I have a different experience. Come to Ukraine, there are many doctors here who are not interested in your money.  ;D
« Last Edit: January 12, 2025, 03:28 by stoker2014 »

« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2025, 06:22 »
SuperPhoto, I am guided only by my own experience, which is confirmed by medicine. You are probably a very healthy person and have never been sick, so you are fantasizing.
There are probably some problems with medicine in the US. I'm willing to believe it, I heard that medicine is not on the patient's side. But I don't live in the US, so I have a different experience. Come to Ukraine, there are many doctors here who are not interested in your money.  ;D

Lol, I am not 'fantasizing', but I am speaking the truth. As for how medicine is in your country - true, I do not know specifically what it is like - so perhaps it is derived from more natural products and designed to 'cure', as opposed to just hide the symptoms. Maybe (I am 1/2 joking) that is why the keep sending 'billions of dollars' to ukraine, because they are not making $$ from 'medicine'. :P

But yes, in the US (as well as Canada) - there is a huge (no pun intended) obesity epidemic. It's from the crap in the food, as well as the crap in the 'medicine'. If you have lots of $$, you can (potentially) find someone good.

In Canada, a lot of doctors in are just plain stupid. Like, I mean really, really dumb. They rely on whatever the "medical computer" tells them to do - which is generally LOTS and LOTS of expensive (+ harmful) "tests" (i.e., multiple x-rays, radioactive blood tests, chemotherpahy, expensive and caustic topical drugs, etc, etc). Society however has built them up so people believe they are 'gods' - but - as one person pointed out - they are simply really good at memorizing things (whether or not it is accurate, a different thing) - but they are good at memorizing & good at taking orders. Plus, there is now a huge influx of east indian "doctors" who are simply interested in $$$, and they don't even remotely prescribe the 'right' thing - and generally speaking cause actual harm to the patient - but then that is good for their business, because they have been convinced that all doctors must be 'good' - so keep going back.

Here is something that is completely warped/messed up. Read this article.

To start - if you don't know this yet - there never was, still isn't "a covid virus". The INJECTIONs however, were always designed to cause problems. THAT was their purpose. The FDA KNEW this BEFORE giving the shots - because that was one of the PURPOSES of the shots. (Read page #17 of this FDA document, published in OCTOBER 2020. fda.gov/media/143557/download)

So you have this young girl - who wanted to be a model - convinced that she had a "fake virus" (her problems were from the INJECTION) - and doctors CUT OFF HER LEGS. She is so hypnotized - that she is actually SMILING in a picture as sick/insane doctors behind her in one of the photos go "TA-DA!" as they present a deformed human being - after they CHOPPED OFF HER LEGS.

That is how sick & disgusting the "medical system" is.

Anyways, yes - allopathic "medicine" is north america for the most part is very, very bad - and most doctors are very very stupid and/or corrupt - and doing things for MONEY... that is how they pay for 3 cars, a mansion, 3-4 vacations a year, etc. Healthy patients that never see the doctor don't make them rich - sick patients that go in on a regular basis do.

« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2025, 07:05 »

Maybe you are the one lying to us. Do you have a monopoly on the truth? Just asking questions, just doing some critical thinking.

Lol - "why" would I do that? If you genuinely can't figure that out on your own and need assistance, the answer is no. I am indeed telling the truth. Are YOU "lying"? Lol. Your statement is a manipulation tactic called deflection - designed to make it so you don't actually have to do any critical thinking while giving the 'illusion' of 'argument' and 'debate'..

Asking questions if fine - but that is not what you are doing. You avoided actually addressing ANYTHING in that statement.

Re-read the previous statement, because it obvious you have not, nor absorbed anything. If you have genuine questions about it, feel free to ask.

OK, assuming you're not deliberately lying, you're at the very least a conspiracy theorist who actually believes his own carefully constructed theories about the world, its systems and their agendas, to such an extent you're presenting yourself as the enlightened soul who knows everything better than those around you.
Your overuse of quotation marks to sarcastically label anything you don't trust is very telling.
You're also addressing lots of things so it's nearly impossible to deconstruct anything you say, not only because it's all one big web of theories strung together, also because you are extremely distrustful of any sources outside of your own mind. And you never, ever would admit you're wrong about anything, you always jump into a defensive state.

I wonder one thing, if you don't trust the "news", the "media", what sources do you use to get your information? Surely your critical thinking must be fueled by something other than your already imaginative mind?

« Reply #18 on: January 12, 2025, 09:33 »
Here is something that is completely warped/messed up. Read this article.

