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Author Topic: Osama Bin Laden is dead - have you seen the news?  (Read 30190 times)

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« Reply #150 on: May 04, 2011, 02:16 »
I am 39 and White. I dont like what Obama is doing. Not because of the color of his skin. Because of his Policies he is making.

I would vote for Colin Powell in a heartbeat. Why? Colin Powell is a leader. He knows what it means to send troops into battle. He has been there in it. He is also a person who brought himself up from nothing in Harlem to where he got in the Military.

I liked George Dubbya in the first term. In the second term it was kind of like "Screw it. I can't be elected again." Yea.. time to go the Boy George.

As with everything here. It's just my own opinion.

I watched Colin Powell give a presentation to the UN about the threat of Saddam Hussein's WMD's before the invasion of Iraq.  I lost all respect for him then.  He was trying to justify the invasion on very flimsy evidence from satellite photos and of course he was wrong.  The UN inspectors new this "intelligence" was wrong, I remember Hans Blix spoke up about it.


« Reply #151 on: May 04, 2011, 03:13 »
OMG!!! You mean everything I read on the Internet isn't true????  How can my life have any meaning?

It really did really hit a chord though - whoever wrote it.

I don't understand why whoever wrote it wouldn't want credit for it.

I guess because if King didn't say it just comes across as a load of cheesy schmaltz.

« Reply #152 on: May 04, 2011, 04:49 »
I don't have the time to read all this thread, so sorry if this has already been said, but I was just reading this BBC report and the facts seem to be obscured. "The US also revised its account of how it took place, saying Bin Laden was not armed when his compound was stormed." http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-13276540

So there has been a revision of what actually happened, even though they were watching live images. News reports keep reporting like this also, taken from the same article. "He is believed to have ordered the attacks on New York and Washington on 11 September 2001". 'He is believed', suggests it's not conclusive. If they are certain, why don't they report as 'He ordered the attacks on New York and Washington...'

"There was concern that Bin Laden would oppose the capture operation and, indeed, he resisted," White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters on Tuesday. In any situation what kind of resistance can someone who is unarmed do to someone who is armed? I'd love to see the the images the White House saw of him resisting, unarmed.

« Reply #153 on: May 04, 2011, 06:04 »
Colin Powell is a leader. He knows what it means to send troops into battle. He has been there in it. He is also a person who brought himself up from nothing in Harlem to where he got in the Military.

Do you really believe that the troops are sent anywhere in the world to make a peace, and not because of other interests??? Do you really believe in the humane reasons for attacking any country in the world because of their insane leader?? Do you really believe it couldn't be done in a much cheaper way, better for everybody, without loss of so many innocent lives?
I don't believe that troops are sent to make a peace. Why? Because all that money spent in a war could be spent in much better way by sending food and water to all dying children in Africa for example. But, there is no economic interests in helping children in Africa, right. It doesn't pay off...

« Reply #154 on: May 04, 2011, 06:23 »
War Is a Racket

"War Is a Racket"  is the title of two works by retired U.S. Marine Major General Smedley D. Butler.

In 1934 he was involved in a controversy known as the Business Plot (or White House Putsch) when he told a congressional committee that a group from Wall Street had approached him to lead a military coup to overthrow Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Quote form  Smedley D. Butler:

"I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested.


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« Reply #155 on: May 04, 2011, 07:09 »
I don't have the time to read all this thread, so sorry if this has already been said, but I was just reading this BBC report and the facts seem to be obscured. "The US also revised its account of how it took place, saying Bin Laden was not armed when his compound was stormed." http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-13276540

So there has been a revision of what actually happened, even though they were watching live images. News reports keep reporting like this also, taken from the same article. "He is believed to have ordered the attacks on New York and Washington on 11 September 2001". 'He is believed', suggests it's not conclusive. If they are certain, why don't they report as 'He ordered the attacks on New York and Washington...'

