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Author Topic: OMG America!!!  (Read 62664 times)

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« Reply #100 on: March 18, 2016, 07:34 »
Trump likes to talk about winning all the time.  The problem with winning is there is one winner and the rest are losers. 

Trump wins when he kicks an old lady to the curb to build his casino parking lot.  Trump wins when brings in cheap temporary imported labor for his Florida resort.

I'd rather see a politician speak about empowering people and raising up those who are hurting. 

The anger show at his rallies comes from people who are losing.  What makes them think a self centered, megalomaniac greedy businessman who has built his company around creating gilded play-lands for the rich is going to care about them?

He doesn't care about the middle class - the middle class isn't his customer base.

« Reply #101 on: March 18, 2016, 07:47 »
I'm sure having a great time watching the globalists freak out over Trump  8)

« Reply #102 on: March 18, 2016, 08:15 »
The thought of Trump in the White House is making the world nervous.

Of course it has been suggested that Trump told the NY Times off the record that he really isn't going to do half the things he says he would do.

« Reply #103 on: March 18, 2016, 09:59 »
I'm sure having a great time watching the globalists freak out over Trump  8)
As a representative of extreme nationalism (=nazi), I'm sure you do.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk


« Reply #104 on: March 18, 2016, 11:13 »
Trump: Making America Grating Again..

« Reply #105 on: March 18, 2016, 12:16 »

I know that this is a stronghold of socialist do-gooders here .... kind of loser thinking ....   from socialist Denmark who said as much in one of his blog posts last year because he's talking from experience he must have gathered back in his home country

And what precisely is wrong with 'socialist do-gooders'? Say, for example in terrible Denmark which you mention? The country which has once again been assesed by those crypto-communists at Forbes Magazine as the best country in the world to do business (with USA falling for the 6th consecutive year to 22nd) And it seems to suit the do-gooders as the annual Happiness Index from the UN's Sustainable Development Solutions Network has it as the happest country in the world followed by four other Nordic countries. 

These seems to be the models Mr Sanders is enthusiastic about, Ridiculous - why would anyone want happiness and economic success, must be a * commie.

@douglas -- I'll tell you what's wrong with socialist do-gooders: it is that they are usually freeloaders and want more free lunches no matter whether society can pay for them or not, just like so many on this nice forum here.

As for your glorifying Denmark, I am asking myself whether you are only regurgitating statistics you learnt  (as most Scandinavians do) or if you actually have any real-life knowledge of your own (as, for example, Yuri Acurs who, quite tellingly, preferred moving his business from  socialist Denmark to South Africa because splendid Denmark does not work out so good in the real world with its darn taxes and big government and 25% moms, or "VAT" -- it did almost the same thing for the same reasons as Arcurs)...

If Sanders is your idea of "happiness and freedom" or if you vote for him out of pity for the old Joe-Biden-style fool then you might as well vote for someone who promotes outlawing gravity :)

Try to make sense of your obscure feelings before participating in the political process.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2016, 13:31 by stuttershock »

« Reply #106 on: March 18, 2016, 12:32 »
One thing we can be sure of is that the day after he wins the nomination, Trump starts dramatically changing his pitch and showing us Trump 2.0.  He knows that to get the Republican nomination, you run off the rails to the right, but to win the election you move back to the center.  So expect to see an all new Trump, more mainstream and less crazy, and also expect the news media to continue to play right along with him and give him exactly the sort of coverage he wants - while at the same time badgering Clinton about an email server. 


« Reply #107 on: March 18, 2016, 12:43 »
"@douglas -- I'll tell you what's wrong with socialist do-gooders: it is that they are usually freeloaders and want more free lunches no matter whether society can pay for them or not, just like so many on this nice forum here."

There's a documentary about this called "Turkeys Voting For Christmas" or something similar. It breaks down the demographics of left and right wing voters. Basically the states that lean most to the right and complain about the government the most are the ones where people receive the most federal assistance, while those lefty "free-loaders" are actually paying for most of the taxes funding them, while they continue to complain about it.