To start - if you don't know this yet - there never was, still isn't "a covid virus". The INJECTIONs however, were always designed to cause problems. THAT was their purpose. The FDA KNEW this BEFORE giving the shots - because that was one of the PURPOSES of the shots. (Read page #17 of this FDA document, published in OCTOBER 2020. fda.gov/media/143557/download)

So you have this young girl - who wanted to be a model - convinced that she had a "fake virus" (her problems were from the INJECTION) - and doctors CUT OFF HER LEGS. She is so hypnotized - that she is actually SMILING in a picture as sick/insane doctors behind her in one of the photos go "TA-DA!" as they present a deformed human being - after they CHOPPED OFF HER LEGS.
A lot of people have died from Covid 19, and it would be more correct to say not from the virus itself, but from its complications. This girl had chronic diseases, coronavirus aggravates these diseases. The girl was very lucky that she lost her legs, not her life. You need to see a doctor, they will explain to you how complications from coronavirus lead to leg amputation.

I dont see any crime on page 17 of some document. Publish here yourself those lines of text that arouse your suspicions. And also clarify for yourself when the coronavirus epidemic began and when the first vaccines against it were released.

« Reply #19 on: January 12, 2025, 09:35 »
At the moment, coronavirus is not very scary, many are vaccinated. Now everyone is watching the HMPV virus. So far, there are opinions that this virus will not lead to a mass epidemic and lockdowns.

« Reply #20 on: January 12, 2025, 22:49 »
Why do you always get caught up in conspiracy theories?

The virus was isolated in the Netherlands back in 2001 first time and is known to cause some of the seasonal flu-like illnesses worldwide. As with all other viruses, it can cause severe cases in vulnerable people.

There may be many reasons why the incidence is particularly high in China this year. But it certainly has nothing to do with the virus as a weapon.

In Europe, we have seen an increased hospitalization of children due to infections with harmless RS viruses in the last two winters.  This is thought to be due to an immune gap caused by isolation measures during the coronavirus pandemic.

another factor in increasing number of cases are the idiots who refuse to get vaxed - or worse refuse to vax their kids (a form of child abuse)  we're seeing cases of meass
les and even poliio which were all but non-existent in so-called advanced countires

« Reply #21 on: January 12, 2025, 23:04 »
.......The illnesses are CAUSED by shoving a stick up your nose to touch your brain...

instead of your daily spewing of the same ignorant nonsense, try opening an anatomy book . maybe your brain leaks out thru your nose, but in normal humans (or any other mammal ) there is no connection between nasal cavities and the brain in any way in which doing a covid test pricks your brain.

or maybe just poke another 'stick' up your nose

« Reply #22 on: January 16, 2025, 00:55 »
New York city sprays pesticide minimize new virus spread.



Your "view"/belief is "inverted".

The "virus" IS "the spray". "The Spray" Is "The Virus".

If indeed New York is being "sprayed" - THAT is what makes people sick. NOT a "magical particle".

Same thing happened in the 1960's with DDT spray.

"Covid-19" was/is CAUSED by "wearing the masks, shoving a stick up your brain, injecting yourself with random poison".

THAT is what "Covid-19" (aka CON-vid) was.

THAT is how people "got sick".

Not from a "magical particle" that could count the # of people @ a table ("6" people or less), could only "travel" a certain distance (6' or less), or could not "attack" when people were sitting down (6' or less). (BTW, the pyschos who organized it believe in satanism, so love repeating the #6 in case you hadn't noticed that).

"Viruses" - aka "illnesses" are CAUSED by injections ("affectionately" referred to as "vaccines", "deathjabs", "poisonpricks", "clotshots", etc are actually better names for what they are). The illnesses (people refer to as "viruses") are CAUSED by "wearing masks" (sprayed with various poisons for you to breathe in EVERY SECOND you wear one). The illnesses are CAUSED by shoving a stick up your nose to touch your brain... (did you EVER wonder why if supposedly "the virus" was "so deadly" that you needed to wear a "mathsk" at all times lest you BREATHE on someone - yet - to see if you were "ill" you needed to shove a stick up your head to scratch your brain?)



Those doctors getting rich hide everything on the moon.  making astronomical profits by sending people sick into space, while they hide their fortunes in zero gravity. Apparently, on the moon, the only thing immune to harm is their bank accounts. And the hush money they paid to keep their secret safe, so much! Many big money. That money is gone to the people they paid so not on the moon.


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