"There was concern that Bin Laden would oppose the capture operation and, indeed, he resisted," White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters on Tuesday. In any situation what kind of resistance can someone who is unarmed do to someone who is armed? I'd love to see the the images the White House saw of him resisting, unarmed.

I cant take anything that happened 3 days ago seriously because the whole thing, dating back to ten years, is fabricated.  The only good thing about this is hopefully they'll put this issue to rest, pull the troops out of Afghanastan... both the Americans and our own, and move on to something else because all this rubbish they come up with is quite sickening.

Osama Bin Laden wasnt responsible for 911.  It had to be an inside job.  When I watched the planes going into the twin towers back in 2001, I initially thought oh f%#$ terrorists! but when the buildings collapsed, I knew something was off.  There was no way the steel structure of the buildings could have gotten hot enough to collapse like that.  I used to work in the steel industry for some years so I know what it takes to produce steel and I know what it takes to melt it.  I know for a fact that jet fuel, which is basically kerosene, could not have done that to the building.  If it was that easy to melt steel, we simply would have added kero in the furnace with the scrap metal and lit a match for peanuts.  Instead we spent millions every month on energy and electrodes to bring the furnace to about 1300 degrees C to melt it and produce 99 tonnes of molten steel and then produce billets. 

It would be pretty hard for Americans to believe that their own government traded the lives of 3000 of it's own people in order to make up the war on terror which pretty much gives them a licence to murder anyone they like in the future... but it sure looks like this is the case!

Have a read of this...



« Reply #156 on: May 04, 2011, 07:37 »
War Is a Racket

"War Is a Racket"  is the title of two works by retired U.S. Marine Major General Smedley D. Butler.

In 1934 he was involved in a controversy known as the Business Plot (or White House Putsch) when he told a congressional committee that a group from Wall Street had approached him to lead a military coup to overthrow Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Quote form  Smedley D. Butler:

"I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested.

  I'm not sure why you bring this up. I suppose it's a proxy for the evil american empire's secret actions around the world in the war on terror. Let's put this quote in context. The general you are talking about died in 1940, making allegations that were very helpful to his worldwide speaking tour. At that time, Nazi Germany was on the rise, and the rest of the european nations were busy exploiting their colonies in Africa and around the world. These nations included Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Spain and the UK. The United States was a deeply isolationist nation at the time, with most Americans preferring to let the European nations fight among themselves, as they had for hundreds of years. It wasn't until Nazi Germany had almost subjugated Europe that Americans even began to come around to the idea that we needed to step up and fight the Germans, and of course, Japan's mistake in attacking Pearl Harbor tipped the balance into action. So, here's a continent busy killing each other, gassing 8 million jews ( or maybe in your view that never happened), and the evil Americans somehow saw this as an opportunity to extend their empire? Let's just gloss over the fact that after world war 2, we did NOT rape and pillage Germany and Japan. In addition to helping to rebuild the shattered economies of our allies, we also rebuilt the economies of our enemies. You sit now, smug, self satisfied and comfortable in your little world, happy to see the US as the evil power that somehow has a plan for world domination. Sorry, but as long as you're dredging up old history in order to convince yourself of your moral superiority, try looking at more than a tiny slice that serves your present needs. If war is a racket, then Germany is a world class racketeer.
  As for the rest of you sanctimonious US bashers, with your " lithium plot" posts and your speculation about Bin Laden's "true" death, you are lucky enough to live in a time when the most powerful nation on earth, with uncontested ability to control the seas and the air, spends it's efforts, blood and treasure, not to subjugate the world but to advance freedom around the world. All the former soviet satellite nations and the nations of Europe under the Nazi's boots owe Americans a debt that will never be repaid, except by the posts of the sneering, arrogant and comfortable citizens made free by the very nation you despise.

« Reply #157 on: May 04, 2011, 08:16 »
For jbarber873,

First of all I am a proud American but I do not live in a Norman Rockwell world. I truly wish I did.

Let me make history easy for you.

