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Author Topic: Occupy Wall Street. A short movie about US government's double standards  (Read 51529 times)

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« Reply #25 on: October 14, 2011, 23:00 »
Retro, I think you are trying to pick a fight with no good cause and with a wrong person.

First, on what basis that you think I dislike everything American, do you have any evidence to prove it? Search high and low, and show us.

Second, you got the wrong person. But it doesn't matter, believe whatever you like, I don't care.

Third, it doesn't matter if I have 2 DLs and you have a million, we are talking about social changes, not graphic design.

Glad you are done.  ;D

This thread isn't about protesters or change or freedom of speech is it? It's about your dislike of everything American. Your multiple personalities on this page fool no one. In fact, I know that you have >1200 downloads on Istock, but no worries I would never out you to the community.

I'm done with this.


« Reply #26 on: October 16, 2011, 12:56 »
Group of Citi Bank customers attempt to close accounts as a form of protest- 2 dozen are locked inside bank until police arrive, 5 cops take down a woman

Wow, police is working for the banks. Lol retrorocket you're right, you can't compare this with Arab spring and what are the governments doing with protesters in those countries. Because I can't even image what US government (state officials or whoever is responsible) in that case. You get arrested and they're holding you in a bank just for not wanting to be their customer. Man I'm glad I live in a free country, this is unheard of, nothing like that could happen in a democratic country. I'm not saying there's no corruption in my country, it's actually really high, but it's still nothing compared to this!!!


« Reply #27 on: October 16, 2011, 15:48 »
I'm going to open an account, I don't want to be put in jail for not having a citibank account. ::)


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