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Author Topic: Peer to peer news. Climate/ weather information wanted.  (Read 65934 times)

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Uncle Pete

« Reply #25 on: August 05, 2013, 21:38 »
Yes, same here, only two days in the 80s in the last month and July-August is the "Hot" time of the year around here.

Of course last year we had a streak of 90s (maybe some days in the 100s) that was close to a record.  That's 37 for the rest of the world. I wish the USA would get a clue and switch to Centigrade, I mean, Celsius.

It's weather...  8)

Weather in Central Canada has been very cold - soccer season didn't start till mid May because it was still snowing and usually grass is turning green by then.  Summer has been pleasant for me low/mid 20's - but I don't like the heat.  Beach people have really been ripped off this year.  I just looked at the forecast for next 7 days - 19 19 18 21 23 24 24.  Usually it's high 20's or low 30's.

Beppe Grillo

« Reply #26 on: August 06, 2013, 01:44 »
Kyv (Kiev) - Ukraine
Very fast changing weather, more than usually.
Last week was "cold" and rainy
This week promises to be warm and clear (but we still are 8-10 C under the last year temperatures)
BTW I think this last years, the weather is a little out of whack ...
« Last Edit: August 06, 2013, 10:12 by Beppe Grillo »

« Reply #27 on: August 06, 2013, 02:01 »
The science does seem to indicate that it was as warm as it has ever been around the turn of the century but has it got any warmer in the last decade?  I don't trust the science that much because a lot of them are being paid to predict the unpredictable.  If they get it a bit wrong, they get more money to try and get it right.  Some of the stuff they say is obviously scaremongering. 

I'd rather governments stopped paying billions to research what might happen in the future and spent all the money on research in to alternative energy.  Going back to the horse and cart and only letting the rich fly isn't very appealing to me.


« Reply #28 on: August 06, 2013, 06:19 »
     If  you  want  to  hear  from  the  USA.  South  Carolina  is  usually  hot  at  this  time  of  year  (80-90's).  There  are  oeriods  of  time  with  partly  cloudy  leading  to  thundestorms.  Luckly  no  tornadoes  to  disrupt  things.     Come  for  a  visit.

Uncle Pete

« Reply #29 on: August 06, 2013, 19:02 »
Found it:

Who's to blame for these changes? Or maybe it's a message that the Vikings will be making a comeback and we should watch out? Followed by another ice age? And the last one scares me even more, but I needn't worry too much it's not for 600 years.

« Reply #30 on: August 06, 2013, 19:35 »
Found it:

Who's to blame for these changes? Or maybe it's a message that the Vikings will be making a comeback and we should watch out? Followed by another ice age? And the last one scares me even more, but I needn't worry too much it's not for 600 years.

Wow! A golden oldie of science denial from 2008!

The changes in the graph are down to Craig Loehle and Roy Spencer, two of the least reliable names in the business. Loehle's paper was published in Energy and Environment, a home for otherwise unpublishable pseudoscience, As for Roy Spencer, he produces good peer-reviewed science on the satellite temperature record, but he also works for the George Marshall Institute, a major anti-science think tank, and this graph is part of his non-academic output. It was produced in 2007-8 to feed denialist bloggers, but was laughed out of contention in short order.

More on Loehle's paper here:

Come on Uncle Pete, you can do better than that!

« Reply #31 on: August 07, 2013, 03:08 »
I started a thread about climate change on another forum and there's thousands of posts from both sides of the argument.

I used to be skeptical about climate change until I saw a programme about one of the leading climate change deniers, Christopher Monckton.  He seems about as scientific as David Icke.  Some of his views were quite disturbing.  Suddenly it dawned on me that nearly all the other scientists must be right.  The problem I have is that I don't think what's being done about it is right.  There needs to be a big investment in technology.  I like the idea of having solar tiles on every sun facing house roof.  Solar glass is going to be good.  In the UK, they experimented with something that generates electricity from waves, that seemed like a good idea.  I don't want more nuclear power stations but unfortunately I think the politicians have had their arms twisted again.

Uncle Pete

« Reply #32 on: August 07, 2013, 12:55 »
Solar and Nuclear would be a wonderful answer. We get the electricity and without the pollution. If someone could invent panels that produced enough electricity (and I'm conservative, use small bulbs, stumble in the dark and stub my toes) High efficiency heaters and modern appliances, stingy on water and A/c is there, because it came with the house. I have windows.) But I'd have the roof full and if there was a practical windmill for individual homes, I'd have one. Already Low-E glass and extra thick insulation at my place.

Another contradiction is the people who want electric cars, electric computers and phones and all kinds of things, but then are against power plants, and cell towers. I suppose if they wish hard enough a white knight on a unicorn will sprinkle rainbow dust and make everything perfect. They drive gas guzzling SUVs for their nature trips, and to the grocery store, instead of something that get's 30-40MPG. Then write their political rubbish on forums about what others should do? HA!

The reason the advocates switched from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change" is it wasn't warming up enough, and as fast as predicted. What 2 degrees C in the last century? Hardly a runaway climb. The whole politics of climate is loaded and biased - Both Sides! There's a reasonable middle, but like everything in politics, people get polarized and fail to see that both sides have some good points, and the middle is the right answer, not the extremes of left and right.

The Vikings settled Greenland and Iceland and it was much like it is now. People don't answer that point, they just flap around about disputed charts. The glaciers were much further inland. Is the truth so fearful, that people have to make up lies to support their pseudoscience? Big Lies. Hey wait, what was the movie by Al Gore that was Swiss cheese science, invented doom and gloom, fabricated statistics and the opening was CGI not real? Yeah, get a Nobel for that rubbish? Would one of you believers chime in about those facts and history?