Iraq War:

1. Military invasion
2. Overthrow ruler
3. Install puppet ruler
4. Sign oil contracts for corporations
5. Build military base next to oil fields

Bang Bang, thank you ma'am!

« Reply #158 on: May 04, 2011, 08:17 »
I simply don't support war, because it has so many bad consequences. There are always more civilized ways. 10 years of negotiation are better than 1 month of war, and I know it from my personal experience. But people who didn't experience the war don't really know how looks like.
I don't blame American people for not feeling for other nations in war (respect to exceptions). They had 9/11, and only then they felt how terrible it can be. But that's just one day of terror. It's far from enough to change the view on the world and life. For me, few months of everyday bombing was more than enough to realize what the war is. There are still half demolished buildings in our capitol city, with now already big trees growing from them as a reminder of bombing. And that didn't do any terrorist. That was a legal action of nato army.
Also, when I was in the US I noticed that their news on tv are focusing on things like murders on streets of big cities in US, car crashes, celebrities, American economy.... There are no world news that talk about horrors in many other countries. Only the biggest events are reported, like an earthquake in Japan and so on. TV stations are owned and controlled by oil industry, and everything is subordinated to it. For example, there was a world meeting about global warming in Mexico, and it lasted for days, but I could only hear about it on Pacifica radio, which is an independent radio station. Nothing about it on TV.
I think American people are blessed to live in the country who spares them from bad news, and they are not to blame.
I was in one of the most developed parts of America, Silicon Valley, and I must say that people there are well informed, and have a big knowledge about the world we live in. But I am not sure about parts of the country that are less developed.
I like how American people live, and I think they have a healthier view of their own personal future, exactly because they are spared from reality that lurks across the oceans. They have more freedom to live their dreams, and that is a blessing. People I met are very friendly and open minded, and ready to help, and to give. But very rich people who lead the country, who pay politicians to vote for their interests, and pay minimal taxes on their fortune are another story. I can't really say I like them...


When America decided to take action in the Europe during world war 2, Russia was on it's way to run over to the France, and America couldn't let that happen. Every powerful country wants to conquer the world, there is nothing new about it. Every empire in the history tried to do it. America is doing the same thing right now, just in a modern way, not with horses and swords.
If you think America is here to advance the freedom, come and live in Kosovo. Kosovo is "free", and full of American military bases. 12 years after military action ironically called "Merciful Angel", people are still suffering on Kosovo, and there are more problems than before 1999. Tens of Monasteries burned, with some of them older than 700 years, more than 200 mosques built in last 10 years with money from Saudi Arabia, and people are paid 300 Euros per month (which is enough to live the whole month) just to join the extremist islamic Wahabi movement. More than one million Serbs ran away from their homes, and Kosovo became almost ethnically pure Albanian. Everyday 80% of Opium produced in Afghanistan goes through Kosovo to reach western countries.  
Do you call this advanced freedom?


« Reply #159 on: May 04, 2011, 08:33 »
I simply don't support war, because it has so many bad consequences. There are always more civilized ways. 10 years of negotiation are better than 1 month of war, and I know it from my personal experience. But people who didn't experience the war don't really know how looks like.
I don't blame American people for not feeling for other nations in war (respect to exceptions). They had 9/11, and only then they felt how terrible it can be. But that's just one day of terror. It's far from enough to change the view on the world and life. For me, few months of everyday bombing was more than enough to realize what the war is. There are still half demolished buildings in our capitol city, with now already big trees growing from them as a reminder of bombing. And that didn't do any terrorist. That was a legal action of nato army.
Also, when I was in the US I noticed that their news on tv are focusing on things like murders on streets of big cities in US, car crashes, celebrities, American economy.... There are no world news that talk about horrors in many other countries. Only the biggest events are reported, like an earthquake in Japan and so on. TV stations are owned and controlled by oil industry, and everything is subordinated to it. For example, there was a world meeting about global warming in Mexico, and it lasted for days, but I could only hear about it on Pacifica radio, which is an independent radio station. Nothing about it on TV.
I think American people are blessed to live in the country who spares them from bad news, and they are not to blame.
I was in one of the most developed parts of America, Silicon Valley, and I must say that people there are well informed, and have a big knowledge about the world we live in. But I am not sure about parts of the country that are less developed.
I like how American people live, and I think they have a healthier view of their own personal future, exactly because they are spared from reality that lurks across the oceans. They have more freedom to live their dreams, and that is a blessing. People I met are very friendly and open minded, and ready to help, and to give. But very rich people who lead the country, who pay politicians to vote for their interests, and pay minimal taxes on their fortune are another story. I can't really say I like them...