« Reply #108 on: March 18, 2016, 12:45 »
I'm sure having a great time watching the globalists freak out over Trump  8)
As a representative of extreme nationalism (=nazi), I'm sure you do.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

@zero_talent, you might want to notice that one need not be a nazi to not like "alternatives" like collectivist (=nazi) Sanders or collectivist (=nazi, and also proven-criminal) Hillary Clinton.

Throwing around with terms like "nazi", maybe this would be a good time for you to learn something about the basics of the political spectrum in an easy manner:
« Last Edit: March 18, 2016, 12:48 by stuttershock »

« Reply #109 on: March 18, 2016, 12:59 »
I find the people who get all upset about the "turning of America into X,Y,Z European country" are usually people who have never traveled. 

You just have to look at the education rates, life expectancy rates, access to health care, and overall satisfaction levels where the US falls far down the list.  Just believing that the US does everything perfectly isn't enough to change reality.

Or better yet, actually leave the country and travel the world to see for yourself.

« Reply #110 on: March 18, 2016, 13:08 »
Trump followers an supporters are more insane than The Donald.

« Reply #111 on: March 18, 2016, 13:08 »
One thing we can be sure of is that the day after he wins the nomination, Trump starts dramatically changing his pitch and showing us Trump 2.0.  He knows that to get the Republican nomination, you run off the rails to the right, but to win the election you move back to the center.  So expect to see an all new Trump, more mainstream and less crazy, and also expect the news media to continue to play right along with him and give him exactly the sort of coverage he wants - while at the same time badgering Clinton about an email server.

After the election the lefties move to the right, forget their promises and it's politics as usual. None of this is unexpected from either party.

Clintoon has many skeletons in her closet, financial insider stock trading, but putting national secrets on a server in your basement to hide the rest of your underhanded dealings email is wrong.

Trump could forget half of what he promises and still start turning the country around, run like a business, and I'd be happy. Build that wall, stop illegals from draining the system, lower taxes and the reduce freeloading people. Ask somebody who lives near the South border, in AZ or in LA CA. The ones who pay the taxes, have the crime and are mad as hell. Melting pot means joining and becoming part, not refusing to become part of the nation, or learn the language, but taking free medical and education, without paying taxes.

« Reply #112 on: March 18, 2016, 13:13 »
One thing we can be sure of is that the day after he wins the nomination, Trump starts dramatically changing his pitch and showing us Trump 2.0.  He knows that to get the Republican nomination, you run off the rails to the right, but to win the election you move back to the center.  So expect to see an all new Trump, more mainstream and less crazy, and also expect the news media to continue to play right along with him and give him exactly the sort of coverage he wants - while at the same time badgering Clinton about an email server.

After the election the lefties move to the right, forget their promises and it's politics as usual. None of this is unexpected from either party.

Clintoon has many skeletons in her closet, financial insider stock trading, but putting national secrets on a server in your basement to hide the rest of your underhanded dealings email is wrong.

Trump could forget half of what he promises and still start turning the country around, run like a business, and I'd be happy. Build that wall, stop illegals from draining the system, lower taxes and the reduce freeloading people. Ask somebody who lives near the South border, in AZ or in LA CA. The ones who pay the taxes, have the crime and are mad as hell. Melting pot means joining and becoming part, not refusing to become part of the nation, or learn the language, but taking free medical and education, without paying taxes.

"Insider trading", "underhanded dealings", what are you referring too, specifically, and where is there a scrap of evidence for any of it?   Are you imagining that Trump would even bring up the "wall" again after being elected?   Or that there are no skeletons in Trump's very large closet? Or that a guy who's been through 4 bankruptcies is the one to run the government "like a business"? 
« Last Edit: March 18, 2016, 13:57 by stockastic »

« Reply #113 on: March 18, 2016, 13:23 »
He's pissed off Anonymous.  Today they published  his SS# and cell phone.

« Reply #114 on: March 18, 2016, 13:26 »
I'm sure having a great time watching the globalists freak out over Trump  8)
As a representative of extreme nationalism (=nazi), I'm sure you do.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

@zero_talent, you might want to notice that one need not be a nazi to not like "alternatives" like collectivist (=nazi) Sanders or collectivist (=nazi, and also proven-criminal) Hillary Clinton.