We need to protect the resources and the environment and especially our water. But the programming with propaganda and lies, is not the way. Some day people will find the truth and like Faeries, ghosts, the Bermuda triangle, Gods from Outer space, crop circles and Aliens in crashed UFOs, will see that they have been lied to for profit and power and manipulated.

Be skeptical and question the conventional wisdom and the party line. Then decide.

I started a thread about climate change on another forum and there's thousands of posts from both sides of the argument.

I used to be skeptical about climate change until I saw a programme about one of the leading climate change deniers, Christopher Monckton.  He seems about as scientific as David Icke.  Some of his views were quite disturbing.  Suddenly it dawned on me that nearly all the other scientists must be right.  The problem I have is that I don't think what's being done about it is right.  There needs to be a big investment in technology.  I like the idea of having solar tiles on every sun facing house roof.  Solar glass is going to be good.  In the UK, they experimented with something that generates electricity from waves, that seemed like a good idea.  I don't want more nuclear power stations but unfortunately I think the politicians have had their arms twisted again.

« Reply #33 on: August 07, 2013, 14:00 »

The reason the advocates switched from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change" is it wasn't warming up enough, and as fast as predicted. What 2 degrees C in the last century? Hardly a runaway climb. The whole politics of climate is loaded and biased - Both Sides! There's a reasonable middle, but like everything in politics, people get polarized and fail to see that both sides have some good points, and the middle is the right answer, not the extremes of left and right.

The Vikings settled Greenland and Iceland and it was much like it is now. People don't answer that point, they just flap around about disputed charts. The glaciers were much further inland. Is the truth so fearful, that people have to make up lies to support their pseudoscience? Big Lies. Hey wait, what was the movie by Al Gore that was Swiss cheese science, invented doom and gloom, fabricated statistics and the opening was CGI not real? Yeah, get a Nobel for that rubbish? Would one of you believers chime in about those facts and history?

Scientists were actually using 'Climate Change' before 'Global Warming' became the layman's term.  The international body on the subject is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Republican strategist Frank Luntz recommended that politicians and lobbyists should switch to using 'Climate Change' when trying to discredit science.

Why do you think that the Viking settlement in Greenland is important in terms of global climate? The Medieval Warm Period was a localised feature which didn't affect most of the world, and allowed the Greenland settlement to scrape along at barely subsistence level for 500 years or so, never even being able to grow grain for bread.

Quoting 'An Inconvenient Truth' is a tactical mistake, because every denier attack on it has been thoroughly trounced; nobody has ever been able to document a single factual error in terms of the knowledge available when it was made.

Come on, Uncle Pete, your tagline is 'Empirical Data and Evidence please...' That's what you're not bringing to the discussion, and this mirrors the whole controversy. It's Empirical Data and Evidence against vague handwaving, distortion, and outright shameless lies.

« Reply #34 on: August 07, 2013, 14:40 »
The Koch Brothers commissioned one of the top deniers Richard Muller to finally prove that global warming was a hoax. After the study was done Muller said that the other scientists were wrong on their projections. That global warming is happening faster than previously thought.

Uncle Pete in your post you state that it is all for profit and you are correct, the Koch Brothers are in a for profit.They are the main funders of all the global denying crowd.

« Reply #35 on: August 07, 2013, 15:27 »
Solar and Nuclear would be a wonderful answer.....

Nuclear fusion will be good, in another 30 years maybe.  Nuclear fission is too expensive.  The waste could be dangerous for up to a million years.  Think of the price of storing that safely and the consequences when things go wrong or when terrorists get involved.  I can't believe its still considered as a serious option.

« Reply #36 on: August 07, 2013, 16:04 »

Global warming, all info about million of parameters, and then generally  not including the main one...SUN!

Lets go simple, when one looks at the thing, is it a sphere that shines uniformly  so we can remove its diversity from the formula ? 

Because when u look at it , its constant change, explosions, waves, even stronger or weaker activity at longer eras.

Ozone can also be renewed anytime and that is scientific fact proven by many.

Actually winters have never been colder here in Mediterranean, cities on the coast experiencing snow few times in one winter, when I was a kid it was every few years, nobody even went to school that snow day. It even lasted a week last winter and it used to melt in few hours.

They are showing ice melting like crazy in huge amount in last 10 years , so how many of you living on coast and spending time on beaches have noticed significant rise of the water. Im curious since I was a kid and the line on that pier from my childhood is at exact same spot. All seas are connected so it has to be the same at your nearest beach.

I actually believe partly this agenda serves to energy distributors but on the other hand I'm totally up to alternative solutions from various reasons.

The fact is that the ones shouting about global warming are first that dont do nothing significant about it and they would first because they can and secondly its their children lives on this gambles path.

Im looking with more attention at fake healthcare system, retirement time being lifted higher that life expectancy which make us slaves, economy which isn't even a science but manipulative tool leading the world in some strange direction that I don't even want to understand.

All the countries in the world can have the power to give normal life living wage to anybody just for existing and than who wants more can get it by working.
Thats not utopia,  its 's more than possible but it cannot exist together with corporate greed that took over the world by manipulation of mankind and blackmailing the governments that are all but independent. Switzerland is slowly heading there if Im not wrong. We have all we need only don't have a fair system to redistribute that more fairly.

Living a life as nature intended ( with huge space for evolving) for us is only way to go and I feel thing migration from cities to rural parts its only that will allow  small man to live happier, and I sure see happiness as something this life is all about.

When thinking of global warming one should be aware that free energy for everyone exists but its being hidden and we are not allowed to use that benefit of the space we all share.

And , if someone wants to slash me with "new age crap" promoter , those ideas are here much more than we think and lots of genius men have spoken the same including Einstein or Tesla among others so its nothing new.



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