When America decided to take action in the Europe during world war 2, Russia was on it's way to run over to the France, and America couldn't let that happen. Every powerful country wants to conquer the world, there is nothing new about it. Every empire in the history tried to do it. America is doing the same thing right now, just in a modern way, not with horses and swords.
If you think America is here to advance the freedom, come and live in Kosovo. Kosovo is "free", and full of American military bases. 12 years after military action ironically called "Merciful Angel", people are still suffering on Kosovo, and there are more problems than before 1999. Tens of Monasteries burned, with some of them older than 700 years, more than 200 mosques built in last 10 years with money from Saudi Arabia, and people are paid 300 Euros per month (which is enough to live the whole month) just to join the extremist islamic Wahabi movement. More than one million Serbs ran away from their homes, and Kosovo became almost ethnically pure Albanian. Everyday 80% of Opium produced in Afghanistan goes through Kosovo to reach western countries.  
Do you call this advanced freedom?

   No, I call it just another day in a thousand years of war in that region. There's always someone else to blame. It's so easy to take no responsibility for anything that happens- just blame someone else. Ask Milosevic who's fault it is- he'll agree with you. After all, the Ottomans aren't around to blame any more, so let's just go after the easy target. Meanwhile, you complain about mosques being built and churches being burned. I understand your meaning... No war, just "ethnic cleansing".

« Reply #160 on: May 04, 2011, 08:44 »
First of all, I want you to know that I always fought against Milosevic, and I was in Belgrade on that famous october 5th when we brought him down. :)
Second, I was telling you about mosques because monasteries were burnt, and mosques built. That was a real ethnic cleansing. If it was vice versa, be sure that I would mention that, because I also don't support the idea of crusaders spreading Christianity around the world. That was also horrible.
And third, I don't know what you mean by me blaming someone? Who is to blame for ethnic cleansing of Serbs from Kosovo?
If you were just here to see columns of people on tractors running away from there, I'm sure you would wonder what happened.


« Reply #161 on: May 04, 2011, 08:48 »
For jbarber873,

First of all I am a proud American but I do not live in a Norman Rockwell world. I truly wish I did.

Let me make history easy for you.

Iraq War:

1. Military invasion
2. Overthrow ruler
3. Install puppet ruler
4. Sign oil contracts for corporations
5. Build military base next to oil fields

Bang Bang, thank you ma'am!

   There is a legitimate point in the Iraq war being wrong, and I agree with you about that. I do not blindly support the actions of the US, but there comes a point where there has to be some balance and reality. There has been so much crap on this thread about conspiracies and the evil US that I felt that someone had to push back. The idea has been posted here that the world trade center was not brought down by planes, but instead was a CIA plot. This kind of garbage gets circulated through the internet and at some point, someone will cite the posts of  pseudonymous as "proof" of the real truth. The biggest problem facing the world today is not the US or even islamic radicalism. It's intellectual laziness, the need to find easy answers on the internet, where you can pick and choose your "facts" to suit your own comfortable view. Just slip into it like a warm bath, and you don't have to take any responsibility, or shoulder any burdens. Someone else will make it all better, if you complain enough. ( kind of the microstock mantra, now that i think about it)

« Reply #162 on: May 04, 2011, 08:54 »
perhaps this would be a good time to wrap this up.

We are getting terribly close to proving Godwin's law, if we haven't already.


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