Throwing around with terms like "nazi", maybe this would be a good time for you to learn something about the basics of the political spectrum in an easy manner:

Nazi or nazism is short for national-socialism. It manifests itself, in practice, much more through extreme nationalism, and much less through socialism.
Actually all known fascist regimes were the best crony-capitalism examples: regimes where only government's friends can prosper, as long as they obey the government. All fascism/Nazism boxes are ticked by Trump (heavy military and police state, hate propaganda, exacerbated national pride, aggressive external and internal policies, etc)

The bad news is that a lot of modern governments have a certain degree of fascism embedded, including today's USA. Trump has discovered a hole in the system and he is pushing his fascism with full force through it.

On the other hand, why people think that when you dislike a typical fascist like Trump you must necessarily like a socialist like Sanders?
I dislike both! Unfortunately in US there is no 3rd way. You can only choose the lesser evil. The political spectrum is as uni-dimensional as your Venn diagrams.

A third force, promoting social freedom and liberties (the way the democrats do) as well as economical freedom and liberties (the way most republicans do), while putting a stop to all military interventionism, is what America (and the world) really needs, today.

America must start cherishing again the true freedom and liberty, Americans are very proud about, without realizing how little they have left from it.

« Last Edit: March 18, 2016, 13:37 by Zero Talent »

« Reply #115 on: March 18, 2016, 13:45 »
if this was a rap battle zero talent would have owned stutter

« Reply #116 on: March 18, 2016, 13:58 »
I'm sure having a great time watching the globalists freak out over Trump  8)
As a representative of extreme nationalism (=nazi), I'm sure you do.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

@zero_talent, you might want to notice that one need not be a nazi to not like "alternatives" like collectivist (=nazi) Sanders or collectivist (=nazi, and also proven-criminal) Hillary Clinton.

Throwing around with terms like "nazi", maybe this would be a good time for you to learn something about the basics of the political spectrum in an easy manner:
typical fascist like Trump you must necessarily like a socialist like Sanders?
I dislike both! Unfortunately in US there is no 3rd way. You can only choose the lesser evil. The political spectrum is as uni-dimensional as your Venn diagrams.

A third force, promoting social freedom and liberties (the way the democrats do) as well as economical freedom and liberties (the way most republicans do), while putting a stop to all military interventionism, is what America (and the world) really needs, today.

America must start cherishing again the true freedom and liberty, Americans are very proud about, without realizing how little they have left from it.

then it turns out we have a lot more consensus between you and me than I initially thought!

(I do hope you also realized that I am not at all favoring Trump either. Although I'd love to see him taking apart that incompetent Hillary-joke, I don't think he is an acceptable candidate himself, and I never said anything to that effect here.)

With that pathetic lack of a true "third" party or maybe a non-party approach and with everything locked in to that two-party polarity (or rather bipartisan "consensus" to the detriment of "[Us] The People", there is rather little hope for any improvement in America in the near future. Add to this the Republicans' failure at producing a useful candidate potentially for the THIRD time in a row now (rather SEVENTH time, because BushJr-BushJr-BushSr-BushSr ought to be added to this row), and you might have me even subscribing to the title of the OP for that reason.

(I just thought that the mere existence of the "Trump show" isn't enough justification for something like that.)

As long as there isn't another Ron Paul coming along -- who pretty much stands for everything you list up there! -- we'll continue to be in deep sh#t. Ted Cruz may or may not be a partial fix for the problem but, then again, he might as well turn out to be part of that Republicrat junta inside that awfully rigged U. S. political system that brought us here in the first place...
« Last Edit: March 18, 2016, 14:02 by stuttershock »


« Reply #117 on: March 18, 2016, 14:03 »
He's pissed off Anonymous.  Today they published  his SS# and cell phone.

They better hope Trump doesn't become president. When the FBI knocks down their parent's basement doors, they won't have enough time to close all the browser windows with porn on it.

« Reply #118 on: March 18, 2016, 15:18 »
I'm sure having a great time watching the globalists freak out over Trump  8)
As a representative of extreme nationalism (=nazi), I'm sure you do.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

@zero_talent, you might want to notice that one need not be a nazi to not like "alternatives" like collectivist (=nazi) Sanders or collectivist (=nazi, and also proven-criminal) Hillary Clinton.

Throwing around with terms like "nazi", maybe this would be a good time for you to learn something about the basics of the political spectrum in an easy manner:
typical fascist like Trump you must necessarily like a socialist like Sanders?
I dislike both! Unfortunately in US there is no 3rd way. You can only choose the lesser evil. The political spectrum is as uni-dimensional as your Venn diagrams.

A third force, promoting social freedom and liberties (the way the democrats do) as well as economical freedom and liberties (the way most republicans do), while putting a stop to all military interventionism, is what America (and the world) really needs, today.

America must start cherishing again the true freedom and liberty, Americans are very proud about, without realizing how little they have left from it.

then it turns out we have a lot more consensus between you and me than I initially thought!


The only difference between us, is that in the absence of a 3rd voice, my "lesser evil" is the protection of social liberties and freedom (including the liberty to take photos from public property, without being harassed by the police, or to run in a public park, after sunset, without being fined  ;) )

If a true social liberty is achieved, happiness and economical liberty have better chances to be achieved than the other way around.

« Reply #119 on: March 18, 2016, 16:25 »
to me, a non="american" (ie mexico, usa, cda)...
bill gates is the best person to be president.
he knows what it's like to be a person who works to be great at what he does.
he has track record of philantropy
he can reduce cost by firing all the corrupted politicians
he can run USA with robots

he is already ruling the world with his compute;
why not his own country???

this must be a joke, right?

- so you think Windows is great? Then why do advanced users -- most notably photographers -- use MacOS (not to mention Linux)?
- his "track record" is bullying an industry with a little help from his father shelling out some dubious license depriving a poor little programmer guy of his (not Gates'!) invention
- his "track record" of "philanthropy" is contaminating the world with Zica (his mosquito experiment in Panama went sour), abusing little girls in India as guinea pigs for his questionable HPV vaccines, and dodging U. S. taxes by way of thinking up some "foundation" that really is nothing more than a tax shelter for his billions not to go to Uncle Sam (the latter part I don't mind, but it's not "for others" either)
- reducing cost by firing people is usually not the way to improve the outcome (surprised that "firing" all of a sudden should be an acceptable thing to do in this union-friendly underdog forum her -- what a laugh),
- do you want to live in a world "rulded" or rather controlled by robots?! I am an IT systems developer but have quite enough of this pseudo-technophile attitude...
- that "rule of his computers" is, thank God, diminishing for the benefit of better solutions than an insecure monolithic OS like Windoze
- and finally (and for your information), the U. S. is not "his" country, nor anyone else's. Where I come from, countries are not owned but civil servants and politicians are supposed to serve the electorate in a political system

As for the bullying part and for (ab)using mechanisms in order to see his stuff through Gates would be "qualified" though for fighting a few more wars, occupy countries "for democracy" and unilaterally "change regimes" at will, I grant you that much, @etudiante_trop_lentement
« Last Edit: March 18, 2016, 16:51 by marquixHD »


« Reply #120 on: March 18, 2016, 17:04 »
to me, a non="american" (ie mexico, usa, cda)...
bill gates is the best person to be president.
he knows what it's like to be a person who works to be great at what he does.
he has track record of philantropy
he can reduce cost by firing all the corrupted politicians
he can run USA with robots

he is already ruling the world with his compute;
why not his own country???

this must be a joke, right?

- so you think Windows is great? Then why do advanced users -- most notably photographers -- use MacOS (not to mention Linux)?
- his "track record" is bullying an industry with a little help from his father shelling out some dubious license depriving a poor little programmer guy of his (not Gates'!) invention
- his "track record" of "philanthropy" is contaminating the world with Zica (his mosquito experiment in Panama went sour), abusing little girls in India as guinea pigs for his questionable HPV vaccines, and dodging U. S. taxes by way of thinking up some "foundation" that really is nothing more than a tax shelter for his billions not to go to Uncle Sam (the latter part I don't mind, but it's not "for others" either)
- reducing cost by firing people is usually not the way to improve the outcome (surprised that "firing" all of a sudden should be an acceptable thing to do in this union-friendly underdog forum her -- what a laugh),
- do you want to live in a world "rulded" or rather controlled by robots?! I am an IT systems developer but have quite enough of this pseudo-technophile attitude...
- that "rule of his computers" is, thank God, diminishing for the benefit of better solutions than an insecure monolithic OS like Windoze
- and finally (and for your information), the U. S. is not "his" country, nor anyone else's. Where I come from, countries are not owned but civil servants and politicians are supposed to serve the electorate in a political system

As for the bullying part and for (ab)using mechanisms in order to see his stuff through Gates would be "qualified" though for fighting a few more wars, occupy countries "for democracy" and unilaterally "change regimes" at will, I grant you that much, @etudiante_trop_lentement

While there is no conclusive evidence, all signs points to the Gates funded project that caused the outbreak. It's quite disturbing and people are not aware of it. I agree with a number of your points and I'll add one more.

- MS's monopolistic IE and their dirty tactics caused the death of Netscape. From 2001-2005, in which many called it the "Dark Ages of the Internet", little to no progress was made to internet browser technology and it was all because of the man pulling the strings behind Microsoft.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2016, 17:07 by Minscer »

« Reply #121 on: March 18, 2016, 18:15 »
One thing we can be sure of is that the day after he wins the nomination, Trump starts dramatically changing his pitch and showing us Trump 2.0.  He knows that to get the Republican nomination, you run off the rails to the right, but to win the election you move back to the center.  So expect to see an all new Trump, more mainstream and less crazy, and also expect the news media to continue to play right along with him and give him exactly the sort of coverage he wants - while at the same time badgering Clinton about an email server.

After the election the lefties move to the right, forget their promises and it's politics as usual. None of this is unexpected from either party.

Clintoon has many skeletons in her closet, financial insider stock trading, but putting national secrets on a server in your basement to hide the rest of your underhanded dealings email is wrong.

Trump could forget half of what he promises and still start turning the country around, run like a business, and I'd be happy. Build that wall, stop illegals from draining the system, lower taxes and the reduce freeloading people. Ask somebody who lives near the South border, in AZ or in LA CA. The ones who pay the taxes, have the crime and are mad as hell. Melting pot means joining and becoming part, not refusing to become part of the nation, or learn the language, but taking free medical and education, without paying taxes.

"Insider trading", "underhanded dealings", what are you referring too, specifically, and where is there a scrap of evidence for any of it?   Are you imagining that Trump would even bring up the "wall" again after being elected?   Or that there are no skeletons in Trump's very large closet? Or that a guy who's been through 4 bankruptcies is the one to run the government "like a business"?
When I was doing a bit of trading on the stock market, I read a book and was surprised to see the author put in print that Hillary Clinton had been doing illegal insider trading.  I can't remember the book, it was over 10 years ago.  The author challenged her to sue him if she thought his accusations were false, as far as I know, she didn't do anything to clear her name.  Then there's the Bosnia sniper story

I don't think she's a fit person to be president of the US but if Trump is the only other alternative, she is by far the better option.

« Reply #122 on: March 18, 2016, 18:17 »
Politics and religion....there are no winners.

« Reply #123 on: March 18, 2016, 22:20 »

While there is no conclusive evidence, all signs points to the Gates funded project that caused the outbreak. It's quite disturbing and people are not aware of it.

OMG.  A quick Google search on Bill Gates Zika Virus turns up a few crazy a$$ conspiracy sites, and this very credible article from a legitimate news source:



« Reply #124 on: March 18, 2016, 22:53 »
Politics and religion....there are no winners.
They really are the same thing.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2016, 23:05 by Leo »


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